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Wildly Optimized Wellness Podcast

Author: Torea Rodriguez

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Welcome to the Wildly Optimized Wellness podcast, where host Toréa Rodriguez takes you on a journey toward holistic well-being and self-discovery. With a lifelong fascination for the natural world and its impact on our physical and mental health, Toréa, a functional practitioner and curator of transformation experiences, explores the intricate connections between our environment, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and physical wellness. Through insightful conversations, personal anecdotes, and expert interviews, she delves into the transformative power of neurology, brain rewiring, and intentional living. Whether you're seeking practical tips for vibrant health or profound insights for personal growth, this podcast offers a refreshing blend of science, spirituality, and real-life wisdom. Stay informed on the latest science and get inspired to re-wild yourself.
57 Episodes
Show notesTrends come and go, even in the wellness world! And today, we’re tackling all the latest trends. Come find out what’s IN and what’s OUT! Is cold plunging still cool? What about Hot Yoga and HIIT? Should you still be taking those generic multivitamins? Come find out our HOT take on these trendy topics and more! PLUS, we have some BIG, exciting changes coming to the Wildly Optimized Wellness Podcast, so don’t miss out on this fun + informational episode!In This Episode:Changes coming to the WOW Podcast (1:08)Cold exposure: IN or OUT? + Is it just for athletes? (2:28)Over-exercising: IN or OUT + Its effect on adrenals (4:04)Functional mushrooms: IN or OUT? + What’s to come with psilocybin! (6:41)Multivitamins: IN or OUT? + What alternatives are gaining traction? (9:11)IV Therapy: IN or OUT? + Is it overpriced? (11:09)Rest & recovery: IN or OUT? + Our take on hustle culture (14:24)Elimination diets: IN or OUT? + What we really think about food sensitivity tests (17:32)Biometric gadgets: IN or OUT? + What’s your pee telling you? (20:13)Wellness retreats: They’re totally IN! So, find out how you can join us! (25:20)For full show notes and resources:
Show notesDo you know where your food comes from or how it’s grown? What about your supplements? Should you even care? In today’s episode, we’re diving into supplements, nutrients, and taking a look at regenerative farming. We’ll get into what it is and why it matters and we’re joined by two experts, Ret Taylor and Vida Chavez-Garcia. Ret co-founded Ned, a supplement company creating and offering simple and effective natural remedies for common ailments. At Ned, they’re keeping things purely simple, on purpose. So, come find out if you should take supplements, why we should ALL care about regenerative farming, and why your bowl of greens has a fraction of the nutrients it used to. In This Episode:Ret’s inspiration for creating Ned (1:41)How Vida got involved in Ned & her background (5:38)What is regenerative farming? (9:03) Why the land needs rest, food, and water just like we do (11:34)The dramatic drop of nutrient density in our food (16:20)America’s lack of magnesium (17:29)Regenerative farming in terms of supplements & what we put ON our body (19:05) The potency difference in Ned’s products (19:52)What can the Wellness industry do to help to shift focus to quality over quantity? (23:30)How you can know a company is practicing regenerative farming (26:00)What’s next for Ned? (32:21)Toréa’s favorite Ned products (36:09)For full show notes and resources:
Show notesHappy New Year friends!We’re so excited to welcome you back to the Wildly Optimized Wellness podcast and we’re starting off 2023 with compassion. Compassion for ourselves!This week we’re joined by Jessica Brown. She’s a clinical nutritionist with over 25 years of experience, a Self-Compassion teacher, and author of The Loving Diet, a mind-body book supporting those with autoimmune disease. Jessica’s helped thousands of people heal physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spirituality, and she’s here to offer help to YOU. If you’re in the depths of despair in your healthcare journey, if you struggle with disordered eating, or if you just find it hard to be kind to yourself (so many of us do!), then you’ll want to listen in. Come find out why Jessica states ‘love is the medicine and your heart is the pharmacy’!In This Episode:Jessica’s background with self-compassion personally & professionally (1:35)The differences between compassion, empathy, & sympathy (2:58)Empathic fatigue (5:20)The 3 components of self compassion (6:54)Abundance mindset v. lack mindset in your healthcare journey (8:52)The link between self compassion and the immune system (10:56)What is mindful eating? What is intuitive eating? (13:26) Jessica’s clinical experience with self-compassion (19:17) Torea’s experience with orthorexia & food paranoia (22:11)Her advice for those struggling with disordered eating (24:18)How YOU can work with Jessica (25:25)For full show notes and resources:
