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UNSAFE with Ann Coulter
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UNSAFE with Ann Coulter

Author: Ricochet

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Ann Coulter, author of 13 New York Times bestsellers, chats about politics, religion, war, crime, history, sex, race, soccer (even real sports!) — all the things we’re told it’s impolite to raise in polite company.

Coulter’s UNSAFE podcast is the Rapid Response Team to the Democratic Party and its subsidiaries, the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, et al — as well as 90 percent of the Republican Party. Listen here first – and be 3 days ahead of all the cable news channel hosts, who will undoubtedly be listening too.

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76 Episodes
This week:Trump wants "Green Card" diplomasThe first Biden-Trump debate of 2024 is this ThursdayBillionaire slavery in Switzerland (NY Times/France 24)Upcoming SCOTUS decisions (60 Minutes)We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave... (CBS This Morning)
Ann's interview with Kevin Sabet, drug policy advisor to both the Bush and Obama administrations.Show links:Marijuana Reclassification Puts Politics and Profits Ahead of Public HealthMarijuana ReschedulingORGANIZATION: Smart Approaches to MarijuanaSmokescreen: What the Marijuana Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
Introducing the Unsafe Weekly with Ann Coulter! Start your week off with the stories Ann found interesting or amusing over the weekend, exclusively from week:The Sandy Hook verdict catches up with Alex Jones (InfoWars)Justice Alito secretly recorded into admitting his Christianity (MSNBC)There are terrorists at the southern border (Rep. Mike Rogers on Face the Nation/CBS)Trump endorses Larry Hogan for Senate (Fox News)Record passenger fine from FAA (TND/Sinclair Broadcasting)
Show links:Website: gmantell.comYouTube Channel 
Ann talks with the "Dilbert" creator about diversity, Covid, global warming, the art of persuasion and bat-guano crazy women.Show Links:Real Coffee with Scott AdamsFind out what happened to Dilbert
Ann and podcast regular Mickey Kaus discuss campus protests, Ukraine aid, Weinstein, Cosby, Trump's VP and more! Mostly, they disagree.Show topics:Why do liberals suddenly oppose college leftists?Mike Johnson: neocon suck-up;Zelensky’s plot to kill every Ukrainian male;The best president/congress combo;All rules have disappeared;Will AI make 20 million immigrants welfare cases?Mickey’s defense of the Weinstin ruling and Ann’s defense of Bill Cosby;Could NPR be more boring?
The second part of Ann's interview with Peter Thiel.Show links:Accelerating Innovation: The Impact Of The Thiel FellowshipSoul Suck: Ex-lawyers dish on why they ditched their jobsNo White Faculty Allowed
Ann sits down with Peter Thiel, Chairman of Palantir, the co-founder of PayPal and the first major outside investor in Facebook.In May of 2016, Theil admitted to the New York Times that he financed Terry Bollea's (aka, Hulk Hogan) lawsuit against Gawker Media. Here, in part one of Ann's two-part interview, Thiel goes into great detail on the background story of bringing down one of the internet's biggest sleaze merchants.
Return of Ryan Girdusky

Return of Ryan Girdusky


Show links:Twitter: @RyanGirdusky1776 Project PACSec of State Blinken statement: Appointment of Zakiya Carr Johnson as the Department’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion OfficerZakiya Carr Johnson’s other work: Hauling more Latin Americans into our country at your expenseAbortion in Florida: Democratic candidates just got a boost for 2024Immigration Surges to Top of Most Important Problem ListRep. Bob Good (VA-Dist 5) is being primaried for no good reason by selfish douchebags at a time when the GOP has a ONE-VOTE majority in the House.Republicans: Please remember when the “Tea Party” gave us Dem majorities and ObamaCare with candidates like Christine O’Donnell, Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock.Here are my Tips for Republican Voters:1) No elected Republican will do everything you want. Don’t run off and instigate an ugly, rancorous, and expensive primary against an incumbent Republican in order to modestly improve the candidate, and very possibly lose the seat.2) The only exception to Tip No. 1 is that you must destroy any elected Republican who pretends to be a Republican, but then tries to lose every single issue, across the board, by giving the Democrats 30 million new voters with amnesty.3)  Learn to rely on facts and don’t get swept up in group-think slogans about “establishment Republicans.”  Otherwise, boy, will your face be red when you realize you were the one fighting for the establishment Republicans! (Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum and Paul Ryan--all of whom support amnesty).BONUS! Tips for Democrats:1)  Be sure your primaries include lots of candidates who will never be the nominee.  You don’t want your base getting too focused on the actual purpose of the exercise.2) Hold 312 primary debates.  We Republicans find that lots of debates encourage attention-seekers and nuts to throw their hat in the ring.3)  Extend your primaries through July, or at least June, especially when running against an incumbent president.  It really keeps the nominee on his toes to have only three months to campaign against a candidate who’s been campaigning for four years.
The Return of Bill Schulz

