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Starting a Business Simplified: Navigating the Shift
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Starting a Business Simplified: Navigating the Shift

Author: Suzy Wraines

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Tired of working in the healthcare system? Looking to start your own business with flexible time. Not sure where to start? This is the podcast for you! Starting a Business Simplified, Navigating the Shift answers all the questions around starting a business shifting from a medical career to an online business. You will get actionable steps you can take each episode to start your business.
129 Episodes
In this episode I will be having a conversation with Kelly Harris, an entrepreneur who knows first hand what it's like to jump in and take action even when it isn't perfect.  Starting a business without perfection is an achievable goal for any aspiring entrepreneur. In the age of digital technology, it’s easier than ever to create a platform and get your product or service out into the world. However, many entrepreneurs struggle to take the leap because they want everything to be perfect before they launch their business.  This practice often leads to procrastination, self-doubt and inactivity – this isn’t conducive to success! The best way to move forward is by taking action that isn’t perfect; creating an email list, engaging with customers or even just writing down ideas are all great steps towards progress.  The effects of taking action can be hugely beneficial for entrepreneurs – not only does it help build confidence through experience but it also encourages creativity and movement towards one’s goals. If you would like to contact Kelly click on one of the links below. Website:
Download Spreadsheet Welcome to this episode on the basics of business budgeting. If you're a small business owner or entrepreneur, you know how important it is to manage your finances effectively. A budget is a crucial tool that can help you do just that, by providing a clear overview of your income, expenses, and profits. In this episode, I will walk you through the basics of business budgeting and explain why it's such an essential aspect of financial management. We'll explore the benefits of having a budget in place. We'll also delve into the importance of monitoring and updating your budget on a regular basis, as well as some tips for creating an effective budget for your business. Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a while, this episode has something for you. Tune in to learn about the basics of business budgeting and get some tips for managing your finances effectively.
Download the Personal Planner Conversation with Sandy Bartlett - Women’s Empowerment and Confidence Coach and she helps women THRIVE! Working with busy women who are exhausted, carrying extra pounds and living up to everyone else’s expectations but their own. Sandy helps them silence their inner critic, love themselves unconditionally, regain their self-worth and holistically level up their life to so they can thrive and live a joy-filled life. Building a business is hard! Welcome to the latest episode of Starting a Business Simplified! Today, we're discussing the importance of taking action, even when things aren't perfect. So often, we wait for the "right time" to start a new project or venture, but the truth is, there's never going to be a perfect moment. If we continue to wait, we'll waste our entire lives and nothing will happen. As a reminder, when babies first learn to walk, they fall a lot. But they continue to get back up and try again. Where would we be if they just decided, "I failed, I'm done trying"? The same applies to us as adults, we must not give up on our dreams and aspirations just because we face obstacles. To help you build confidence and take action, Sandy shares some tips.  First, it's okay to be imperfect. We all make mistakes, and that's part of the learning process. Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, take messy action and learn from your mistakes. Second, adopt an attitude of gratitude. When we focus on the things we're grateful for, it helps to shift our mindset and put things into perspective. We realize that we have a lot to be thankful for and that we can accomplish more than we think. Third, halt the comparison. It's easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and feeling like we're not good enough. But the reality is, we all have our own unique journey, and it's important to focus on our own progress, not someone else's. Fourth, create healthy habits. Whether it's exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, or setting aside time for yourself, healthy habits can help to build confidence and improve overall well-being. Finally, celebrate the wins, no matter how small. It's important to acknowledge and celebrate our accomplishments, even if they're small. This helps to build momentum and motivation to keep going. In conclusion, waiting for the "right time" to take action is a recipe for a wasted life. We should learn from babies when they first learn to walk, they fall a lot but they continue to get back up and try again. Sandy's tips for building confidence are: it's okay to be imperfect, adopt an attitude of gratitude, halt the comparison, create healthy habits, and celebrate the wins no matter how small. Thanks for listening! Sandy's tips for you to help with confidence: It's okay to be imperfect! Take messy action.  Have an attitude of gratitude. Halt the comparison. Create healthy habits. Celebrate the wins - no matter how small!
