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Sleep Stories

Sleep Stories

Author: Sleep Stories

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Sleep Stories to help you fall asleep easily. When anxiety, insomnia or spinning thoughts are keeping you awake, press play on a sleep story to relax your body and clear your mind so you can melt into deep sleep. Our stories are generated by AI and intentionally created to meander and even be nonsensical at times. We do this so your mind will attach to the stories just enough to allow your body to relax, but not enough to keep you awake and interested. Narrated by Jody Agard and Rebekah Romberg and brought to you by Katie Krimitsos and the Women’s Meditation Network. 

60 Episodes
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> The cracking and popping of the campfire was like a symphony welcoming us into the woods. My friends and I had backpacked deep into the forest, miles away from any roads or buildings, to enjoy a weekend of camping and telling stories under the stars. We were surrounded by tall evergreen trees that stood like silent sentinels around our little clearing. Their peaks seemed to brush against the vast night sky above. As darkness fell, we lit our fire, the small orange flames licking up towards the heavens. We spread out our sleeping bags in a circle around it, so we could all see each other and the firelight dancing across our faces. The fire was our torch keeping the thick forest shadows at bay. When it was my turn, I lowered my voice and began my tale: "Many years ago, before any towns or roads cut through these ancient woods, a Native American tribe made its home along the river that runs not five miles from this very spot..." My story transported us back in time, to an era when the woods teemed with wildlife never seen by modern eyes. Back when the Native tribes still roamed the land unencumbered by borders or fences. I described the tribe's lifestyle - the bark and hide huts they called home, the fishing and hunting that kept them fed. They were at one with the forest and all its creatures... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> In a realm of soft twilight and whispered legends, there lay a hidden path that only the most adventurous hearts dared to tread. This path wound through realms of dreams and reality, blurring the lines between the two, and leading to a place few had ever seen—The Silk Road Oasis. Among those drawn to its mystery was a soul named Tai, a seeker of tranquility in a world bustling with noise. Tai's journey began on a gentle evening, under a sky painted with strokes of lavender and peach. With each step away from the familiar, the clamor of daily life faded into a symphony of nature's whispers. Tai walked with a purpose, guided not by a map, but by an innate feeling that the road ahead was where he truly belonged. The path was not always clear; it twisted through forests where the trees stood tall like guardians of ancient secrets, and across rivers that sang melodies of the journeys he had witnessed. Tai moved with ease, each step a note in harmony with the earth's song. There was no rush, for in this quest, the journey itself was a treasure. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of gold and crimson, Tai came upon a meadow that seemed untouched by time. The grass swayed gently, a sea of green under the moon's soft glow. Here, Tai decided to rest, enveloped in the tranquil embrace of the night... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Far below the surface of the sea, in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean, the whales were preparing for their nightly ritual. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared into the murky blue waters above, the giant creatures began to stir. The oldest and wisest whale was named Taleen. Her smooth, gray body glided effortlessly through the water as she made her way toward the gathering area. She sang out in long, low tones to call the other whales to her. One by one, the giant mammals emerged from the shadows—humpbacks and blues, fins and rights—their haunting whale songs echoing through the darkness. When all the whales had arrived, Taleen raised her massive tail fluke, signaling the start of their nightly ritual. As one, the pod opened their mouths and began to vocalize—first low rumbles, then high-pitched cries, then a chorus of clicks, whistles, trills and pulses. Each whale added their unique voice to the strange and beautiful whale song. The purpose of the song was not understood by human scientists, who marveled at the intricate and ever-changing music that rippled across the world's oceans each night. But the whales knew. They sang to share news, to bond with their pod-mates, to navigate the lightless ocean depths. Their songs told stories—tales of good feeding grounds, warnings of encroaching ships, lullabies for sleeping calves... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> With just a single breath… You can touch the space, That pulses with magic inside.  With just a single breath… You can connect to, All the Universe provides.  LONG PAUSE So let yourself fall, Into the stream,  The movement of breath in and out.  Let yourself go, And trust in the flow, That weaves its way throughout.  LONG PAUSE Now see if you find, What floats in your mind, All those thoughts can release.  