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My Best Mom Friend

Author: @mybestmomfriend

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My name is Sandra, and I'm the virtual mom bestie you didn't even know you needed. I am here to empower you and give you permission to not love every layer of motherhood (without the guilt.) I'm here to be uncensored in my experience as a mom to help you realize what you're feeling is normal. I want every mom to feel seen, validated, and understood. Please make yourself comfortable, grab a cup and allow me to spill the tea on motherhood. Let's chat about all things mom life, postpartum, and marriage.
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42 Episodes
Let's chat all things holidays with little kids. From flopped traditions to forgetting about school spirit week. Don't forget to check out our sensory play shop! Here is the sinus rinse I was talking about. Here is the story projector I was talking about. We love it! --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, we delve into the experiences of busy mothers during the bustling holiday season. The episode includes topics such as establishing family traditions, managing family dynamics, selecting ideal gifts for your children, and dealing with the possibility of disappointment when reality fails to align with the Instagram-worthy image you have envisioned. If you're looking for the perfect stocking stuffer or activity that will keep your little ones busy for hours, visit our sensory play shop! Happy Holidays! --- Support this podcast:
Are you finding the transition going from having one child to two, or three, or four challenging? You are not alone! Inna from @motherhoodtherapy and I dive into life as a mom of multiples and all of the changes and challenges this transition brings. I hope this episode helps you feel seen and validated in your feelings and hopefully offers some advice to help you through. Follow along on Instagram @mybestmomfriend and don't forget to check out my new kids sensory shop: Here is Inna's Mommy Burnout Guide --- Support this podcast:
Tune in as I dive into the importance of sensory play and how children exploring their environment through textures and using their senses helps their development. In this episode, I also share the exciting launch of my new shop, all about sensory activities for your littles. We all want to be that perfect Pinterest mom with the best activities, but we're busy and tired AF. So... I did the work for you. I took that mental load off your plate and created various activities with various ways to use each to maximize learning and play. Check out all of my sensory activities here: I can't wait for you and your little one to get your hands on these fall-themed activities to explore together. They're flying off the shelves, so grab yours before they're gone. --- Support this podcast:
LOL, let me start by saying I love the crap out of my child. There, I gave you the classic mom disclaimer before she starts talking smack about what her child has been up to and how wonky motherhood can get during different seasons. Yes, I adore my almost three-year-old, but also, WOWZA... what happened to the sweet, thoughtful, kind, and affectionate two-year-old I had? He turns three next month, and it's like a flip has been's wild, and I didn't see it coming. Let's chat all about it! If you haven't seen it, watch my latest reel of me reenacting a recent "playtime" moment between us... YAY for toddler life! --- Support this podcast:
In this third segment of my "Marriage and Communication After Baby" series, I dive deep into the mental load of motherhood. I look at it from a woman's perspective, how we are "wired," and a man's perspective. This would be a great episode to share with your husband if you want him to better understand the mental load we are all plagued with. I mentioned the Fair Play book and card deck in this episode, you can find the book here and the card deck here. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate and review and of course, follow along on Instagram @mybestmomfriend --- Support this podcast:
Let’s unpack the classic line I often hear from new mothers, “I’ve sacrificed everything, while he seemingly has sacrificed nothing. His life as a father is the same as it was before we had a child!” The statement is usually a thought that most women don’t vocalize aloud. It stays hidden beneath the surface, with deep resentment building towards their partners. In this episode, I look into what women give up as mothers: our mental and physical health, our freedom, and even our careers. When it comes to the men in our lives, it does seem like they don’t skip a beat — or do they? Let’s unpack this together, shall we? Let’s take a peek into the inner workings of men and how we can navigate new parenthood together with love and compassion for one another. --- Support this podcast:
Let’s try to understand one another for more productive partnerships better when it comes to parenting. This is what I’ll be exploring in my multi-part series here on my podcast. I don’t think men (husbands, dads) purposely don’t worry ahead the way we do. If they could, some of them would take that load off our shoulders and close some of the tabs for us, but they aren’t wired to think that way. It’s not that they’re lazy or they don’t care; it’s just not in their DNA like it is ours. Undoubtedly, I will get comments yelling at me about not being inclusive and gender-generalizing. But this entire series is my cliffs notes and my added thoughts to approximately 10-15 books I just devoured on marriage, communication, female vs. male brains, motherhood, parenting, and love languages. I am not pulling this information out of my ass. If we continue to completely disregard our gender differences, from our brains to what our society through patriarchy has created, we are being completely ignorant of our differences. When we learn about our differences and learn to speak each other's language, THEN we can bridge the gap and find creative solutions to stronger, more successful marriages and partnerships in parenting. I genuinely believe that after reading everything I’ve read from psychotherapists, doctors, and scientists and the abundance of data and insights from hundreds of surveys across all races, religions, and socioeconomic statuses. I took these 10+ books and connected the dots, and created a playbook for parents. Tune in over the next few weeks as I drop more and more knowledge. --- Support this podcast:
Are you getting ready to plan your baby's first birthday?! What a huge milestone! Congrats, mama, you've survived a full year of motherhood. PHEW! Enjoy this next hour of me sharing all the things you need to know when planning for this celebration! From planning your guest list, the venue, the smash cake, capturing memories and not ending the night with a big blow out fight with your partner. I just launched sensory bins for toddlers, come take a peek at my shop! ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:
AHHH - do you feel like you're constantly on the brink of a mental breakdown due to the overlapping noise? I am. Why do more moms not talk about this with one another? We all feel like we're going a little nutty sometimes, right? You know what I'm talking about... the oven is humming, the baby is crying, dogs are barking, tv commercials are too loud, the neighbor is mowing his lawn, and you can't forget about the clutter on the counter and the repetitive inner dialogue questioning whether you're doing this motherhood stuff correctly. We hit a point where it's all too much at once. Our brains can no longer handle all these layers of stimulation without our sensory bucket running over. I'm here today to tell you that feeling overwhelmed is normal and okay. No, it's not just you. Too much stimuli input can also lead to "mom rage." Let's dive deep into this important mom topic that isn't chatted about enough on playdates because #toomuchstimulationintheroomatonce. For more, follow along on Instagram @mybestmomfriend These are the noise cancelling ear plugs I mentioned in the episode (from Amazon). Here is the episode all about how our dogs drive us nuts once we become parents. link the episode about dog meets baby --- Support this podcast:
It's really easy to lose yourself in motherhood. If you feel lost as you enter this life-changing portal of motherhood, you are not alone. Let's dive deep into the many changes we face as we transition from who we once were to who we are now. It takes time to grow into yourself as a mother. The enormity of the role is intimidating. Motherhood feels overwhelming because it's all-consuming. You don't know who you are in this new skin as you cling to your old self. As you enter the portal of motherhood, you must leave parts of her behind and make space for a new, better, stronger version. Rather than remaining lost, allow yourself to be reborn through motherhood. It's a messy journey, but you are not alone. Follow along on Instagram for more daily real, raw, relatable motherhood moments @mybestmomfriend --- Support this podcast:
Grab your tissues... In this episode I get really raw about the thoughts I've had as a mother when it comes to my child growing up. Raising our kids is the most beautifully painful heartache we will ever experience. Hop over to Instagram and let me know if you've had any of these thoughts... @mybestmomfriend + follow along to stay connected! Don't forget to check out my Amazon storefront where I have neatly categorized everything you could possibly need for surviving motherhood, in one easy to shop place. Check it out here. Stay in touch by signing up for my e-newsletter. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, I spill the beans on all the things I and many moms that follow my journey over on Instagram @mybestmomfriend said they wish they knew before becoming a mom. It's a compilation of the many life changes that threw us off guard as we entered motherhood. I follow it up with some of the best pieces of collective mom advice. As you listen to this episode, I hope you feel seen and validated in your experience as a mom and know that whatever you're feeling, you are not alone. --- July 11 + 12 is Amazon Prime Day - Shop my round up of best mom life deals Come join my free mom support group over on Facebook! Join the Peanut app here to find local mom friends Listen to the other episodes I mentioned throughout the episode: Boundaries Episode Postpartum Body Image Episode What to Really Expect Postpartum Episode Marriage After Baby Episode Surviving Sick Days With Littles Episode --- Support this podcast:
Listeners sent in their questions all about mom life. Tune in as I chat marriage after baby, maternal mental health, postpartum body image, finding yourself as a mother and the things I wish I had known going into motherhood. Follow along for more on Instagram @mybestmomfriend Tune in to the other episodes I mentioned throughout the podcast: Moms Vs Dads: Mom Guilt + Mental Load of Motherhood Marriage After Baby Postpartum Body Image --- Support this podcast:
Mom Guilt - what is it? How do we navigate it? How does it show up for us? Can we eliminate it? Let's explore this cycle of guilt that creeps into our brains as moms. In this episode, I will list some common scenarios that cause mom guilt to show up for us, how it makes us feel, and what we can do to change the narrative. Everyday things that cause mom guilt: -breastfeeding / ending our breastfeeding journey -being a working mom / being a stay-at-home mom -not spending "enough" time with our kids -counting down to bedtime -missing our pre-baby life -feeling "bored" while parenting or playing with our kids -comparing ourselves or our kids to other moms and families -giving your kids too much screen time -losing your temper ... to name a few. Press play and let's chat all about it. Mama, I want you to walk away knowing it's not just you. You're not the only one consumed by these negative feelings. We are in this together! For more daily real, raw, relatable mom life moments, follow along on Instagram @mybestmomfriend --- Support this podcast:
I had the pleasure of interviewing Nate and Tommy from @dadswhotry again. If you missed our earlier episode all about Mom Guilt, tune in here. We spoke largely about your relationship with your partner after having a baby. There are so many changes, emotions running high, resentment building and very little time and patience to spend with one another. We talked about how to stop keeping score, how to be there for one another, how to strengthen your relationship again, date ideas, and I asked them why it takes men so dang long to poop in the morning?! Follow along on Instagram for more daily real, raw, relatable mom content @mybestmomfriend Books I mentioned: How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids Babyproofing Your Marriage --- Support this podcast:
Motherhood is messy. Parenting is hard -- especially if you want to do it RIGHT. We will all make mistakes, none of us are perfect, and our kids don't expect us to be. But they do need us to show up. It's important. Being a parent is one of our biggest, most impactful roles in life. In this episode, we talk about what conscious parenting is and what it looks like in real-life parenting moments. We talk about re-parenting ourselves, cycle-breaking, and healing inter-generational family trauma. We discuss how this healing and how showing up consciously for your children changes your relationship with yourself, your partner, and your kids and why it's so important. Follow along on Instagram for more daily real, raw, relatable mom content @mybestmomfriend You can find Joline's workshops here: and her Instagram --- Support this podcast:
*Trigger Warning: Birth Trauma, Miscarriage* In today's episode, I sit down with Kayleigh Summers from @thebirthtrauma_mama, and we get deep into all things birth trauma. She shares her personal experience and birth story and the trauma she faced while bringing her child into the world. Birth can be empowering and beautiful but also traumatic and scary. If you have experienced birth trauma, I hope this episode helps you feel seen and validated in your experience. Your feelings surrounding your birth are valid and real. It is perfectly okay to feel disappointed or to grieve. We also talk about partner birth trauma, navigating your marriage after this type of trauma, and how to handle future pregnancies or the "guilt" of not wanting to do this a second time or psychically being unable to. Follow @mybestmomfriend on Instagram for daily real, raw, relatable mom content. Check out Kayleigh's website for important resources in navigating birth trauma Follow Kayleigh on Instagram and TikTok @thebirthtrauma_mama Listen to Kayleigh's podcast --- Support this podcast:
I'm sure you've heard the term "boundaries" tossed around left and right. What does having boundaries as a (new) mom mean? What are boundaries, why do we need them, what are some examples, and how do we enforce them? In this episode, I dive deep into what boundaries we need as new and seasoned mothers. Our family and friends need to respect our wishes, especially regarding our children's well-being and our mental health. I hope this episode empowers you to learn to say "NO," to ask for her without feeling guilty, and to understand that you are NOT being rude by setting firm boundaries. Motherhood can be challenging. Our family should be a village, supporting us, respecting our wants and needs, and making life a little easier. If you enjoyed this episode, please scroll down and leave a quick rating/review, and of course, share it with your mama friends. Follow along on Instagram for more daily real, raw, relatable mom content: @mybestmomfriend Stay in touch by subscribing to my monthly newsletter. --- Support this podcast:
There is a grieving period when your maternity leave ends and you return to work. You might find yourself wondering things like: What milestones will I miss? Will my child love their new caretaker more than me? When will the guilt and separation anxiety stop consuming me? It's a challenging season of motherhood to navigate. What I can tell you is that a mother's love can never be replaced. In the eyes of your child, you will always be number one! With time, the daily separation gets more manageable, and you'll find your groove again. In this episode, I will guide you through your journey back to work step-by-step. I will share ways to prepare and how to navigate your emotions. For more daily real, raw, relatable mom content, follow along on Instagram @mybestmomfriend If your child is getting ready to start daycare, here is a list of daycare essentials from Amazon. Mama, you've got this! I won't sugarcoat it - it's not an easy time, but it will get better! Hang in there. --- Support this podcast:
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