Routines are a powerful tool for achieving our goals and creating positive change in our lives. By establishing a routine and sticking to it, we can train ourselves to focus on the tasks that are important to us and make progress towards our objectives. This is especially true when it comes to starting a business, where the ability to stay organized and focused can make a significant difference in your success. In this episode, we will explore the importance of routine in business and how to create a routine that will lead to the results you want. We will discuss the benefits of having a routine, including increased productivity, better time management, and reduced stress. We will also provide tips and strategies for establishing a routine that works for you and your business, including setting clear goals, breaking tasks down into manageable chunks, and finding ways to stay motivated and accountable. Ultimately, the key to creating a successful routine is to start small and be consistent. By taking the time to set yourself up for success and establishing a routine that works for you, you can achieve your goals and create a thriving business. So join us as we delve into the power of routine and learn how to create a routine that will lead to the results you want in your business. Connect with Suzy:
Download Workbook The new year is a great time to start fresh. If you are starting a new business or refreshing your current business it's vital you have a plan. In this episode I will share how you can answer key questions about starting a business. These questions are also important to ask when your business is new.  What is needed to launch a business? How to organize ideas on paper into a clear, concise plan? What is missing when it comes to starting a business? How to price services? What services should be offered? How much will it cost to start a business? How much will it cost to maintain a business? To answer these questions download the Simple Steps Business Plan Workbook using the link below. 👇 Download Workbook Connect with Suzy Wraines: LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines
Welcome to the latest episode of Starting a Business Simplified! Today, we're discussing a topic that is all too familiar for many entrepreneurs: feeling overwhelmed when trying to juggle all the tasks and appointments that come with starting a business. One way to simplify this process is by setting up your calendar in a way that allows you to focus on the appointments and connections that are most important to your business. In this episode, we'll be sharing tips and strategies for setting up your calendar for the new year, so you can start off on the right foot and stay organized throughout the year. First and foremost, it's important to identify which appointments and connections are most important to your business. This might include meetings with potential clients, networking events, and other opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs and industry professionals. Once you've identified these key appointments, you can begin to plan your calendar around them. One strategy for setting up your calendar is to use a tool like Google Calendar or Outlook, which allows you to create different calendars for different types of appointments. For example, you might have one calendar for client meetings, another for networking events, and another for internal meetings or tasks. This will help you stay organized and focused on the most important appointments. Another strategy for simplifying your calendar is to use a scheduling tool like Calendly or Acuity, which allows you to easily schedule appointments with clients or other contacts. These tools allow you to set up your availability, so clients can book appointments with you at a time that works for both of you. This can save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to scheduling appointments. In addition to these strategies, it's also important to set aside time for self-care and reflection. When you're running a business, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget to take care of yourself. Make sure to schedule time for activities like exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance. In conclusion, when you're starting a business, it can feel overwhelming to juggle all the tasks and appointments that come with it. However, by setting up your calendar in a way that allows you to focus on the appointments and connections that are most important to your business, you can simplify the process and stay organized throughout the year. Remember to use tools like Google Calendar, Outlook, Calendly, and Acuity, and make sure to set aside time for self-care and reflection. Thanks for listening! My calendar is up to date for 2023! Grab time to chat about your business with me anytime. I would love to meet you! Book a call with Suzy Note: Researching a calendar app is a great way to find the one that fits you the best. 
Starting a business can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but it can be even more complex when you have pets at home. On this episode, we will be exploring the unique challenges and joys of being an entrepreneur with pets. We will hear from a pet owner who shares their experiences of balancing the demands of running a business with the needs of their furry friends. You'll get to know them a little better and learn how they share their day with their pets. We will discuss the benefits of having pets as a business owner, including the companionship and stress-relief they provide. However, we will also delve into the challenges of managing a business while being a responsible pet owner, such as finding time for pet care and ensuring that your pets don't disrupt your work. Whether you are a current pet owner considering starting a business or an entrepreneur looking to add a furry friend to your family, this episode has something for you. Tune in to learn about the joys and challenges of balancing pets and business and get some tips for making it work.
