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Pastor Ben Dixon

Author: Ben Dixon

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Equipping the Church to Impact the World
324 Episodes
In this lesson, Pastor Ben walks through Scripture to show that God communicates personally to people in different ways. Sometimes our confusion about what God is saying has to do with our expectation of how He communicates to us. This lesson will not only equip you but it will clear up many misconceptions in the process.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 14:25-26, Acts 27:9-11, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Psalms 40:5 Series: Hearing God   For more information visit
The Bible is the rulebook by which we live, and the voice of the Holy Spirit gives us direction within that framework. Pastor Ben Dixon teaches on hearing God's voice within the Bible and in our personal lives.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: 2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 4:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:8, Acts 16:6-13 Series: Hearing God   For more information visit
We live in a world that is filled with knowledge and most people have far more information than the average person in previous generations. However, with this increase of knowledge have we become wiser? That is the question! Knowledge is important but wisdom is more important because it causes us to live better. In our passage today, James presents the concept that there are two kinds of wisdom and we need to know which one we are operating by if we are to truly bless people and glorify God.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 3:13-18, Proverbs 16:16, Galatians 6:7-8 Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith   For more information visit
Hearing the voice of God is not just a personal belief that some hold but rather it is a Biblical reality that is available to all who are in Christ.  We believe in the personal voice of the Spirit to each believer because it is taught in the Bible, seen throughout church history and experienced even today.  Join Pastor Ben as he walks through a Biblical foundation for Hearing the voice of the Spirit today! Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-3, John 16:12-15, Acts 2:17-18, John 10:27, Genesis 1:28 Series: Hearing God Northwest Church - "On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made."
Hearing the voice of God is all about knowing God.  Jesus restored us back into a relationship with our Heavenly Father where hearing His voice becomes more normative as we see in the Bible.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-3, John 16:12-15, Acts 2:17-18, John 10:27, Genesis 1:28 Series: Hearing God   Northwest Church - "On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made."
How we steward our words is a clear theme throughout the book of James. What we say and how we say it is extremely important for the follower of Jesus because our words matter more than we know. Most major studies agree that people speak around 16,000 words per day on average. To put this in perspective, that’s almost 6 million words per year which is enough to fill 100 average-sized books. So, the question could be: what book are you writing with the words you are saying? Is it helpful or hurtful? Does it bring life or bring death? Does it encourage or tear down? The fact is, if we don’t control our words then our words will control us. So, how do we get control over the way we speak? That is what our passage is all about today as we learn together how to tame our tongue! Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Psalms 141:3, James 3:1-12, Proverbs 18:21, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 16:27, Psalm 19:14 Series: The Book of James For more information visit
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is chock-full of testimonies where real people encountered a real God and were completely transformed. Nothing has changed today. God is still doing what He has always done through the power of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 13:8), and this is why we need to hear and share the testimonies of what God has done. When we hear about what God is doing it fuels our spiritual life and causes us to press into God in greater ways. This weekend, we have the privilege of hearing how God is moving in the lives of people from Northwest Church, and we pray that this will spark something in all of us to believe God for more.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Acts 1:8, Acts 4:20, John 4, John 9, John 11 Series: Stand Alone Messages   For more information visit
I think we would all agree that there is a massive difference between faith that is alive and faith that is dead. Faith without action is not THE FAITH that we see in Jesus’ life nor His teachings. However, it seems that believers from the first century to the twenty-first century have too often allowed for something that isn’t fully real and doesn’t actually help. Let’s look carefully at what James has to say and freshly commit ourselves to what Jesus intended for His followers.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 2:14-26, Matthew 7:21 , 1 John 3:17-18, Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11:31 Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith   Northwest Church - On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made.
Pastor Ben Dixon encourages us by looking at the lives of the disciples following the death and resurrection of Jesus. We see how Jesus encountered multiple groups of people following his resurrection where he moves them from Fear to Faith, from Doubt to Devotion, from Rejection to Restoration, and from Death to Life.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Mark 16:1-8, John 20:24-29, John 21:12-17, John 11:25a Series: Stand Alone Messages   Northwest Church - On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made.
