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The Millennial Reset: Your Millennial Mental Health Safe Space
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The Millennial Reset: Your Millennial Mental Health Safe Space

Author: Peter Guse

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The Millennial Reset is a podcast specifically created for the everyday burnt out millennial.  Consider it your millennial mental health safe space, where I share my own journey of healing as a way to provide support to others who are going through that same weird stage of life where you feel directionless and stuck.  

Each episode focuses on a mental health/mindset topic that is centered around the shared experience of millennials as a way to create a sense of belonging and support.  

I'm SO glad you're here to do the inner work with me! 

Be sure to visit to learn more about Peter and get started with your own healing journey with The Millennial Mindset Makeover!

23 Episodes
(Season 2, Episode 4) In this week's episode, we're diving deep into a topic that resonates with so many of us: Millennials and Masking. How many of us feel like you've been wearing a metaphorical mask your entire adult life, pretending to be someone else just to fit in with societal expectations and get ahead? 🥺We explore:The societal pressures that lead to this masking.The psychological impact of decades of pretending to be a version of yourself that fits with societal expectationsHow to be...
(Season 2, Episode 3) In this fresh episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Kali and I make sense of why it is that so many of us have lost our sense of goals and motivation, and how to start getting your drive back! In addition to simply understanding how we got to this point, we share the three big ingredients of getting your sense of drive and motivation back: Getting REALLY clear on what the goal (or intention) is so that your brain has a vivid mental picture of what it is you...
(Season 2, Episode 2) In this week's episode of The Millennial Reset, we delve deep into the concept of breaking free from mental cages. Join me as we explore practical solutions for deconditioning from subconscious programming that keeps us stuck in burnout mode. Discover how to move past learned helplessness and embrace a new mindset for growth and happiness.🌟 There's 3 big lessons that I share in this episode that truly allowed me to start the healing process: 1️⃣ Let go of resentment...
In this first episode of Season 2 of The Millennial Reset, we delve deep into the phenomenon of millennial burnout, exploring why so many of us feel trapped and overwhelmed. From childhood conditioning to societal pressures and coping mechanisms, we unravel the layers that have led to this state of exhaustion and disillusionment. Join us as we uncover the roots of burnout and discuss actionable steps towards reclaiming our mental health and well-being. If you've ever felt stuck or lost in the...
In this week's episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Dani shares her vulnerable story of taking a 180 in her career and life after burning out as an ICU nurse during COVID. After an eye-opening panic attack, Dani made the brave decision to leave the profession that she had such a passion for going into it in order to take care of herself, just as she did for others all those years.Dani and her husband now own and operate a hemp farm, where they create hemp/CBD products in Texas.&nbs...
In this week's episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Elspeth shares her empowering story of breaking through the limiting narratives and conditioning from our past in order to step into a path of contentment vs. achievement. Elspeth shares her vulnerable story of how hitting rock bottom allowed her to set aside everything that everyone else was telling her and instead, decide to take the risks required to start living a life of more authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment. Now,...
This week on the Millennial Reset, my guest Lisa Ruggiero shares her story of moving beyond the conditioning from her environment and others that tell us to "go the safe route" in life and follow the usual directions for success and happiness, to stepping into her calling as a mindset and manifestation coach. After having surrendered decades of her life devoting herself to what she was taught was the "safe path", Lisa experienced the brick wall of burnout, turning to coping mechanisms t...
This week on the Millennial Reset, my guest Stefanie Rennert shares her journey of reinventing herself after burnout. After bidding farewell to corporate hustle culture, Stefanie set out on a journey to not only cultivate her own sense of creativity and courage, but also now supports other millennials ready to hit reset and step into a more authentic identity. As a Next Act Reinvention Coach, Stefanie uses her own learnings to provide a framework for others that are feeling stuck ...
This week on The Millennial Reset, I sit down with my guest Julio Avalos, the founder of a startup called Shades. Shades News is specifically designed with how Gen Z and millennials now consume their news. It provides easily digestible content that also showcases multiple perspectives, so that you can create your own perceptions, rather than be programmed by whatever monopoly news networks may be feeding you a single perspective. We discuss how getting our news has changed s...
