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Mind Over Money Podcast

Author: Jessen James

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Hey Everyone! It's Jessen James here and welcome to the Mind Over Money Podcast!

I have spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world; one of the ways I do this is my podcast!

Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses, I have had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! I now dedicate my time to serving others, to better their lives and businesses by sharing our learnings. Get stuck in, follow and listen in to the amazing episodes available and get in touch today.

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96 Episodes
In this special episode of the Mind over Money Podcast, host Jessen James delves into the often overlooked issue of men's mental health, particularly during Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. Drawing from his experience as a psychiatric nurse, Jessen addresses the immense pressures men face in fulfilling traditional roles as providers and protectors. This episode is a heartfelt message to all men feeling the weight of these responsibilities, offering support, understanding, and a call to embrace their pain as a catalyst for positive change. Tune in for a raw and honest discussion that aims to uplift and inspire men to take control of their mental well-being.  Highlights:  1. Men's Mental Health Awareness Month: Jessen emphasises the importance of recognising Men's Mental Health Awareness Month and the need to take men's mental health seriously.  2. Traditional Roles and Responsibilities: Jessen discusses the traditional roles of men as providers and protectors, acknowledging the pressure these roles can place on men's mental health.  3. Pain as a Catalyst for Change: Jessen highlights the idea that experiencing pain and feeling like a failure can be powerful motivators for making positive changes in life.  4. Support and Understanding: Jessen offers a compassionate message to men, assuring them that they are not alone in their struggles and encouraging them to seek support and share their feelings.  Key Takeaways:  1. Awareness and Acceptance: Recognising and accepting the pain and pressure associated with traditional male roles is the first step toward addressing mental health issues.  2. Use Pain as Motivation: Instead of succumbing to the pressure, use the pain as a driving force to make necessary changes and improve your life.  3. Communicate and Share: It's crucial for men to open up about their struggles and seek support from friends, family, or professionals to avoid feeling isolated.  4. Commit to Change: Write down the things you're no longer willing to tolerate and let that list motivate you to take actionable steps toward a better future for yourself and your family.    ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.  Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS  Website -   LinkedIn-   Twitter -    EMAIL-  ---    Send in a voice message: ---  Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to the Mind Over Money podcast with Jessen James! This podcast isn't about mastering a product—it's about mastering the art of selling. Jessen, confident in his ability to outsell anyone, even on their own products, shares his insights on understanding the human mind to make sales. He emphasises that people buy solutions to their problems, whether emotional, status-related, or for retail therapy. By understanding and solving these problems, you can sell anything.  Jessen illustrates his points with engaging anecdotes and practical examples, demonstrating the importance of empathy and understanding in sales. He also delves into the psychological aspects of selling, showing how being mentally clear and focused can enhance your selling abilities.  Tune in to learn Jessen's proven system for selling, which goes beyond traditional methods by addressing the emotional and psychological needs of customers. With his guidance, you'll be able to transform your approach to selling and achieve remarkable results.    Don’t miss out—subscribe and follow the Mind Over Money podcast on all channels. For more resources, visit Let's master the art of selling together and create the life you deserve.    Key Takeaways:  1. Master the Art of Selling, Not Just the Product: The central theme is that success in sales hinges on mastering the selling process itself rather than the specific product. Understanding how to sell effectively allows you to sell any product.  2. Understanding Customer Problems is Crucial: People buy products to solve problems, whether emotional, social, or practical. By understanding these problems deeply, salespeople can better tailor their approach to meet customer needs and desires.  3. The Importance of Clear and Compelling Communication: Effective sales involve structuring presentations to clearly identify and solve customer problems, creating a seamless narrative that guides the customer towards making a purchase.  4. Utilise Psychological Triggers Ethically: Employing techniques such as embedded commands and creating a sense of exclusivity can influence customer decisions. When done ethically, these methods help guide customers to solutions that genuinely benefit them.    Highlights:  1. Sales Confidence: Jessen James confidently claims he can outsell anyone, even on their own product, underscoring the importance of mastering the art of selling over merely knowing the product.  2. Emotional Selling Techniques: He shares a personal anecdote about being sold exclusive items at a luxury store, illustrating how creating a sense of exclusivity and importance can drive sales.    3. Structured Sales Presentation: Jessen demonstrates a structured approach to sales presentations by role-playing scenarios, emphasising the importance of addressing specific customer problems methodically to create compelling sales pitches.    4. Psychological Insights: The podcast highlights how understanding and leveraging the workings of the human mind, such as using embedded commands, can enhance the effectiveness of sales techniques, ensuring they resonate more deeply with potential buyers.    ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.  Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS  Website -   LinkedIn-   Twitter -    EMAIL -  Send in a voice message:    Send in a voice message:      --- Send in a voice message:
