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Norse Mythology: The Kinsmen Die Podcast
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Norse Mythology: The Kinsmen Die Podcast

Author: Matt Bishop

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Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.

I’ve written two novels – Kinsmen Die and Dark Grows the Sun. They are the first two books in my series called And the Heavens Burn. In this podcast I read my first book, Kinsmen Die, chapter by chapter.

I believe I’ve done something unique when it comes to the retelling those old stories. The point of view characters in my books are the characters from the myths themselves: Odin and Frigg. Vidar. Hodr. Loki. And, because the dude is awesome and has a really tough name to pronounce: Vafthrudnir.

Everything you’ll hear is based on my interpretation of the two main source materials – the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, along with a stack of books that discuss the myths … and another stack of academic articles that do the same.

Kinsmen Die has 92 chapters. Dark Grows the Sun is about half that. So, this is gonna take a while. I truly hope you enjoy the journey.

You can find me online here.

92 Episodes
Welcome to CHAPTER 87 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week, we’re back with Hodr. The last time we were with Hodr, he’d ended up in the family reunion he’d intended but had tried to postpone. Turns out that his father, Odin, isn’t home after all, so Hodr goes into the Midwinter feast alongside his sister Hermod. Let’s rejoin him, now.I created this week's episode art with Google Gemini.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 86 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We were last with Vidar in Ch 84 where he embraced the strength provided to him by his fylgja. Let’s rejoin him now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 85 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Hodr Odinsson. We were last with Vidar in Ch 83 in Hodr and his friend, the smith Lopt, stood in line outside the Great Hall of Gladsheim waiting to get in. Hodr had second thoughts about meeting his father and family on this night, Midwinter, so he decided to leave and come back another day. Lopt agreed.Let’s rejoin them now.
Welcome to CHAPTER 84 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We were last with Vidar in Ch 81 in which he’d struck a bargain with the spirit within him. He loosed her bonds in return for her direct help in killing the matron snow bear who’d torn through Vidar’s warband and nearly killed Vidar himself.With his fylgja’s assistance, the matron snow bear was easily dispatched — though Vidar suffered some wounds in the process. And, many of his warriors were hurt or killed.So, let’s rejoin Vidar now.I used Google Gemini to generate this week's show art. It is an approximation of Vidar's fylgja.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 83 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Hodr, the son of Odin and Frigg.We were last with Hodr in Ch 80, which showed him arriving in Gladsheim with the smith Lopt. You’ll recall that Hodr has gone to Gladsheim to speak with Odin about two relationships: Hodr’s dalliance with Alara and the fruit of Yggdrasil, which prolongs his life.Let’s rejoin Hodr now.I used Google Gemini to create this week's episode art. It is an approximation of Gladsheim's Great Hall.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 82 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Frigg, the wife of Odin and Almother of Gladsheim.As readers we’ve learned quite a bit more than Frigg has since we last saw her in Chapter 77.And yet Frigg has learned a few things, too. First, through her visions she believes that her son Baldr’s life is threatened. Frigg and Odin learned that the mistletoe in which they’d hidden Baldr’s spirit—this is what makes him invulnerable—was vandalized and taken.Frigg believes that the witch Yelena was responsible for doing that. But she doesn’t know why or if Yelena was acting under her own initiative…for some reason…or another’s. Frigg, and Odin, also believe that Loki and perhaps Angrboda are involved in the plot on Baldr’s life. Odin left to summon Angrboda’s spirit and get answers. We know how that went — Odin was cursed by Angrboda and we last saw him wandering off into the wild forest near the Gjoll.We also know, from much earlier chapters, that Loki does intend to murder Baldr during Midwinter and that the Jotunn plan to attack Gladsheim about a month after Midwinter. However, Angrboda told Odin that Hodr would be the one to kill Baldr. So there’s some confusion here as to what will actually happen.With that short summary out of the way, let’s rejoin Frigg.I used Google Gemini to create this episode's art. It is an approximation of Gladsheim.