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COT Soundcloud Feed

Author: jay

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412 Episodes
At the end of this October, the 1 year paid podcast subscription service will expire.  I will not be paying the $600 they are asking for another year.  Glad to have had so many listeners.  At times this podcast was ranked in the top 20 in the Christian category for this podcast service provider (Podomatic)."How deep the Father's love" sung by Mike LeBlanc and recorded in Nashville.
 Original file.A continuation of overnight tracking of hurricane Helena and Q and A.
 Original be continued with more updates
 Original file.Michael updated us on Hurricane Helena - forecasts change every four hours. Follow the instructions in your area.USA is the landlord over Israel.The new generations do not hold the heart toward Israel and are now stepping up into leadership positions. Changes according to prophecy will take place. All political groups feel like something is lost and will be seeking it. Know the importance of Israel from the Scriptures.Discipline is having the resolve to continue event to the point of death.Man's stage of development is at the place where nothing satisfies...The Believer in Christ is facing "Another Step" of filling and quickening.The Scientific method cannot be applied to Spiritual Truth.The false returning of the Messiah will ignore all the words of the New Testament.There is a great "hack" coming that will initialize the need for an A I companion. It is not the mark...Q and A and weather update near the end.
 Original file.Reread Isaiah chapters 9-14King of Babylon
 Original file.good things to have in a go bag- suggestions for preparationsIt's time to Trust God and walk in faith and truth.
 Original file.Be ready for the coming of the Son of Man.Watching is a way of life...a lifestyle adopted to being ready.The world teaches us how to incorporate spiritual standards into worldly ways.We protect ourselves from things that will harm us but we are not to live / operate by the spirit of fear.Fear marks a person it dwells in...It tells you "You've got time" .IT IS TIME TO GET RID OF FEAR!The Kingdom of God is born within you...the more obedience enters into your life, the more you operate in it.When looking at others...fortify the hedge around not look for "cracks" and faults.Everything you do by the Word of God will initialize by FAITH.Our Heavenly Father shows you both the darkness and the choose.
 Original file.Dates to watch - September 23, 27, 293 Low pressure systems - Triangle - Low stalled systems
 Original file.It is important for us to understand what God has decreed over Israel...and why the trampling for 42 months. In Daniel 11:31 and on we read about today's future...and in Jeremiah 4 you read of the heart of God towards His people...saying, "Return to me"...and if you will put away your abominations you will not be removed.We live in a time of witnessing God bringing forth His Word of correction...God orchestrates the antichrist's rising and falling.All tyrants are born when their country has a conflict regarding its identity...they begin as a patriot and then Satan comes..."a patriotic tyrant has been born in Gaza capturing the ears..."God put us here to destroy the works of the devil, not to agree with the world, but intercede for them.Anger = loss of control over situation...vengeanceKD files are being added into the site...slowly. Things may look different as they come into your account.
 Original file.Store (JCPenny) scenario - Faithful - Jesus shows up when it really counts. God works through vessels. He choose to use us- He chooses this way. Lean not into thine own understanding verse given.
 Original file.Michael began tonight talking about a dream with flooding - helping people - red mud...a real water event.The fires are coming ...get a physical map of your terrain so you know escape routes. You cannot count on electronics.Michael's belief is that the earth's orbit will change...stars will be out of place, many years of uncertainty with weather drastically changing.The things we go thru are managed by the Father.Home is the place you found comfort in when you were small...your safe place.Resistance produces strength and life.The Lord has given us all this time to choose...Pursue freedom from sin in earnest, with great sincerity.Repentance.You are being tried to see if anything can cause you to fall away from the Kingdom of God.
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 Original file.The world will assign to each of us a "companion" that allows access, interpretation and authorization.The scripture must be interpreted by the Holy Spirit, not logic.Review of the history of getting the Bible...Church...communities...prosperity...modernization of the message...itchy ears...entertainment...and the falling awayRead Scripture and Walk it out.Dream of helping people in troubled times touched on.Let us not be locked into our own "stuff" and block out what others are communicating to us. Act on your sincerity in the Lord.Do you agree with Jesus, or not?You were called to be in the "see it" generation. Don't let the carnal ways of the world corrupt what the Lord has put in you.Always stand ready to lift up your will draw strength together collectively in praise , only to go out again to serve.
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 Original file.COT is moving forward...pray for things we are involved with when it is posted on COT revealed.One Celestial cluster of objects is being looked at.We will be hit...and based on the direction that man goes...the results will follow.It will affect a huge area.You are able to take anything you are living thru this day, as it is given to you by the Father and He has prepared you to grow and overcome the situations. Walk boldly in His Power and will.When the number of people to be brought to salvation is met, then the "flood" of destruction will be released."I am right, you are wrong" spirit is strong in the world.The one who truly believes in the Word of God will not corrupt themselves.Agencies will not show you anything that is going to kill you....if they make a big deal out of something it will not be that.Any object of decent mass will change their trajectory if another comes for the shifts of orbits.Dreams - The demon Mountains, The train / trading dream - lights worked, cars did not...grass high...these are mentioned at the end of the talk....also, that he will speak to us of the magnetic reversal process of our earth.
 Original file.Don't lose your footing -Presidential Debate Night - The Earth will react to the heart of the people.
 Original file.Joel 3:13 - Revelation 14:15-20Hardship brings great joy-Tune in for the Lord- await instruction from God
 Original file.The beginning of the Emergence -Perfect Love Cast Out All Fear-2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
 Original file.Michael introduces the 3rd secret of Fatima and that it was not released in whole because of it's contents that dealt with the apostasy of the church...starts in the Catholic church beginning with the Pope. The Pope kissed the Koran.Go forward in the power of the Kingdom of God. Destroy the works of the devil...obey the direction given to you in prayer...walk in holiness. Complement the Work of Jesus in the Earth. The Lord's way is highly effective.People can be favored in your land thru your obedience.The worst disasters have the most holy of tones.We do not accept our inheritance in our acts of disobedience.Meekness is when you are teachable.Darkness cannot deal with the compassion within you."things that won't flush" are places where we have yet to experience a victory.