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Author: Dedee Pfeiffer

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DOWN WITH DEDEE came from Dedee’s deep desire to help others who are still struggling with any form of addiction, and even she is excited and surprised how it bloomed into many conversations about other important topics that she feels most will enjoy listening to. Her mission is to help chip away at the social stigma surrounding those with the disease of addiction in the hopes they will find it easier to ask for help/support. She also is aware of the stigma that surrounds those with paranormal/supernatural experiences, so by including this topic in her podcast and having open minded conversations about all that surrounds it, she hopes it will help more people come forward with their experiences. Because of Dedee’s Social Welfare background, she decided early on to open up the conversation to others who may not be affected by addiction but other social welfare concerns they might have. She calls her episodes various conversations, not interviews, because she wants listeners to feel part of the conversation. This podcast is solution-based and positive to help listeners lighten their day(s). Before the episode ends, Dedee asks if they believe in the paranormal/supernatural and what animal they would like to be reincarnated as... These questions are essential to Dedee because she firmly believes that all things are connected and that there’s more to life than meets the eye.
37 Episodes
I can’t remember who started following who first, but all I know is I was so drawn to BWB’s beautiful, genuine, authentic, sobriety and unwavering positive quality! I absolutely adore what he's doing with his recovery and how many people he has reached on a daily basis spreading the same message everyday, “You’re not alone, you CAN do it, and NEGATIVITY BE GONE!!!!” I’m so excited & grateful for this special guest and I hope I get one of his cool fans : )   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this special episode Dedee and her sister Michelle discuss how Michelle started her transparent perfume line ‘Henry Rose’ and how much these two love and support each other, especially during Dedee’s journey with recovery. Don’t miss this episode or you’ll miss a surprise Michelle has for Dedee… Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
Dedee couldn’t stop talking about her 1st meeting and new friendship with LeShon! “The minute we met we talked and talked and talked about sobriety and recovery! He reminded me of what we can do with our new beginning when we make that choice to live vs slowly going to the light…!!! He inspires the hell outta me and I know our listeners are gunna love him as much as I do! This week is sponsored by New Spirit Recovery! Learn more at:   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
When Shon told me that he had these amazing 2 girls (Anna & Brittany) to help out with his new rehab and that they were going to be a huge part of the support their clients are going to receive through this added element of love/support… I was like “YES!!!!! That’s how we do it! We are all in this together to help heal each other because we are all connected!” Anna & Brittany come to the (sober) party with their own stories and beautifully share those on their social media and New Spirit’s Recovery’s own podcast, “Spirit Pod”. I just adore this entire group of light workers at the brand new New Spirit Recovery rehab)   This week is sponsored by New Spirit Recovery! Learn more at:   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
Dedee met this amazing woman through Shon Hill, New Spirit Recovery’s owner and founder. “I was so excited to meet her because of not only her very contemporary style of recovery and her own sobriety but also because we are both UCLA alumni!!! I knew of every modality she spoke of and was SO DAMN excited that someone finally put it all together in one safe place for those of us with addictions to go and heal… So excited about this new journey for all that walk through their open loving doors : )   This week is sponsored by New Spirit Recovery! Learn more at:    Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!    
On this episode Dedee and William discuss how grateful Dedee is for William’s instrumental  involvement with Dedee being asked to be the keynote speaker at Hazelden Betty Ford’s 40th Anniversary! Dedee will be forever thankful for this life changing opportunity considering Dedee didn’t get sober there, but at Breathe Life Healing Center, not to mention she had to ask her son, “ Honey? What IS exactly a keynote speaker?” Oh boy did she find out…!!!   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and David discuss David’s amazing dedication to this foundation even though he’s a normie (a person who can drink normally LOL). He dives into what it was like to have addiction in his own family, all that Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation provides for healing the entire family unit, not just the one w/the disease, and how I loved fishing golf balls out of the lake when we were at a HBF’s charity fundraiser! But, only because I wanted to be a part of the team and it was clear from the start Ms. Pfeiffer can’t hit that little of a ball… : /   This week is sponsored by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation; find out more at   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode, Dedee and her new friend Cini discuss sobriety, Hazelden Betty Ford, and both of their extreme passion for saving ANIMALS! They talk about the importance of how animals are healing and how they can truly be a huge part of recovery. You will want to hear all about Cini’s non-profit FACE FOUNDATION helping families pay for emergency vet bills… This week is sponsored by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation; find out more at   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
“On @DOWNWITHDEDEE we honor all guest’s requests. So, we are respecting Shelley’s wishes to remain anonymous. Making sure our guests feel safe on our show is our priority” Love, Dj (Executive Producer) & Dedee (yet another bozo on the bus)...   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and Maurice discuss not only how they met (he asked her to be on his awesome podcast “State of Mind”), but also the social stigma that still surrounds not only addiction, but mental health. Both Maurice and Dedee are trying to help others with their compassionate hearts, their life experiences, celebrity platforms, and their podcasts. Dedee is excited for you to see/hear this special episode in the hopes it helps even just 1 person feel like they are not alone! Find his podcast @mbstateofmind and check out his book “Nothing General About It” today! Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!  
