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Forum Borealis

Author: Al Borealis

Subscribed: 357Played: 19,701


A paradigm expanding variety podcast conducting old school, long-form, conversational, in depth interviews with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, and freethinkers of today - exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, and system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, and politics.

189 Episodes
This is a pre-release of S08 E24 only to the podcast platforms. All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms. Recorded: 7 Descember 2022
This is a pre-release of S08 E26 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 8 December 2022Series: From Solomon's Temple to Arcadia
This is a pre-release of S08 E18 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 21 November 2022Series: From Solomon's Temple to Arcadia
This is a pre-release of S07 E19 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 16 June 2021Series: Tesla - Man of Light
This is a pre-release of S09 E08 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 21 February 2023Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
This is a pre-release of S09 E16 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 September 2023Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
This is a pre-release of S10 E04 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 18 January 2024Series: Exploring Esoteric Philosophy
This is a pre-release of S09 E25 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 20 November 2023Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
This is a pre-release of S09 E14 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 28 August 2023Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization
This is a pre-release of S09 E11 only to the podcast platforms.All show notes will appear when it is officially out on the video platforms.Recorded: 27 April 2023Series: Front-Line Dissidents
What was Hitler's "wonder weapons"? Why was 'Die Glocke' classified as "War Decisive"? What was the German version of Area 51 - the Kammlerstab - up to? Why was General Kammler so unknown despite being the third most powerful in the Nazi hierarchy? Dr. Farrell visits the forum and teaches us about the emergence and ideology of the Reich, the infighting among their leaders, shady conducts during their time, and how they used this to get key personnel a free ratline exit out of the sinking ship that was Germany, and how essential all this was for the setup of a postwar extraterritorial Fourth Reich... And Dr. Farrell makes a confession!   :: :: :: ::   All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists.   :: :: :: ::   * Secrets of the Third Reich (Part 1 of 2) - A conversation with Joseph Farrell (S01P05A)   * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.   * Guest: Professor Joseph Patrick Farrell (   * Recorded: 17 May 2015   * Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©   * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (
How was the Third Reich connected to Foo Fighters, flying discs, & Antarctica? Where did the Nazi Bell disappear to? How is the Rudolf Hess mystery connected to Antarctica? Did the Kammler Stab survive? What's the significance of 1947? Is there any truth to the Nazi UFO's? Are they based upon mundane science or back-engineering? Who were the leading inventors? Dr. Farrell continues his report on these and related topics, as Mercury in relation to plasma & field propulsion technology - and many other obscurities... plus he talks about his new book (The Third Way), and we give a short obituary for George-Ann Hughes of the Byte Show.   :: :: :: ::   All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists.   :: :: :: ::   * Secrets of the Third Reich (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Joseph Farrell (S01P05B)   * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.   * Guest: Professor Joseph Patrick Farrell (   * Recorded: 17 May 2015   * Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©   * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (   
Is the Nazi philosophy based upon magical and occult currents? Who were the players influencing Hitler and the ideology of the Third Reich? Did they have ties to Theosophy, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, and other esoteric groups? What was the Nazi-Occult groups? Who had genuine lineages? Why did the Nazis send expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica, and other remote places? What was the ideological and spiritual differences between the top echelon of the Reich? Peter Levenda drops by the Forum and elaborates on all of this and more, notwithstanding the occult roots of Nazism... And we give a short obituary to Dr. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * Rise of the Nazi Cult (Part 1 of 2) - A conversation with Peter Levenda (S01P04A) * Guest: Historian Peter Levenda ( * Recorded: 27 May 2015 * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (
Did the magician Hanussen give ritual rise to Hitler's power? What did Himmler search for in Tibet & the Poles? What's the Spear of Destiny (Longinus' Lance)? What happened to Rudolf Hess & why? Did "Gestapo Mueller" have leverage on Hitler in the death of his niece? Peter continues his elaborations, touching upon such topics as Nazi connections to Islamism, Zionism, & Catholicism, the Hollow Earth, Shamballah & Agharta, the World Ice Theory, the colonial betrayal of King Faisal, Germans behind Jihadism, Nazi ties to international banksters & oligarchs, "The Business Plot" coup attempt against Roosevelt, & many other obscurities...   :: :: :: ::   All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists.   :: :: :: ::   * Rise of the Nazi Cult (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Peter Levenda (S01P04B)   * Guest: Historian Peter Levenda (   * Recorded: 27 May 2015   * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.   * Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©   * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (  
Is there evidence for anti-gravity already in the 19c.? Did Solomon Andrews make a flying machine in the 1860ies? What's the Great Airship Mystery of the 1890ies? Who's the private aeroclub NYMZA & what's their relation to German nationalists, occultists, & international banksters (like Kuhn, Loeb, & Harriman)? Did Charles Dellschau witness early field propulsion experiments as his diary & sketches alleges? Today we're joined by Walter Bosley who's done ground breaking research into this early history of technology associated with Tesla, Schauberger, Keely, etc... + we learn about weird links to Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid, & Patagonia (!). :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * Something Strange this Way Flies - A conversation with Investigative Detective Walter Bosley (S01P01) * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Guest: P.I. Walter Bosley ( * Recorded: 13 June 2015 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (
Dolan joins us, sharing how he got into Ufology, and deals with questions such as: What constitutes a civilization? Can A-G spaceships be explained by natural scientific development? How superfluous is the alien hypothesis? Is academia hijacked by ideology? Was the JFK assassination a coup? What's the definition of alien? What's the different hypothesis explaining "the others"? Is exotic technology used off-world & held back from the global scene? What's up in Area 51? Are there bases at the far side of the Moon? What's the black economy behind the Classified Space Program? Does Wikileaks know? ... and Rich makes a binding pledge! :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * The Case for a Breakaway Civilization (Part 1 of 2) - A conversation with Richard Dolan (S01P30A) * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Guest: Historian Richard Michael Dolan ( * Recorded: 22 June 2015 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (Playlist:
We continue to examine the concept of a Breakaway Civilization with Richard, with deeper scrutinizing of its infrastructure & functioning. Which intelligence agencies, corporations, & military institutions are involved in the classified space fleet? How far ahead is their technology? Who would really be in charge? What can we learn from the documented UFO cases? Who owns the technology, who operates it, & how is it financed? How can we the people relate to all of this? And much more. Rich also updates us on his forthcoming book on false flag history. AND he reveals that he's actually touched one of Viktor Schaubergers flying saucers... :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * The Case for a Breakaway Civilization (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Richard Michael Dolan (S01P30B) * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Guest: Historian Richard Michael Dolan ( * Recorded: 22 June 2015 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (
In this enthralling talk Dr. Cremo address such questions as: Why is research censored & what does it say about our Hidden History? What say myths about extreme human antiquity? What's the oldest evidence for H. Sapiens? What's the total amount of anomalous finds compared to accepted evidence? Are there still missing links? Why a double standard? What's knowledge filtration? Confirmation bias or conspiracy? What's the single best evidence? Ancient Astronauts or Ancient Civilization? Is there periodic devastation? Do ideology hijack research? Are dragons dinosaur remnants? + Mike announce coming to Mytologifestivalen in Norway! :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * The Lost Age of Mankind (Part 1 of 2) - A conversation with Michael Cremo (S02P03A) * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Guest: Dr. Michael Anthony Cremo ( * Recorded: 16 July 2015 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our second series called EVIDENCE OF ANTEDILUVIAN CIVILIZATIONS (
Our talk with Dr. Cremo continues into such questions as: What period has most anomalous finds? How many extinction events has occurred? What's the obstacles of anomalous discoveries? Is Lucy ape or human? Are neanderthals & sapiens same species? What's the weirdest evidence? Where are scientists more open? What did Madame Blavatsky relate? Are there known hoaxes? How long before all traces dissolve and nature take over? Is the human being a Cosmic Template? Is there evidence for Giants, elongated skulls, & horned skulls? And many other obscurities. + Mike disclose details about his new book: More Forbidden Archaeology!:: :: :: ::All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists.:: :: :: ::* The Lost Age of Mankind (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Michael Cremo (S02P03B)* © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.* Guest: Dr. Michael Cremo (* Recorded: 16 July 2015* Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©* This Program is part of our second series called EVIDENCE FOR ANTEDILUVIAN CIVILIZATIONS (
How did Martin Bormann survive the war and what was he up to afterwards? What is the truth regarding the nuclear weapons research of the axis powers? What is scalar weapons? Did Nazi scientists attain cold fusion in Argentina? To what extent did the extraterritorial Nazi state influence USA? Dr. Farrell returns to continue the uncovering of our recent history, which addresses many more mysteries regarding WW2, as an Antarctica revisit, how the Nazi remnants transformed into a Bormann Reich, the crucial year of 1947, and where HQ is located... and Joseph shares some tidbits with us about his background in South Dakota. :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. Subscribing to our website ( gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. :: :: :: :: * Rise of the Bormann Reich (Part 1 & 2) A conversation with Farrell (S01P10) * © Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way. * Guest: Professor Joseph Patrick Farrell ( * Recorded: 22 July 2015 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (
Comments (8)

Brad Burkley

The same government that lies about everything, you believe on UFOs? Holy crap. All of their lies are for expanding the military of an overtly criminal empire. Of course they'll test the waters on outer space fear. Luckily, on this subject, people don't care at all. If only people understood Russia and Muslims are even less dangerous than the fake alien threat.

Feb 25th

Brad Burkley

I actually got into an argument with Bosley on Twitter about covid and vaccines. I'm glad he survived ignoring the good advice of mine and others . Sounds like he's still taking a knee to the tyrannical medical system though. Seems like certain people would figure out what's going on, but they curiously never do.

Nov 14th

Roku Kenshin

Dude literally recorded almost 20 min of repetitive instrumental jungle music to open with.

Oct 19th
Reply (1)

Christine van der Pol

love it!

Apr 3rd

The Glastonbury Orb

Fantastic to hear your shows directly as Podcasts! They are like a series of Rosicrucian lectures on contemporary subjects and some how evoke the fresh feeling of the R+C as a walking question mark. 😊

Oct 14th

Bender Rodriguez

Geez I hope Wal writes a text book and gets it into the curriculum.

Feb 5th

Travis Jones

Fantastic! Easily the Greatest Podcast Available for Free-Thinkers and the non-mainstream

Feb 1st