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Grind my Metal Gears

Author: Danny M

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Welcome to Grind My Metal Gears! A podcast where lore master Danny takes Metal Gear novice Austin through the Metal Gear Solid series.

Follow the podcast @GrindMyMGS, Austin @chai_squared, and Danny @covermeinsauce on Twitter!
36 Episodes
It's time to fight Peace Walker! Except first we have to sneak through a hanger, get captured and tortured, escape, sneak through said hanger AGAIN, and then we fight Peace Walker. Only for it turn spider-mode and run away, the coward. We talk about all of that and still find time to talk about Huey's cringe letter to Strangelove. If you thought Otacon was a bit of loser, wait til you get a load of his dad. Episode 35: Huey's Cringe Letter
Peace Walker continues! It's time to take down two more AI mechs (and then replay the fights for those sweet, sweet Zeke parts). We also get to meet Dr. Strangelove (not the Peter Sellers one unfortunately), and start to learn what her whole deal is. Also: the Boss? Maybe you've heard of her? Well she's here too... sorta. Episode 34: Kojima Kaminandesu
We're back with more Peace Walker! Time to fight the Shagohod, uh, I mean, time to fight Pupa! We also learn a bit more about what's going on in Costa Rica as we meet Otacon's father, and *checks notes* Hot Coldman. Episode 33: Mr. Kojima?
We're back in the hands of Hideo Kojima as we move on from Portable Ops to Peace Walker! Turns out everything we liked about Portable Ops is here, but there's more of it and it's even better. After spending some time away from him, we can really feel Kojima's influence on this one. Join us as we begin our quest to build up Outer Heaven and find out what the CIA is doing in Costa Rica. Episode 32: Portable Ops Plus
Not even a battery failure could keep us from finishing Portable Ops! We finally learn what Gene's goals are (and you just know Big Boss is taking notes), have a shocking revelation about the events of MGS3, catch a few glimpses of our boy Ocelot, and stop a nuclear war or something, but that's not as important. Join us next time for Peace Walker! Episode 31: Electronic Mail
We're not quite at the end of Portable Ops just yet, but it's time for a big fight against a Metal Gear! Or maybe it's more accurate to call it a small fight against a medium-sized Metal Gear? Regardless! We take down RAXA and learn a little bit more about what's really going on here in the San Hieronymo Peninsula and what Gene might be planning. We also say farewell to one of our best soldiers. This is the fantastic Metal Gear RAXA art we talk about in the episode:
Last time we made it across that pesky rail bridge, so now it's time to find out what's on the other side! Turns out there's nukes, maybe a metal gear, and a Mr. freeze pinhead combination freak that we also have to fight. Episode 29: The Podcast Historian
We're reliving the glorious days of portable gaming with 2006's Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: the first non-Kojima led game we're covering! Time to find out what Big Boss was up to after the events of MGS3. Turns out he was somewhere in Columbia with Roy Campbell building an army one solider at a time. Episode 28: Portable Gamin'
We're finally here at the end of MGS4. We've got a rat patrol Wedding, a ninja family reunion, and Solid Snake's got one last mission to complete. One last bullet to fire into his.. hey wait, who's that coming up behind him. By God! That's ███ ████'s music! Episode 27: PATR10T
It's our penultimate episode on MGS4! We've gotta stop Liquid's plan by uploading a virus into GW, but first we have one last Beauty and the Beast Corps member to take care of, a reunion with a certain psychic, a long walk down a microwave hallway, and one final battle between two men free of ideology and politics (questionable). Episode 26: Love CAN Bloom On the Battlefield
Time to make our fated return to Shadow Moses Island before it sinks into the ocean. After strolling down memory lane, we have one final showdown with everyone's favorite bisexual vampire and then finally, after 4 games, we get in the robot. Episode 25: Fox... Die... Ja Nai!
Not a lot of gameplay happens in Act 3 of MGS4, but we learn SO MUCH from the cutscenes. Enjoy this longer than normal episode as we try to unpack the many things we learn from Big Mama before Ocelot finally gains control of The System. Episode 24: Bag Boss
Our journey with Old Snake *psyche gauge lowers* continues into Act 2 of MGS4. We run into our old friends bisexual vampire and ninja twink (who's now cyborg ninja twink!). Can an old man *psyche gauge lowers even more* keep up with these young studs? Oh and hey, it's time to learn what the deal is with the Beauty and Beast Corps (and it's not good!). Episode 23: Metal Gear Bulldozer
We're back with more MGS4! We finished Act 1 which means it's time for a reunion with Meryl, an encounter with some beasts (who may or may not also be beauties), and a brief glimpse of our boy Liquid Ocelot. Episode 22: 2080p
We say goodbye to the PS2 and hello to the PS3 as we begin Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, a game with a whole lot going on from the jump. PMCs? Nanomachines? The war economy? Cyber eyes? Monkey? Terrible eggs?! We've got so much to talk about it just the first few hours of the game, so make sure to get your iPod ready to listen to this "integral podcast." Episode 21: War HAS Changed
We finished MGS3! So much happens in the final moments of this game: a face-off against a G.I Joe villain, a motorcycle chase, a fight against the Shagohod, another motorcycle chase, and a climactic showdown with The Boss. Even with all of that, there's still time for some last minute character revelations and one final standoff with everyone's favorite revolving spinning freak, Ocelot. Make sure to tune in next time as we begin Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots! Episode 20: You Can't Out-fox an Ocelot
In this episode, it's time for some classic MGS stuff: sneaking around a military base, getting tortured, and fighting a dude with psychic powers. And also crotch grabbing? Episode 19: Long Line of Johnnys
In this episode we fight the world's oldest sniper, climb a very long ladder, sneak around some mountains, have another meeting with our favorite femme fatale, and get flambeed by an absolute freak who just wants the world to burn. Episode 18: Tsuchinoko Real
Time for us to face off against our first two members of the Cobra unit. We fight off a bunch of hornets in cave with The Pain, and have a Predator style show down with The Fear. Along the way we also get to pretend to be a scientist and meet a sad, drunk Russian man who has strong opinions on mech designs. Episode 17: Real Mechs Have Legs
It's time to commence Operation Snake Eater, and also time to actually eat some snakes. We meet our KGB contact Eva, watch Snake get extremely horny over a .45, make fun of Ocelot for not being able to count, and have a face off with the gun flipping wizard himself (before some hornets come along and ruin the moment). Episode 16: Gun Freak Snake