Show notes What are the benefits of the cold plunge? And should you get into it? How do you handle gatherings when you’re the only “healthy” one?And how can you adapt your wellness habits when it’s cold and dark out all winter long? This is just a taste of the topics we’re getting into on today’s Q&A episode. We recorded live from our Holistic Reset Retreat in Hocking Hills, Ohio and took some questions from the group. We weren’t sure where it would lead or what topics would come up, but, WOW did they ask some great questions! Plus, if you’ve ever wondered what a wellness retreat would be like or if you would even “fit in” at one, now’s your chance for a look behind the scenes! But, spoiler alert! If you want to go to one, then you belong! Listen in and we’ll tell you why.  In this episode: Our recommendations for staying on track through the holiday season (4:09)Tips for adjusting your wellness habits to winter weather (7:07)A holiday visualization exercise & questions to ask yourself BEFORE going to your event (8:21)Benefits of cold plunging (13:37)How long to cold plunge before it becomes detrimental (18:11)A first timer’s cold plunge experience (21:16)Our advice for those who feel they won’t “fit in” with a wellness retreat (25:32)The big WHY behind our retreats & our work (30:07)Why showing up is already a success (34:44)Retreat apprehensions related to needing alone time (36:19)Evie’s journey to finding her people & the value of community (42:38) Stay tuned for more information on upcoming events in 2023! For full show notes and resources:
Show notes Are you thinking about adding a new habit into your life?  Maybe you want to adopt a daily morning walk, add in more gym time, eat more protein, or volunteer at your local non-profit. Great! These are wonderful additions to your life.  BUT, have you carved out the time and energy to do it? Have you made space to take on that new habit or commitment?  Because we’re here to tell you that if you haven’t, it likely won’t stick around for long, or it will and your relaxation, your rest, and your energy will suffer. So often we’re told to just keep adding on, but something has to give right?  So what can you do to make space? What steps can you take to ensure that your new healthy habits that you WANT to take on, will stick around along with your mental health, your energy, and your down time? We’re getting into it today, and we hope you join the conversation around how to best step into your new identity!  In This Episode: The cost of our high productivity culture (2:23)The pitfalls of only adding commitments & habits (2:57)New morning routine (4:41)Tired of saying Yes to everything (6:01)Upsetting the equilibrium in our lives (7:28)Importance of sleep (9:46)Macros: It’s not just about adding more protein (12:34)What Evie has sacrificed for more rest this season (16:04)There can be a time for Netflix (19:43)Running yourself ragged (24:37)The power of choice era we live in (25:13) For full show notes and resources:
Show notes: Getting mocked for going gluten-free? Feeling pressured to go back for seconds? Drinking more than you planned for the sake of fitting in or not missing out?  We get it! Sticking with new habits around the holidays can be TOUGH. Maybe you’re around family that doesn’t get it or isn’t supportive or maybe it’s simply that the excess of parties, sweets, and drinks is overwhelming.  So, what can you do about it to stay in alignment? What steps can you take to make sure this holiday season leaves you feeling good about your choices and the changes you’re making towards wellness? This isn’t about shame or guilt. It’s really an opportunity! On today’s episode we’re diving deep into behavior changes, identity, and habits - especially around the holiday season! We’re sharing our own experiences with new habits during the holidays, some insight into why your changes may feel uncomfortable right now, and offering tips you can take with you on your way to celebrating, because you CAN make choices that feel good for YOU and still have FUN!  In This Episode: The relationship between identity & habits (2:18)Examples of new habits we’ve taken on this holiday season (3:50)Confusion of building new habits v. letting go of old ones (7:11)Why your changes make others uncomfortable (& even yourself!) (9:21)Choosing gratitude & empowerment over discomfort (13:49)Applying self-compassion: What it looks like & why (15:04)What if you revert back to your old self? (18:52)Old habits we’re trying to ditch this holiday season (19:54)Creating intention with eating, drinking, & activities (25:04)Why social settings dictate behavior (26:18)Gift of Curiosity (27:46) We'd love to hear what boundaries and what habits you are instilling or getting rid of this holiday season! We’re here to cheer you on!For full show notes and resources:
Show notes Are you too tired to run those errands when it’s dark out? Winter tomatoes got you down? You’re not alone!  As we find ourselves shifting into winter, what are the steps we can take to boost our wellness? We all know there are four seasons and in some areas that means changes and in others, that sun will still shine every day, but why does it even matter what season it is? Should that affect our activities, our food, or our rest? And if so, how?  Our culture often pressures us into a go, go, go mindset year round, but that might be impacting your circadian rhythm or your hormone balance, so what can you do about it?  Some people are required to work 8 to 5 no matter the season, so what then?  Are there still steps you can take to surrender to the seasonality of life, of nature, and your body to live with more balance, more wholeness, and more wellness? We’re getting into ALL of this today! So don’t sleep on this one!  In This Episode: Thinking through seasons to impact your wellness (2:48)Culture’s effect on circadian rhythms & hormone balance (3:10)What Evie’s observed in herself regarding seasonality (3:35)How light affects eating habits: Toréa’s lightbulb moment (7:27)Connecting seasonality to our bodies (9:14)Adjusting to seasonality for those working without flexibility (11:31)Holiday burnout (11:50)Food’s seasonality (12:41)Optimizing the micronutrients of food (13:14)How to know what food is in season(16:48)The Ayurvedic roots of seasonality (17:59)Food preservation & fermentation as a method for optimizing on seasonality (19:02) For full show notes and resources:
Show notes Are you a chocolate lover? Have you gone crazy for cacao? Then, this episode is for you!  We’re diving into all things chocolate, all things cacao. Is there a difference? We’ll let you know!  This might be one of our favorite topics of all time, plus with the holidays coming up, chocolate is on the mind, right? But, if you’re trying to make better wellness decisions, cut back on the sugar, or support small, local, and ethical businesses, then it’s time to get educated and choose wiser. Thankfully, there are better alternatives and we’re breaking it down for you so you’re armed with tips and tricks on how to find and eat better-for-you chocolate. It’s true! The good stuff offers health benefits, so there’s no time to waste! Let’s dig in! In This Episode: Health benefits of cacao (2:55)One clue to getting better chocolate (3:41)Magnesium content in chocolate (3:52)Benefits of magnesium (5:06)Theobromine as a primary stimulant in chocolate (6:40)The world of craft chocolate (10:11)Ingredients to look for in chocolate (15:43)Brands to look for (17:27)Inclusion bars v purest bars v confections (24:16)What I recommend for people looking to cut down or avoid sugar (25:45)A recipe for period hot chocolate (26:40)Bulletproof cacao recipe (28:20) For full show notes and resources:
Are you ready to love fungi?  It’s just a matter of time after listening to our amazing guest, Willis Mitchell! Willis brings his 14 years of experience within the holistic wellness spectrum to the show today to discuss all things fungi. If you’ve ever wondered the best way to eat mushrooms, what the difference is between ALL the varieties, or what’s up with psilocybin, you won’t want to miss today’s episode. Willis is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to teaching us how we can start to integrate the healing properties within fungi into our daily lives. Plus, he’s sharing all the details on his business, The Loving Fungi: how it started (5 months alone in the wilderness??), how it’s going, and where you can find his adaptogenic products. Come nerd out with us in this fun fungi discussion!   In This Episode: Willis’ background (2:38)When mushrooms became medicine for Willis (4:09)Fungi as Herpes treatment (4:43)What is a functional mushroom? (11:45)The cancer-fighting properties of Turkey Tail & Oyster mushrooms (13:00)Performance enhancing  v. immune system building (15:49)Wild foraging v. cultivation farms v. home grown (20:25)Loving Fungi history and product offering (28:51)What we’ve tried and liked from Loving Fungi (31:00)What is Psilocybin? (37:07)Psilocybin microdosing v. macrodosing (38:36)How to find your own practitioner to work with (45:27)Future of fungi in the U.S. (48:00)For full show notes and resources:
Are you wanting to journal but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’ve heard about the benefits of taking some time each day to reflect on how you’re feeling and what’s happened or what goals you’ve come up with for yourself, but putting pen to paper is JUST TOO HARD.  Well friends, today we’re introducing you to the Wellness Optimizing Journal. Toréa is the genius behind this journal and she’s giving all of us a behind-the-scenes look into why she created it, how it’s structured, and ALL the benefits you can expect from working through it. This isn’t a fitness tracker. It’s not about counting macros. It’s a tool for self-discovery! The Wellness Optimizing Journal will walk you through each aspect of your life: the spiritual, the emotional, the biological, and the mental. If you’re wanting to develop new habits that will stick around or desiring a deeper connection to yourself as whole, look no further, we’ve got you covered!  TIMESTAMPS:00:00 The Wellness Optimizing Journal3:30 The tool that inspired Toréa to create this journal3:53 The 13 week structure 6:26 The self-assessment aspect within the journal 7:23 The vision setting aspect within the journal 11:02 How to habit stack15:30 How the journal closes16:06 Why celebrating successes matters 19:17 Wellness v. health: What’s the difference? 