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News & analysis to beat the bosses. On Strike is the video broadcast of Workers Strike Back. We cover issues from the perspective of workers’ needs, not billionaire greed. We provide socialist analysis and strategy to build working-class movements, fight against oppression, and for a new mass party for workers and young people. Workers Strike Back is an independent, rank-and-file campaign organizing in our workplaces and on the streets against the bosses and their political servants. Support this podcast:
30 Episodes
The antiwar movement has gained renewed momentum, with dozens of university campuses across the nation seeing mass encampments and protests against the Israeli state’s genocidal war on Gaza.  Reports indicate that arrests of students had exceeded an estimated 1,800 as of May 2nd, with hundreds facing criminal charges as well as suspension and even expulsion. Some campuses have been subjected to particularly brutal police repression. One of the people arrested at the campus protests was JILL STEIN, who along with Cornel West is one of the two left antiwar Presidential candidates running this election year. This episode is a special conversation with Jill Stein about the antiwar movement and what it will take to end the war on Gaza. On Strike will also be bringing you a sit-down interview with Jill Stein, in which we will talk more about her campaign. Jill Stein's support of the antiwar movement is obviously a SHARP contrast to President Biden, the warmonger-in-Chief. Those of us who oppose the war on Gaza and who oppose Biden’s attacks on working people should absolutely NOT vote for Biden in November. Supporting Democratic candidates as the supposed lesser evil with the idea that it will stop the rise of the right wing is both a failed, and completely counterproductive, strategy. Working people and the antiwar movement also absolutely cannot have illusions in Trump or RFK Junior. Working people and young people need to support and build for the largest possible vote for the antiwar campaigns of Jill Stein and Cornel West this November, as a step towards building a new antiwar party for the working class. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back. --- Support this podcast:
In this exclusive interview with Shawn Fain, the President of the United Auto Workers (UAW), we spoke about the union’s historic victory last week in Chattanooga at the Volkswagen plant, with a stunning 73 percent of workers voting yes.  The Chattanooga victory was driven by bottom-up, rank-and-file organizing, and it was inspired by the record gains won by last year’s UAW strike of the Big 3 automakers, Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis. You’ll also get to hear from UAW rank-and-file members on what they think about how things are going, with their own criticisms of last year’s Stand Up Strike and proposals for what needs to be done. This isn’t like other interviews on UAW. On Strike asked Fain questions that labor leaders almost never get asked, including about the war on Gaza, his position on Biden, this year’s presidential election, and the need for a new party for working people. In the interview, Fain justifies the UAW endorsement of Biden on the basis of fearing a second Trump Presidency. But invoking lesser evilism as an argument to vote for Biden turns reality and history on its head. The Democratic Party, because of its decades of betraying working people, has been the best builder of Trumpism. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back. --- Support this podcast:
The fight to unionize Amazon is taking place at multiple facilities in multiple states around the United States, as well as globally. Amazon is the second largest corporation in the U.S. and unionizing it is a crucial task of the working class in the U.S. and globally. The path to rebuilding a fighting labor movement must go through this trillion-dollar corporation. In the struggle to unionize Amazon, what is the role of the big, existing unions, and what is the role of independent unions? What will it take to unionize the behemoth? This week On Strike meets with independent union organizers in North Carolina who are fighting to unionize in the South, at the RDU1 facility. Their union is called CAUSE, Carolina Amazonians United for Solidarity and Empowerment. They talk with us about Amazon’s union busting, discrimination against immigrant workers, and their demands for $30 an hour, 180 hours paid time off, longer breaks, and much more. They also explain why they don’t support Biden or the Democrats, and why we need a new party for working people. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back. --- Support this podcast:
Haiti has become engulfed in an unprecedented crisis of deadly gang violence over the last several weeks. Political gangs vying for control of the capital city, Port-au-Prince, have effectively laid siege to the city, storming prisons, seizing control of the port, torching shops and buildings, destroying hospitals, and taking over the main international airport. The United Nations estimates that eighty percent of Port-au-Prince is now under gang control, pointing towards a veritable collapse of society.  Over 300,000 Haitians have been forced to flee their homes, and thousands have become victims of indiscriminate violence at the hands of the armed gangs. Over 1,500 people have been killed since just the start of this year, and morgues have been overflowing with bodies. Hospitals are flooded with countless patients with gunshot wounds, many of them civilians hit in gang crossfire. Harrowing reports of kidnappings, gang rapes, and homes being burned add to the picture of a nation in the throes of a deep-rooted crisis. To help us understand the roots and historical context of this crisis, why it should matter to American working and young people, how it relates to the other crises internationally under capitalism, and what strategy is needed to end the crisis in Haiti, we have two special guests today. Toya Chester is a rank-and-file member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Eric Jenkins is an educator in the Philadelphia Public School district, and is a member of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. Both Eric and Toya are among the leaders of the Black Caucus of Socialist Alternative. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back. --- Support this podcast:
Today we’ll be doing the second part in our series on the US-China Cold War. In January, we spoke with Tom Crean of US Socialist Alternative about the Cold War. Today we'll be talking with Chong, a socialist organizer from China and an editor of the dissident website Today, the world is increasingly shaped by two imperialist superpowers - the US and China -  which are locked in an increasingly intense competition for domination of resources and influence in a global economy characterized by falling profits and rising instability. Inter-imperialist conflict is not a temporary historical aberration, but rather the norm of capitalism — a norm that is reasserting itself as the era of neoliberal globalization with the US as an uncontested super power has come to an end. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 marked the start of the  first “hot” war of the new Cold War era, with the US and Western Imperialist powers on one side using Ukraine as a proxy for their interests and China backing Russia on the other. Neither imperialist camp waging this war has the interests of the working class in Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere, at heart. This conflict was the first of more to come, with further devastating proxy wars likely to spring up across the globe. A war between the US and China over Taiwan, which US military brass have openly acknowledged they’re preparing for, would threaten even greater horrors. How are these conflicts likely to develop? What have been the impacts of recent mass protests in China against Xi’s regime? How can we build a united international movement to end imperialist war and exploitation once and for all? On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back. --- Support this podcast:
Hundreds of thousands of people are voting “uncommitted” in the Democratic Primary, as a rejection of the terrible options being thrust on them in the form of a Biden and Trump rematch this year.  Opposition to the genocidal war on Gaza has been the single most important factor in driving the “uncommitted” vote. But it’s not only the war driving the growing opposition to Biden. In the absence of any other avenue for working and young people to push back against Biden and Trump, the Uncommitted and Abandon Biden movements are also helping to channel the frustrations of young people over many things, such as the cost of living, piling household debt, and chronically underfunded social services.  So the big question is: what can working people, and those opposed to the war on Gaza, do to get organized in the lead-up to November? How do we defeat Trumpism and the right wing? How do we use the anger at Biden reflected in “uncommitted” and Abandon Biden to build the movement for a new party for working people? What is the strategy for the anti-war protests in order to successfully force an end to the horrific war on the Palestinian people? What role does the labor movement have to play in all of this? How can working-class power, particularly the power of strike action be used to stand up against the war on Gaza and the ongoing attacks on working people’s standards of living in the US? On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
There is a profound crisis in public education in the United States. For decades, politicians at the state and federal levels have starved public schools of necessary funding. School buildings across the US are falling apart and in need of major repairs. Educators are buying school supplies with their own money. Class sizes have increased dramatically in school districts across the country, negatively affecting student outcomes and increasing educator workload and exhaustion to unsustainable levels. On average, teachers made 26.4% less than other similarly educated professionals in 2022—the lowest level since 1960. Underfunding schools, and attacks on educators’ and other public school unions, has been a bipartisan policy by both the Republican and the Democratic Parties. These politicians cite budget shortages and lack of revenue, cutting teacher pay and closing schools entirely while cutting taxes on the rich. Taxing wealthy corporations and billionaires, meanwhile, would raise the money necessary to fix many of these urgent issues.  The crisis in education is only deepening, but inspiring struggles of unionized educators across the country have shown that there is a way forward if we have the right strategies and tactics to win. It’s important that we draw out the lessons of these struggles, because they apply not just to educators, but workers everywhere looking to fight back. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