Description:   Welcome to Part 2 of our special three-part series on the Mind Over Money podcast with Jessen James. In this episode, we dive deep into the psychology of pricing and the value of your time. Have you ever wondered if you could make the same money with fewer clients? We’ll explore how adjusting your prices can lead to increased profitability and more free time. Jessen discusses the importance of self-belief in your worth, measuring what you sell, and the unconscious mind’s drive for more. Tune in to discover actionable strategies for transforming your pricing mindset and creating products that resonate with your audience.    Key Takeaways:  -  Reevaluate Your Pricing: Doubling your prices and potentially losing half of your clients can still result in the same income, allowing you to work more efficiently and effectively.  - Value of Time: Prioritising time over money can lead to greater financial success, as having more time allows for better opportunities to create wealth.  - Clarity in Selling: Being clear on what you are selling and measuring it accurately is crucial for achieving business success.  - Mindset and Belief: Self-belief and understanding the unconscious mind’s drive for more are essential for continual growth and achieving your business goals.    Highlights:   - Pricing Realisation: "Some of us really, we're not charging enough, right? Because now we're going to. Bloody hell. Like my prices are too low."  - Time vs. Money: "If I had the choice of someone giving me 1 million pounds or all the time in the world to make money, I'd choose time because I can make way more than a million with time."   - Self-Selling Products: "You want your prospects to sell themselves. How do you do this? By creating a clear roadmap and intellectual property that educates and convinces them."   - Chunking Methodology: "Understanding how the human brain processes information in chunks helps you present and sell your products more effectively by starting broad and getting specific."    ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.  Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS  Website -   LinkedIn-   Twitter -   EMAIL-  ---    Send in a voice message:  ---  Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to the "Mind Over Money" podcast with Jessen James! Are you ready to make your first or next hundred thousand pounds in business? This podcast dives deep into why many people fail to achieve their financial goals: they don't know what they want to make, and without that clarity, they can't reverse-engineer the process to reach their targets. Jessen James sets a realistic yet challenging goal for you—£100,000 in business revenue.     In each episode, Jessen guides you through practical strategies to align your conscious and unconscious minds, ensuring they work together to manifest your financial aspirations. He demystifies complex concepts like the Law of Attraction, emphasising the importance of actionable steps to complement your positive intentions.     Learn how to break your financial goals into manageable daily, weekly, and monthly targets. Jessen's hands-on approach, featuring real-life examples and step-by-step calculations, will help you understand how to price your services, set achievable sales targets, and ultimately reach your £100,000 goal.     If you're serious about transforming your mindset and unlocking your financial potential, this podcast is for you. Tune in, subscribe, and follow "Mind Over Money" on all major platforms. Links in the show notes. Don't forget to leave a review and visit [] for more resources on creating the life you deserve.    Key Takeaways:  Clarity and Goal Setting:  To achieve financial success, it's crucial to have a clear and specific goal. Knowing exactly how much you want to make allows you to reverse-engineer the process, breaking down the larger goal into smaller, manageable steps.  Conscious and Unconscious Mind Alignment:  For your financial goals to manifest, your conscious and unconscious minds must be harmonious. You will sabotage your efforts if you consciously desire wealth but unconsciously believe it’s unattainable or undesirable. Aligning these two aspects of your mind is essential for success.    Action and Implementation:  Simply wishing for financial success isn’t enough. Action is required. Jessen emphasises that the Law of Attraction works only when combined with practical implementation. Setting an intention is the first step, but taking consistent and strategic actions is what turns that intention into reality.    Breaking Down Goals:  Large financial goals, such as making £100,000, can seem daunting. Jessen illustrates the importance of breaking down these goals into smaller, more digestible parts. For example, calculating how many sales you need to make per day or week can make the goal seem more achievable and help you stay focused and motivated.    ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world and has been featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.  Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS  Website -   LinkedIn-   Twitter -  EMAIL -\  ---    Send in a voice message:  ---  Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Join us for the second instalment of our enlightening series, "The Difference Public Speaking Makes in Your Life and Business. Building on the insights from Part 1, this episode dives deeper into the transformative power of effective communication and public speaking. Discover how honing your speaking skills can elevate your career, boost your confidence, and unlock new business opportunities. In this episode, our expert speakers share advanced techniques for engaging your audience, crafting compelling narratives, and utilizing body language to enhance your message. Hear inspiring stories of individuals who have successfully leveraged public speaking to become thought leaders and influencers in their fields. Whether you're a seasoned speaker or just starting out, this podcast provides valuable tips and strategies to help you master the art of public speaking and make a significant impact in your personal and professional life.   