On this episode Dedee and Rich discuss what it means to be an environmental advocate, preservationist & protecting our oceans. He makes a very good point: People say, “Hey! You gotta get those Orcas outta those malls! That’s abuse!” and like Rich points out, “Yes this is true, but where do you suggest we put them once rescued because they cannot survive in the wild after all the years of captivity?” Rich talks about ways to be in the solution when it comes to this question! We need more solution focused people like Rich in the world… : )   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and Meredith discuss how Meredith’s belief that there is always a solution is what gives her the strength to never give up on helping not only people, but also animals! Her motto she lives by:  “Instead of waiting for something good to happen, you should put every ounce of your soul into making something good happen… Human or animal, all life is precious. Rescue is about making families, helping families, and healing hearts!” Watch/listen in on all that this very special woman is doing to help those in need…   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!  
On this episode Dedee, Lindsey, & Blaine discuss these three’s extreme passion for animal welfare, but from a solution based lens vs a problem based lens (just pointing fingers w/o any real ideas on how to fix things)! A MUST listen/watch episode if you love animals and need to know there are people out there not just ‘trying’, but actually making a difference with regards to helping those we love that have no voice: animals.     Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and Todd discuss Todd’s concerns with the new generation of kids and their sense of entitlement. We talk about where that might have come from and how maybe the pandemic might have a play in on this? Did we go into the pandemic already with a group of entitled kids? What’s happening with our babies…..???   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and Kevin do the entire episode with avatars on their faces! This episode you HAVE to watch because it is truly so charming watching these two be all serious about spirituality while Kevin is hiding behind a masked bandit and Dedee’s a cow LOL! Kevin is a well published author and new friend of Dedee’s, so when he said he does not like doing interviews because of being on camera (so silly cause he’s so cute), Dedee “Met her guest where they are at” which is her motto, so she said we can do them with avatars! They did talk about spirituality and many other enlightened topics…   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and Kiki (Dedee’s nickname for her buddy) discuss grief. Now both these girls know this isn’t the most uplifting topic but somehow they did a great job of not putting those listening to sleep! They also went to graduate school together and boy do they have a story to tell you about how they both had to take a year off to just get through a 2 year program. Grief may be her area of expertise, but being Dedee’s rock is her speciality!   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and her favorite bartender discuss their past together not knowing each of them were harboring the same dark secret: addiction. It gets even better! Years later, they bump into each other and now they are both sober bitches! LOL! Julie, although one of the funniest women I know, talks openly about growing up catholic and how that could have been a factor in not asking for help when she realized she might have an addiction…   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and the sweet Elissa discuss what a sober coach does to not only help the one w/the disease of addiction learn to navigate the world again and “strengthen their sober legs” (that’s what Dedee describes it), but also the importance of educating/supportinng the entire family unit. Addiction isn’t linear and nor is recovery, so having that extra element of support such as a sober coach is something that everyone should have access to, not just those who can afford it…    Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and her agent Rachel discuss Rachel’s very unique way of getting sober! Dedee (and we are pretty sure you too) had never heard of this! For those who can’t wrap your head around the traditional ways of treating your disease, this is a must see/listen to episode! So damn interesting…!!!    SHOW NOTES: Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
On this episode Dedee and Monita (Dedee’s nickname for her longtime friend Jeannine) discuss spirituality, self care, and how it is important, probably now more than ever. How, although these two woman found it differently, they are on the same page when it comes to becoming part of the solution vs the problem. Listen in or watch and see how they have both come a long way… You can tell they have been friends for a long time LOL!   Become a DWD Patron Today for bonus content! Check out the visual on our YouTube Channel! Come get DOWN WITH DEDEE on TikTok! Peep Our Insta! Everything DOWN WITH DEDEE is on our Website!
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