DiscoverAwakened and Unfiltered - For Women, Grieving, Self Consciousness, Spiritual Gifts, How to Meditate, Synchronicities
Awakened and Unfiltered - For Women, Grieving, Self Consciousness, Spiritual Gifts, How to Meditate, Synchronicities
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Awakened and Unfiltered - For Women, Grieving, Self Consciousness, Spiritual Gifts, How to Meditate, Synchronicities

Author: Mari Bailey - Mindset Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Entrepreneur, Intuitive Medium, Teacher, Intentional Living, Building Habits

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Are you a woman navigating grief with a longing within you to deepen your connection with those in heaven? Do you wish communication was simple (without having to worry about crystals or tarot cards)? Are you searching through Google trying to find the meaning of another dream, another angel number? Are you feeling overwhelmed with which interpretation and meaning relates to you?

I am so excited you’re here!

In this podcast, I help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, restore peace and calmness in your mind, and surrender to partnership with God so you can connect with loved ones on the other side and interpret their guidance for confidence in daily decision making.

Hi, my name is Mari. I’m a wife, fur mom, and someone who intimately understands the process of losing loved ones close to the heart. For 5 years, I knowingly received messages and signs from the nonphysical with little confidence in their meanings and no real relationship with God.

I was trying to force calmness on my mind, push the universe to my timeline, and rely on external sources like psychic mediums and pendulums for validation in interpreting messages.

I finally realized if I was going to find spiritual independence, I needed to honor the guidance from those I grieve, using it as momentum toward the development of my intuition.

I discovered a method to interpret divine messages that fits me - a simple approach that I could adapt to my unique connections with loved ones. A lifestyle with clear direction and daily guidance from those that walk in God’s light. And I’m ready to share it with you!

If you are ready to finally find a simple method to interpret divine messages that is built for women experiencing loss…use mindfulness practices that are simple, easy, and calming…become more aware of guidance to deepen self-understanding, boost confidence in decisions, and find peace knowing support is available from the other side. This podcast is for you!

It’s time to hit pause and connect.
Grab a comfy spot, light an incense, and let’s get started.