19:37 Addressing whole self, not just one part20:30 How to give it as a gift22:33 Vulnerability time: How it’s helped Toréa 25:49 The feedback we’ve gotten so far 28:15 Optimized Wellness Community  For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryMost people we work with are deficient in basic electrolytes. Evie and I are often including electrolyte supplements in our client protocols. And one of our favorite electrolytes is called LMNT. Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and 2X New York Times/Wall Street Journal Best-selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat. And today, you too can learn from the co-founder himself about why electrolytes are so vitally important to health and wellness. In This Episode:Robb’s pickle juice epiphany (03:38)How sodium intake naturally plummets (05:59)Insulin and sodium relationship (06:25)LMNT started as a free recipe (07:06)Sodium intake anxiety (08:54)Cardiovascular disease and hypertension (10:45)Low sodium drives osteoporosis (11:54)Sodium’s importance for cellular health and POTS (14:38)Electrolytes and breastfeeding (16:30)Is there a maximum dose of LMNT? (18:58)Sweet or salty taste to LMNT can indicate electrolyte balance (24:00)Electrolytes and migraines (24:43)Electrolytes dramatically improve HRV (28:16)Role of electrolytes in preventing altitude sickness (29:36)Hydration isn't water (30:21)Are we drinking too many fluids in a day? (35:17)Does sodium make your hands swell? (37:35)Consuming LMNT at different concentrations (38:08)Spearfishing as the ultimate outdoor reset? (40:58) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryIn health, and in life we often face internal conflict. But how do you resolve that conflict in a way that not only provides solutions, but also nurtures your nervous system and healing capacity? This internal conflict can be related to health, but as you will hear, it quickly can show up in other areas, like career move decisions, relationships, etc. This week Evie and Toréa talk through a process called Parts Integration so you can gain insight into the power of this kind of coaching. In This Episode:How does Identity Fragmentation occur? (01:15)Language cues of fragmentation (02:15)Evie’s experience with Parts Integration (03:40)Discovering the common purpose (05:30)Using journaling for parts integration (08:48)Areas in health where we see fragmentation (12:34)Fragmentation shows up in decision making (15:17)Career decisions (18:40)The temporary nature of experience (19:59)The biological impact of fragmentation (21:18) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryTraditionally we gain insight to our glucose levels through standard bloodwork or by using a glucometer and lancelet to poke a finger multiple times each day. In recent years, Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) have been available to diabetes patients and now companies like Nutrisense, make CGMs more widely available. For those looking to fine tune their health, their hormones, their metabolism a CGM can be a hugely valuable tool. This week, Toréa and Evie talk with Catherine Staffieri, a Dietician at Nutrisense to learn more about this cool biometric technology. In This Episode:About Nutrisense as a company (02:19)Working with a dietician (03:01)Glucose and Insulin imbalances (04:40)Ease of the CGM (06:29)Difference of fingerstick vs CGM (08:21)Big glucose influencers that are NOT food (11:45)Imbalanced glucose leads to other hormone imbalances (12:46)Discover more data than just glucose (16:29)Top 3 ways to balance blood sugar (21:03)Avoiding disordered eating triggers of tracking food (24:34)Surprising foods that don’t create blood sugar spiks (27:47) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryIt used to be that medical doctors had the time to educate and inform patients of treatment options & side effects. These days, however, most doctors are limited to just a few short minutes and that all important information is getting skipped and never delivered. As a result, practitioners like Evie & Torea are left to pick up the pieces. Listen in to learn what this looks like and how to ask questions differently so that you get all the information you need to make your own health choices! In This Episode:Quick to prescribe mentality (02:05)Being your own best advocate (03:06)Dealing with conflicting information (04:10)Conventional vs Functional approaches (05:10)The problems with allopathic approaches (07:40)Lack of education to patients (10:19)LImitations of the medical system (12:23)You know your body best (14:47)Lack of informed consent is epidemic (15:47)Asking different questions to get more informed consent (19:23)Rare side effects are often left out of consent conversations (21:00)Dealing with counterintuitive suggestions (25:46)Practitioner requests are suggestions, not commands (27:51)The power of Why (28:38) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryOral health is typically the last stop on people’s list when trying to correct their health. Really it should be at the