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Emuna Beams

Emuna Beams

Author: Lazer Brody

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Emuna and body-soul harmony with author, spiritual guide and health coach Rabbi Lazer Brody
287 Episodes
The Torah commands us to judge everyone fairly. Even if a person is seemingly evil, we can always find some good quality if we look hard enough. Likewise, we must search for the good points within ourselves. Our good points are like musical notes. When they come together, they create beautiful melodies.
Despite no respite from both internal and external enemies, King David succeeds in maintaining a tranquil soul. What is his secret?
Hashem Loves You

Hashem Loves You


Did you ever stop and ponder Hashem's magnificent creation of Planet Earth, with all its wonders like the Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and much more? That vast Planet Earth of ours is only a miniscule part of the solar system, and only one-millionth the size of the sun. Yet, our entire solar system is like a grain of sand within the Milky Way Galaxy, which in turn is like a fleck of dust within the vast super-galaxies that extend beyond our imagination. Now stop and think: Hashem momentarily turns aside from His entire vast universe to create a rain drop, make a flower blossom and help a newborn chick hatch out of the egg. Imagine what He does to perfectly direct every tiny facet of our lives in mind-boggling Divine Providence. Why? Because He loves you so very much, more than you can ever imagine.
The first 32 days of the Omer obligate us to curtail joy and joyous occasions. Then comes the 33rd day, 18 Iyar, the anniversary (yahrtzeit) of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai's departure from the physical world. Everything turns completely around with singing, dancing, rejoicing and festive meals. What's behind all this?   
Clean Green

Clean Green


An adequate income doesn't depend on how much money you make; it depends on the quality of the money you make. Today's podcast is the key to all the money you need.
When newcomers enter in to the service of Hashem, it looks like Hashem is pushing them away. They're hit with all kinds of problems that they never had before? Why? 
King David suffered unspeakable emotional and physical hardships. These included imminent death in captivity on more occasions than one. Prophetically, he felt our pain and wrote these Psalms for us too.
The heart has a spiritual self-cleaning mechanism that is capable of cleansing it from all forms of impurity. Rebbe Nachman teaches us how to activate it.  
Sometimes our troubles are so tormenting that we'd be happy to sprout wings like a dove and just fly away to a place of peace. King David felt exactly like that when he had no rest from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Prophetically, he felt our pain and wrote these Psalms for us too.
There are those who claim, and seemingly rightfully so, that the Gaza War would have been over in 8 weeks, were it not for the interference of the Biden administration. Biden and Blinken forced Israel to enable the so-called "humanitarian aid" that enabled Hamas to recover from a near knockout. That may sound logical, but it contradicts the truth of emuna. Emuna tells us that everything is from Hashem, and that includes the Biden administration and Hamas. As such, today's broadcast helps us understand the emuna message of current events.
The closest distance between two points is a straight line. In spirituality, straightness means simplicity and honest innocence. The two traits, which are really one, makes a person beautiful. They also create the closest distance between the person and the Creator.
Confessing one's wrongdoings to the Almighty does more than merely cleansing one's soul. It rejuvenates the spirit. A rejuvenated spirit is a healthy spirit, and a healthy spirit is a happy spirit.
Why all the chaos in the world and in each of our lives? The Gemara teaches us an amazing lesson: before enhanced abundance and joy, there's chaos, both physical and emotional. We are taken out of our comfort zone in order to accustom us to a new and better reality. That's the key to understanding current events. It's also proof that Moshiach is imminent. Here's how:
During the Omer, Rebbe Akiva's 24,000 students died because they didn't properly respect one another. We still mourn them, almost 2,000 later, because we haven't yet corrected their sin. We're all still guilty of intramural hate. Do you know why? Let me explain, with an amazing story from over sixty years ago, about my father, of blessed memory...
The 210 years of exile and 116 years of slavery in Egypt ended with on the eve of the 15th of Nissan, 2448 in the Hebrew calendar. This was the year 1312 BCE. Hashem gave a most difficult command to the Israelites. Each family had to slaughter a lamb, which the Egyptians held sacred as their prime deity. This was an act of total dedication to the Almighty, where emuna had to prevail over logic and fear. Such dedication triggered the final exodus from Egypt, in a remarkable chain of events that we learn in todays lesson.
When Moses relayed Hashem's message of "Let My people go" to Pharaoh, the Egyptian monarch snarled back, "Who is Hashem that I should listen to Him? Besides, I've never heard of Hashem before" (Exodus 5:2). With such unprecedented insolence, Pharaoh was begging for punishment. The punishment came quickly. There were ten different plagues. Each one was a precise measure-for-measure response to the suffering that Pharaoh and the Egyptians meted out to the Israelites, as we see in today's lesson.
How did a fierce, proud and independent people like the Israelites fall into slavery in Egypt? Why did they have to suffer unspeakable atrocities? Here, in first of our 3-Part "Story of Passover," we gain a deeper appreciation of the Passover holiday and of true freedom. 
In Every Generation

In Every Generation


The Passover Seder night is not an evening of reminiscing about what happen to our nation 3,336 years ago. Like everything else that's Divinely inspired, it's timeless. The Haggadah is about us - today - and much more relevant than the daily news. Our future is where our past is; without our past, we can't make sense of the present.
Iran Attacks Israel

Iran Attacks Israel


Shortly after midnight, Sunday, April 14, 2024, Iran launched an unprecedented 130 ballistic missiles, 30 cruise missiles and over 200 suicide drones against Israel. Is this the beginning of World War III?
Rebbe Nachman teaches that being happy always is a tremendous mitzvah. Therefore, each of us must make every effort to avoid sadness and depression at all costs. What's more, the core cause of all illness is a breakdown of one's joy. Passover is a fantastic opportunity to recover our joy, and therefore our health.
Comments (2)

Victoria Noah

Thank you Rabbi for this wonderful encouragement. It brings into me, new life and emunah in HaShem.

Apr 23rd

Victoria Noah

Thank you Rabbi, Chag Pesach Sameach and next year in Yerushalayim.

Mar 28th
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