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Wild & Well Collective

Author: Christa Elza & Sheree Hannah

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Welcome to the Wild & Well Collective Podcast, where we believe empowered health is your superpower. We have combined our expertise in medicine and nutrition to bring you the latest research, expert insights, and success stories of people on a mission to live a big life! So buckle up and get ready to learn how to live wildly well.
40 Episodes
In this episode, we dive into the transformative world of energetic healing with Hillary, an intuitive and spiritual midwife and founder of Bringing Baby. Hillary has over 15 years of experience helping women increase their chances of pregnancy through energetic transformation. She works with clients dealing with infertility, healing from miscarriages, or seeking a holistic approach to conception. Hillary shares her unique perspective on the energetic aspects of pregnancy, discussing how unconscious blocks and past traumas can impact fertility. She also introduces tools for better communication, emotional management, and intuition enhancement, which are crucial for aspiring and new mothers. Additionally, Hillary guides us through a grounding meditation exercise to help release non-serving energies, emphasizing the importance of trusting one's body and intuition. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of spirituality, energy healing, and motherhood.   "By connecting with your intuition and managing your energy, you can create a supportive environment for pregnancy and embrace the miraculous journey of motherhood." Understanding energetic healing and its role in fertility Common energetic blocks affecting fertility The importance of intuition and managing energy Tools and practices for energetic healing Meditation techniques for enhancing fertility   Connect with Hilery:Instagram:
In this episode, we explore the importance of movement for optimal metabolic health. We discuss the negative impact of modern sedentary lifestyles on metabolism and overall health. Emphasizing that metabolic health supports vital bodily functions, we highlight the difference between structured exercise and regular daily movement. We share practical tips for incorporating more activity into daily routines, such as taking the stairs, walking during breaks, and using wearables like Apple Watch, Garmin, Fitbit, and Oura Ring for movement reminders. "Metabolism is more than just your body's ability to lose weight; it's your body's ability to utilize energy appropriately." The definition and importance of metabolic health. The impact of modern sedentary lifestyles on metabolism. The difference between structured exercise and regular daily movement. Practical tips for incorporating more movement into your daily routine.
In this episode of The Wild and Well Collective, Dr. Robert Whitfield, a renowned plastic surgeon specializing in breast implant illness and holistic recovery, shares insights into his unique journey and expertise. He discusses the complexities of breast implant illness, including environmental and genetic factors, and introduces his holistic accelerated recovery program (HARP) designed to reduce inflammation and support patients through surgical procedures. Dr. Whitfield also highlights alternative options for reconstructive procedures and emphasizes the importance of comprehensive post-operative care and psychosocial support. Overall, the episode offers valuable perspectives on breast implant illness and holistic recovery approaches, urging listeners to prioritize personalized healthcare solutions and consult with professionals for individualized guidance.   "Breast implant illness, as I think about it, is a chronic inflammatory process where there's a medical device involved."   Discussion on the role of medical devices in inflammation and the body's response. Impact of stress hormones, cortisol, estrogen, and hormonal imbalances. Importance of addressing genetics, detoxification pathways, gut health, and hormonal balance pre-surgery. Detailed explanation of breast implant removal surgery and testing for biofilms. Connect with Dr. Rob:  Dr. Rob’s Website:  Dr. Rob’s Instagram:  Dr. Rob’s YouTube:
In this episode, we're exploring a topic close to our hearts: the mind-body connection in wellness. Often, the key to deeper healing lies in addressing not just the physical body, but also our beliefs and thought patterns. We discuss how unconscious beliefs can hold us back from achieving our goals and living our best lives. Join us as we uncover common barriers to growth and share strategies for breaking free from limiting beliefs.   "Any change is not easy. Habit, a change, next level change. None of it is but I think the first step is always awareness."   Understanding how unconscious beliefs and neural pathways can hold us back from achieving our goals. Exploring the concept of self-worth and its impact on health choices. Learning about tools for reprogramming beliefs and behaviors, such as breathwork and mindset work. Recognizing the need to challenge ourselves beyond our comfort zones to achieve significant growth.  