Last month, over 1.5 million people protested in Germany, bringing entire cities to a standstill, in what became the largest wave of protests in the history of the country. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich each saw hundreds of thousands of protesters out on the streets. The protests were the result of widespread outrage at horrific anti-immigrant deportation plans by the so-called Alternative for Germany, or AfD for short, a right-wing populist party, and against the overall shift to the right by the establishment parties in the country. The protests have since continued into their fourth week, with hundreds of thousands of people still marching in the streets. To help us understand more about what’s happening in Germany, the way forward for the protest movement, and why this matters for working and young people in the United States and globally, we are fortunate to have with us today Claus Ludwig, a member of Socialist Alternative in Germany, a sister organization of Socialist Alternative here in the US. Claus is a union activist in the public sector, and the editor of, the online and printed newspaper of Socialist Alternative in Germany. Claus was active in the antifascist movement in the early 1990s, and at that time, co-founded the Youth Against Racism movement in Europe. He is the author of a book titled Firebugs, about the rise of the AfD, published in 2017. He was also a council member in the city of Cologne for Die Linke, or the left party in Germany from 2004 to 2014. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
Two weeks ago, California was hit by devastating, unprecedented storms. The National Weather Service in San Francisco issued its first ever hurricane force wind warning since records have been kept, and then Los Angeles received more than 60% of an entire year’s rainfall in one day. The question of how to avert the impending climate catastrophe, and what it will take to dramatically change course in order to salvage a livable planet, is absolutely central to building the overall working-class fightback internationally against capitalism. What’s clear is that the capitalist elite have completely failed to even begin to address the crisis, and in fact, have been doubling down with trillions more dollars in corporate handouts for fossil fuels. The planet just had its hottest year on record in 2023 and this past January was the warmest ever recorded. The crucial 1.5-degree-Celsius benchmark that scientists have warned about for decades, the benchmark that the Paris Climate Agreement was meant to prevent, has been breached.  In the face of climate disaster, how do working and young people build a fightback? What will it take to win victories on the scale of what is so urgently needed? We’re joined by Jed, Los Angeles resident and Workers Strike Back activist, to discuss these questions! On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, we’re focusing on Biden’s loss of support among Black voters, which has been dramatic in a number of polls. Black voters were crucial in Biden’s 2020 election, but recent polls have shown half of Black voters wanting a different candidate, and growing numbers who either said they wouldn’t vote at all or would support Trump. It’s clear so many working-class people want a genuine alternative to business as usual in the 2024 elections, but what can we do to fight for it? We’re lucky to have with us Ryan Watson, who is a tech worker based in Chicago, a Workers Strike Back activist, a rank-and-file member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and a leading member of the Black Caucus of Socialist Alternative. Ryan is going to help us understand what the South Carolina primary results show about Black voter consciousness, and what Black working and young people can and should do to fight for a better world. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
We’re going back to the union drive at KCVG in Northern Kentucky, Amazon’s largest air hub in the world. Griffin Ritze is the latest worker to be fired by Amazon as part of their shameful anti-union campaign—he was fired for no other reason than for helping to organize the union. Hear from Griffin about Amazon’s slimy union-busting tactics, how the union is leveraging Amazon’s attacks against them, and how they’re ramping up organizing structures to build the kind of campaign that can win. The KCVG union drive has been receiving increasing attention as workers fight for a $30 an hour starting wage, 180 hours paid time off, union representation at disciplinary meetings, and translation rights for all workers. Amazon is terrified of this democratic, rank-and-file union campaign, and they’ve shown again and again that they’re prepared to use every dirty — and illegal — tactic in the book to try to crush it.  KCVG workers aren’t taking this lying down—they’re using all of Amazon’s union-busting attacks to further build momentum to win union recognition and a strong contract. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
Nearly two weeks ago, in a near disaster in mid-air, an Alaska Airlines flight of a Boeing 737 MAX 9 was forced to make an emergency landing after a side door ripped off the plane. The Federal Aviation Administration has grounded all Boeing 737 MAX 9 planes for further investigation and inspection. The news has exposed and brought attention to a wider breakdown which implicates not just Boeing executives, but the aviation industry as a whole, including federal regulators. It’s just the latest symptom of a system in complete crisis. Hear from two Boeing workers about the scandals that have shaken the industry and the huge pressures they face from executives to put profits over safety. In this episode, we’ll discuss how workers in the industry are starting to fight back against horrific conditions, and we’ll talk about the fundamental changes that are needed to keep workers and passengers safe. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
