DiscoverDaily Devotions From Greg Laurie
Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie
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Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie

Author: Greg Laurie

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If you want to be successful in the Christian life, you must have a mind full of God’s Word. Refresh your mind with it daily, right here. Each day, you'll receive a verse and commentary from Pastor Greg Laurie, who offers biblical insight through humor, personal stories, and cultural commentary. Start listening and hear what God has to say to you.
458 Episodes
Six days later Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, James and John, and led them up a high mountain to be alone. Matthew 17:1 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it." Matthew 16:25 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ. " 1 Corinthians 3:11 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels." Luke 9:26 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"She replied, 'That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.'" Matthew 15:27 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Bend down, O LORD, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help." Psalm 86:1 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Then Jesus said to the disciples, 'Have faith in God.'" Mark 11:22 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. 'Save me, Lord!' he shouted." Matthew 14:30 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." Job 42:5 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home." Matthew 14:22 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"When the people saw him do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, 'Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!'" John 6:14  — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. 'There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?'" John 6:8–9  — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food." Hebrews 5:12 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Herod was delighted at the opportunity to see Jesus, because he had heard about him and had been hoping for a long time to see him perform a miracle." Luke 23:8 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water." Hebrews 10:22 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked." 1 Timothy 1:19 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"Jesus also used this illustration: 'The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.'" Matthew 13:33 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." Luke 18:17 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
"The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the LORD and against his anointed one. " Psalm 2:2 — Listen to the Greg Laurie Podcast Become a Harvest PartnerSupport the show: for privacy information.
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