Key Takeaways: 1. Advanced Storytelling Techniques: Learn how to craft and deliver compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. Effective storytelling can make your message more memorable and impactful, helping you connect on a deeper level. 2. Mastering Non-Verbal Communication: Discover the power of body language, facial expressions, and gestures in enhancing your spoken words. Understanding and using non-verbal cues can significantly boost your overall presentation effectiveness. 3. Establishing Authority and Credibility: Find out how to position yourself as an expert in your field through public speaking. By sharing your knowledge and insights confidently, you can build trust and establish yourself as a thought leader. 4. Creating Impactful Presentations: Gain tips on designing presentations that are not only informative but also engaging and memorable. Learn the elements of a strong presentation, including visual aids, storytelling, and audience interaction.   Best Moments: 1. Demonstration of Body Language Techniques: During the podcast, a live demonstration was conducted showing the impact of different body language techniques. The transformation in audience engagement before and after the adjustments was remarkable and eye-opening.   2. Breakdown of a Successful Presentation: A step-by-step breakdown of a successful business presentation was provided, illustrating how to structure content, use storytelling, and incorporate visual aids to keep the audience captivated from start to finish. This practical example brought the theoretical concepts discussed earlier in the podcast to life.     ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website -  LinkedIn-  Twitter -  EMAIL        ---  Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to the Mind Over Money podcast with Jess and James. In this engaging episode, we dive into the transformative power of public speaking, drawing inspiration from a profound conversation with Robert Kiyosaki. Discover why connecting your soul, heart, and mind with your true passions can propel you forward in the face of adversity. Jess shares personal anecdotes and powerful insights on how public speaking can elevate your business, enhance your credibility, and help you make a meaningful impact on the world. Whether you're an aspiring speaker, coach, or entrepreneur, this episode will inspire you to leverage your voice and skills to achieve greater success and fulfillment. Tune in to learn practical tips on engaging your audience, converting prospects, and becoming an authority in your field. Don't miss this chance to unlock the potential of public speaking in your life and business.  Key Takeaways: 1. Align Passion with Purpose: Finding and engaging in work that you are passionate about, which also makes the world a better place, brings a deeper level of satisfaction and motivation. This alignment is essential for enduring tough times and staying committed to your goals. 2. Engage Multiple Senses for Impact: In public speaking, engaging more of your audience's senses can significantly increase their buy-in and retention of your message. Using visuals alongside verbal communication can make your presentation more powerful and memorable. 3. Authority vs. Expert: Elevate yourself from being merely an expert to an authority in your field. Authorities are seen as leaders whom experts turn to for advice, allowing you to command higher respect and fees for your services. 4. Leverage Public Speaking for Efficiency: Public speaking is an effective way to reach and influence multiple people at once, saving time and maximising your impact. This leverage can lead to more efficient client acquisition and business growth compared to one-on-one meetings.   Best Moments: 1. Transformation Through Passion: The discussion about how aligning your work with your passion and purpose transforms not just your career but your entire outlook on life. The speakers shared personal anecdotes on how finding meaningful work has positively impacted their well-being and drive. 2. Engaging Multiple Senses: A powerful moment was when the speakers emphasised the importance of engaging multiple senses in public speaking. They provided practical tips on using visual aids, storytelling, and interactive elements to create a more impactful presentation. 3. Shifting from Expert to Authority: The distinction between being an expert and an authority was a pivotal point. The explanation of how to position oneself as a thought leader in the industry, including real-world examples and strategies, was particularly insightful. 4. Public Speaking as Leverage: The revelation of how public speaking can serve as a leverage tool to reach more people efficiently. The speakers shared experiences of how speaking engagements have opened doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and clients, highlighting its significance in business growth.  ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James   Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.   Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS   Website -  LinkedIn-  Twitter -  EMAIL   ---  Send in a voice message: --- Send in a voice message:
In this episode of Mastering Investment Strategies: Part 3 of 3, discover innovative techniques to raise capital for investment ventures and secure residual income streams. From tapping into personal savings and family resources to leveraging property equity and partnering with knowledgeable investors, explore how to navigate the world of finance creatively. Learn the art of utilizing Other People's Money (OPM) and knowledge (OPK) to unlock investment opportunities, regardless of your current financial standing. Join Jessen James as they share practical insights and real-life success stories, empowering listeners to take control of their financial future and achieve lasting prosperity. Subscribe now and embark on a journey towards financial freedom! Key Takeaways: Creative Money Raising: Step three of the podcast focuses on creative ways to raise money for investments. From utilizing personal savings and family resources to exploring loans and partnerships, the emphasis is on thinking outside the box to access capital. Tapping into Equity: The podcast highlights the potential of leveraging existing assets, such as property equity, to finance investments. Understanding how to release equity without remortgaging properties opens up new avenues for funding. Other People's Money (OPM): Introducing the concept of OPM, the podcast suggests that investments can be made using funds from individuals or institutions other than oneself. By partnering with those who have capital or expertise, even individuals without significant personal funds can participate in investment opportunities. Residual Income Goals: Encouraging listeners to identify their "freedom number," the podcast emphasizes the importance of generating residual income to cover living expenses. It suggests that financial freedom is attainable through strategic investment and asset management, regardless of one's current financial situation.  