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Quits and Giggles
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Quits and Giggles

Author: Lauren Leopold

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If you've ever thought 'There must be more to life than this' you're not alone. With 7.5 million women dreaming of leaving their jobs to start a business, the terms 'side hustle', side gig' and 'side business' are fast becoming the norm.

Join Lauren Leopold, side business coach & corporate escapee as she dishes the dirt on her own employee to entrepreneur journey & interviews other badass women about theirs. Whether you're sitting at work Googling 'How do I start a business' or wondering how to take your side business full time, this is the show for you. 

30 Episodes
WARNING: This episode is a tad ranty...Listen as I dish out some sass and lay bare all the BS that's swirling around the online business world right now. From those sneaky webinars trying to lure you into high-priced coaching programs to the illusion that you can charge big bucks right out of the gate... I've had enough of these fake AF promises! And don't even get me started on the whole fantasy of passive income raining from the sky. It's time to wake up and smell the Oat Milk Lat...
Getting your first paying client not only feels incredible, it also gives you the belief that you can have a future working for yourself.In this episode I’m joined by my amazing client, Zabrina Chapman, who just 6 months ago was dreaming of pivoting from her corporate job to the world of interior design. But she was drowning in questions, unsure where to start, and really wanted to avoid social media at all costs.She shares how she landed those first paying client and all the challenges...
Becoming a badass female entrepreneur doesn’t always mean completely changing careers. You CAN take control of your career by starting a consultancy within your specialism.My guest in this episode is Helen Patrick, who is a little bit different from my usual side hustle clients, because she was already working in the charity sector before building her business supporting the causes she cared about.Helen decided to go back to the drawing board and hire me as a coach. Her business journey...
The “You need to use social media to start a business” myth is the biggest one out there.Knowing your market and utilising your real-life network is really all you need to get your business off the ground. I know because that’s how I started mine and because I’ve seen it time and time again with the 70+ badass female entrepreneurs I’ve coached.In this episode my guest Janey tells you just how she did it, so you can too. She shares her experiences of being in my group programme, Side Hustle Wi...
The business cards, the website, the photoshoot…..none of it actually matters when you are starting a business.So, what should you be focusing on?In this episode I’m joined by the incredible Gemma Gilbert, a business coach specialising in all things group programmes. Gemma was the coach who helped me create my group coaching programme Side Hustle without Social, as well as so much more than that.She shares the things she wasted time and money on at the beginning of her business. Her meteoric ...
Transitioning from employee to owning your own business can feel euphoric but is also full of challenges.After the birth of her first child Nikki Deakin left teaching to go full time into her interior design side hustle. Her new life as her own boss enabled her to work on projects she loved, whilst fitting them around family life.However, the entrepreneurial journey isn’t always easy and from your troubles there’s always a lesson. In this inspiring episode, Nikki shares the highs and lows fro...
I was recently joined by 4 of my amazing clients for a LinkedIn Live that we recorded on International Women’s Day and there were so many juicy gems in there, that I wanted to share it with you on this podcast. They got super vulnerable with me and shared their experiences in the early stages of being full-time entrepreneurs - the good, the bad and the ugly.Listen for a no holds barred view of what it's like to make the leap to self-employment and what it really takes to succeed as...
Do you ever feel like you are made for more?Well, my guest in this episode Sarah Connolly felt exactly the same and that’s precisely why she created her PA business ‘Freedom & Happy’. But it hasn’t been easy.From the devastating losses of both parents within 18 months of each other that spurred her on to build a career she was proud of, to getting over her huge fear of visibility, worrying about what people would think about her business idea and her ickiness around doing market res...
What is life like 6 months after you quit your job and go all in on your badass businessWell, Nicola Pye, is back to tell us all about it.Nicola was my guest 6 months ago just as she was about to start life working for herself after quitting her corporate role to become a Leadership Coach.Now, 6 months later she returns to fill us in on how it’s been going with brutal honesty. She gives a breakdown of each month, and shares the biggest tips she has learnt along the way.This episode is a must ...