The Return of Bill Schulz


Show Links:What Is Antisemitism? A Columbia Task Force Would Rather Not Say.Is New York Better Off Than It Was 7 Years Ago? New Yorkers Say No.The Psychedelic Evangelist (Druggie may have been a fraud!)One Twin Was Hurt, the Other Was Not. Their Adult Mental Health Diverged.I'm a Sociopath, Like Millions of OthersWe pay our gym to let us work out naked — it’s helped us get fitterModified Limited Hangout -The phrase was coined in the following exchange:PRESIDENT NIXON: You think, you think we want to, want to go this route now? And the – let it hang out, so to speak?DEAN: Well, it's, it isn't really that –HALDEMAN: It's a limited hang out.DEAN: It's a limited hang out.EHRLICHMAN: It's a modified limited hang out.
Gavin McInnes

Gavin McInnes


Proud Boys Founder on the Road to CancellationShow links:Gavin McInnes’s Censored TVGavin McInnes: Shut Down Ann Coulter!The New York Times, The Edge of Hip: Vice, the Brand
Ann argues with the smartest, most articulate proponent of libertarianism: the magnificent Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4th)Show links:Rep. Thomas MassieOn Twitter: @RepThomasMassieOn Facebook: Congressman Thomas Massie2013 Politico profile: Ky. lawmaker earns name for ‘no’2020: The Off-Grid Home Thomas Massie Built In Kentucky
The Return of Kaus!

The Return of Kaus!


Mickey and Ann discuss the issues of the day, mostly immigration and their choices for Trump's VP.Show links:Mickey on Twitter: @kausmickeyReality on the Democrat “border bill” hustle of 2024Paul Krugman, Immigrants Make America Stronger and Richer, Feb. 5, 2024Michael Lind, Krugman vs. Krugman, Feb. 19, 2024
THE Officer Tatum

THE Officer Tatum


This week Ann talks with Brandon Tatum, former Tuscon (AZ) police officer and now Salem Radio host. They talk white people, black people, racism, policing and how Christianity changes everything.
John Lott knows!Only one group commits fewer mass shootings than whites - and it's not Asians.Lott’s latest study: Updated information on Mass Public Shootings from 1998 through October 2023But you must also go here - Crime Prevention Research Center. It has the studies on everything - guns, the death penalty, assault weapons, waiting periods, red flag laws, international comparisons, etc. etc.And here’s the book by Lott that’s already saved tens of thousands of lives - ‘More Guns Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws.’And Ann's column that maybe saved half a life: Ruger is a Girl's Best Friend
Warrior Against the Woke

Warrior Against the Woke


Andrew Gutmann’s outstanding letter to Brearley parents is here.“It cannot be stated strongly enough that Brearley's obsession with race must stop. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking parent that Brearley has completely lost its way. The administration and the Board of Trustees have displayed a cowardly and appalling lack of leadership by appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob, and then allowing the school to be captured by that same mob.”Daily Mail’s write up on the fracas is here.Wikipedia’s entry on The Brearley School is here.Andrew's podcast series on education is here.Andrew Guttman for Congress!Donate to his campaign here.
If you follow Ann on the 'X' platform you've likely heard of this episode and now it's here in its entirety. They talk immigration, the fall of California, the sorry state of American higher education and, of course, Donald J. Trump and what 2024 portends.
Henry Olsen, RENOWNED for the accuracy of his election predictions, is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. A true non-partisan politico, he writes a regular column for The Washington Post, and has also written for National Review, American Greatness, City Journal, and World Magazine. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and, of course, he has a podcast on books are:The Working Class Republican: Ronald Reagan and the Return of Blue-Collar ConservatismThe Four Faces of the Republican Party and the Fight for the 2016 Presidential NominationIn this interview, the poor man walked into a buzz saw, and held up admirably.
Nadine Strossen, legal scholar and civil liberties activist who served as the president of the American Civil Liberties Union (1991 to 2008) returns to the podcast to talk free speech and the rise of anti-Semitism on University campuses.(Note: This episode was taped prior to Claudine Gay's resignation at Harvard)
Articles mentioned:The unbearable allure of cringe. Why can’t you stop watching TV shows, movies or viral videos that make you cringe?.Mediaite: ‘Sean Hannity Does Stand-Up Set At Fox ‘Patriot Awards’ ShowBill Schulz, The Daily Beast, Happy Evacuation Day! Why It’s Time To Bring Back This Britain-Bashing HolidayBill Schulz, The New York Times, Oktoberfest, All the TimeBill Schulz, The New York Times, From the Vault of the Museum at Fraunces Tavern: A Drinks KitBill Schulz, The New York Times, Hamilton, Burr and the Great Waterworks RuseBook that describes William Dawes’s contribution to the Revolution: Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America