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Epic Adventure

Author: Steve Kellams

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Are you ready for an epic adventure? Welcome to the Epic Adventure Podcast! Host Steve Kellams and guests discuss all things table top roleplaying. From TTRPG news and tabletop RPG game design to tips and tricks to make your games epic.
46 Episodes
Before we get started, I want to give a shout-out to Distaff over on our Discord server. They hit us up asking for more in our Anatomy of a Campaign series. Thanks for listening and for the feedback Distaff. That was one we forgot about.Christina and I had recorded Episode 3, but the audio quality was just too bad to release. We put it in the queue to get back to it, and then with the holiday’s it got lost in the shuffle.So here we are revisiting the Pirates of Drinax campaign.Christina, do y...
On this episode of You Heard it Here Last, Christina and I talk about the upcoming D&D 2024 and the opening of Kickstarter Season.Check it out for news you have already heard.
The Western

The Western


I don’t remember if it was my first visit to the public library, a Carnagie Public Library of course, but it was definitely the first time I strayed away from the children’s section and started looking for books to read.The adult side of the library was very different. No cartoon covers in bright colors, just rows and rows of big fat books, they all looked the same. And they all looked like they were more than I could handle. But then I found them.They were in their own section. Rows and rows...
Welcome to You Heard it Here Last.We are going to start this week with some good news for D&D 5E, or at least for the Dungeon Dudes. you have been living under a rock you heard that Cynthia Williams the president of WOTC has resigned., Steve Jackson Games, a game company near and dear to my heart, t...
For me it started with Blade Runner. I remember being blown away by the majestic sweeping images while Vangelis played in the background. It was that mixture of noir and sci-fi, dark tech and it just oozed attitude.Snow Crash was next, the 1992 novel that really opened my eyes to the full cyberpunk experience. Ghost in the Shell, Altered Carbon, Akira, Battle Angel Alita, the Matrix and more recently Kacey Ezell’s Second Chance Angel rounded out my hard drive.As for roleplaying I played in a ...
On this episode of You Heard it Here Last, Mike and I talk TTRPG sales and the new Fallout TV Show.
Preparing to run a new game can be daunting. A game master must design the world the players will be adventuring in. They will need to create a compelling story, a reason to adventure. They will need to fill their new world with set pieces, action, and amazing locals. Finally, they will need a villain, a character that will compel the players to risk their own lives to stop it’s evil machinations.As game masters we often find ourselves excited for the first night of the campaign. The scene is...
On this episode of You Heard it Here Last, Mike and I talk about Chaosium's contest and the upcoming Fallout TV show.
The Sci-Fi Genre

The Sci-Fi Genre


I can remember it like it was yesterday. October, 1976, Sunday night, 7pm.I was already dressed for bed and I settled down in front of the TV.“When you wish upon a star” played from the speakers and the opening credits of “The Wonderful World of Disney” played across the screen. This was a normal Sunday night for me and it is the reason I am a huge Kurt Russell fan to this day.But this night of television was going to be very different.This night was going to change me forever.The music swell...
This week we talk about Larian Studios announcing that they will not be making any more Baldar's Gate 3 Content and Converse jumping on board the D&D train.



Roll for Initiative!To some, it’s the purpose of the entire game. To others it’s the moment of dread.We have talked about the history of roll playing games before, growing out of the wargaming simulations of the 60’s and early 70’s.Wargaming Simulations, you know … Combat.So, the early roleplaying games focused heavily around combat. The game mechanics were designed to encourage and promote combat. Kill monsters, get experience points. That can be a lot of fun and many people are dr...
First up on You Heard It Here Last we have a very cool announcement. Modiphious games has picked up the license to create the Discworld Roleplaying game. We haven’t seen a Discworld rpg since the late 90’s with Steve Jackson Games. Christina, what do you think about Modiphious picking up Discworld? on our list is a new RPG news site called Rascal. Rascal is a brand-new RPG news site. It’s independen...
The Military Genre

The Military Genre


“[Sam] fell and came heavily on his hands, which sank deep into sticky ooze, so that his face was brought close to the surface of the dark mere. There was a faint hiss, and a noisome smell went up, the lights flickered and danced and swirled. For a moment the water below him looked like some window, glazed with grimy glass, through which he was peering. Wrenching his hands out of the bog, he sprang back with a cry. ‘There are dead things, dead faces in the water,’ he said with horror. ‘Dead f...
On this episode of you heard it here last we have a couple of tidbits to discuss.First, foundry VTT has officially partnered with Wizards of the Coast to offer D&D 5e. That’s interesting? Mike, you are a big Foundry fan…thoughts? next piece of news is the canceling of Joe Mangenellos live action Dragon Lance series. He has been teasing it for over a year, but now it’s officially dead with Hasbros sale of dots One Entertainment arm...
How to Manage Your GM

How to Manage Your GM


S2 EA How to Manage your GM“Dude, I am so sorry you gotta work for that guy. He is the worst.”“It’s not that bad. Actually, we get along really well, and he’s the first boss who’s ever actually listened to my suggestions.”I think we have all found ourselves at one time or another dealing with a boss or manager that for some reason things just didn’t click. We will often blame them and fail to see that it takes two to tango.When you dig into it, usually the issues are combinations of personali...
You Heard it Here Last[Insert Intro]Recently D&D Beyond released 2023 Unrolled: A Look Back at a Year of Adventure this article breaks down the stats from users of D&D Beyond in 2023. The results are interesting especially if you enjoy data. Mike and I love data. are a few that jumped out at me. Average Age of Character Created = 28, Most Popular Species = Human (beating the elf by almost ...



PacingMy player characters entered the room and the Evil Wizard rose from the throne.“How dare you interrupt my plans” he snarled.Everyone roll for initiative.This was supposed to be the crowning battle in the adventure. An incredible, nail-biting conflict where anything could happen.It turned into a 6-hour slog and by the end, half of the players had bailed for a variety of reasons.Or should I say one reason.They got bored.A challenge game masters face is keeping the game interesting, moving...
Latest news from around the world of table top roleplaying. On this episode, Mike and I talk WOTC and AI Art.
Luke Stratton

Luke Stratton


I love historical roleplaying games.Ok, maybe not straight up historical games, but I love games that take place in a world not too different from our own. I like to be able to use real pictures, real maps, real places, and in some instances real people to flesh out my games.My fantasy games tend to be low magic with the Vandals facing the Romans. I love Call of Cthulhu for its basis on our own world. Sci-fi games just build on tech we have now.And then there is age of sail. I love that perio...
You Heard It Here Last

You Heard It Here Last


Welcome to Epic Adventure’s You Heard it Here Last.We find ourselves talking about gaming news before we record the podcast. Who did what, Who is making what, who screwed what up, so we decided to start recording these little news discussions and sprinkling them in with our regular episodes.So here we go, just chatting about gaming news that caught our attention.
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