Wherever you are on your entrepreneurial journey, you’ll no doubt be be faced with fear and self-doubt. But it doesn’t have to be that way.You have the power to overcome the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that hold you back through small shifts in your mindset. You just need to know how.In this episode I talk to Christian Baker, a high-performance mindset coach, who’s mission is to guide frustrated business owners out of stagnation and overwhelm, and into unshakeable self belief and ...
There are many reasons to make the change from a corporate career to starting your own business.After a long IVF journey, my guest in this episode, Laura Walker, decided she wanted to be more present for her children. This couldn’t happen in her corporate role, so she chose to retrain and follow her dream of running her own business.So she trained to be a reflexologist on the side of her job and - like many new business owners - the road wasn’t always smooth.In this inspiring episode, Laura t...
Quitting your job to start a business can leave you full of doubts.Am I doing the right thing? How do I do this? Will it succeed?My guest in this episode, Nicole Burnett, had all these feelings when starting her interior design business, especially because she started it 2 months before the pandemic hit. But her entrepreneurial growth mindset made it a success.She shares her insights into why easing yourself into your business and having a support network around you is vital to achieving your...
Are you looking to become a badass boss bitch and achieve big things in 2024?In this episode I let you into the secret that helped me completely turn my life around, quit my corporate job and start my own coaching business. I go through exercises and tips you can use to do the same and become a badass female entrepreneur.If I can do it, you can too.“Just remember, think big, dare to dream” – Lauren LeopoldYou'll hear about:01:18 - The secret to flipping negative thoughts02:44 - Transforming m...
Today's episode is a look back down memory lane at all the interviews I've done since launching this podcast back in July.You’ll hear all the best top tips from my incredible clients who are either running a business full time or running it as a side hustle on the side of their job.From the importance of investing in yourself, to getting clear on your mission and the practical side of getting financially ready to quit your 9 to 5, this episode is jam packed with incredible advice from women w...
You do not need social media to start your side hustle. This goes against what so many believe, but it is oh so true.My guest in this episode is proof. Eva Murray started her side business by utilising her network, with not a social post in sight. Now she’s gone on to build her own successful coaching business helping data & tech professionals get unstuck and find direction in their career.In this episode she talks about her experiences finding those first clients, and how she went from f...
Working on yourself is an ongoing part of entrepreneurship. Self-doubt will always rear its ugly head, but always know that changing your mindset can change your future.My guest in this episode, Marta Balasz is the epitome of that. She felt unfulfilled in a fast paced corporate environment that ultimately led to burnout. Realising her side hustle aligned with her passions she went for it, but her self-confidence was low until she started coaching with me to work through that imposter sy...
If I can create a five-figure side hustle in 6 months, then so can you.In this episode I share how I went from having an emotional breakdown, realising the job I was promoted into was just plain wrong for me, to creating a five-figure business on the side. You’ll hear about the impact coaching had on me and how I had to get over my negative money mindset about being able to afford it. I also talk about how you can create time for your side hustle in amongst the stresses of li...
Launching a new business can be scary, especially when it is a complete career change. You need to be able to overcome that fear and lean into the discomfort to make that dream a reality.My guest in this episode, Kim Bunce, did just that. She shares how she dreamed of going from social care worker to interior designer, but spent hours procrastinating on things that didn’t matter because of that fear, before realising you have everything perfect to get startedShe talks about the “b...
The freedom to choose is one of the biggest reasons people want to work for themselves. Being free to choose to spend time with your kids, your friends, or go on that holiday whenever you like. It all comes from flexibility. That’s the power of being your own boss. But how do you go from side hustle to fully-fledged bad ass entrepreneur?In this episode I‘m joined by Lauren Dixon, my social media manager and client. Her side hustle journey began on maternity leave, and she is now hitting £5K m...
So many people make the same mistake when trying to get paying clients. They try launching an offer without doing market research. In this episode I share my market research tips and talk you through the consequences of not doing market research at all, something I disastrously experienced myself back in 2021. You’ll also learn the best ways to gather market research and the power of my outreach onion technique.Stop second guessing what your clients want and create a banging offer ...
Comments (2)

Anna O'Sullivan

Really enjoying all these episodes!

Jul 4th

Sophia Lorimer

What an inspiring story showing anything is possible! 👏🏽

Jul 4th
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