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 81 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We last saw Vidar in Ch 79 where he, and his warband, got their asses kicked first by a pack of snow bears and then the snow bear matron.If you recall, Vidar’s second-in-command, Garilon, suspected that the snow bears were dominated by Jotunn shaman. As readers, we know this is what happened because way back in Ch 33 we were with Vafthrudnir when he, the shaman Kali, were with the warband Helveg when those snow bears were dominated.Let’s rejoin Vidar now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 80 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with blind Hodr Odinsson for a very short chapter. We last saw Hodr in Ch 70 as he traveled back to Gladsheim in the company of the smith, Lopt. The smith had given Hodr a magic spear which unexpectedly restored Hodr’s sight…at least to an extent. Lopt is the one whose horse trampled Hodr — and would’ve killed him had Hodr not eaten Yggdrasil’s fruit.Hodr has returned to Gladsheim to patch things up with his father. Hodr also wants to marry a woman named Alara. Alara does not want to eat Yggdrasil’s fruit…and Hodr’s not sure if he wants to give that fruit up for Alara. So, he has a decision to make.Let’s rejoin him now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 79 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We last saw Vidar in Ch 74 when he and his small warband, having emerged from the magical doorway the Jotunn used to attack Hals, explored the surrounding area and surveilled unknown Jotunn activities at a frozen lake in a remote part of Utgard.Readers know what the Jotunn are doing — they are taking Jotunn, who’d been magically preserved in a way we weren’t told — out of that frozen lake and then bringing them into a stone-home inside the cliff near the lake where they are awakened. Those Jotunn warriors will form the backbone of the army that will attack Gladsheim after Midwinter…and after Loki kills Baldr. Readers have learned all of this through the viewpoints of Loki and Vafthrudnir.In Ch 74, Vidar couldn’t get close enough to see what the Jotunn were doing at the lake. He also believes that his presence was discovered by Jotunn shamans.So with that short summary, let’s rejoin Vidar.I used Google Gemini to create the art for this episode. I didn't go crazy with the prompting.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 78 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Odin who, the last time we saw him, had taken the shape of a dead man named Wayfarer. Odin took this disguise so that the dead witch Angrboda, whom he summoned, would not recognize him — because she hates Odin for what he did to her and her children. Odin wants to speak with Angrboda because he believes she might know and perhaps be directly involved in what is happening to Baldr. Remember that Baldr cannot be hurt because his spirit was placed in mistletoe and hidden. But, someone had found that mistletoe and cut out its heart which is why Baldr is having those deathly dreams. Frigg is also having visions of a dead Baldr speaking to her from a burning ship. In the last chapter, the Wayfarer and Yelena struck a deal — he would tell her the story of his death. In return, she would truthfully answer his questions regarding Baldr. Let’s rejoin them now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 77 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Frigg who we’d last seen surviving the attack of the witch Yelena. The witch killed the baresark Gulfinn and then, having shapeshifted, escaped from Gladsheim’s main hall. Let’s rejoin her now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 76 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Odin who we’d last seen disguising himself as a dead warrior he’d plucked from the Ship of the Dead. Odin had ridden to where Loki’s dead wife, the witch Angrboda was buried. Why Angrboda? Because Odin found his uncle, Mimir, trapped inside Angrboda’s house. And in that house he discovered the remnants of an old ritual that appeared to involve her children — Fenrir the wolf, Jorm the serpent, and Hel. Then, Odin unearthed a memory of Loki threatening him, his family and everything he’d built.So, Odin thinks that Loki and Angrboda are somehow involved in what’s happening to Baldr. That’s why Odin is here.But remember what we’ve learned in Frigg’s chapters — that a witch named Yelena may have been involved in damaging Baldr’s mistletoe.With that recap out of the way, let’s rejoin Odin.I used Canva's AI (based on Stable Diffusion) to generate this week's episode art.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 75 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vafthrudnir for a very short chapter. We last saw Vaft in Ch 73 when he brought his apprentice, Kali, into the Gap to lay claim to one of the disir — the one that had been released when the witch Yelena killed the baresark Gulfinn. Vaft had kept Freyja busy while his apprentice fought Freyja’s priest — and when he was distracted by Kali’s success, Freyja stabbed Vaft in the belly.I used Google Gemini, for lack of a better option, to create this week’s episode art.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 74 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vidar Odinsson. We last saw Vidar in Ch 65 when he and his small warband emerged from the mines beneath Hálsberg into the snowy wastes of Utgard. They had tracked the surviving few Jotunn warriors who’d been part of the war band that had destroyed the town of Háls. This led Vidar to discover the doorway that joined Asgard with Utgard. That doorway allowed the Jotunn to traverse a great distance with a single step. As readers, we know that many other such doorways are scattered throughout the realms.So, let’s now rejoin Vidar as he treads lightly through Utgard.I used Google Gemini, for lack of a better option, to create this week’s episode art.