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The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast

Author: AccessMore

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In these tough times, could you use a word of encouragement? From Max Lucado, a pastor for over 40 years and bestselling author whose books have sold more than 145 million copies in over 50 languages, The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast is all about the greatest story ever told—the living Savior who brings you a lifetime of hope. 

With rich biblical insight, heartwarming storytelling, and Max’s comforting tone, you’ll be empowered to place your faith in a loving God who is always near you, always for you, and always in you. For more encouragement from Max Lucado, visit

309 Episodes
322: Follow Me

322: Follow Me


Fund conversations that matter:  Hello, friend. Welcome to the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast.  “What is God’s plan for me?” Have you wondered that? I don’t think I know anyone who hasn’t. We even spent several weeks on the podcast earlier this year talking about how discover and use our God-given uniqueness.  While there are so many specific ways you can spend your time serving others and building the Kingdom, the thing we know God calls us all to is to be more like Christ. The disciples learned this truth from two simple words: “Follow me.” 
Fund conversations that matter:  Hello friend. Welcome to the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. I’ve been a pastor for a long time—over 40 years! I’ve been asked countless questions during that time, but none more fundamental than, “Max, what do I need to know to be a Christian?”  Maybe someone you care about is asking this question. Maybe you are. Let’s consider the answer from an unlikely source – the thief who hung on a cross next to Jesus.  Buy Gospel in Life at
Fund conversations that matter:  Thanks for joining me today on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. We’re wrapping up our study of Romans this week by going back to a story in 2 Samuel. King David, after Saul has died, asks if anyone from Saul’s family is still alive. The relative he finds and the invitation he extends is a beautiful picture of the invitation God extends to us. It has nothing to do with what we can offer but everything to do with who God is. Buy Gospel in Life at
Fund conversations that matter:  In this special bonus, Max Lucado's wife Denalyn shares a special prayer on behalf of all mothers. We pray you'll be blessed by this prayer, and will feel seen and loved by the God who sees you. 
319: The Path We Follow

319: The Path We Follow


Fund conversations that matter:  Here on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we’ve spent the last few weeks talking about God’s great grace – what it means, who it’s for, how you get it. So now what? What happens after you receive the gift of grace? It begins to mark your days. As you live knowing you are loved by God, you are able to love others, leaving footprints of grace everywhere you go. Buy Gospel in Life at
Fund conversations that matter:  This week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, as we continue our study of Romans, we’re looking at God’s covenant with Abraham. A covenant made long before the life and ministry of Paul. Knowing this Old Testament promise helps us understand what makes grace so special: it’s available to everyone. 
317: The Battle We Fight

317: The Battle We Fight


“For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” In Romans chapter 7, verses 18 and 19, Paul perfectly describes our inner struggle. We want to live in a way that honors God, yet find ourselves mired in old temptations. And we begin to question if we ever really understood salvation at all. If this sounds familiar, hear me, friend: the grace that saved you initially is enough to sustain you eternally. 
I’m so glad you’re joining me today on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast because we’re talking about my favorite subject – grace.  Maybe you’ve walked with God for a long time. Maybe you’re just beginning to ask questions about the Bible. No matter where you find yourself, Paul’s letter to the Romans is for you. And in the next few episodes, we’ll explore his writing about the great grace of God – what it is, why we need it, and how it changes our lives. Because it really does. It certainly changed mine.
315: Pausing on Purpose

315: Pausing on Purpose


Welcome to the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. Maybe you’re having a busy day. Or a busy week. Or a busy decade. I can relate. There’s so much to do! We have work and kids and friends and church. If your to-do list is leaving you a bit depleted, Jesus has a word for you. “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
314: Gifted by God

314: Gifted by God


The last few weeks on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we’ve been talking about the gifts and abilities God gives each of us. Identifying and using our gifts is important, but more important is remembering our gifts aren’t about us. As Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 4, “And Christ gave gifts to people—he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and tell the Good News, and some to have the work of caring for and teaching God’s people. Christ gave those gifts to prepare God’s holy people for the work of serving, to make the body of Christ stronger.”
Today on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we’re talking about an idea that eludes so many of us – contentment. It’s hard, isn’t it? We watch our co-worker get promoted, our neighbor come home in the new car, not to mention every time we go on social media it looks like everyone else is living the good life. Friend, if you’re struggling with contentment, the story of David and Goliath—I know, not where you thought I was going with this—has some encouragement for you.
In today’s episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we’re looking at one of the final parables recorded in the book of Matthew. In it, Jesus tells a story about a master who gives different amounts of money to his servants. But the story isn’t really about the money; it’s about how the servants used what they were given. God has given each of us unique gifts, along with an assignment to use those gifts well. And when you use your gifts to build something or teach someone, you honor the Giver. 
In today’s episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we are diving into Galatians Chapter Six. There, Paul writes, “Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” In other words, only you can be you. And you can only be you. You cannot be anyone else. That is the message of today’s episode: be you, my friend, so that through you, others may see who God is.
In today’s episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, I want to share with you a way to discover how your uniqueness can expand the kingdom of God and how looking back can help you move forward. 
In today’s episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we’re talking about knowing God’s will. The Bible has some things to say about this. And as you come to know God more, you will come to better understand his will. 
Welcome back to a new episode of The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast.   Multiple times in his New Testament letters, Paul uses the analogy of the human body to explain unity in the church. It is a great illustration – we understand if a foot tried to be a hand or an eye tried to be an ear, the body would not work as designed. The ear is not better than the eye, rather both help us to function in and appreciate the world around us.
In this week’s episode of The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we are looking at what Jesus has to say to someone who has grown weary with their work. Job dissatisfaction is something many, if not all, of us experience at some point. The apostle Peter did until a simple encounter with Jesus made an enormous difference in how he approached his work.
This week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we are starting a new series that I hope encourages you. Especially if you find yourself searching for purpose or trying to discern God’s will for your life. Whether you are deciding what to study after high school or determining how to spend your days in retirement, or anywhere in between, you are uniquely designed to live a life that expands the kingdom and brings glory to God.
It's hard to believe it's time to turn the calendar to a new year. If you're anxious about the future, you're not alone. As we say goodbye to one year and hello to the next, I urge you to face the future with faith. That's what we'll be talking about in this special Encouraging Word for the new year. 
Emmanuel. God with us. We say it every year. We sing it in carols, and we read it on greeting cards. A short phrase that says so much. The greatest gift you’ll ever receive can’t be bought or wrapped. It’s God himself. God. With. Us. That's exactly what we're talking about today on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. I pray great joy for you this season, my friend. Merry Christmas.
Comments (2)

Evelyn McCarthy

This is brilliant! Great Bible teaching. I enjoyed this very much. Thank you Mr Lucado

Jul 4th


One, the words 'Politically Correct' have NO PLACE IN DESCRIBING AN EVENT IN THE WORD OF GOD! 2. 'politically correct' can go back to the pit from hence it came!! cough, cough Bill Maher

Apr 24th
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