What is the US-China Cold War, and why does it matter for working people? This new Cold War between US imperialism and Chinese imperialism impacts every aspect of the world situation today, from the war in Ukraine to the war on Gaza to climate change.  The horrific violence we’re seeing around the world has led millions of working people to wonder why these disasters are happening and how we can stop them. In order to bring these wars to an end and win the kind of society working people need, we must understand the roots of these conflicts and the interests of the ruling classes who orchestrate them.  In this episode, Bia talks with Tom Crean, a longtime activist with Socialist Alternative in the US and internationally. He is currently writing a book about the end of the era of neoliberal globalization and the beginning of the new age of global disorder, a key feature of which is the new Cold War.  Suggested articles from Socialist Alternative on the new Cold War: Learn more about Socialist Alternative and how to join:  On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
The connection between sports and politics may not be immediately apparent—why should the left pay attention to the world of sports? What potential is there for organizing, for making connections to the need to struggle for working-class demands against the billionaires? To discuss these and other questions, we’re delighted to interview Suzanne Wrack, a British sports journalist and soccer writer at The Guardian. She’s the author of A Woman's Game: The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Women's Football. Suzanne has written and spoken extensively about why she believes sports are important for working people and political activists.  With women’s soccer, Suzanne has helped put a spotlight on the fight for equal and equitable pay and better working conditions, and the battles of women players against sexism, sexual abuse and racism — battles that have helped embolden large numbers of women to understand the power of collective action and solidarity. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon:  On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
Part 2 of our two-part special on Kshama Sawant’s 10 years as a socialist on the Seattle City Council! Long before democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were household names, Socialist Alternative and Kshama won an openly socialist campaign for the Seattle City Council in 2013. Kshama was the first socialist elected in Seattle in nearly a century. After a decade in office, having overcome unrelenting big business opposition to win historic gains for working people and four consecutive elections, Kshama is leaving the City Council undefeated. Kshama’s socialist office, alongside movements of working people, have racked up an unprecedented list of victories: the first $15 minimum wage in a major U.S. city (automatically adjusted for inflation, it’s now the highest in the country), the historic Amazon Tax on Seattle’s wealthiest corporations to fund affordable housing, ten major renters’ rights laws, the first ban on caste discrimination anywhere in the world outside South Asia, making Seattle an abortion sanctuary city where providers and patients cannot be prosecuted or extradited, and so many more. How was this possible? What are the lessons we should take forward from this decade of socialist politics in Seattle, to win even greater victories across the country? On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work: On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. #KshamaSawant #socialism #socialist #politics #Democrats #workingclass #AOC #organizing #labormovement #unions --- Support this podcast:
Long before democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were household names, Socialist Alternative and Kshama won an openly socialist campaign for the Seattle City Council in 2013. Kshama was the first socialist elected in Seattle in nearly a century. After a decade in office, having overcome unrelenting big business opposition to win historic gains for working people and four consecutive elections, Kshama is leaving the City Council undefeated. Kshama’s socialist office, alongside movements of working people, have racked up an unprecedented list of victories: the first $15 minimum wage in a major U.S. city (automatically adjusted for inflation, it’s now the highest in the country), the historic Amazon Tax on Seattle’s wealthiest corporations to fund affordable housing, ten major renters’ rights laws, the first ban on caste discrimination anywhere in the world outside South Asia, making Seattle an abortion sanctuary city where providers and patients cannot be prosecuted or extradited, and so many more. How was this possible? What are the lessons we should take forward from this decade of socialist politics in Seattle, to win even greater victories across the country? Check out this first part of our two-episode special to find out! On Strike is 100% funded by working people. BECOME A MEMBER of Workers Strike Back now to support our work: On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. #KshamaSawant #socialism #socialist #politics #Democrats #workingclass #AOC #organizing #labormovement #unions --- Support this podcast:
For over 11 months, during the global COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2020-2021, small farmers and agricultural workers battled the right-wing regime of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in opposition to his anti-farmer/pro-billionaire laws. Through the power of their mass mobilization and their steadfastness, and the solidarity of over 250 million workers who went on a general strike in support, India’s farmers and workers handed the Modi regime a massive defeat and forced him to rescind the laws. In this important interview, P. Sainath and Kshama Sawant discuss the lessons of the farmers’ and workers’ movement in India for working people and small farmers internationally. P. Sainath is a longtime journalist and the author of “Everybody Loves a Good Draught,” a book about the devastating impact of neoliberal, pro-corporate-agribusiness policies on India’s small farmers and agricultural laborers. He has recently published a new book, “The Last Heroes: Foot Soldiers of Indian Freedom,” about the rank-and-file leaders of the Indian Revolution, many of them socialist, who led the way in defeating the British Empire. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. Donate or become a member now to support our work:  Support us on Patreon: On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
We return to Amazon’s air hub in Kentucky, with the nation’s most important union drive right now. This is a strategic choke point in Amazon’s delivery system, an air hub of over 4,000 workers. Since our first episode on the union drive, Amazon executives have ramped up intimidation and retaliation. Don’t miss this important update on how the workers are fighting back. Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe are joined by several workers at the facility talking about their fight against discrimination in the workplace. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. Donate now to support our work: Or support us on Patreon: On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. --- Support this podcast:
Millions around the world have protested the massacre of Palestinian people as Gaza’s death toll has risen to over 11,320 people. Yet, Biden, Antony Blinken, and the Democrats refuse to call for a ceasefire and continue their push to send billions more to the Israeli war machine. Hillary Clinton, who never met a war she didn’t like, is actively supporting the deadly Israeli state’s assault. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is also refusing to call for a cease-fire and completely failing the movement. Only Rashida Tlaib has shown the kind of courage necessary to fight back against the Democratic establishment, but how far is she willing to go? What will it take to end this war, and how can we escalate the fightback? Kshama and Bia discuss the role of the US ruling class—particularly the Democrats—in continuing to fund this massacre, the history of anti-war movements and how the labor movement can play a key role in blocking the dangerous advance of this war. We’re joined by several members of Socialist Struggle in Israel-Palestine, a sister section of Socialist Alternative, to talk about the anti-war movement on the ground, as well as Workers Strike Back activists from across the U.S. As Workers Strike Back activists and socialists, we condemn the Israeli assault, and call for an immediate cease-fire, and for humanitarian aid to help Palestinian people recover. We call for an end to U.S. military aid to the Israeli state’s war machine, the release of all hostages on both sides, and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. Donate now to support our work: Or support us on Patreon: On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. #Gaza #WaronGaza #Palestine #Israel #Biden #War #Antiwar #BernieSanders #RashidaTlaib #Democrats #GazaUnderAttack --- Support this podcast:
Crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried carried out one of the largest financial frauds in the history of capitalism and was just convicted on all counts. This week, Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe talk crypto and other financial scams, which were talked up as new ways to get rich quick—but when working people invested what little money they had, the rug was pulled out from under them by big finance and they lost everything. What does the Bankman-Fried case mean for the millions of ordinary people who have lost money to these schemes, and why is he being convicted when most corporate fraudsters never see the inside of a jail cell? Can we trust the justice system to hold other billionaires accountable? And what does the proliferation of these “new avenues” for wealth—crypto, Robinhood, NFTs, etc—say about the capitalist system as a whole? Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe speak with Brian Harrison, a Workers Strike Back activist and socialist lawyer, and other WSB activists about how these scams work and how they impact working class people’s lives. On Strike is 100% funded by working people. Donate now to support our work: Or support us on Patreon: On Strike is a production of Workers Strike Back, hosted by Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. #SamBankmanFried #SBF #FTX #CryptoCurrency #crypto #Robinhood #WorkingClass #Billionaires --- Support this podcast:
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