DiscoverMagic Mindset: The FertiliTEA Podcast
Magic Mindset: The FertiliTEA Podcast
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Magic Mindset: The FertiliTEA Podcast

Author: Magic Mindset

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This is THE podcast to listen to if you are on your fertility journey and ready to learn some of the behind the scenes secrets of how your mind, body, and spirit affect your fertility and your outcome!
You will learn all the tips and tricks that I used to get pregnant in just 6 months after YEARS of failed treatments and suffering through the emotions associated with infertility.
We aren't just practising "positive thinking" over here, we are busting down the walls of your fears and limiting beliefs in order to start CREATING SPACE for your baby!
14 Episodes
Do you ever feel like your being punished from something you did in a past life or in this life? Like your fertility is payback for something you did in the past? If so, you're going to want to tune into this one! We're talking all about how karma affects your fertility...but its not in the way you might think. We're also looking at the universal law of cause and effect (which some call Karma) and how what we're putting out is coming back to us with our fertility! AND, don't worry! I will not leave you hanging here! If you resonate with this and feel like there is some "karma" happening on your journey, I'm going to give you some tips on how to overcome it! This is a short one but its PACKED with all the TEA! ENJOY! And don't forget to leave a comment or review on the podcast! Every one helps to get the podcast out there to more women on this journey! 🙌✨ Also, if you haven't joined the Using Your Intuition to Unlock Your Fertility FREE webinar on June 7th, you can click the link below and sign up! AND there is a pretty exciting BONUS if you attend live! 🎁 🔗👇
How many of us ask this question "WHY ME?" when we are going through infertility? It seems so unfair that so many women get pregnant easily and here we are fighting everyday to TRY to get our babies into our belly. Today I am addressing this one from a spiritual standpoint. I truly believe there is a pretty big reason that you are going through infertility. I learned it on my own journey and have seen it time and time again as I see other women experiencing this challenge. I'm also sharing a pretty big WTF moment in this episode....tune in to find out what it is!
If you are seeing repeating results on your fertility journey, this episode is going to help you figure out where they're coming from! We often have limitations around our fertility that come a from a variety of sources. In this episode, I'm talking about 4 of the big causes of fertility limitations in detail. You'll find out how what they are, how to identify them in your own life, and what you need to do to clear them (and to stop creating them in the first place). This is the episode to listen to if you are feeling stuck on your journey and tired of not seeing the results you want! And don't forget to leave a review!
What kind of mindset coach would I bet if I didnt help you reframe some of the really HARD parts of infertility? One of those hard parts is trying not to take things personally or get upset when someone says something hurtful, insensitive, or ignorant about your fertility. Today we're gonna talk about some of those really hurtful comments...and I'm going to tell you how to become UNBOTHERED by them and maybe, just maybe even reframe them to USE their terrible advice to HELP you on your journey! Sounds nuts I know...but for this episode you're going to need to come with an open mind and heart. If you can do that, this will be a game changer!
We are constantly visualizing our lives. Usually our past and future. Rarely though, are we visualizing ON PURPOSE, consciously. In today's episode I'm giving you 5 steps to start consciously visualizing so you can start creating your reality and take back your power over your fertility. You don't wanna miss this one!
If you're getting ready to move into IVF you NEED to listen to this first! I am spilling the TEA on what you need to consider before you put all your time, money, and energy into doing IVF. After my own IVF was unsuccessful, even with 6 embryos, I WISH someone had explained this to me first! You don't want to miss this one!
In this episode I am spilling all the TEA on how affirmations can be used to start getting your RESULTS on your fertility journey! I have seen these affirmations work again and again! Women who send me pictures of their affirmation cards with their positive pregnancy tests light me right up. They are potent when used properly. A lot of women don't think affirmations work for them because they don't feel different when the use them. However, there are few things we have to do with affirmations in order to make them effective. I'm sharing a few of them today!
In this episode I am sharing the importance of creating a morning routine for your fertility. I know you have early appointments, I know you have time constraints, so these are quick and easy tips (even a few that you can do on the go!). Tune in to discover a few small changes you can be doing in the morning to optimize your fertility!
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Miracle Mom Mindset Podcast with host, and dear friend, Soraiya Bodhi. We talked all things Fertility and I shared a bit about my own story, how I am serving women in my coaching practise and some tips for you if you are on this journey of bringing your baby earthside! We had so much fun chatting. Hope you love this episode!
I know you want your baby NOW! You're ready NOW! I get it trust me...but something I learned later on my journey, that I wish i had learned A LOT earlier, was that letting go of trying to CONTROL the timeline, actually makes things happen faster because we move into a place of expansion where we create the SPACE for our baby. In this Episode I am going to teach you WHY you need to let go of the timeline and what the REAL reason is that YOUR timing isn't going to match up with the Universe's timing. There is more going on than you think! Tune in to learn about how this little bit of information can COMPLETELY SHIFT the way you view the timing of your pregnancy AND how it can help you to let go of trying to control it. If you enjoyed this episode, I would be so grateful for a review! Expect Miracles, Elaina
This is A BIGGIE! We want to control this journey so badly because we are so consumed by everything fertility when we are trying to conceive. However, we also know that we cannot control our outcome and that can often cause even more frustration and stress because feeling out of control is HARD. Today we are going to chat about how to stop trying to control your journey. This is truly the ART OF DETACHMENT. It is a process to begin to detach from the HOW and the WHEN of our journey, but it IS POSSIBLE. Tune into today's episode and let me guide you on this path of letting go and giving in...and trust me, its one of those little things that will cause a HUGE shift on for you as you navigate your fertility. Want to learn more about how to work with me? Check out my FREE MASTERCLASS and BABY MAP at or check out all the ways I serve this community on Instagram
How lucky are we that we get to be part of a fertility community that includes people from all over the world? Women that come together to share their experiences and stories around one of the toughest challenges they face. While this community is an incredible resource and offers so much support and love, it can also be fear inducing and cause more stress and anxiety when we start relating too often to the victim mentality that can often become part of infertility. While it's natural to have harder days, and moments of doubt and worry, staying there is doing more harm than good. There are some days you might feel pretty hopeful and optimistic only to have it come crashing down as you're hearing about the results and experiences of others who share similarities to your story. In this episode we're talking about just how damaging it can be to take on the stories of others and what you can do in order to remain a compassionate part of the community while still looking out for your own mental health and wellness on your journey.
Episode 2 - My Story

Episode 2 - My Story


I have yet to really share my story on my social media because, as with any story of infertility, it cant really be reduced to a 3 or 4 minute reel. Today I am sharing the details of my own infertility journey and how it got me to where I am today...with two little boys and serving women going through infertility by coaching them with the same fertility mindset techniques that helped me get my babies into my arms faster!
What exactly is a Fertility Mindset? It's not what you might think! It's not about just high vibes and thinking positive thoughts...those things help but only if you're doing the REAL WORK first! Listen in to find out what you really need to be doing to get your mindset in a good space for your fertility journey!
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