Let them enter the stream, Of your breath exiting, And feel your inhale bring peace.  LONG PAUSE Each part of your body, Relaxes and melts, The tension has faded away. What’s holding you up, Is soft, yet firm, Allowing you to be here today. LONG PAUSE Let gratitude fill, Each inhale right now, As time stands still for you. You realize that now, This moment right here, Is all that exists and is true.  LONG PAUSE You’re filled with a wave, Of freshness and love, You see all the beauty around. You see all the magic, The energies collide, You see that your life is profound.  LONG PAUSE So breathe in again, And this time, smile wide, Let all that’s been heavy dissolve. You get to choose, How you’ll live this day, So choose to love and evolve.  PAUSE With just a single breath… You can touch the space, That pulses with magic inside.  With just a single breath… You can connect to, All the Universe provides.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Charlene the dreamweaver floated softly through the starry night sky, her gossamer wings glimmering in the moonlight. As she surveyed the sleeping world below, she wondered who needed sweet dreams tonight. Gliding over the rolling hills, Charlene spotted a small cottage nestled in a grove of trees. She peered in the window and saw a young boy fast asleep, though he was frowning and restless. "He must be having a nightmare," thought Charlene. "I'll weave him a lovely dream." Charlene sprinkled silvery dream dust through the open window. Suddenly the boy's frown lifted into a smile. He dreamed he was flying a kite in a sunny meadow, the colorful tail streaming behind him. Charlene smiled and drifted on. Over the village she went, sprinkling dream dust on all the sleeping townsfolk. Soon everyone was smiling and sighing happily in their sleep. Even the dogs and cats dreamed they were chasing butterflies and napping in sunny patches. As Charlene floated over the forest, she heard a faint roar. In a small clearing, she saw a mother bear and her two cubs curled up in their den, shivering. A cold wind was blowing outside... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hey, it’s Katie and I’m here for a mid-month check in. How are you? How’s your month coming along? How’s your mental health?  We’re well into Mental Health Awareness Month and I hope you’ve really been enjoying all the bonus and guest meditations we’ve been providing across the network. The team and I have been working hard to make sure you have a wide variety of meditations and voices to support you!  I’m sharing honestly today about why we need to “slow down to speed up” and what that’s actually looked like for me this month (single mommying with hubs out of town, end of school extra activities and moving!). It ain’t been pretty y'all.  But I’m sharing because we all have these heavy seasons and I’ll walk you through what worked for me to lighten the load and helped me slow down, all in the name of preserving my mental health.  I also share a poem/meditation I wrote recently called “A Million Little Reasons” that I hope really speaks to your heart.  ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Tuesday, May 21 is World Meditation Day! We’re celebrating with a special “World Meditation Day Meditation” going live on all our podcasts. Come meditate with us!  2) FREE MASTERCLASS: On June 18 at 1pm est, I’ll be co-hosting a Live Masterclass with my friend JJ Flizanes called “The Roadmap to Emotional Healing.” You can find out more and sign up for free here: Lastly, if you’re enjoying our meditations, we would be so grateful for your rating and reviews on Apple Podcasts! It always helps others just like you find us easily.  Thank you so much for listening and I love you!  Katie  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Misty was a tiny star who lived in the vast night sky. She twinkled brightly amongst her fellow stars, glowing with a soft, silvery light. Though small, Misty's shine could be seen for miles across the sleepy countryside below. Each night, as the sun slipped below the horizon, Misty would begin to twinkle. She loved watching the world slowly drift off to sleep. The first to fall asleep were always the little farm animals in the fields and barns. The cows, horses, sheep, and chickens would snuggle into their beds of hay, tuck their heads down, and let out big, sleepy sighs. Misty would blink her light gently over them like a nightlight, singing a soft twinkling lullaby. Next to fall under Misty's sleepy spell were the wild creatures of the forest and meadows. Owls would stop their hooting, bears would lumber back to their dens, rabbits would hop slowly to their burrows, and deer would nestle down in the soft forest underbrush. Misty's twinkling glow and melodic lullaby would soothe them all into slumber. Finally, the families living in the little farm houses dotted across the land would start to settle in for the night. Parents would tuck their children snugly into bed, place sweet kisses on their little foreheads, and tip-toe from the rooms. Then Misty would beam her gentlest, warmest light over the farmhouses, twinkling in time with her lullaby. She wouldn't stop her song until the last light in the last little farmhouse was switched off for the night... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> The air was crisp and cool as I stepped off the plane into the Himalayas. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the fresh mountain air. I had come to the highest peaks on earth seeking inner peace and a respite from the hectic pace of modern life. This journey represented a new chapter, an opportunity to slow down and reconnect with nature. I made my way to the small village where I would be staying for the next few weeks. The village sat nestled between rolling green foothills, with snow-capped peaks rising majestically in the distance. The pace of life here was wonderfully slow - no crowded streets, no traffic jams, no constant bombardment of advertisements and media. Just the soothing sounds of nature and the kind smiles of the villagers. After settling into my lodgings, a cozy room in a family-run homestay, I ventured out to explore the village and its surroundings. I wandered dirt paths between modest stone and brick dwellings. Chickens clucked and scratched in the yards, small goats bleated as they wandered in and out of open barn doors. In a small courtyard, an elderly woman smiled kindly at me as she spun wool into yarn with an ancient hand-carded spinning wheel. The days here followed the rhythms of nature and seasons, not the artificial cycles imposed by factories and corporations. I could feel my racing mind begin to quiet just from these first few hours surrounded by the peaceful village... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> To all of you mothers,  Whose babies are new, Who sleeplessly hold your sweet ones. May you find rest, And know in your soul, You can handle whatever comes.  PAUSE To all of you moms,  Who have little kids, Whose values you’re trying to mold.  I know it is heavy, But Divine is right here, Helping you to carry the load.  PAUSE To all of you mothers,  Deep in the teens, Doing your best to survive. Keep showing up, As the mother they need, And watch as they thrive. PAUSE To all of you mamas, Whose kids are grown up, Carving out paths all alone. It can be tough, As you learn to let go,  And let them live lives of their own.  PAUSE To all of you souls, Who have said goodbye, To your mother whose time had come. That hole will remain, Inside of you, Grief braids itself in who you become.  PAUSE Breathe and relax, I deeply honor you.  Breathe and sink in, To your motherly truth. LONG PAUSE Feel your motherly essence,  Swirl with the past, With the women who’ve mothered your soul.  Let it surround you, As you mother your own, Beautiful mama, you are whole.  LONG PAUSE There is sweet comfort, Knowing there is, An invisible, unspoken bond. Between all us moms,  Who won’t judge or pry, We’ll do anything to bring calm.  PAUSE So imagine your kids,  And your mother too, And all of the mamas around.  We’re connected with love, That moves mountains, The magic is truly profound.  PAUSE Dear mama, I wish, For you to feel me, When I say I truly love you. I honor your soul, And on this Mother’s Day, May you feel loved and full.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Debra sank into her seat as the midnight train slowly pulled out of the station. She was exhausted after her long day at the office and was looking forward to a peaceful ride to help her unwind and rest. As the train picked up speed, the gentle rocking motions lulled Debra into a relaxed state. She gazed out the window as images of the day flashed through her mind. Meetings, phone calls, emails - her busy work life always kept her on the go. But now, on this train, she could feel the tensions of the day slipping away. Outside, the full moon shimmered across the dark countryside. They passed by a lake where the silver waters sparkled in the moonlight. The scene was so serene. Debra felt her eyelids getting heavy. She settled into her seat, resting her head against the cushioned headrest behind her. The clickety-clack of the train tracks grew hypnotic. She let her mind wander to all the faraway places this midnight train could take her. Where might she wake up when morning comes? The swaying of the train car made Debra feel like she was rocking gently in a cradle. She pulled her sweater up over her shoulders like a cozy blanket. Other passengers on the train were starting to doze off too. The lights dimmed to a soft glow. It felt almost magical, this journey they were on together through the dark of night... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> The sun slipped below the horizon, casting brilliant hues of orange, pink and purple across the evening sky. As dusk settled in, the colors softened into a velvety indigo blanket studded with twinkling stars. Sitting on his favorite hilltop overlook, the stargazer gazed up at the celestial spectacle in wonder. This was his nightly ritual, to watch the transition from day into night and marvel at the beauty above. A gentle breeze rustled through the long grass as the air cooled. The stargazer took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of honeysuckle on the wind. He listened to the soft chirping of crickets begin their nightly serenade. Peace washed over him like the lapping of waves on a shore. As the deep violet of night permeated the sky, more stars emerged from their slumber. First just a sprinkling, then a cascade, until thousands upon thousands glimmered like diamonds against black velvet. The stargazer’s eyes darted around, identifying favorite constellations - Orion rising in the east, the Big Dipper pouring stars into the northern sky, Sirius the dog star sparkling bright as a jewel. The Milky Way revealed itself in a swirling mist across the heavens. Billions of suns, billions of worlds - and the stargazer felt at one with them all. A sense of harmony resonated through his entire being... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Briana took a deep breath as she stepped outside into the cool night air. It had been an exhausting day at work and she was looking forward to getting home, taking a long hot bath, and crawling into bed. As she walked to her car, she looked up at the night sky. It was a clear night and the stars twinkled brightly against the dark backdrop. The nearly full moon shone down, bathing everything in a soft, silvery light. Briana smiled as she took in the peaceful nightscape. She had always loved stargazing, ever since she was a little girl. She remembered laying in her backyard with her dad, staring up at the constellations, listening as he told her stories about the myths behind each one. She got into her car and started the drive home, keeping her eyes on the road but stealing glances up at the stars whenever she could. She turned on some soft, instrumental music and hummed along, feeling herself start to relax. By the time Briana pulled into her driveway, she was looking forward to sinking into a warm, bubbly bath. She headed straight for the bathroom, eager to wash the day away. She filled the tub with hot water and added in some lavender-scented bubbles and bath salts. As she stepped in and lowered herself into the water, she could instantly feel her body unwind. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hey, it's Katie, and today, I'm here to say hello and give you a little update.  It's May 1st today, which means we're stepping into Mental Health Awareness Month.   What have you been doing to be kind to your mind lately?   On today's solo episode, I'm sharing about some fun, extra meditations we're putting out for you across the network, some for mental health, some for moms, and some to share about other podcasts the team and I love to support our mental health.   I'm also sharing the two things that are working really well for my mental health lately! And...I'm sharing a poem I wrote in one of those "ugly" moments of life. I hope it resonates and that you are inspired to continue on your perfectly imperfect journey of being you!   Namaste, Beautiful,  Katie  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> In the heart of the dream-lit universe, where the boundaries between the possible and the fantastical blurred, there lived a woman named Genevieve. Her existence was a tapestry woven with threads of moonbeams and stardust, and every night, she embarked on a celestial voyage, casting off the anchor of reality to float among the constellations of sleep. The journey always began as the clock tiptoed past the last echoes of reality, and the realm of dreams unfolded its cosmic embrace. Genevieve, a seeker of nocturnal wonders, found herself standing on the shores of the ethereal Silver Lake. Its waters sparkled like liquid silver, reflecting the dance of celestial bodies above. The air hummed with the melody of unseen galaxies, and a gentle breeze carried whispers of ancient stories across the astral landscape. In this mysterious sanctuary, time flowed in liquid loops, bending to the will of the dreaming. Genevieve, an ethereal adventurer, stood ready for another expedition into the boundless expanse of the night, where each constellation held a tale waiting to be unraveled. The very fabric of the cosmos cradled her dreams, and with a heart full of curiosity, she prepared to navigate the astral currents once more... 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> As the sun begins to set on the horizon, a hush falls over the land. The birds' songs soften to a lullaby as they settle into their nests. Crickets and cicadas strike up a gentle chorus, their chirps ringing through the cool evening air. Somewhere in the distance, a lone owl calls out, like a sentinel guarding the approach of night. You make your way home as the last fingers of daylight recede from the sky. The colors of sunset fade from fiery orange and dusky pink to the deep violets and blues of twilight. Overhead, the first stars emerge, tiny pinpricks of light in an endless dark canvas. Inside, you draw the curtains and light a few candles to drive back the encroaching shadows. Their flame flickers gently, casting a warm glow and the comforting scents of vanilla and cinnamon. You change into your softest pajamas and pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea, breathing in the soothing aroma of flowers and honey. As you sip your tea, you can feel the day's tension dissipating, loosening its grip on your shoulders and back. Washing the tea cup and setting it in the drainer to dry, you move through the comforting familiarity of your nighttime routine. Brushing teeth, washing face, and then climbing into the welcoming embrace of your bed. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A few years ago, my friend had a panic attack. As she told me about it afterward, my heart hurt for her and I wished there was something I could do to help. So, I created a meditation that she could keep on hand. And then I created another, and then another. And soon, I launched an entire podcast called Panic Attack Meditation to help her and others during those incredibly intense moments of high anxiety and panic attacks. If you find yourself or someone you love needing support like this, make sure to follow Panic Attack Meditation on your favorite podcast player so you can have them on hand when you need them. Right now, I want to share a listener favorite called Calm Mind. I hope you enjoy it.  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Ruben sank into his soft, cozy bed and pulled the blankets up to his chin. As he settled in for the night, he let out a big yawn. Ruben was exhausted after a long day of work and was looking forward to drifting off to sleep. As his eyelids grew heavy, Ruben's thoughts wandered to the dance class he had started taking recently. Ever since he was a little boy, Ruben had loved to dance. He would make up lively routines in his room to his favorite songs. His family would laugh and cheer as Ruben leapt and twirled around the living room. Now as an adult, Ruben had finally gotten the courage to take formal dance lessons. He signed up for a ballroom dancing class that met once a week at the local community center. Although he was nervous at first, Ruben quickly realized he had a natural talent for waltzing, foxtrotting and even the spicy salsa. He loved learning the intricate steps and feeling the rhythm flow through his body. Ruben's absolute favorite part of class was when the instructor would dim the lights and turn on some slow dreamy music. "Now dance with your imagination," she would instruct. Ruben would close his eyes and envision himself dancing in a grand marble hall amidst twirling gowns and dazzling chandeliers. He would glide and spin across the floor with his ghostly partner, carried away by the enchanting melody. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> The day had been long and tiring for Faith. As she lay in bed, sleep just wouldn't come. Her mind kept racing with thoughts about work, family, and all her responsibilities. She tossed and turned, wishing she could quiet her busy mind. As Faith stared up at the ceiling fan going round and round, she noticed something strange. The fan blades seemed to be slowing down, moving slower and slower until they appeared completely still. "How odd," Faith thought. She blinked her eyes hard, thinking they must be playing tricks on her. But when she opened them again, the fan was still frozen in place. That's when she noticed the sunlight in the room start to fade. The walls and ceiling became dark as pitch. It was as if someone had suddenly switched off the sun. Faith felt both confused and curious. She climbed out of bed and went to the window. Outside, the sky was filled with glittering stars, more than Faith had ever seen before. They twinkled brightly against the blackness of space. "I must be dreaming," Faith whispered. But it felt so real. She pressed her hands against the window pane to make sure. It was cool and firm beneath her palms. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Midnight Melodies

Midnight Melodies


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> In the heart of a bustling city, where the streets teemed with life by day and fell silent by night, there existed a hidden sanctuary known only to a select few. Tucked away in the labyrinth of narrow alleys and cobblestone pathways, there lay a place untouched by the chaos of the outside world—a place where time seemed to stand still and the whispers of the night danced on the breeze. It was here, amidst the shadows and the moonlight, that Lula found herself drawn to night after night. With each step she took along the winding streets, her senses awakened to the magic that lingered in the air. There was something enchanting about the stillness of the night, a sense of possibility that hung in the darkness like a veil. As Lula wandered deeper into the maze of alleyways, she felt a tug at her soul—a pull towards the heart of the city where the night held secrets waiting to be discovered. With each passing moment, the world around her seemed to fade away, leaving only the echo of her footsteps against the cobblestones. When the clock struck midnight, Lula found herself standing before a grand, ivy-covered mansion nestled at the end of a secluded street. Its windows glowed with an otherworldly light, casting long shadows that stretched across the pavement. Despite the eeriness of the scene before her, Lula felt a sense of curiosity stirring deep within her heart. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We all experience stress, and I hope these meditations have helped you work through some of those stressful moments. Did you know we have an entire podcast dedicated to helping you deal with stress, anxiety and worry? It’s called Meditation for Anxiety. Every day, there’s a special meditation for you that can help you during those high intensity moments, the daily management of stress, and even help you sleep when your mind is racing with stressful thoughts. So follow Meditation for Anxiety on the same podcast player you’re using now so you can have these special meditations at your fingertips. Right now, I want to share one of my favorite episodes called Anxiety Release. I hope you really enjoy it.   To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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