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 73 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Vafthrudnir, the high shaman of the Jotunn. We last saw Vaft in Ch 66 when he reported to his friend, the Skrymir — who is the High Chief of the Jotunn — that Thor had destroyed the town of Akrton in retaliation for the Jotunn destroying the town of Hals.In that chapter, the Skrymir told Vaft that Vidar the son of Odin, was on his way to one of the frozen lakes in Utgard. As readers we last saw those frozen lakes referenced in two of Loki’s chapters: 42 and 47. Vaft revealed that the “work” undertaken at those lakes represented a second major secret held by the Jotunn — if you recall, the Jotunn were hauling comatose bodies out of the frozen lake and then in the bowels of the secret cavern that Loki entered there were many campfires. And the Skrymir said there were many such caverns scattered across Utgard. The Skrymir also alluded to needing supplies.Chapter 66 ended with Vaft agreeing to spin the black ships of smoke and ash that Jotunn use to travel quickly across the snowy wastes of Utgard.In this chapter Vaft is woken by an unexpected death.I used Google Gemini to generate this week's episode art.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 72 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Frigg. Here's a quick summary of the key events in Frigg's last few chapters. Frigg was called to adjudicate a murder. Harald had apparently murdered his ex-wife Bera. We met Harald and Bera, along with Bera's sister, Yelena, way back in chapter 23. Turns out that Yelena's husband, Klakki, believes that Yelena was a witch. Based on what Klakki said, Frigg also believes that Yelena was involved in cutting out the heart of Baldr's mistletoe...which is why Baldr is having the deathly dreams. Frigg's last chapter ended with her issuing a few orders designed, we think, to keep Yelena in the dark and confront her.I used Google Gemini to create some art for this week's episode. It is a representation of Yelena based on descriptions of her in the text and some additional customization based on this week's chapterYou can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online..
Welcome to CHAPTER 71 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week we’re back with Odin. Last time, Odin stopped beside the river of death…the Gjoll…to harvest and refine witchthread. That’s the power source for one of the types of magic he knows…seidr.Much like we found his son, Hodr, on the road…we now find Odin on the road…but a very different one.I used Google Gemini to create this week's episode art.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 70 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.There are 23 chapters left in the book. We’re nearly there.Just as blind Hodr, the son of Odin and Frigg, is nearly back in Gladsheim. When we last were with him, he left his fiancee Alara in Ifington. He had been given a magic spear by the smith Lopt. When Hodr holds that spear, he can see again.Hodr told Alara about the spear and offered to share the fruit of Yggdrasil with her. It would keep them both young for as long as they ate it. Alara refused the offer.So, Hodr has to choose between continued life…and eventual death…with Alara or a long life without her.He decided to return to Gladsheim and patch things up with his family and maybe ask his father to give the fruits to everyone in Alara’s family.That’s where we find him now…on the road again.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 69 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week, we’re back with Frigg. In her last chapter, Frigg presided over a murder inquiry. A young man, Harald, was accused of raping and murdering his ex-wife, Bera. Frigg had presided over their divorce.Harald’s brother-in-law, Klakki, had intervened too late in the grisly event. Klakki’s wife Yelena — who we met during the divorce — was present in the immediate aftermath of the Harald’s ugly deed and she also testified against him.Klakki had been wounded by Harald and was taken to be healed by Frigg’s son Baldr. Frigg halted the trial proceedings and went to speak privately with Klakki to get his side of the story.That’s where we find her now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
Welcome to CHAPTER 68 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.This week, we’re back with Odin. Several chapter ago, Odin left Gladsheim…and his wife, Frigg, to get answers from the dead witch Angrboda…who was Loki’s first wife.Why Angrboda? Because Odin found his uncle, Mimir, trapped inside Angrboda’s house. And in that house he discovered the remnants of an old ritual that appeared to involve her children — Fenrir the wolf, Jorm the serpent, and Hel. Upon returning to his body, Odin unearthed a memory of Loki threatening him, his family and everything he’d built. So, Odin decided he’d been blind and, naturally, cut out his own eye and, using the rune magic he seized when he’d hung upon Yggdrasil, bound his eye to the pool in Mimir’s glade.So in this chapter we find Odin making a pit stop on his journey to raise Angrboda from the dead. Let’s stop in with him at the Circle K now.You can find me online at: The show's public site is here: The source for my short reading from Snorri’s Prose Edda is here: The source for my reading from the Havamol is here: Larrington’s translation of the Havamol can be found where books are sold online.
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