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Live Life by Design Podcast

Live Life by Design Podcast

Author: Become An Investor

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Here we talk about not only the good things about entrepreneurship but the struggles that have tailored you into whom you are today. Our industry is real estate investing and we know for a fact that through our conversation we can exchange ideas that can both empower and enlighten us all towards new ways of thinking and new ways of doing things. So join us and be prepared to have an awesome,casual, but very powerful conversation for both of our audiences to enjoy.

50 Episodes
In this week's episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast our hosts talk cash flow versus appreciation - two crucial real estate investment strategies. The discussion dives into creative ways to force equity and turbocharge both cash flow and appreciation on a single property. One insider example analyzes a deal plagued with mold that turned into a cash cow!But it's not just about the huge wins. Our hosts also get real about aligning your investing strategies with your personal risk tolerance. There's plenty of wise advice on building a balanced portfolio, planning smart exit strategies, and most importantly - not being scared when markets shift. While appreciation gives a long-term wealth boost, our hosts make a convincing case that cash flow is the pathway to replace your income and declare financial freedom. - Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
This week's episode of the "Live Life by Design" is a masterclass on mindset, planning, and leveraging your skillset as an entrepreneur. Whether you're just starting out or well into your journey, our guest Ricardo's refusal to compromise on his passions while maximizing every opportunity will have you reflecting on your own dreams and capabilities.Ricardo shares his drive to create a life beyond the corporate ladder while sharing his unique perspective as a contractor-investor, delving into how his problem-solving prowess, logical reasoning, and risk management skills directly translate to real estate. Both the seasoned investor or an aspiring entrepreneur, will learn from his philosophy of making your success a necessity, just like breathing.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
On this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast our guest Anaid Ramirez tells her fascinating story that despite being undocumented when she arrived in the U.S. at age 12, she put herself through college at Cal Poly Pomona by working multiple jobs - from knocking on doors to waitressing to cold calling. Her powerful mindset of embracing challenges and never giving up enabled her to graduate in the top of her class with a degree in mathematics and statistics. Anaid's entrepreneurial spirit shines through as she discusses starting a salsa dancing group in college to pursue her passion, then later launching her own dance classes at a local community center. Despite initially struggling with feelings of dependency after leaving her job to be a stay-at-home mom. Her drive to contribute financially and lift burdens from her supportive husband motivates her voracious study of real estate.The conversation is both hilarious and profound, and illustrates how embracing life's inevitable failures can catalyze personal growth. - Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this week's episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast our hosts dive into the juicy topic of identifying motivated sellers and distressed properties. From overgrown yards and piled-up trash to unpaid utility liens and irate homeowner encounters, leads are everywhere, if you know where to look.Our hosts emphasize the importance of empathy while maintaining professional boundaries. It's not personal, must be the mantra when faced with denial or hostility from stressed out homeowners and the real win lies in providing solutions that relieve their burden.With humor and wisdom, our hosts break down why understanding the seller's motivation is crucial! Be it inheritance, job loss, marital woes, or simply living paycheck-to-paycheck. They remind listeners that big problems yield big paydays in this business. So embrace the emotional rollercoaster.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
The latest episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast is a high-energy conversation packed with insights from our conversation with real estate investor Jeremy Gambino. Jeremy shares his inspiring journey from being a truck driver to becoming a passionate lender empowering other investors. His story underscores the power of taking that first step, even when everything seems like an obstacle.Our hosts and Jeremy touch on everything from mobile home investing to the importance of surrounding yourself with a team of trusted partners who complement your strengths. They emphasize key takeaways such as knowing your worth, not undervaluing yourself, and pushing through hurdles that are inevitable in any worthwhile business journey. Overall, it's an inspiring conversation on cultivating the investor's mindset.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, our hosts welcome a special guest, Fausto Miranda, an investor, entrepreneur, and general contractor. With an intriguing quote that sets the tone, "It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war," Fausto shares his fascinating journey from his humble beginnings in Guerrero, Mexico, to becoming a successful business owner in the United States. Fausto's path to success was paved with challenges and adversities. Born in Mexico, he was brought to the U.S. at the age of seven and immediately thrust into the workforce after graduating from high school. Undeterred by the obstacles, Fausto embraced every opportunity that came his way, from picking fruit to working in warehouses, until he eventually became self-employed as a handyman at the age of 22. His pursuit of growth and self-improvement led him to obtain his contractor's license in November 2022, marking a significant milestone in his entrepreneurial journey. In order to reach his goals, Fausto discusses the importance of continuous learning, adapting to change, and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who can contribute to personal and professional growth. - Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
