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Breaking Through Barriers

Author: Krista Sandford-Hill

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Here's to the ONE percenters!  All the little things, the achievable, actionable, intentional things, that build ourselves a thriving existence.  
A single concept to EXPLORE and PLAY with in our day.  
The art and power of living with Intention.   
Changing our lives.  

Every Moment of Every Day.

90 Episodes
Here's to earphone strings! How did we do life with Strings!Here's to the freedom of jacking out... and jacking in :)Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passion of 'Krista's Brain goes to the People of this World' can be supported right here through the Elevator to Elevator PatreonThank you for hittin...
Here's to finding our Holiday, in our Every Day.Finding our Rituals.Finding what lights our Souls on Fire.Finding our Incense Stick swirling in the Sunlight.It starts with the tiniest little step.A tiny little... I like this and for that reason, and that reason alone, I'm going to pop it into my every day.Here's to building the life of our dreams.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More ha...
Here's to sharing our Smiles!It's worth, is beyond words!A smileA simple smileWe never know who we are helpingIncluding ourselvesTime and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passion of 'Krista's Brain goes to the People of this World' can be supported right here through the Elevator to Elevator PatreonThank yo...
7 days, and what an adventure of Grieving they have been.I've had a lot of this story and as with anything that we repeat, it really does get easier and easier, it flows more and more, the pain doesn't last as long.Here's to grief.And here's to the BIGGEST factor that made this one SO much more amazing...People. Every single person that gifted me their support, love, compassion and time.Thank you all.Thank youThank youThank youKrista :)
Does this idea around {insert topic} really serve me? Do I need it?Often it's societial norms... like my childhood love of Thriller and Horror films that build our ideas, feelings and how we show up to specific parts of our lives.It's nice to check in on whether these concepts actually serve us now.Letting them go is yet another magical space for new ideas and happiness for free!Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our ...
All of the things.And all of it is oh so beautiful.Beanie rest in Joy, dude. We love you.Here's to SLIIIIIDING through adversity... we're getting good at this GameTime and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passion of 'Krista's Brain goes to the People of this World' can be supported right here through ...
Here's an epic list!A big glass of water to start the dayL TheanineSunlight in eye ballsSunriseNatureSharing smilesFunny Cat VideosGreen VeggiesFibreChocolate and CocoaGut SupportMove and GrooveSunsetsCold ImmersionAmazing People!Thank you! Thank you!Thank YOU!Here's to SLIIIIIDING through adversity... we're getting good at this GameTime and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, ...
A few tears in this one 💔 We are heading out to Muriwai This Sunday 8th September, 12pmParking around the 'Horse Trek' area.Come and join us ❤️ Krista and Bean
Hey Team!LOVED this new insight and it makes so much sense. Leaning into our less optimal learning styles at times creates endless brain expanding connections! Soooooo, once again! We are helping ourselves bulletproof against these degenerative brain diseases! HOORAY! What learning style will we explore today!Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peac...
Thank you Brain! I love you! And Thank you Body! For your patience with me learning how to listen to you... gently realising that often it was my Beautiful Brain overriding ALL of your insights and askings.Thank you Body! Thank you Brain! I wouldn't be who I am without either of you and I wouldn't change a thing. I am me! Because of both of You!THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence...
Now THIS slice of awareness is truly mind blowing - if we were unable to feel shame aka I am not enough... how effortless would it be to QUIT!So here's to freeing ourselves from The Shame of Quitting. Knowing that Quitting can often be the BEST thing for that situation.Here's to aligning ourselves to the YESSSS's! Anything less is a No Thank You.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More hap...
I really love this concept... there's forever WAY more reasons why we don't do something, than the things that we do! So here's to learning about it, because in essence we would LOVE to be able to do some of these things, that we KNOW would gift us endless greatness!The crux is in the HOW... and in the same breath... maybe it's actually a big fat NOPE that we really need to call on.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of o...
This one is so beautiful, something that I chose a very, very long time ago... the choice to be my most {insert current high vibe feeling} self whenever I am in front of others.Because, it was this very concept that lit my soul on fire, relating to the 'controllables and non controllables' - one of the ONLY things we can truly control is How we show up to others and ourselves.Beautiful. Truly Beautiful.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they ca...
The old Unicorn Post-It Notes! Hello Curiosity reminders! So much special!Curiosity is such a powerful concept for navigating these moments, and those moments, and the art of being open to appreciating we have ZERO idea of what is right around the corner.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passi...
Brut force, Logic, Science, Ego, a NEED to feel SMART, INTELLECTUAL, BRIGHT... and jeepers the ruckuses that has got me into... Great Learning ;)Here's to moving that Tent peg, just a centimetre... just to see if that spot is more effortless, more fun, more enjoyable, 1% more exciting than the other option.Here's to learning how to go with the flow.And here's to laughter about bent pegs.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence...
The last 12 months has been about me looking to see if there's a new 'North Star' I wish to follow...And it's all boiled down to this! Being Passionate about being Passionate!WHEEEEEEEEE!Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passion of 'Krista's Brain goes to the People of this World' can be supported r...
We don't know what we don't knowWe don't know anyone's storyAlways assume the best intentionsAnd Curiosity. There is SO much beauty in the magnificent mindset!Here's to awareness that what is true for me, isn't true for you.And what is true for you, isn't true for me.Here's to Curiosity.It gifts so much more than Judgement.
The people in our Circles and the People in our Corner... there is a difference and so much beauty in adding extra recognition to those that are.This one has been coming at me thick and fast for the last few months and it finally landed over the last few days. Here's to incredible human connections, they really are the essence of the magnificence of our lives.Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%...
Thank you ALL for being here, for reaching out via all the online platforms and for stopping me in the street to share how much you are enjoying this podcast.I appreciate YOU! and for that I love doing this ❤️ Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passion of 'Krista's Brain goes to the People of this Wo...
This one was a FASCINATING FIND! Close to 15 years working with 1000s and this link showed up in close to 20 people!!Noses we love you! Smell we love you! Brains we LOVE YOU!Time and Choices! They are the essence of our lives, and we're quickly learning how they can be the essence of our Happiness!1%er by 1%er... More happiness, more success, more peace, more self worth... right at our fingertips.This passion of 'Krista's Brain goes to the People of this World' can be supported right here thr...