Best Moments:  Empowering Creativity: Jessen James encourage listeners to think creatively about raising funds for investments, emphasizing that opportunities exist even for those without personal capital. This moment inspires individuals to explore unconventional avenues for financing their investment ventures. - Unlocking Property Equity: Discussing the concept of "vapor money" and how individuals can leverage property equity without remortgaging, the podcast opens up possibilities for listeners to tap into dormant assets. This moment underscores the importance of understanding the potential of existing resources.  Other People's Knowledge (OPK): Introducing the idea of partnering with individuals possessing investment expertise, the podcast highlights the value of leveraging the knowledge of others to maximize investment returns. This moment empowers listeners to seek collaborations and mentorship to enhance their investment strategies.  Real-Life Success Story: Sharing a personal anecdote of raising over £717,000 in just four hours through leveraging relationships and networking, Jessen James illustrate the practical application of the strategies discussed. This moment serves as inspiration for listeners, demonstrating the effectiveness of proactive investment approaches and networking efforts.   ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James   Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.   Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS   Website -  LinkedIn-  Twitter -  EMAIL    ---  Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome back to the Mind over Money podcast with Jessen James. In this second episode of our three-part series, we dive deep into investment strategies that can propel you towards financial success. From understanding short, medium, and long-term investment goals to exploring various asset classes like stocks, businesses, commodities, intellectual property, and even classic cars, Jessen James provide valuable insights and practical advice for maximizing returns while mitigating risks. Learn about the importance of due diligence, the power of contracts in securing investments, and the significance of risk-to-reward ratios in building wealth. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of investment psychology and take actionable steps towards creating the life you deserve. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on all channels for more empowering content. Leave a review and visit our website for additional resources to fuel your journey to financial abundance. Key Takeaways: Understanding Investment Goals: Differentiating between short, medium, and long-term investment goals is crucial. Aligning your investment strategy with your specific goals helps in making informed decisions. Diversification: While focusing on long-term investment strategies is essential, diversifying your investment portfolio can spread risk and optimize returns. Consider investing in various asset classes like stocks, businesses, commodities, and intellectual property. Risk Management: Conduct thorough due diligence before making any investment. Assess the credibility of individuals or companies you're investing with and ensure agreements are backed by legally binding contracts. Additionally, seek security where possible to safeguard your investments. Realistic Expectations: Recognize the importance of realistic risk-to-reward ratios. Investing entails putting in the necessary effort and capital, and expecting overnight millionaire success with minimal investment is unrealistic. Understand your money psychology and attitude towards risk to set achievable goals.   Best Moments: Exploring Asset Classes: Delve into various asset classes, from traditional stocks and businesses to unconventional investments like commodities and intellectual property. This comprehensive overview provides listeners with a broad understanding of investment opportunities. Emphasis on Due Diligence: Highlighting the significance of due diligence, Jess and James stress the importance of researching and vetting investment opportunities and the individuals or companies involved. This moment serves as a reminder to investors to prioritize thorough investigation before committing funds.  Securing Investments: Discussing the importance of contracts and security in investments, Jess and James provide practical advice on protecting one's financial interests. This moment offers valuable insights into mitigating risks and ensuring investments are backed by legal agreements. Addressing Realistic Expectations: Jessen James discuss the need for realistic expectations in investing, emphasizing the correlation between risk and reward. By encouraging listeners to understand their money psychology and adopt a pragmatic approach to investing, this moment empowers individuals to set achievable goals and manage expectations effectively.   ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website -  LinkedIn-  Twitter -  EMAIL  --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to the first installment of our three-part series, where hosts Jess and James dive deep into the intricacies of money management and mindset. In this episode, they explore the foundation of financial success, unpacking the significance of understanding your money blueprint, adopting an investment-driven mentality, assessing risk appetite, and embracing failures as stepping stones to growth. Join us on this empowering journey to unlock the secrets of financial freedom and pave the way for a prosperous future.   