In this week's episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Brittany Kelly shares her story of becoming viral on TikTok after a series of incredibly relatable posts about millennial nostalgia and memories. Britt's posts are told from the perspective of a millennial granny in the year 2058, telling her grandchildren about all of the crazy experiences and parts of our culture that are sure to raise some eyebrows of future generations! We also dive into Britt's personal story with burnout and...
In this episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Beth shares her inspiring story of truly stepping in to her passion for making music that makes a difference! Like so many of us, Beth experienced her fair share of rejection along the way in her corporate career path, leading her to base her level of worth on the job title. But a series of events created a drive in Beth to pursue the thing she had talked herself out of for so long, because we so often talk ourselves out of our pas...
In this episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Deanna shares her story of pursuing her childhood dream of becoming a figure skater in her 30s. After watching an anime about a figure skater, Deanna was reminded of a childhood dream to become a figure skater, which was not a possibility in the small town that she grew up in. But Deanna's story is a perfect example that it's NEVER too late! She decided to move beyond the fear of failure and judgment, and the need to be a per...
In this week's episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Clare shares her story of taking control of her own burnout recovery journey. After years of seeing therapists, medical professionals, and walking away with prescriptions for stress, anxiety, and sleep apnea, Clare took it upon herself to start getting at the REAL root of burnout, rather than the symptoms that so many medical professionals are eager to diagnose and prescribe. Clare is now sharing the knowledge gained from her self...
In this week's episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Wren shares her story of using the pandemic and a corporate layoff to fuel her newly discovered passion of writing. Wren shares her journey of using creative writing as an outlet to explore and learn more about her most authentic identity. I'm sure that Wren's story will resonate so much with those of us, especially millennials, who are ready to start stepping into a more authentic identity that is driven by our own intentio...
In this episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Jessica shares her journey of growing up as a millennial and watching all of the spiritual "gurus" that led her on a path of trying to find her purpose. After years of seeking answers from psychics and even ayahuasca retreats, Jessica had a different type of awakening. A wake up call that her purpose wasn't something that she had to go in search of, but rather that purpose can come from everyday experiences of becoming OF purpose t...
In this episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Kristina shares her story of how climbing the corporate ladder resulted in a loss of her authenticity. We talk about how so many of us put on a mask at work to try to prove our value and worth, which becomes exhausting over time when you can't just be your authentic self!Kristina and her husband took the leap to quit their successful corporate careers to start their own doggy day care business, and rediscovered her true sense of authenti...
In this episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Nicole Ciotta shares her journey of a passion that was ignited during the pandemic that she is now fueling in order to share her gifts with others. Nicole still works the typical 9-5 corporate job, but by setting healthy boundaries, she empowered herself to carve out time for her passions of genealogy and is now creating a side hustle through her passions of genealogy and scrapbooking to to provide the gift of discovering your heritage a...
In this Millennial Reset podcast interview, my guest Brad shares his journey of making the leap from the 9-5 and rat race, to pursuing his passions through creating a community of like-minded individuals. I think Brad's story is a perfect example of what can happen when we let go of some of the societal norms that keep us glued to the same path for much of our careers. Brad discussed the beliefs he had to overcome and the sacrifices he made in order to start doing more of what bri...
In this episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Karolina shares her story of what it was like to move from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles (population 11 million), to the town that she was raised in Sweden (population 400). Karolina discusses what it was like to go from the stimulus and information overload of living in the US, and keeping up in the rat race, to spending her days getting to know her neighbors, reconnecting with nature and her heritage, and remodeling the house th...
In this inspiring episode of The Millennial Reset, my guest Luisa shares her story of the moment that she knew a change was necessary, and leaving behind her successful corporate recruiter lifestyle in New York to move to an eco-friendly farm in Honduras. Luisa discusses how the feelings of discontentment continued to grow as she climbed the corporate ladder of the corporate world, and then one day, she decided that she was ready to make the leap. Luisa now spends her days living a much...
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