In this episode of the Wild and Wild Collective Podcast, we host Jill Hillhouse, a seasoned nutritional practitioner with expertise in personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans. Together, we explore the fascinating world of nutrigenomics, uncovering how specific foods influence our genes and how gene variants respond to nutrition. We discuss methylation's critical role in DNA synthesis, neurotransmitter function, and hormone regulation, and how genetic variations can impact these processes. Exploring nutrients like folate, B vitamins, Omega-3, and vitamin D, we emphasize a food-first approach in supplementation strategies. Our conversation also delves into estrogen detoxification, fat metabolism, carbohydrate digestion, and the role of genetic testing in personalized nutrition. The key takeaway is the power of nutrigenomics in providing personalized insights for informed health decisions and sustainable lifestyle changes, highlighting the importance of genetics alongside lifestyle factors for optimal well-being.   "Nutrigenomics provides personalized insights into nutrient needs, detoxification abilities, and genetic predispositions related to health and wellness."   Insights into specific nutrients like folate, B vitamins, Omega-3, and vitamin D, and their interactions with genetic variants. Understanding estrogen detoxification, fat metabolism, carbohydrate digestion, and the role of genetic testing in personalized nutrition interventions. Behavioral genetics and eating habits, and the interplay between genetics and lifestyle choices. The power of nutrigenomics in providing personalized insights for informed health decisions and sustainable lifestyle changes.   Connect with Jill: LinkedIn: Instagram: Website:
In today's episode of our podcast, we delve into the intricate world of dietary choices, focusing on the power of whole foods nutrition. We discuss the confusion often associated with various diets like keto, veganism, and high or low carb options, emphasizing the undeniable benefits of choosing whole, unprocessed foods over their processed counterparts. Our conversation centers on the challenges that arise from busy lifestyles and how we can overcome them through practical strategies like meal prep and simplifying recipes. We highlight the importance of incorporating ample vegetables into our diets, sharing tips on pre-cutting veggies for convenience and crafting homemade dressings to avoid unhealthy additives. With this, we encourage listeners to find their deeper motivation for embracing sustainable eating habits beyond weight loss, considering long-term health and disease prevention. Join us as we navigate through the complexities of nutrition to empower you with actionable insights for a healthier lifestyle.   “Making small, consistent changes in your eating habits can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and well-being.”   Understanding the confusion around various dietary choices like keto, veganism, and high or low carb options. Recognizing the benefits of whole foods nutrition over processed foods for optimal health. Learning practical strategies for overcoming busy schedules and incorporating meal prep into daily routines. Discovering the potency of vegetables in promoting health and the importance of homemade dressings for nutritious meals.
In today's podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Olivia Chadwick, a master's graduate in Science in Kinesiology, a mental performance coach, certified exercise physiologist, podcaster, speaker, and founder of Movement Medicine. We delved into Olivia's journey, spanning two decades from personal training to mental performance coaching, navigating the challenges and cultural influences in the fitness industry along the way. Through Olivia's insights, we explored the profound mind-body connection and the transformative power of movement as medicine in promoting holistic health, body appreciation, and positive body image. We also discussed the principles of positive psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy within mental performance coaching, emphasizing mindset shifts, self-compassion, and creating a vision for personal growth. We invite listeners to reflect on their own mindset and relationship with movement and health, and to explore further resources for transformative coaching experiences with Olivia. “We need to completely turn this system on its head, offer something countercultural, and create a space to engage with movement that is about health through a holistic lens.”   Olivia shares her journey from personal training to mental performance coaching, highlighting the evolution of her practice over two decades. Personal experiences with body image and mental health, leading to a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection. Understanding the interplay between thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions in shaping behavior and well-being. Recognizing the therapeutic benefits of movement in promoting body appreciation, mental health, and overall well-being.   Connect with Olivia: Website: Instagram: Facebook:
In today's episode, we tackled the complexities of fasting, focusing on its suitability for women and men at different life stages. I emphasized the need for caution, especially for those with chronic stress or adrenal fatigue, as fasting can exacerbate these issues. We discussed the benefits of intermittent fasting for insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility but cautioned against prolonged fasting's potential impact on muscle mass and metabolism. I shared insights on optimal fasting times for women, such as after menstruation and before the luteal phase, and the benefits of bone broth fasting. Ultimately, we advised listeners to approach fasting wisely, seek professional guidance, and prioritize overall health over quick fixes or weight loss goals. “Fasting can be beneficial, but it's crucial to understand that it's not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be tailored to individual health needs and goals."   The benefits and potential drawbacks of fasting for overall health and hormone balance. How different fasting methods like intermittent fasting, water fasting, and bone broth fasting can impact metabolic flexibility and gut health. The importance of timing fasting periods, especially for women, to align with their menstrual cycle and hormonal fluctuations. Insights into the impact of fasting on muscle mass preservation, metabolism, and long-term health outcomes.