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*** For legal reasons, we must advise you that working with Mari Bailey and listening to her podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Any information or advice given by Mari Bailey is not to be used by you in place of any medical, health or professional advice or diagnosis from qualified and licensed professionals in those fields.***
14 Episodes
Hi Friend!  Happy New Year! 🎉 Permission to experience a blend of excitement and stress when establishing new goals, especially for us perfectionists. Whether you're manifesting through a vision board or finding solace in prayer using a prayer board, these three mindfulness activities are here to guide you, helping you discover calmness amidst the stress that may arise on your journey to growth. Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the Private Facebook Circle: Website: Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  I remember the first time a medium told me that I was spiritually gifted. A hundred questions overwhelmed my mind—literally. That night, I spent hours on Google, asking, 'What does it mean to have a spiritual gift?' and 'What are signs that I am spiritually gifted?' One question led to another and then another. Today, I'm taking it back to basics and sharing three reasons why a medium, psychic, card reader, or other lightworker might tell you that you have a spiritual gift. (I know because these are the same reasons I use to validate others' gifts.) Are you ready to gain some clarity? Let's get started!  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the Private Facebook Circle: Website: Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Today I introduce the four main clairs — clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. I'll simplify each clair and share tips for beginners on how to recognize which intuitive gifts your spirit team (angels, loved ones, and spirit guides) is using to communicate with you. The door to embracing your own inner medium is opening! Let's walk through together :) Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Angel Reiki Session, schedule here.    More Resources: Schedule a 1 on 1 Session: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the Private Facebook Circle: Website: Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Today I'm laying it all out on the table. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, and guess what? It's okay not to be okay. Join me as I share my recent journey through a challenging season, navigating emotions, and embracing vulnerability. Let's break down the stigma around spiritual individuals experiencing tough times and find strength in our shared humanity. Tune in for a raw and authentic conversation. Your heart is not alone on this sometimes difficult journey.  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: Schedule a 1 on 1 Session: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Okay, spoiler alert: today is all about mindset and being able to tell the difference between your ego and your intuition in order to navigate life with greater clarity and purpose. Today I break down what it means to be a human being.  Unravel the power of understanding the origin of your thoughts - a journey that can transform your life and happiness.  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Alright, let's be real – who doesn't love a good reality TV binge? Recently, I got sucked into 'Love is Blind' and 'The Ultimatum' on Netflix, and you won't believe the insights I gathered about love and relationships. Join me today as I share three takeaways to consider when strengthening romantic relationships. Whether you're on the search for your life partner or seeking to deepen your connection with your current spouse, these insights will guide you through the maze of modern love. Plus, I'll be sharing some practical strategies that I've personally found effective in my own marriage. Don't miss out on these valuable insights! Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Have you ever achieved a big goal, only to find that the happiness you expected wasn't quite there? Today I dig into 3 reasons behind that post-goal letdown. From the impact of negative self-talk to the importance of aligning your goals with your unique purpose, we're uncovering the power of your mindset in lasting fulfillment.  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Do you think you may have received an Angel sign but unsure if it was just a coincidence? Today I break down 5 honest signs for a beginner to learn to tell the difference and recognize an angel message from an ordinary moments in their everyday life.  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  If you've ever felt stuck or unsure how to start building a sustainable personal growth journey that lasts longer than a few days, today we are talking about 5 game-changing steps to get motivated and stay motivated. I wish I knew these mindset tips sooner!  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Today we talk about three mindset habits holding you back from fast-tracking your growth. Uncover the keys to unlocking your full potential and learn how shedding these habits can pave the way for a more empowered and fulfilling everyday life.  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Today we uncover the often overlooked, but critical first step when manifesting your dreams. Join me as I guide you through the essential foundation of successful manifestation, helping you align your intentions with your true desires. Don't miss this transformative episode that holds the key to turning your dreams into reality! Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Hi Friend!  Today we explore the topic of feeling safe with Angel Messages. For those who are new to the realm of spiritual communication, it's perfectly normal to have concerns about negative energy and dark spirits. Join me as I share how I transitioned from fear to faith, and then, I'll share my three essential steps to ensuring safe spirituality. These steps will empower you with the confidence and faith you need to embrace and trust the messages from the other side.  Love and Abundance,  Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered  
Hi Friend!  In this heartfelt debut episode of 'Awakened and Unfiltered,' join me as I open up about my personal journey through grief and the start of my spiritual awakening. Discover the extraordinary moment when I heard my best friend's voice from heaven and explore the normalcy of seeking validation in times of loss. Seven years ago, before becoming an Intuitive Medium, I carried skepticism and needed validation of Angel Messages too. :) Love and Abundance, Mari Mentions: Private Facebook Circle, join here.    More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Join the FB Circle: @AwakenedandUnfiltered Website: www.awakenedandunfiltered.ocm Email: hello@awakenedandunfiltered
Are you a loved one in grief struggling with an emotional rollercoaster you can't get off of and feeling robbed from moments of what could have been? Should have been? Are you a self-proclaimed empath, constantly absorbing the emotions of those around you? Did the person you were before fade a long time ago - only to be replaced with the irritability, restlessness, and numbness of this new normal? Love has given you moments you would not trade. It has given you a beautiful family, pets that feel like children, and opportunity for growth - but you're always still unhappy. People see strength when they look at you. They admire how you keep going - but all you see when you look in the mirror is a reminder of what isn't. Just like those 2am thoughts you can't run from, crying out to a God you can't forgive, “Why'd you take them? Why now?” The desperation... the guilt... I should have called more, hugged you more, said sorry more... In this podcast, I hand the mic over to heaven and with spirit's guidance, I help you learn how to understand your angel signs and grow your intuitive gifts. You should expect to hear unfiltered conversations and insights that feel real, raw, and relatable.  My name is Mari. I'm a grief survivor turned intuitive medium. I'm a wife and fur mom. I grew up on a basketball court, so I didn't spend my Sunday mornings at church or my Friday nights chasing the latest ghost story. I talked aloud to my loved ones after their passing, sometimes asking them questions and sometimes lecturing them for not being here anymore - but I didn't hear them talking back until I found myself within the walls of a fertility clinic. I love God, but I've had my own personal struggles and misalignment with some of the Church messages. I know what it's like to feel stuck in a cycle of irritability, restlessness, and numbness. I know what it's like to cry out to God feeling robbed from moments of what could have been. I know your empathy, your worry for everyone else more than yourself. I tried to filter myself, put on a happy face, and look for external love to make me feel whole - but it just left me feeling lost, angry, and disconnected. I finally realized I needed to find my true self, let go of society's expectations, and lean into love and curiosity. I'm still learning to trust my intuition and align these physical losses with my spiritual gifts. Care to come along the journey together? If you are ready to lower the volume of your inner critic, take off the masks society imposes on you, and lean into spirituality with an open mind so you can find who you truly are, where growth is measured by happiness and angel signs are both undeniable and filled with love, then welcome, this podcast is for you! I encourage you to keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.  It's time for that long-awaited call to Heaven. Put your phone down, light an incense, and run the bath. There's no one size fits all at The Awakened and Unfiltered Podcast.  More Resources: ALL LINKS: Instagram: Join the FB Community: Website: Email:
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