This weeks "Live Life by Design" podcast features a conversation with community member Austin Alvarez. His story begins with openly sharing how he once dreamed of playing professional baseball, only to have that goal slip away when he couldn't keep up with his more talented teammates.The discussion then turns to Austin discussing how he's now applying the lessons he learned with his psychology degree to his real estate pursuits. Our hosts recognize this as a significant advantage, and they challenge Austin to fully leverage that knowledge and discipline to achieve his entrepreneurial aspirations.The conversation is punctuated with valuable golden nuggets, like the importance of facing your fears and the need to "buy back" your time from a traditional 9-to-5 job. Ultimately, this podcast episode leans into the power of personal growth and the transformative potential of stepping into the unknown. Austin's journey serves as a compelling case study, and our hosts' guidance and encouragement make this a must-listen for anyone seeking the courage to redefine their own path.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design," podcast our hosts dive deep into the essence of networking, not just as a tool for professional growth but as a transformative journey for personal development. The conversation opens with a powerful quote from Bill Nye: "Everyone you ever meet knows something you don't." Our hosts explore the transformative power of networking in various spheres, including its surprising role in personal challenges, like selling property under distress or connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, including those who have experienced homelessness. These narratives underscore the episode's core message: networking is a rich tapestry of human connection and mutual growth.In addition to transformative power of networking our hosts also delve into practical aspects of networking, such as lead generation and accessing off-market deals, emphasizing the importance of intention and value in these interactions. They debunk the myth of quick success in networking, advocating for consistency, genuine connections, and a give-and-take approach that fosters trust and long-term relationships.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, our hosts interview Loweta Gonzalez and delve into an inspiring exploration of entrepreneurship, real estate investment, and the profound impact of faith and personal empowerment in achieving professional success.Loweta acquired her first property at 22 with no prior experience and since has become a savvy investor. She credits her faith and personal belief systems in overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities. Loweta's experience and expertise are on full display as she speaks on syndication, notes, and leveraging insurance policies as innovative strategies for building wealth. Her wisdom shines through as she demystifies these complex concepts, making them accessible and compelling for everyone. This week's conversation is a rich blend of real estate wisdom, personal growth insights, and inspiring stories of overcoming challenges through faith, creativity, and perseverance. It offers everyone a unique and valuable perspective on how to navigate the complexities of investing and life.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design," podcast our hosts delve into the pervasive challenge of analysis paralysis in real estate investing.After sharing some personal stories of overthinking at times, our hosts get into some examples of how analysis paralysis can manifest in various forms, from fear of making mistakes to the pursuit of perfection.The key to overcoming these barriers includes the importance of community and accountability. Being part of a supportive network can offer the motivation and perspective needed to move forward. Some other practical advice shared is breaking tasks into manageable steps, prioritizing actions over perfection, and leveraging the experiences of others within a community to avoid common pitfalls.Our hosts focus on the potential growth and success that comes from taking action, even in the face of uncertainty, and invite you to continue the conversation with them.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In our 40th episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, our hosts dive deep into the essential topic of marketing and lead generation, as it is the lifeline of any business. This episode revolves around the intricacies of lead generation, described as the process of attracting potential customers to learn more about a company's products or services and converting them into leads. Our hosts emphasize the importance of relationship-building over mere transactional interactions. Focused around the quote of the episode, "We do a lot of one-night stands in lead generation and not enough long-term relationships," by Mike King, they discuss the significance of nurturing long-term relationships with prospects.A key takeaway from the episode is the crucial role of follow-ups in converting leads into customers, the detrimental impact of neglecting this aspect, and practical advice on mastering one tool or system for managing leads effectively. Our hosts share their personal experiences and preferences in generating leads, such as the effectiveness of postcards for one host and the value of referrals and direct interactions for building trust and relationships.