Key Takeaways: - Understanding Your Money Blueprint: Recognizing your relationship with money and how it influences your financial decisions is crucial for achieving financial success. - Investment vs Cost Mindset: Shifting from a cost-oriented mentality to an investment-oriented approach allows you to evaluate opportunities for long-term growth and wealth accumulation. - Risk Assessment and Appetite: Identifying your risk tolerance is essential for making informed investment decisions and building a diversified portfolio. - Learning from Mistakes: Embracing failures as valuable learning experiences is integral to personal and financial growth, helping you refine your strategies and avoid repeating past errors.   Best Moments: -  Personal Journey: James shares his inspiring story of overcoming challenges, from his upbringing in East London to achieving financial freedom through entrepreneurship and strategic investing. - Money Psychology Discussion: Jess and James explore common money blueprints, such as avoiders, penny pinchers, savers, and spenders, shedding light on how these mindsets impact financial behavior. - Investment vs Cost Mindset: The hosts delve into the importance of distinguishing between investments and costs, emphasizing the need to focus on long-term returns rather than short-term expenses. -  Empowerment Message: The podcast concludes with a powerful reminder that everyone has the potential to transform their financial future by taking control of their money mindset and pursuing strategic opportunities for growth.   ABOUT THE HOST   Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website -  LinkedIn-  Twitter -  EMAIL        ---  Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
In this insightful podcast episode, we delve into the crucial concept of creating multiple streams of income for financial security and freedom. The speaker shares practical advice on why diversifying your income sources is essential, especially in times of economic uncertainty like the recent global crisis. With a focus on balancing primary, secondary, and tertiary income streams, listeners will learn how to allocate their time effectively and avoid the pitfalls of shiny object syndrome. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your financial portfolio, this episode provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to take control of your financial future. Tune in and unlock the keys to mastering multiple streams of income. Key takeaways: 1. Diversification is key: Having multiple streams of income is vital for financial security, especially during times of economic instability. 2. Primary, secondary, and tertiary streams: Categorizing income sources into primary (main source), secondary (additional sources), and tertiary (investments) helps in effective time management and focus. 3. Avoid shiny object syndrome: It's easy to get distracted by various income opportunities, but staying focused on a few strategic streams is crucial for success. 4. Allocate time wisely: Allocating time based on the importance and potential return of each income stream is essential. Finding a balance that works for you is key. 5. Take control of your financial future: By implementing strategies to create and manage multiple income streams, you can gain greater control over your financial destiny and work towards achieving long-term financial freedom.   Best Moments: 1. Insightful analogy: The comparison of financial stability to a lifeboat during turbulent times offers a powerful visual representation of the importance of multiple income streams. 2. Clear breakdown: The breakdown of income streams into primary, secondary, and tertiary categories simplifies the concept and makes it easier for listeners to understand and apply. 3. Personal reflection: The speaker's personal experience and journey in managing multiple income streams add authenticity and credibility to the advice shared. 4. Practical time management tips: The speaker's recommendation to allocate time based on the importance of each income stream provides actionable guidance for listeners looking to implement the strategy. 5. Empowering message: The overall message empowers listeners to take control of their financial future by strategically creating and managing multiple streams of income, instilling a sense of confidence and direction. --- Send in a voice message:
Join Jessen James on the Mind over Money podcast as they delve into the intricate workings of perception, projection, and the power of memory. In this episode, they explore how memories shape our present reality, the dynamics between conscious and unconscious minds, and the pivotal role of perception in achieving desired outcomes. Learn how to navigate the labyrinth of the mind and empower yourself to create the life you deserve. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.   Key Takeaways:  Memories are not static; they evolve over time as we reinterpret past events through the lens of our present experiences and beliefs. Understanding this fluidity can help us navigate emotional challenges and trauma.       Conscious and unconscious minds work in tandem, with the conscious mind setting intentions and the unconscious mind storing memories and driving behaviours. Integrating these two aspects of the mind is crucial for personal growth and change.   Moving from a state of blame (effect) to taking responsibility (cause) empowers individuals to identify the underlying factors contributing to their challenges and take proactive steps toward achieving desired outcomes.        Perception shapes our reality, and what we perceive, we project onto others and our circumstances. By fostering a childlike innocence and openness, we can cultivate a more positive and empowering perspective on life.   Best Moments:     Exploring the concept of memory evolution: Understanding how our perceptions of past events change over time can be liberating and transformative, allowing us to break free from the grip of past traumas.      The revelation about the interaction between conscious and unconscious minds: Realising the dynamic interplay between these two aspects of our psyche sheds light on the mechanisms driving our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.       Transitioning from blame to responsibility: Witnessing the shift in mindset from victimhood to empowerment as individuals embrace their agency and take ownership of their circumstances is truly inspiring.         Embracing The power of perception: Recognising the profound impact of perception on our experiences and interactions empowers us to cultivate a more positive outlook and manifest our desired reality.   ABOUT THE HOST    Jessen James  Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.  Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS  Website - ⁠⁠  LinkedIn- ⁠⁠  Twitter - ⁠⁠  EMAIL ⁠⁠  ---  Send in a voice message: ⁠⁠    --- Send in a voice message:
Description:   Dive into the first instalment of "The Real You" series, where we explore strategies for unlocking your true potential. Join us as we journey with entrepreneur and public speaking expert Jessen James to uncover the secrets to unleashing your authentic self.     KEY TAKEAWAYS:      - Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Recognising and acknowledging limiting beliefs is essential for personal growth. These beliefs may stem from emotions and past experiences, influencing various aspects of life such as relationships, family, business, finances, health, spirituality, and personal development.      - Challenging Limiting Beliefs: Questioning the validity and empowering nature of limiting beliefs is crucial for overcoming them. Asking whether these beliefs empower or hinder, enable more or less, and contribute positively or negatively helps in challenging their hold over one's mindset.      - Understanding Secondary Gains: Understanding the purpose and secondary gains associated with limiting beliefs is necessary for unravelling their grip. Often, these beliefs serve a perceived protective function, but in reality, they hold individuals back from realising their full potential.      - Embracing Positive Affirmations: Replacing limiting beliefs with positive affirmations is a powerful tool for personal transformation. By adopting new beliefs that empower and inspire, individuals can cultivate a mindset conducive to growth, resilience, and success.     BEST MOMENTS      - Community Engagement: The session fosters active participation and engagement from the audience, both in the room and online, creating a supportive community environment for personal exploration and growth.      - Personal Insights: Attendees share their personal limiting beliefs and aspirations openly, contributing to a shared learning experience and demonstrating vulnerability and courage in confronting internal struggles.      - Empowering Affirmations: Participants articulate empowering new beliefs and affirmations, highlighting the transformative potential of positive thinking and self-affirmation in reshaping mindset and behaviour.      - Practical Guidance: The session offers practical guidance and structured exercises for challenging limiting beliefs, providing attendees with actionable steps to overcome obstacles and cultivate a more empowering mindset for personal and professional success.    ABOUT THE HOST    Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website - LinkedIn- Twitter - EMAIL      --- Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Dive into the first instalment of "The Real You" series, where we explore strategies for unlocking your true potential. Join us as we journey with entrepreneur and public speaking expert Jessen James to uncover the secrets to unleashing your authentic self.     KEY TAKEAWAYS:    - Beliefs Shape Behaviour: The passage underscores how beliefs significantly influence behaviour and outcomes, distinguishing between empowering beliefs that propel individuals forward and limiting beliefs that hinder progress.      - Personal Growth through Empowering Beliefs: Participants are encouraged to identify and cultivate empowering beliefs across various aspects of their lives, such as relationships, career, and health, to facilitate personal growth and success.      - Financial Success and Impact: There's an emphasis on the importance of financial success as a means to make a positive impact on others, with the speaker urging participants to pursue wealth to enable greater philanthropy and social change.      - Community Engagement for Social Change: The passage concludes with a call to action, urging participants to join a community initiative aimed at ending poverty in the UK, highlighting the collective effort needed to address societal challenges.     BEST MOMENTS:      - Sharing Empowering Beliefs: The exchange of empowering beliefs among participants creates a supportive and inspirational atmosphere, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.      - Emphasis on Personal Responsibility: The speaker's message of personal responsibility and agency resonates, empowering individuals to take charge of their beliefs, actions, and impact on the world.      - Vision for Social Change: The speaker's vision for social change through collective action and philanthropy strikes a chord, inspiring participants to contribute to meaningful causes and make a difference in their communities.      - Encouragement to Pursue Goals:  The speaker's encouragement to pursue goals with Vigor and determination serves as a rallying cry for participants, instilling a sense of optimism and possibility for achieving personal and societal transformation.    ABOUT THE HOST    Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website - LinkedIn- Twitter - EMAIL  --- Send in a voice message:
Dive into the second instalment of "The Real You" series, where we explore strategies for unlocking your true potential. Join us as we journey with entrepreneur and public speaking expert Jessen James to uncover the secrets to unleashing your authentic self.     KEY TAKEAWAYS:   - Understanding Human Needs: Recognising and understanding human needs is crucial for self-awareness and understanding others. These needs include certainty, variety, significance, love/connection, growth, and contribution.      - Positive and Negative Impact: Each human need can serve us positively or negatively depending on how we fulfil it. For example, while certainty provides security, excessive need for certainty can lead to stagnation and resistance to change.      - Self-Reflection and Prioritisation: It's essential to reflect on our own needs and prioritize them based on their importance in our lives. This self-awareness helps us identify areas for personal growth and fulfilment.      - Balancing Needs for Personal Fulfilment: Balancing our needs for certainty, variety, significance, love/connection, growth, and contribution is key to achieving personal fulfilment and satisfaction in life.     BEST MOMENTS:      - Interactive Discussion: Engaging in an interactive discussion where participants share their top human needs and discuss how these needs manifest in their lives provided valuable insights into the complexities of human behaviour and motivation.      - Personal Reflections: Hearing participants' personal reflections on their primary human needs and how these needs influence their actions and perceptions fostered a deeper understanding of the topic and its relevance to individual experiences.      - Recognizing Patterns: Recognizing patterns of behaviour and thought, such as repetitive patterns and the desire for change, highlighted the importance of self-awareness and the need to address underlying motivations to achieve personal growth.      - Practical Strategies: Exploring practical strategies for fulfilling human needs in healthy and balanced ways, such as prioritizing self-love and embracing uncertainty for personal growth, provided actionable insights for improving overall well-being and fulfilment.    ABOUT THE HOST    Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website - LinkedIn- Twitter - EMAIL        --- Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Dive into the first installment of "The Real You" series, where we explore strategies for unlocking your true potential. Join us as we journey with entrepreneur and public speaking expert Jessen James to uncover the secrets to unleashing your authentic self.     KEY TAKEAWAYS:  - Values are the driving force behind our behavior, shaping what we consider important in life, such as integrity, trust, happiness, and family.  - Our values are influenced by various factors including family, friends, school, environment, and media, especially social media in today's digital age.  - Childhood experiences, particularly from 0 to 7 years old, significantly impact our emotional development and shape our perceptions of right and wrong.  -  As we grow older, we go through stages of development where we model behaviors, seek acceptance, and form our identities based on the values we've absorbed during our formative years.    BEST MOMENTS:   - Understanding the Influence of Values: Learning how our values are shaped by our environment, upbringing, and societal influences was eye-opening and provided valuable insight into why we behave the way we do.       - Childhood Innocence and Emotional Development:  Exploring the concept of childhood innocence and how early experiences shape our emotional development highlighted the importance of addressing deep-seated emotional wounds to foster personal growth and healing.      - Modeling Period Reflection: Reflecting on the modeling period (8 to 13 years old) prompted introspection into the behaviors and influences we emulate from those we admire, leading to a deeper understanding of how these influences shape our identities.      - Value Alignment Exercise: Engaging in the values exercise provided a practical framework for identifying personal values and evaluating whether our actions align with them, paving the way for intentional living and greater fulfillment in various aspects of life.    ABOUT THE HOST    Jessen James    Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House.    Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today.    CONTACT DETAILS    Website - LinkedIn- Twitter - EMAIL        --- Send in a voice message:  --- Send in a voice message:
Join entrepreneur and public speaking expert Jessen James as he reveals how public speaking drives income generation. Learn to shift from 1-to-1 interactions to impactful one-to-many communication, unlock the secrets of captivating audiences, and propel your business to new heights. KEY TAKEAWAYS The first thing you need to manage as a speaker is the state of yourself, and the state of your audience. Speaking is an unconscious skill - why is it made conscious when we're in public? When you are on a stage you are not there for yourself, but for the audience. Shift your focus to the reason for your being there, and away from yourself. Manage your audience's state by asking questions that establish the rapport between you, and manage their expectations so that they remain attentive. When we invest in others who speak, then the value is released. Once you are able to serve your audience, then you need to get better at selling - ethically and authentically. BEST MOMENTS 'People would rather die than speak' 'You must manage your audience's state' 'If they want the "how" then they need to invest in you' VALUABLE RESOURCES Mind Over Money Podcast -    How To Become A Professional Speaker Workshop Come and spend the day LIVE with me for FREE here: https:/ ABOUT THE HOST Jessen James Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House. Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today. CONTACT DETAILS Website - - --- Send in a voice message:
Join entrepreneur and public speaking expert Jessen James as he reveals how public speaking drives income generation. Learn to shift from 1-to-1 interactions to impactful one-to-many communication, unlock the secrets of captivating audiences, and propel your business to new heights. KEY TAKEAWAYS Figuring out where you want to be should always start with a look at where you are right now, and what the path forward could look like. Public speaking is a skill that has been around for thousands of years. Leaders and influencers have used it since the beginning of time. There are many phases you can climb in the marketing world - Unknown, Specialist, Expert, and ultimately towards Authority. If you want to scale a coaching business and work with people one to one, then you have to leverage your time effectively. There are only so many hours in a single day. BEST MOMENTS 'Marketing does not bring you clients - sales does' 'If you want to make it in this industry, then the key word is "expert"' 'Good is the enemy of the great' 'I saw too many business owners and entrepreneurs suffering' VALUABLE RESOURCES Mind Over Money Podcast -    How To Become A Professional Speaker Workshop Come and spend the day LIVE with me for FREE here: https:/ ABOUT THE HOST Jessen James Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House. Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today. CONTACT DETAILS Website - - --- Send in a voice message:
In the Mind Over Money Podcast, host Jessen James explores the power of the mindset in generating wealth and achieving financial success. Through insightful discussions and practical advice, Jessen emphasizes the importance of relearning the rules, mastering your state of mind, and adopting the seven key laws of business. He also stresses the need to set the right frame of mind, take action, and eliminate excuses. Tune in to learn how to develop an unstoppable mindset and transform your relationship with money. KEY TAKEAWAYS Most people are in a state of effect when something bad happens to them. When you're in a state of cause you can see why it has occurred, and stop it from happening again. Most of us spend our lives blaming everyone else for the things that happen to us. When you blame others, you are proclaiming that you are a child and that you need help because you don't know how to help yourself. When someone upsets us, we need to stop and wonder why these people have so much power over us. If they are, then it's a signal that you need to work on yourself some more. BEST MOMENTS 'This is going to change how you look at the world' 'There is no elegance in blame' 'We can't change what people do to us, but we can change how we react to it' VALUABLE RESOURCES Mind Over Money Podcast -    How To Become A Professional Speaker Workshop Come and spend the day LIVE with me for FREE here: https:/ ABOUT THE HOST Jessen James Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House. Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today. CONTACT DETAILS Website - - success@jessenjames.comThis show was brought to you by Progressive Media --- Send in a voice message:
In the Mind Over Money Podcast, host Jessen James explores the power of the mindset in generating wealth and achieving financial success. Through insightful discussions and practical advice, Jessen emphasizes the importance of relearning the rules, mastering your state of mind, and adopting the seven key laws of business. He also stresses the need to set the right frame of mind, take action, and eliminate excuses. Tune in to learn how to develop an unstoppable mindset and transform your relationship with money. KEY TAKEAWAYS It is your responsibility to get the results you want in life, and no one else's. Get help if you need it and take full ownership of the outcome. When it comes to your brain, in order for it accept a fact, it needs to think that it's a possibility. When you allow your idea, product of concept to repeatedly trickle through to your clients, it creates that level of certainty. Being empowered means you take charge. When you take charge, it means you take ownership of your decisions. When this happens, the blame game stops and you begin to rely more upon yourself. BEST MOMENTS 'Responsibility for results' 'You didn't ask yourself for a refund. Why is it okay to ask someone else?' 'Excitement wears off' VALUABLE RESOURCES Mind Over Money Podcast -    How To Become A Professional Speaker Workshop Come and spend the day LIVE with me for FREE here: https:/ ABOUT THE HOST Jessen James Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House. Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today. CONTACT DETAILS Website - - success@jessenjames.comThis show was brought to you by Progressive Media --- Send in a voice message:
In the Mind Over Money Podcast, host Jessen James explores the power of the mindset in generating wealth and achieving financial success. Through insightful discussions and practical advice, Jessen emphasizes the importance of relearning the rules, mastering your state of mind, and adopting the seven key laws of business. He also stresses the need to set the right frame of mind, take action, and eliminate excuses. Tune in to learn how to develop an unstoppable mindset and transform your relationship with money. KEY TAKEAWAYS Psychology is one of the most understated, underused tool in business. No one is looking at what stops us from doing things, and focus instead of technique etc. The biggest factor holding any business back from greatness is the business owner themselves - their level of thinking. If you can understand the problems of your clients, then you will experience success. Identify a need, provide a solution, and people will come to you. BEST MOMENTS 'There are 7 key laws you need to understand in business' 'It's got nothing to do with what you should be doing, it's got everything to do with what's stopping you from doing that' 'You need to elevate your level of thinking' VALUABLE RESOURCES Mind Over Money Podcast -    How To Become A Professional Speaker Workshop Come and spend the day LIVE with me for FREE here: https:/ ABOUT THE HOST Jessen James Jessen has spoken to and trained thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, and has featured on Channel 5's Rich House Poor House. Having built, bought and sold multiple businesses himself, Jessen has had some amazing wins and some rather spectacular fails too! He now dedicates his time to serving others to better their lives and businesses by sharing his learnings. Get in touch today. CONTACT DETAILS Website - - success@jessenjames.comThis show was brought to you by Progressive Media --- Send in a voice message:
Comments (1)

John F O'Mahony

A superb addition to my podcast library. Encourages me to re-evaluate my relationship with money and how those beliefs feed my personal, professional and financial life. Plus I'm learning to live with an abundance mindset instead of a retraction mindset. In this podcast you will learn everything you need to build a game-changing new relationship with money.

Jan 18th