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Cyril Peterson Podcast

Author: Cyril Peterson

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Dive deep into the rich tapestry of the Bible with our podcast. Each story, parable, and lesson from the scriptures comes alive as we explore them visually, offering a fresh perspective for modern believers. From the serene shores of Galilee to the bustling streets of Jerusalem, we'll transport you to the heart of each biblical tale, shedding light on its significance and relevance in today's world. As we journey together, we'll uncover hidden gems and insights that will strengthen your faith and deepen your understanding.
15 Episodes



#GodOfBreakthrough #DailyJesusDevotionalMorningPrayer #PrayerForANewMonth Looking for a powerful breakthrough in your life? Join us in this daily Jesus devotional where we'll share 7 steps to help you overcome obstacles and reach your goals. From daily prayers to staying consistent, our devotional series will guide you through techniques to improve your spiritual relationship with Jesus and bring positive change in your life. Start your new month with a renewed focus and determination to reach new heights with the power of dailyjesusdevotional. In this video, we'll share 7 powerful and shocking steps to experience a breakthrough in your life. Inspired by the biblical story of "Baal Perazim," these steps will guide you towards success and fulfillment in all areas of your life. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and Christian motivation, as we dive into the "staying power" that will help you overcome any obstacle and reach your full potential. Don't miss out on this life-changing --- Send in a voice message:
Leaven of Galatia

Leaven of Galatia


A study of the context of this Epistle to the Galatian Church clearly shows that the leaven of Galatia was legalism, a mixture of Law and Grace. Having Christ in one hand and Moses in the other hand. It was a confusion of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant revelation. It was a mix­ture of flesh and spirit, bondage and liberty. works of the Law and faith in Christ. The Galatians having received Christ by faith now sought to go back to the beggarly elements of the Law, hoping to be perfected by legalistic works. Connect with me: --- Send in a voice message:
Over the ten Curtains of fine linen were placed eleven Curtains of Goat’s Hair. These Curtains are referred to many times in scripture as the “tent” as well as the Covering. Exodus 35:11  The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his taches, and his boards, his bars, his pillars, and his sockets, Exodus 36:14  And he made curtains of goats' hair for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them. Exodus 40:19  And he spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle, and put the covering of the tent above upon it; as the LORD commanded Moses. Numbers 3:25  And the charge of the sons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the congregation shall be the tabernacle, and the tent, the covering thereof, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,It is the second covering over the Framework of the Tabernacle. Connect with me: --- Send in a voice message:
There were various curtains and coverings involved in the Tabernacle. These Curtains and Coverings were hung or draped over the Framework. Some diagrams suggest that the final Coverings were placed in a tent position over tent poles. As to the specific arrangement of these Coverings we are not told. God has, however, given the order in which these Coverings were to be placed over the Framework and the materials from which they were to me made. Connect with me: --- Send in a voice message:
In addition to kings or tetrarchs being placed over Palestine, there were governors or procurators who served regionally. For the purpose of our study we will only look at procurators in relation to Judea who are specifically mentioned in the New Testament. Palestine was under Roman rule and Roman appointed leaders. The Romans placed kings or tetrarchs over the Jews. Antipater was given the initial position of tetrarch of Palestine about 47 B.C. and served in that position for about 10 years. --- Send in a voice message:
In this video, we'll dive into the biblical concept of the "leaven of Herod and the Pharisees." Discover what it is, why it's important to beware of it, and how it can apply to our lives today. Jesus warned against the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and understanding this concept can help us avoid their harmful ways of thinking. Join us as we explore the meaning and implications of this metaphor in our spiritual journey. Mark 8:15 And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. A study of the references to Herod show that he was a very sinful and worldly man. He feared the Word of God in John's mouth but was not prepared to repent. He was sly as a fox, sensual, proud and murderous. He was controlled by the spirit of the world. Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of Herod, the spirit of worldliness. --- Send in a voice message:
Are you aware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Don't let their teachings and hypocrisy influence your faith. In this video, we'll discuss what this "leaven" is and how to avoid it for a stronger and more genuine relationship with God. Perfect for Bible studies or personal reflection. Jesus also warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Sadducees. There was no mistak­ing what the leaven of the Sadducees was. It was their doctrine. The Sadducees did not believe in the supernatural, in spirit, in angels, or in the bodily resurrection --- Send in a voice message:
The East, from the fourth century, has held that the person of the Father is the center of divine unity. The main danger of this is a subordinationist tendency. If the Father is the guarantor of unity in the Godhead, it is only a short step to the Son and the Holy Spirit having a derivative status. On the other hand, the West since Augustine has begun with the divine essence. It has had difficulty accounting for the real eternal distinctions between the persons. With the essence prior to the persons, a less than fully personal view of God has resulted. The bias here is in a modalist direction. Seeing this, some in the West, like Moltmann, have argued that the Trinity is a community of three equal persons. However, since they lack a full doctrine of the immanent Trinity and correlate the Trinity with human history and experience, their conclusions veer toward tritheism and pantheism, often being explicitly Panentheistic. On the other hand, T. F Torrance, going back behind the Cappadocians and Augustine and following clues from Athanasius and Gregory Nazianzen, argues that the monarchy is to be seen as the whole Trinity, understood in a homoousial and perichoretic manner. However, he does not give equivalent emphasis to the distinctiveness of the three persons. Connect with me: --- Send in a voice message:



The three persons are homoousios. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are identical in being. Each person is the whole God. The three together are not more God than any one by himself. Since all three are one identical being, no one person is of higher or lesser status than any other. There are no gradations of deity. Thus, all three together are worshipped, as the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed holds. Connect with me: YouTube: --- Send in a voice message:
Mystery of Godliness

Mystery of Godliness


The East, from the fourth century, has held that the person of the Father is the center of divine unity. The main danger of this is a subordinationist tendency. If the Father is the guarantor of unity in the Godhead, it is only a short step to the Son and the Holy Spirit having a derivative status. On the other hand, the West since Augustine has begun with the divine essence. It has had difficulty accounting for the real eternal distinctions between the persons. With the essence prior to the persons, a less than fully personal view of God has resulted. The bias here is in a modalist direction. Seeing this, some in the West, like Moltmann, have argued that the Trinity is a community of three equal persons. However, since they lack a full doctrine of the immanent Trinity and correlate the Trinity with human history and experience, their conclusions veer toward tritheism and pantheism, often being explicitly Panentheistic. On the other hand, T. F Torrance, going back behind the Cappadocians and Augustine and following clues from Athanasius and Gregory Nazianzen, argues that the monarchy is to be seen as the whole Trinity, understood in a homoousial and perichoretic manner. However, he does not give equivalent emphasis to the distinctiveness of the three persons. Connect with me:Website: YouTube: Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:
Unity in Trinity

Unity in Trinity


The Father is made of none, neither created not begotten. The Son is of the Father alone, not made, nor created, but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and the Son, neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers, and there is one Son, not three Sons, and there is one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this trinity, none is afore or after the other, none is first and last, none is greater or less than another, but the whole three Persons are co-eternal together, and co-equal, so that in all things, as aforesaid: "The UNITY IN TRINITY, and the TRINITY IN UNITY is to be worshipped," To SUPPORT FINANCIALY: To PARTNER: Website: Facebook Page: Instagram: YouTube: Twitter: --- Send in a voice message:
The Athanasian Creed, formulated in the 5th century to combat the heresies concerning the Godhead, and to preserve from the two extremes of Unitarianism and Tritheism, undoubtedly is one of the greatest creeds of Early Church history. The true Christian faith is this, that we worship one God in trinity and trinity in unity, neither confounding the Persons nor dividing the substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Ghost. YouTube: Website: Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:



How to Approach the Word 1 – Begin with prayer 2 – Read the Bible 3 – Study the Bible 4 – Meditate upon the Bible Locate 5 – The command to obey 6 – The promise to claim 7 – The truth to believe 8 – To know His will 9 – Know His word and His ways Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: Let’s make a commitment to: Receive the Word: open hearts Hear the Word: open ears Be doers of the Word: open lives. By doing this, we will be living life in the power of obedience! --- Send in a voice message:
What is sound doctrine according to the bible? Dive into the rich tapestry of doctrine as revealed in the New Testament, particularly in the Pastoral Epistles of Paul. In this enlightening video, we'll explore the approximately 16 specific references to doctrine found in I and II Timothy and unveil the profound insights they offer. We'll also draw connections with passages from the Gospels, Acts, and other epistles to paint a comprehensive picture of the nature of doctrine. Doctrine, as depicted in the Pastoral Epistles, encompasses two fundamental elements that are essential for every believer to grasp. Join us on this journey of discovery as we decode the theological underpinnings and practical implications of these doctrines. Understanding the nature of doctrine is crucial for a strong foundation in faith and biblical knowledge. So, if you're eager to deepen your understanding of the New Testament and gain insights that will enrich your spiritual journey, make sure to hit that subscribe button for more illuminating content. Don't miss out on our upcoming videos exploring the depths of biblical wisdom! --- Send in a voice message:
The Need for Doctrine In an age of relativism, in which there appears to be no absolutes, it is vital to know that God has absolutes. God, His Word, His truth and His laws stand out as eternal absolutes, unchanged and unchanging, forever reliable. Atheism, agnosticism, relativism, situation ethics, existentialism and other philosophies of men have saturated this generation thus causing a real need for sound doctrine. --- Send in a voice message:
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