In today’s podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Amie Hornaman, also known as "The Thyroid-Fixer," an expert in thyroid and hormone optimization. Dr. Amie shared her journey from competitive fitness to becoming a thyroid health advocate, driven by her own experience of misdiagnoses and ineffective treatments. Despite being told by multiple doctors that everything was normal, she persisted and finally received a diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a pivotal moment in her understanding of thyroid health. Dr. Amie emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to health, going beyond conventional lab values and empowering individuals to take control of their well-being. Her personal story and dedication to helping others make her a trusted resource in the field. Tune in to this podcast for more valuable insights on achieving optimal thyroid and hormone health.   Episode Highlights: Dr. Amie Hornaman shared her journey from competitive fitness to becoming a thyroid health advocate Dr. Amie's persistence led to a diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a turning point in her understanding of thyroid health. Debunking the myth of relying solely on medication (such as T4) for thyroid management, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive, holistic approach. Empowering individuals to take control of their health and achieve vitality beyond conventional lab values.   Connect with Dr. Amie: Website: Podcast: IG: FB: Youtube:
In today's podcast, we tackled breast cancer awareness, aiming to empower women with actionable insights. We discussed overcoming screening fears, emphasized the role of lifestyle choices in breast health, and explained the importance of supporting detox pathways through nutrition, supplements, and gut health. Key points included the benefits of foods like green leafy vegetables and supplements such as milk thistle for liver support. We also touched on how insulin resistance impacts hormonal balance and the significance of avoiding endocrine disruptors in everyday products. Our message centered on proactive measures and informed decisions for breast cancer prevention and overall well-being.   "Food is medicine, so we don't want to underestimate the impact of everyday choices on our health.”   Overcoming fears and misconceptions surrounding breast cancer screenings. Understanding the significant impact of lifestyle choices on breast cancer development. Explaining the three phases of detoxification and how to support detox pathways for breast health. Identifying common endocrine disruptors in everyday products and strategies to avoid them.
In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nicky, an expert in low-tox living. Nicky's journey began during her pregnancy, sparking her awareness of environmental toxins' impact on health. With a nursing background in pediatrics and emergency care, she's passionate about proactive health approaches. We discussed the essence of low-tox living, practical tips for overcoming overwhelm, and finding a supportive community. From healthy food choices to mindful selection of personal care products and detoxifying the mind, Nikky provided valuable insights and resources for embracing a toxin-free lifestyle.   Episode Highlights: Understanding the essence of low-tox living and making informed choices Practical tips for overcoming overwhelm and taking small steps towards a toxin-free lifestyle Exploring healthy food choices and mindful selection of personal care products Addressing environmental factors like air quality, laundry products, and cookware   “Once you know that you can make better choices and what's not great for you, you just don't buy that thing anymore.”   Connect with Nicky: Instagram:
In today's episode, we're diving deep into the art of living wildly and well, particularly when it comes to integrating wellness into our adventurous lifestyles. We kick off the conversation by sharing our personal hacks for thriving while indulging in our passions, like attending late-night concerts and festivals. From ensuring solid meals before festivities to staying hydrated with electrolytes and smart supplementation, we've honed in on strategies to prevent post-event blues and maintain vitality. Whether it's pre-travel routines involving jet lag protocols or post-vacation detox rituals, we're all about optimizing our well-being amidst the excitement. We swap tips on managing sleep patterns, supporting liver health, and navigating dietary indulgences without sacrificing how we feel. From the importance of circadian rhythm alignment to the power of low-sugar libations, we're all about experimenting with what works and sharing our findings. Our goal is to empower listeners to live fully without compromising their health, and if you're loving these real-talk episodes, let us know—there's plenty more where this came from!     “Living wildly and well isn't about choosing between perfect balance or indulgence. It's about mastering the art of taking care of your body even amidst the wildest adventures.”     Strategies for maintaining health during wild adventures like festivals and concerts Tips for staying hydrated and replenishing electrolytes while partying or traveling Supplement regimens to support the body's detoxification process before, during, and after indulging in festivities Techniques for managing jet lag and crossing multiple time zones effectively