HERE ARE TIPS TO GET STARTED WRITING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PLAN: Research. Start by doing your research and know what you're getting into. Make sure you understand the market your company is entering, as well as the competition. Consider using a business plan template. This type of document can help you organize your thoughts and set forth measurable objectives for your business. There are many different templates available online or you can download the Simple Steps Business Plan Workbook to get started now. Just start! Starting your business can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and information, it can be easier than you think. A well-written plan can help you avoid common mistakes and ensure success. Welcome to the latest episode of Starting a Business Simplified! Today, we're discussing an essential aspect of starting and growing a business: writing a business plan. A business plan is a document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections for your business. It serves as a roadmap for your company and is an essential tool for securing funding and attracting investors. In this episode, we'll be discussing why writing a business plan is important and how to get started. First and foremost, a business plan is important because it helps you to clearly define your business's goals and objectives. By taking the time to sit down and write out your plans, you can ensure that you are thinking through all aspects of your business, including your target market, competition, and financial projections. This can help you to identify any potential challenges or weaknesses in your business model, and to develop strategies to overcome them. Furthermore, a business plan can also serve as a guide for your business as it grows. It can help you to stay focused on your goals, and to track your progress over time. By regularly reviewing your business plan, you can make adjustments as needed and ensure that your business stays on track. When it comes to writing a business plan, there are a few key elements to include. The first is an executive summary, which provides an overview of your business and its goals. Next, you'll want to include a description of your products or services, as well as an analysis of your target market and competition. A marketing and sales plan should also be included, as well as financial projections and an overview of your management team. In conclusion, writing a business plan is an essential aspect of starting and growing a business. It helps you to clearly define your goals and objectives and can guide your business as it grows. 
Today's discussion is all about the essential tools and resources every small business owner needs as they navigate the waters of entrepreneurship. From foundational tools to advanced software, I'll be walking you through the various platforms and applications I use to run Business Simplified LLC effectively. Whether you're starting out or looking to streamline your existing operations, we'll explore how tools like AttractWell, Google Workspace, Descript, Asana, and many more can enhance your business capabilities. So whether you're podcasting, managing projects, or handling client workshops, join me as I breakdown how to choose the right tools to grow and manage your workflow. Stay tuned as we dive into how these tools can simplify your business operations, step by step. Join the Podcast Listener Community Quiz Link:
Welcome to another enlightening episode of Starting a Business Simplified. I'm your host, Suzy Wraines. Today, we're diving deep into finding and defining the purpose of your business with a spotlight on Business Simplified LLC, sharing insights that extend beyond the conventional. We'll explore how your business isn't just about transactions; it's about transformation – whether transitioning from a demanding career or overcoming personal barriers, your enterprise can embody a mission that resonates deeply with your own experiences. Join the Podcast Listener Community Quiz Link:
Welcome back to another episode of "Starting a Business Simplified." I'm your host, Suzy, and today we have a very special guest, Annette Jalbert, a registered clinical counselor from British Columbia, Canada. Our topic is one that touches the lives of every entrepreneur: the crucial role of sleep in business success. Connect with Annette: Join the Podcast Listener Community Quiz Link:
Welcome back, entrepreneurs. You're tuning in to Starting A Business Simplified, with your host Suzy Wraines. Today, we dive into the heart of entrepreneurship: The "Why" behind starting your own business. Suzy is here to illuminate why understanding your purpose is the fuel that will keep you driving forward through the entrepreneurial journey. Join the private listener community: To support the podcast, click on the link below.