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, our team delves into the nuanced world of real estate investing terminology and strategies. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for both seasoned investors and newcomers to the field.The conversation kicks off with a detailed exploration of "flipping" properties, where our hosts emphasize the need for meticulous planning, realistic budgeting, and preparing for unexpected challenges in renovation projects. They share stories from their own experiences, underscoring the reality that surprises and setbacks are part of the investment journey, thus highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptability."Wholesaling" is presented as a low-risk, high-reward strategy, suitable for those looking to make profits without the extensive commitment required in flipping or managing rental properties. Our discussion underscores the significance of networking and the ability to connect buyers and sellers effectively.The first two terms leads into a discussion on rental properties, where our hosts share insights into managing properties, dealing with tenants, and ensuring a steady flow of passive income. They advocate for understanding one's investor identity and aligning strategies with personal goals and risk tolerance. Finally getting into the "BRRRR" strategy (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat), our hosts express skepticism about its viability, especially considering market volatility and the dangers of over-leveraging. This discussion serves as a cautionary tale for investors, urging them to thoroughly research and critically assess trendy investment strategies.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
This weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, delves into themes of taking action over perfection, the importance of learning from others' experiences, and the profound impact of decisions on one’s future.The episode showcases a compelling narrative of personal growth, highlighting the journey of the guest, Leon Whitlow, from being influenced by his mother's interest in real estate to becoming an active wholesaler. The discussion emphasizes the value of quotes and experiences as never-expiring tools for overcoming challenges and achieving success.Our hosts vividly capture the significance of mentorship and community in navigating the complexities of real estate investing. While presenting a balanced view of the excitement and challenges within the field, including the reality behind glamorous TV portrayals of real estate and the practical steps towards making informed investment decisions.Our podcast appeals to aspiring entrepreneurs and real estate investors by offering practical advice, inspirational stories, and the encouragement to pursue one’s goals with diligence and persistence. It’s a must-listen for anyone looking to design their life with intentionality and achieve success through real estate investment.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the *Live Life By Design* podcast, our hosts immediately delve into a discussion on authenticity and the importance of shedding perceived expectations and embracing one's true self, which serves as the episode's central theme.Throughout the episode, the conversation revolves around the challenges and importance of being authentic, especially in professional contexts like career changes or business dealings. Our hosts share personal anecdotes and insights, reflecting on the difficulty of maintaining authenticity in new environments and the tendency to adopt a facade to fit in. They argue that authenticity is crucial for building trust and genuine connections, both personally and professionally.Ultimately, our hosts bring the discussion back to the real estate industry, where authenticity is presented as a key to success. They emphasize the value of being genuine in negotiations, client relationships, and career progression, suggesting that authenticity can differentiate individuals in a competitive field.The episode is characterized by a mix of humor, personal stories, and practical advice, aiming to inspire you to pursue authenticity in all aspects of your life. It closes on a motivational note, encouraging self-acceptance and a genuine approach to personal and professional growth.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, our hosts delve into the intriguing world of creative acquisitions in the real estate investing. Our hosts explore the importance and the benefits of creatively acquiring properties, emphasizing the value of thinking outside the box and leveraging creativity to overcome industry paradigms and challenges.Emphasizing the critical role of listening and creativity in problem-solving and the potential for growth and innovation in the real estate investing. Our hosts share exercises for enhancing creative thinking and stress the significance of approaching problems from multiple angles to find unique solutions. They argue that creativity is not just about generating ideas but also about listening, understanding pain points, and crafting bespoke solutions that benefit all parties involved.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
