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The Wounded Blue Hour

Author: Lt. Randy Sutton

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America Out Loud Network © - The Wounded Blue Hour is the top show on everything law enforcement, with interviews and news stories. Lt. Randy Sutton is the FOUNDER of The Wounded Blue and your host.
131 Episodes
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – There was no arrest warrant, and agents were conducting an investigation into the “gun show loophole“ that allows people to sell weapons at gun shows. According to Mrs. Malinowski, Bryan thought he was the victim of a home invasion and opened fire at the shadows coming in his door. One of the agents was hit in the foot. They returned fire and killed Bryan Malinowski...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – David Berez served twenty years as a New Jersey Police Officer and, during those decades, discovered the darkness of Post Traumatic Stress. The loneliness that accompanies PTS and the feelings of isolation are often so debilitating that officers take their own lives at a startling rate. Learning to cope often comes from finding a “3 am friend” or someone you know you can count on...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Survival is more than just about physical combat. It is about using your mind, as well as your body, and having confidence in your competence. A law enforcement officer can save not only the officer's life but also the lives of suspects. But the reality of training, civilian, and law enforcement in today’s “anti-police militarization” climate is putting our officers in jeopardy...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – 30-year law enforcement veteran Don Bostic has seen the devastation of violence toward law enforcement officers, not only serving as a police officer but also in his capacity as an FBI agent. In this revealing interview on The Wounded Blue Hour, he shares with us insights on how our law-enforcement community feels about violent death and injury, as well as all of the personal factors that cause trauma...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Is this crisis because of the outdated and ineffective recruitment strategies being employed by law enforcement agencies themselves? Major Travis Yates (Ret), a law enforcement veteran leader and nationally known trainer, believes so. In this stunning interview with Show Host Randy Sutton, Yates lays out in detail the past and present recruiting strategies and how...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – For decades, law enforcement leadership has searched for a way to meaningfully engage with the communities they serve. As technology has evolved, so have innovative strategies for bringing the police and the people they serve together. ”Atlasone” is leading the way. In this informative interview with show host Randy Sutton, company founder Jamison Johnson explains why he has...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – In this truly revealing interview with show host Randy Sutton, Dr. Johnson reveals what she has termed “The Fatal Ten” factors that enter into the equation of why officers have committed this irreversible act. Period. The shocking truth behind this devastating trend is a wake-up call to the entire law enforcement community...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Every day, law enforcement officers literally put their lives on the line to protect and serve their communities. The toll in terms of deaths and injuries runs in the thousands. Each day throughout this nation, countless acts of valor, heroism and compassion are performed by our police. Adam Davenport and Megan Stockberger recognized the need and cofounded the National Law Enforcement Officers Hall of Fame...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Dan Murphy spent 20 years with the New York City Police Department, investigating everything from robberies to terrorism. But his lifetime of service didn’t end there. He continued to investigate criminality in the private sector, but his love of policing kept drawing him back to different roles. Knowing how the safety of police officers across the country has been challenged, they have created a brand new product that can replace pepper spray...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Through the years of engaging with America's law enforcement warriors, he’s developed tremendous insight into the emotional and mental challenges facing American law enforcement, and it has led him to the conclusion that “leadership“ is failing our police. Listen to his very frank assessment in conversation with show host Randy Sutton in this week's episode of The Wounded Blue Hour...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – In 2014, police officer Scott Brown of the Sacramento Police Department lived the nightmare that every cop fears, the murder of his partner. A three-time deported felon shot and killed Scott’s partner, Deputy Danny Oliver, during a shoot-out. Scott shot the suspect, but he escaped long enough to kill another police officer and wounded a third and also a civilian...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – The white supremacist killer targeted members of the Sikh temple to kill, and had it not been for the arrival of Lieutenant Murphy, many more would have died. The suspect ambushed Lieutenant Murphy and pumped 15 rounds into the officer, causing devastating injuries. Incredibly, Lieutenant Murphy not only survived but found a new purpose in telling his incredible story of survival...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Dr. Gemi Bertran faced many challenges, including her own fight against trauma, both physical and psychological. Her request for knowledge led to her development of groundbreaking science. She now utilizes her research to help military and special forces, as well as law enforcement, deal with mental health challenges such as PTSD.
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Laurie White is a former member of the Royal Canadian mounted police with a powerful story to tell. She has written a book, “10–33, and Officer Down Step Back Up, “ in which she recounts her journey after losing a leg in the line of duty after being shot. She is the first member of the Royal Canadian mounted police to have lost a limb and returned to full duty...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – The retired Chief of Police and Public Safety Liason for Acadia Health is one of the most respected experts on PTS. The realities of the history and present understanding of Post Traumatic Stress is one of the most misunderstood issues facing Law Enforcement Officers and other First Responders. Joe Collins brings forth a fascinating understanding of this powerful issue.
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Law enforcement has been plagued by suicide, retirements, resignations, and the lowest level of recruitment in history. State legislatures, city governments, and the media have created an “us against them“ environment between citizens and their police. Lt. Randy Sutton takes a deep dive into the impact of policing in America...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Paul Belli spent decades working on homicides and knows firsthand how years of exposure to violent death can affect those tasked with bringing murderers to justice. But retirement didn’t end his years of service. Now, as one of the leaders of the International Homicide Investigators Association, he helps lead the way to...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Sergeant Joe Morgan of the Des Moines police department was a well-respected veteran police officer of many decades when he took his own life. Police suicide is in epidemic proportion in the United States, and this story told by his friend and partner, along with his wife’s emotional killing of her journey, should be...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – A misdemeanor arrest for disorderly conduct led to an official diagnosis of PTSD, but instead of allowing treatment, the police chief fired him. Sgt Matthew Hunter served the Des Moines Iowa Police Department honorably for more than 21 years, but tragedy struck when his close friend and partner, Sgt Joe Morgan, took his own life...
The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – Sgt Matthew Hunter served the Des Moines Iowa Police Department honorably for more than 21 years, but tragedy struck when his close friend and partner, Sgt Joe Morgan, took his own life. Seeing the effect that the suicide had on Joe’s wife and the manner in which she and the family were treated led Sgt Hunter down the dark journey of...
Comments (2)

Mike Petty

Hello Randy I listened to this podcast of you talking about just what biden did with our border patrol officers and I remember seeing that on TV. I'm a former Law enforcement officer and he makes me sick to my stomach what all the demoncratcics are doing to our law enforcement officers and our brothers in blue just last night after the Jewish synagogue standoff here just a few miles from where I live he had the oddassity to come on national TV and give praise to how good a job they did there. he says that and then out of the other side of his mouth he has his wicked evil administration defunding all our police departments all over this great country. Let me tell you Randy he is not fooling anybody with the way of his words I'm also a Vet and I know that he hates both of the professions I was in. we are in a lot of trouble in this country under this administration he is nothing but a lying hypocrite and Randy thank you for bringing this podcast to the forefront not that anybody has been

Jan 16th

Joel Brockenberry

I think that Lieutenant Sutton might stop using the word liberal, as that word is too generous. The most accurate descriptors would require foul language, so in the interest of polite decorum, Leftist or American Marxist would be more accurate.

May 22nd