Welcome back to another episode of Starting a Business Simplified. I’m your host, Suzy Wraines, and today we’re diving into a topic that’s crucial for every entrepreneur: legally protecting your small business. Joining us is Cheri Andrews, a seasoned attorney specializing in small business law, trademarks, and copyrights. Cheri just published the second edition of her book, "Smooth Sailing: An Essential Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business." Today, not only is it the launch day of her expanded and updated guide, but we’ll get an insider’s look at the additional content and how these insights can safeguard your venture. From understanding new federal legislations like the Corporate Transparency Act to enhancing your entrepreneurial mindset, Cheri is here to guide us through these complex waters with ease. So whether you’re a new business owner or looking to fortify your existing business, this episode is packed with invaluable advice straight from an expert. Let’s get started and make sure your business is legally tight and on track for success. Link to purchase a copy of the book "Smooth Sailing An Essential Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business" Revised and Expanded Learn more about Cheri Andrews: Join Starting a Business Simplified Listener Community:
Welcome to Starting a Business Simplified, I'm your host, Suzy. Today, we have a truly enlightening episode for you as I sit down with Veronica Trevilla, a physician assistant turned life coach, who's here to unravel the complexities of focus in the modern lifestyle. Veronica shares her personal journey in both her professional and private life, touching on her transition from pediatric neurology to becoming a beacon of guidance for adults struggling with ADHD traits. Connect with Veronica: Join the private listener community: To support the podcast, click on the link below.
Join Workshop: Are you ready to revolutionize your writing process? Join us for an immersive workshop designed to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and take your writing to the next level. In this dynamic workshop, you will learn invaluable skills that will transform the way you approach writing.
Suzy Wraines: Welcome back to Starting a Business Simplified, I'm your host Suzy Wraines, and today on Episode 65, we have the incredible Nicki Krawczyk joining us. From facing $55,000 in credit card debt to skyrocketing her business to $1.6 million in just two years, Nicki is here to share the secrets of her game-changing Circuit Sales System. Free video training: Check out Nicki K Media and Podcast: Join the private listener community: To support the podcast, click on the link below.
In this episode of Starting a Business Simplified, host Suzy Wraines delves into the crucial steps of developing a business from an initial idea to a fully functional operation. Through her engaging discussion, Suzy emphasizes the importance of envisioning the end result of your business and provides insights on how to conduct effective market research by seeking advice and insights from industry peers. She also outlines the significance of workshops and communities in the business development process, offering practical guidance and support for aspiring entrepreneurs. Tune in to gain valuable tips on turning your business idea into a thriving venture, and remember to keep it simple. Join the private listener community: To support the podcast, click on the link below.
Candy Pedersen is a seasoned healthcare professional with over a decade of experience in nursing. Starting her career as a Registered Nurse (RN), Candy quickly discovered a talent for leadership that set her apart from her peers. Within two years, she embraced her potential and stepped into leadership roles, eventually rising to the position of Branch Director. Reach out to Candy: @candypedersen96 on IG Candy Pedersen on FB Join the private listener community: To support the podcast, click on the link below.
In this episode of "Starting A Business Simplified," host Suzy Wraines shares her insights on the essentials of starting an online business. Drawing from her experience in corporate and brick-and-mortar business, Suzy reveals the key things she wished she knew before embarking on her entrepreneurial journey. From the importance of daily interactions and conversations to effective time management strategies, she offers valuable tips for aspiring online business owners. Tune in to discover how to balance work and rest, engage with potential clients, and optimize your calendar for success. Get ready to simplify your approach to online business with Suzy's practical wisdom and memorable takeaways. Join the private listener community: To support the podcast, click on the link below.
Welcome to another episode of Starting a Business Simplified Podcast. In today's episode, we have a special guest, Kimberly Ward, joining Suzy Wraines for a heartfelt conversation. Kimberly shares her journey of working with Suzy as her business foundations coach and how it impacted her life during a challenging time. From unexpected loss to rebranding and scaling her business, Kimberly shares the transformative impact of Suzy's coaching and the development of their partnership. Tune in to learn about their collaborative efforts in empowering entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses and fulfill their professional aspirations. Learn more about Somagetics Connect with Suzy Wraines: Join the Starting a Business Simplified Podcast Listener Facebook Group