Today's episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast focuses on the importance of planning in achieving personal and business goals. Our hosts share valuable insights on how a well-thought-out plan acts as a roadmap to success, emphasizing the significance of setting big goals and creating a detailed strategy to reach them.Topics also discussed are various aspects of planning, including financial planning, goal setting, and the mental and emotional aspects of sticking to a plan. Real-life examples, such as the construction process and personal anecdotes from the hosts' experiences in real estate investing, illustrate the challenges and rewards of planning.This episode encourages listeners to approach planning with a vision, reverse engineer their goals, and remain adaptable. It also touches on the importance of education, tax strategies, and continuous self-development in business growth.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast, our hosts delve into the critical importance of follow-up in both personal and professional contexts. The episode kicks off with an engaging quote by Brian Tracy on persistence, setting the tone for a conversation centered around the consequences of neglecting follow-up and the power of perseverance. Key themes discussed include the impact of follow-up on building relationships, maintaining momentum in business, and the necessity of having a system to manage follow-ups effectively. Our hosts include candid reflections on personal setbacks due to lack of follow-up, alongside insights on how adopting a disciplined approach transformed their outcomes. This episode offers valuable lessons on the significance of follow-up as a cornerstone of success. Our hosts' unique perspectives and expertise in real estate provide practical advice and underscore the episode's message: follow-up is not just a task but a strategic element critical to achieving goals. - Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
This weeks "Live Life by Design" featured special guest Chevyn McClintock, an interior designer and real estate investor with an impressive resume that includes being named top realtor in America at age 30 and having her interior design work featured in major media outlets like HGTV and the New York Times. Our hosts and Chevyn have an incredibly wide ranging conversation, touching on McClintock's entrepreneurial drive from a young age, her passion for art and design, and the challenges she overcame as a woman succeeding in male-dominated industries like real estate and construction. Chevyn shared inspiring stories about following her dreams from Texas to California, standing up to skeptics as she took on high-profile interior design projects, and breaking barriers by becoming the first woman appointed to the Santa Barbara Contractors Association board. The podcast also discussed Chevyn's tips for budget-conscious yet stylish flips, the importance of dignity and kindness alongside business success, and the need to "never, ever give up" when faced with obstacles. McClintock and our hosts also lamented society's loss of human interaction and proper manners in the internet age.In the end, our hosts encouraged listeners, especially aspiring women entrepreneurs, to follow Chevyn's lead and persevere in pursuing their passions.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
This weeks "Live Life by Design," podcast is hosted by our two mothers, Sara Medina and Daniela Magnani, focuses on the challenging yet rewarding journey of balancing professional ambitions with motherhood. Our hosts share their personal experiences as mothers and businesswomen, revealing the daily struggles and triumphs of juggling family responsibilities with professional goals.Throughout the conversation, our hosts offer various strategies for achieving this balance. They discuss the significance of setting both short-term and long-term goals, creating a structured weekly schedule, and the critical role of prioritizing family needs. They share anecdotes about managing time for children's activities while maintaining a focus on their careers, highlighting the importance of flexibility and multitasking.While difficult, networking and mentorship emerge as key themes in the podcast. Our hosts underscore the value of building professional relationships and seeking guidance to enhance career growth. They also delve into the challenges of attending networking events while managing family responsibilities, suggesting innovative ways to network in everyday situations, such as at the grocery store or during school drop-offs.Today's podcast offers practical advice and encouragement to mothers striving to balance their careers and family life. Our hosts emphasize the importance of setting clear boundaries, maintaining a positive mindset, and continually reassessing priorities to achieve a fulfilling and harmonious life.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
In this weeks episode of the "Live Life By Design" podcast our hosts discuss the importance of finding your identity as a real estate investor. They emphasize that you need to understand your role in the business and what strategies fit you best in order to be successful.Our hosts share the importance of having your own identity and always knowing the next step you want to take. They relate this to real estate investing - you have to keep moving and taking action in order to grow, even if it means stepping into uncertainty. Stagnation leads to staying in your comfort zone.The conversation covers how circumstances often force people to make changes in their lives and careers. This discomfort can lead to significant growth. Our hosts use examples from their own lives of how losing a job or going through a divorce prompted them to pursue real estate investing. However, they note that proactive people don't wait around for circumstances to push them into change. They also debate whether real estate strategies should be circumstantial or more tied to your inherent preferences and talents. Our hosts emphasize the importance of laser focusing your energy so you can truly master a specific investing niche. As a new investor, you may need to try different strategies to ultimately find the right fit based on your skills and passion.In summary, the key is taking action, surrounding yourself with mentors, and exploring different real estate niches to determine your identity. Don’t get overwhelmed by analysis paralysis. Allow your identity as an investor to evolve over time. Focus on acquiring knowledge and experience that will serve you for decades to come.- Links -To learn more about Become An Investor -- > www.BecomeAnInvestor.comTo learn more about Foreclosures -- > on Social Media -- > @BecomeAnInvestor
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