In this episode, I'm excited to introduce Caleb Greer, a Holistic Health Care expert with a focus on brain health. Caleb's journey began with studying clinical neuroscience and functional medicine, leading him to valuable experiences working with veterans at Carrick Brain Centers and collaborating with physicians in pain management and regenerative medicine. Caleb's expertise lies in personalized approaches to cognitive enhancement and brain health optimization. He shares insights into the world of nootropics, discussing strategies for achieving a flow state and optimizing brain function. Additionally, Caleb delves into the transformative potential of ketamine therapy for addressing anxiety, depression, and performance enhancement. He emphasizes the importance of personalized treatment plans, intention setting, and professional guidance in ketamine therapy sessions. Throughout the episode, Caleb invites listeners to explore holistic approaches to brain health for optimal well-being.   Gain insights from Caleb Greer, a leading expert in Holistic Health Care, specializing in brain health optimization. Explore the world of nootropics and personalized strategies for cognitive enhancement and brain function optimization. Learn about the transformative potential of ketamine therapy for addressing anxiety, depression, and performance enhancement. Discover the importance of personalized treatment plans, intention setting, and professional guidance in holistic brain health approaches. “Accept that I did what I could do with the information I had at the time, and the best decision was made to move forward”     Connect with Caleb: Instagram: @calebgreerfnpWebsite:
In today's episode of our podcast, Christa and I delve into a topic that hits close to home for many women: managing period pain and hormonal health. We start by emphasizing that while period pain is common, it's not something we should accept as normal. It can be debilitating and significantly impact our daily lives. Krista shares insights on how period pain can manifest at different stages of life and the importance of addressing underlying hormonal imbalances, such as estrogen dominance. We discuss dietary interventions, including avoiding inflammatory foods like seed oils and dairy, as well as supplementation strategies like magnesium and zinc to support muscle relaxation and hormone regulation. Additionally, we explore the effectiveness of heat therapy in alleviating cramps and promoting circulation. By taking a holistic approach that includes lifestyle changes and targeted interventions, we can empower women to find relief from period pain and improve their overall well-being.   Episode Highlights: Understanding the prevalence of period pain and why it's not normal Exploring the connection between hormonal health and menstrual symptoms Insights on addressing estrogen dominance and supporting liver health Dietary interventions to reduce inflammation and alleviate period pain   "Period pain is common and not normal; it's something that we can do a lot about through dietary intervention, supplementation, and managing stress.”
Welcome back to another episode! Our guest this week is Tessa Jenkins, the savvy entrepreneur behind Beauty Assets Clinic and Skin by Beauty Assets Skincare. With over 17 years in the industry, Tessa's expertise shines as she discusses the intricacies of skincare. We delve into the significance of holistic care, debunking misconceptions about oily skin and acne along the way. Tessa also shares insights on cutting-edge technologies such as exosomes, highlighting their potential in addressing various skin concerns. Join us for an enlightening conversation on achieving glowing, healthy skin with Tessa's personalized approach and expert guidance.   Episode Highlights: Explore more about Tessa Jenkins' innovative approach to skincare and beauty. Delve deeper into holistic skincare practices and the role of internal health in achieving radiant skin. Stay informed about emerging skincare technologies such as exosomes and their potential applications for addressing various skin concerns. Educate yourself on skincare myths and misconceptions surrounding skin issues.  “Skincare is not just about what you put on your face; it's about understanding your skin's needs and providing it with the right care inside and out.” Connect with Tessa: Website -  Instagram - @beauty_assets_clinic                    @skinbybeautyassets Facebook -
In today's podcast, we explored the crucial topic of sleep and its impact on our overall health and energy levels. Before delving into sleep strategies, we addressed common causes of fatigue such as thyroid health and hydration. I stressed the importance of viewing sleep as a form of self-care rather than something to earn, emphasizing its foundational role in our health pyramid. Drawing on insights from sleep experts like Dr. Matthew Walker, we highlighted the profound influence of sleep on every aspect of our physiology. We also shared practical tips for improving sleep quality, including establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing sleep environment, and incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation and box breathing. Additionally, we also discussed the role of supplements like magnesium, glycine, and L-theanine in supporting sleep. By being intentional about our sleep habits and prioritizing self-care, we can harness the transformative power of quality sleep for our well-being. Episode Highlights: Emphasized the importance of viewing sleep as a form of self-care Highlighted the foundational role of sleep in overall health Provided practical tips for improving sleep quality Discussed the role of supplements like magnesium, glycine, and L-theanine  “Sleep is not something you have to earn; it is probably the highest form of self-care because of the impact that sleep has on our health."Links:Sleepy Protocol
