Discover吴语播客 - 专注于推广吴语和上海话,用上海话读上海的小说、讲上海的故事 - 《繁花》、《东岸纪事》、《同和里》、《海上花列传》……
吴语播客 - 专注于推广吴语和上海话,用上海话读上海的小说、讲上海的故事 - 《繁花》、《东岸纪事》、《同和里》、《海上花列传》……
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吴语播客 - 专注于推广吴语和上海话,用上海话读上海的小说、讲上海的故事 - 《繁花》、《东岸纪事》、《同和里》、《海上花列传》……

Author: 吴语播客

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Podcasts specialized in Wu Chinese and Shanghainese (沪语/上海话 - Shanghai Dialect). Modern Chinese novels narrated by special interest group over social media platforms. The reading group consists of Shanghai-rooted individuals reside across the continents. Since three years ago, we have read "Blossoms Shanghai (繁花)", "The Stories in Pudong (东岸纪事)", and "Tong He Alley (同和里)". We also piloted "Fortress Besieged (围城)". In 2023, the group started reading "The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai (海上花列传)".
Tune in and enjoy genuine Shanghainese from the second half of 20th Century.
欢迎加入 吴语播客 沪语共读
142 Episodes
第三十八回 史公馆痴心成好事 山家园雅集庆良辰
第三十七回 惨受刑高足枉投师 强借债阔毛私狎妓
第三十六回 绝世奇情打成嘉耦 回天神力仰仗良医
第三十五回 落烟花疗贫无上策 煞风景善病有同情
第三十四回 沥真诚淫凶甘伏罪 惊实信仇怨激成亲
第三十三回 高亚白填词狂掷地 王莲生醉酒怒冲天
第三十二回 诸金花效法受皮鞭 周双玉定情遗手帕
第三十一回 长辈埋冤亲情断绝 方家贻笑臭味差池
第三十回 新住家客栈用相帮 老司务茶楼谈不肖
第二十九回 间壁邻居寻兄结伴 过房亲眷挈妹同游
第二十八回 局賭露風巡丁登屋 鄉親削色嫖客拉車
第二十七回 搅欢场醉汉吐空喉 证孽冤淫娼烧炙手
第二十六回 真本事耳际夜闻声 假好人眉间春动色
第三十六回 絕世奇情打成嘉耦 回天神力仰仗良醫 Chapter 36, A strange love feeds on constant squabbling, and a miracle cure depends on the good doctor “The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai” is a novel by Han Bangqing that follows the lives of several high-class prostitutes and their patrons in late 19th century Shanghai. The novel is essentially episodic in nature, and portrays the sing-song girls’ romantic games played to lure men, as well as the tragic consequences faced by those who unexpectedly fall in love with their customers. The novel is considered one of the greatest works of Chinese fiction and is now available for the first time in English. Neither sentimental nor sensationalistic in its portrayal of courtesans and their male patrons, Han’s work inquires into the moral and psychological consequences of desire.
第二十五回 翻前事抢白更多情 约后期落红谁解语
第二十四回 只怕招冤同行相护 自甘落魄失路谁悲
第二十三回  外甥女听来背后言 家主婆出尽当场丑
第二十二回 借洋钱赎身初定议 买物事赌嘴早伤和
第二十一回 问失物瞒客诈求签 限归期怕妻偷摆酒
第二十回 提心事对镜出谵言 动情魔同衾惊噩梦
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