beginning, and today we learn why from Dr Kelly Blodgett DDS. Listen in on all the wonderful topics regarding oral care, past oral care that might have failed, and preventative care from one of the world’s leading experts on holistic and biological dentistry. In This Episode:Biological or holistic dentistry defined (01:47)Oral school vs medical school (04:59)Hidden infections (05:59)25 million root canals per year (06:35)How root canals fail biologically (09:07)Energy testing methods (11:23)Neural therapy as a diagnostic tool (12:45)Symptoms tied to poor oral health (13:10)Until the mouth is considered, most people are going to struggle (17:24)Disadvantages to keeping dead teeth (20:23)Lack of informed consent in dental industry (21:18)The Dental Diet book (24:24)The food we eat and oral health (26:15)Is mouthwash, good for you (28:05)Oil pulling, yay or nay? (28:29)Does being outside benefit your oral health (30:15)Red light therapy in a dental office (31:33) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummarySomething we do so subconsciously has a huge impact on health. Breathing. Most of us don’t think about it and it happens automatically. But when you start to consciously think and intentionally change the way you are breathing, it can really change your physiology. Listen in as Evie and Toréa share their favorite breathwork techniques. In This Episode:Respiration vs breathing (02:12)Three phases of breathing (03:11)Ribcage importance (05:31)Panic attacks & breath (09:18)Noses are for breathing (10:46)Apnea Breathing (13:10)Breath and parasympathetic nervous system (19:28)Breath to move emotions (21:03)How to integrate breathwork (26:16)Nervous system activation ratios (28:48) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryHow do you change neural pathways in the brain? One way is through language patterning. Today we talk about how particular language exercise patterns can help re-wire the brain and help someone feel relief from intense emotions and triggers. And after the world has experienced so many intense triggers for such an extended period of time, this type of work with a practitioner couldn't be more timely. Discover Evie’s experience of neural reprogramming in today’s conversation.In This Episode:The rise of mindset in health coaching (03:01)Luge tracks (08:17)Cause vs Effect (11:35)Emotion neurology relationship (15:02)Gestalt theory of psychology (19:01)Evie’s experience releasing negative emotion (20:50)Measuring effects of neural rewiring (25:22)Honoring all parts of ourselves (27:21)Using neurology to change biology (28:55)Changing difficult conversations with new perspectives (30:59) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryThis episode we cover the downsides to sun exposure. While we love the health benefits of getting outdoors and into sunlight, the reality is there are downsides. Toréa shares her story of getting a skin cancer diagnosis and how she handled receiving the diagnosis, options for treatment and how its changed her relationship to the sun (a bit). Learning how to catch skin cancer early is the key, so listen in to hear how to do that!In This Episode:Downsides to sun exposure (01:41)A skin cancer diagnosis (02:25)Porokeratosis (04:37)Angry moles (06:05)Basal cell carcinoma treatments (07:37)Immunogenic topical treatment (10:05)What’s changed post diagnosis (12:54)Getting a dermatological baseline (17:20)Adjusting the medical model mindset (18:21)UV protective clothing (20:23)Cultivating faith in a treatment model (25:38)Balancing medical models (27:29) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryEvie and Toréa share their favorite ways of activating the parasympathetic nervous system and how to build your own personal toolkit to develop nervous system resiliency and balance. There might also be an important PSA about bears!In This Episode:Nervous System role in Chronic Illness (01:08)Breathwork as a “gateway drug” (02:19)Heart Rate Variability (03:38)Sympathetic overuse and chronic illness (07:02)Freeze as a sympathetic state (08:15)Vagus Nerve activation (11:03)PSA: Don;t run from bears (13:56)Biofeedback of HRV (17:14)Sensory tools for parasympathetic (18:24)Birdsong & ecology as state triggers (20:16)It’s not a 1:1 ratio (24:30)Cold plunges (26:37)Building your own toolkit (27:52) For full show notes and resources:
Episode SummaryToréa and Evie discuss the importance of regulating emotions and the intersectionality of emotions on health. Each of them share their introduction into the importance of learning about emotions and how their health has been impacted along the way.In This Episode:Wilderness Reset Retreat (03:52)Torea’s introductions to emotions & health (05:34)Evie’s big emotions (08:08)Psychoneuroimmunology (10:36)Emotions and gallbladder pain (14:12)Emotions and woo (17:05)Crying as an emotional release (18:56)Conducting an Emotional Home inventory (21:51)Moving e-motion through motion (26:21)Physiology and emotion (29:25)Talking through emotion (31:30)Emotional Release technique (32:43)The new Deep Transformation Program (35:47) For full show notes and resources:
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