Pastor Ben Dixon walks through the suffering and pain that Jesus faced in his final hours painting the scene for our hope in our resurrected savior, Christ Jesus.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Mark 16:1-8, John 20:24-29, John 21:12-17, John 11:25a Series: Stand Alone Messages   For more information visit
It’s near impossible to live in our world and not have some pre-disposed opinions that affect the way we see and treat others. There are many reasons for why this could be the case for us, but Jesus does not share our prejudice, nor does He treat people unfairly for any reason. In our passage today, James calls out the sin of favoritism which was prevalent then and still is today. As disciples of Jesus, we must have zero tolerance for the unfair treatment of others because the same grace that saved and sustains us is the same grace that God offers to everyone else.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 2:1-13, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Luke 10:25-29, Matthew 23:23-24 Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith   For more information visit
The word “religion” is used to define and describe so many things in our world today. Usually in Christian circles we talk about religion as a contrast to relationship with Jesus which makes it seem incompatible with the Christian life. However, the word religion is neutral and usually means “the outward practice or service to God.” In our final verses of chapter 1, James makes it quite clear that there is worthless religion that deceives people and pure religion that honors God and serves others.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:26-27, Psalm 34:13, Isaiah 1:13-17, 1 John 2:15-17  Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith   Northwest Church - On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made.
As Christians, we know that our primary responsibility is to follow Jesus through faithful obedience to His Word. However, when life is hard, plans don’t work out, and prayers go unanswered it can be easy to shut down and stop responding to the truths that we hold dear. Additionally, we face an enemy who seeks to persuade us toward a passive and inactive faith that knows the Word but never responds. James was aware that the church of his day struggled with a passive faith and the same can be true for us today. As we dive into our passage we will observe a clear command, a serious warning, and a glorious promise which will enable us to be responsive Christians who hear God’s Word and do what it says.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:22-25 Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith   For more information visit
A common critique of the modern American church is that we are more internally focused than externally focused. When and where this criticism is true of God’s people, we will find a church that is slowly dying spiritually because much our mission is to reach a broken, hurting, and dying world. We must be a church that is on fire for Jesus. That means we are bold, unashamed, passionate, and focused on reaching people in every way that we possibly can. How do we move from learning to living, from casual to passionate, and from passive to engaged? In today’s message, we will look at how the church went from fearful to fired up with the mission of Christ, and our hope is that God would do the very same in us today!   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-21 Series: Staff Pastors   For more information visit
When we get offended or when life is difficult, it’s not hard to get angry. We all deal with the issue of anger to one degree or another. So, the question is not, “Do we get angry?” but rather, “What should we do with the anger that we experience?” James speaks directly and practically about how to deal with anger which was important for them and is still relevant for us today.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:19-21, Ephesians 4:26-27, Deuteronomy 5:1, Matthew 13:9, Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, Proverbs 16:32 Series: The Book of James   For more information visit
As we study the book of James, we have learned that trials and difficulties are a part of life. James shows us that the trials around us produce temptations within us. We are all tempted but we do not have to sin. As we follow Jesus faithfully, what we will find is the strength to endure our trials and the power to overcome our temptations. Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:13-18, Genesis 3:8-13, Exodus 15:22-24, 1 Corinthians 10:13 Series: The Book of James For more in formation visit
Our study of the book of James continues as we look at the effects of poverty and prosperity on our faith. Pastor Ben examines some lies we tell ourself the challenges us to deeper faith.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:9-12, Luke 6:20, Proverbs 30:8-9, 1 Timothy 6:9-10, Job 1:6-12 Series: Authentic Faith, The Book of James   For more information visit
As we continue in our study today, we are reminded that James is very familiar with the difficulties that many Christians face. His advice thus far has been to sustain a joyful attitude in trials because we know that God gives us endurance so that we can fully mature into the likeness of Jesus Christ. In today’s passage, we will learn about the danger of doubt and how to receive real answers for the problems we face as followers of Jesus Christ. Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:2-8, I Kings 4:29-30, Psalm 19:7, Genesis 3:6, Matthew 14:28-31 Series: Authentic Faith, The Book of James For more information visit
This is the start of a new series on the book of James. This book may be short but it’s one of the most important and powerful letters in all of the New Testament. Our message today is focused on the first four verses of chapter 1 where James gives wisdom and perspective for how we face trials as followers of Jesus.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: James 1:1-4, Psalm 46:1, Romans 5:3-5, Romans 8:28-29 Series: Authentic Faith, The Book of James   For more information visit
Welcome to Starting Point. My goal is to give you a tool that will help you both now and for many years to come. Our life is so valuable which makes it extremely important to manage and monitor our thoughts, actions, and future vision. It is my hope that you take what is given and refine it, make it better and adapt it into your life in a way that works for you and accomplishes more than you expected with each unfolding year.   Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon Scripture: Romans 12:1-2, Matthew 6:33, Philippians 3:12-14, Luke 14:27-30 Series: Stand Alone Messages   For more information visit
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