In this captivating podcast episode, we warmly introduce Dr. Tara Campbell, a distinguished naturopathic doctor and the visionary behind Higher Health Centre, celebrated for her profound knowledge in naturopathic medicine. Dr. Tara graciously shares her personal odyssey of triumphing over anxiety and depression, which ignited her quest for holistic health as an alternative to conventional medical modalities. Our discussion delves into the often-overlooked hormone melatonin, unraveling its pivotal role in circadian rhythm regulation and antioxidative prowess, while also exploring practical dosing techniques for supplementation. Dr. Tara eloquently expands on the notion of micronutrient replenishment via IV therapy, highlighting the advantages of directly infusing nutrients into the bloodstream for heightened cellular vitality. Engaging dialogues on mitochondrial health, hormonal equilibrium, and actionable wellness strategies enrich the episode, empowering listeners with invaluable insights and tangible steps toward optimizing their well-being and vitality. Episode Highlights Prioritize comprehensive blood work and nutritional assessments for a holistic approach to health. Incorporate IV therapy for micronutrient replenishment and targeted nutrient support. Focus on lifestyle changes, such as hydration and grounding practices, to optimize cellular health and vitality. "Your cellular health is so powerful; if your cells are working better, your whole body is working better."   Connect with Dr. Tara: Social Media: @drtaracnd / @higherhealthcentreWebsite: www.higherhealthcentre.comLinkedIn:
In today's episode, we're excited to delve into our top 10 practices for enhancing energy levels. These practices are not only simple but also predominantly free, making them accessible to everyone. Our goal is to empower you with tangible tools that can support you in thriving, not just surviving. Whether you're seeking to prevent burnout, boost vitality, or simply live optimally, these practices are designed to be your roadmap to living wildly well. So, join us as we explore these 10 practices that have personally transformed our lives. From hydration and grounding to movement and stress management, each practice offers a gateway to a more vibrant and energized existence. Together, let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and let's reclaim our energy and vitality like never before. Episode Highlights:    Prioritize drinking at least 90 ounces of water daily to support overall health and energy levels. Spend time connecting with nature to recharge and balance energy, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Incorporate sauna sessions two to three times a week to detoxify the body and support energy levels. Engage in daily physical activity, including resistance training and cardio, to enhance circulation and energy flow.     “Living wildly well is within reach with these simple yet powerful practices”
For today’s episode, I'm thrilled to have Sophie Correia as my guest on today's podcast. We dive into her journey, from law and psychology to a high-powered corporate career and her ultimate shift to holistic wellness. Sophie opens up about recognizing burnout signs and the impact of neglecting self-care. We explore the fascinating world of sound healing, discussing brainwave states and the unique experiences it offers. Sophie shares insights into frequency and the accessibility of sound healing practices. Her passion for sensory wellness, including breath work, shines through. Join us as we delve into this transformative practice, and don't forget to check out Sophie’s offerings for a truly immersive experience!  Episode Highlights: Explore Sophie’s transition from law and psychology to a thriving corporate career and, ultimately, her shift to holistic wellness. Sophie shares personal experiences and insights into recognizing the signs of burnout, emphasizing the importance of self-care in high-pressure environments. Delve into the fascinating realm of sound healing, understanding brainwave states, and the unique, personalized experiences it offers. Discover Sophie’s passion for sensory wellness, including the incorporation of breathwork, and the profound impact it can have on our holistic well-being   “In this space, there is absolutely no expectation; your body receives what it needs, and every experience is different, building and refining on what happened in the session before.”   Connect with Sophie:  Social Medias: @crossingxpathsWebsite:
Hey there! In this week's episode, we're switching things up – I'm putting our co-host Christa in the spotlight for an insightful discussion on metabolic health. We kick off by breaking down the basics of metabolism and its close ties to mitochondria, making the seemingly complex topic quite digestible. Christa shares the lowdown on dietary choices, stomach acid's role, and the impact of gut health on metabolism. The conversation then takes a deep dive into the challenges faced by women during perimenopause and menopause, exploring the link between estrogen fluctuations and insulin resistance. We touch upon the crucial role of muscle mass in insulin sensitivity, highlighting the need for resistance training. Throughout, we stress the importance of addressing lifestyle factors like stress, exercise, and diet. Christa wraps it up with practical tips, urging listeners to incorporate simple resistance exercises for enhanced metabolic health. It's a first-person journey through the intricacies of hormones, lifestyle choices, and the transformative power of strength training for overall well-being.    Episode Highlights:   Learn how diet, stomach acid strength, and gut health play pivotal roles in shaping your metabolic destiny. Explore the challenges faced by women in perimenopause and menopause, with a spotlight on estrogen fluctuations and insulin resistance. Discover why resistance training isn't just about looking good but serves as a powerhouse move for stabilizing hormones and managing insulin resistance. Unpack the role of stress, exercise, and dietary choices in shaping metabolic health.     “Metabolism isn't a simple equation of gaining or losing weight; it's the art of efficiently turning nutrients into energy.”