DiscoverHer Self: IFS & Spiritual Entrepreneurship
Her Self: IFS & Spiritual Entrepreneurship
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Her Self: IFS & Spiritual Entrepreneurship

Author: Sara Avant Stover

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Her Self is your go-to resource for deep, essential conversations (infused with a healthy dose of practicality), about spiritual women’s entrepreneurship that no one else is having.

Join author, Certified Internal Family Systems practitioner, and business strategist, Sara Avant Stover to explore the intersection between entrepreneurship and fulfilling your potential– so you can become the woman you truly are.

We’ll talk about how to get out of your own way so you can grow a business that’s abundant and sustainable while allowing you to be a force for good in the world.

Tune in and get inspired, while receiving actionable strategies to help you root into your wholeness, lead from your values, and work in ways that feel deeply aligned, so you can bring your true Self into the world through your business – and in every area of life.
167 Episodes
I always love hearing candid, behind the scenes conversations, and that’s what we’re sharing here today. Yes, we’re flipping the script, in anticipation of my new book’s publication this week!To help with this, I invited my friend, relationship and executive coach, and fellow podcast host, Krista Van Derveer, to join us. We delve into a deep conversation around all things “Handbook for the Heartbroken.”From spotting red flags in relationships to suicidal ideation and shock after loss, we explore the path of healing after the unthinkable– along with my process of writing about it. I also share some of the preparation I’ve done recently to support me in bringing my most vulnerable piece of work to the world this week.If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenKrista Van DerVeer & The Art of We Podcast Krista’s heartbreak storySubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
We’re continuing our “When the Going Gets Tough” series today with Michaela Boehm, an internationally renowned expert in intimacy and relationships.In December of 2017, Michaela experienced one of everyone’s worst nightmares. While teaching and traveling abroad, she learned that her home– including all her animals– was lost to the Thomas Fire in Ojai, California.In the final weeks of finishing her book and with only one suitcase remaining of her belongings, when Michaela returned home to the ash and rubble of her beloved home, she embarked on a long journey of healing and rebuilding. Michaela’s joining us today to share an intimate look inside what that time was like for her and the key daily practices and mindset shifts that helped her through such a heartbreaking time. Known for her work with high-performing individuals, Michaela’s ongoing private clients include Oscar-winning actors, multiple Grammy-winning musicians, producers, and business pioneers. She’s the author of “The Wild Woman’s Way” and the founder of The Non-Linear Movement Method®, a powerful somatic release modality. Her work has recently been featured in Gwyneth Paltrow's Netflix Show “Sex, Love & goop” and Will Smith’s bestselling memoir ‘Will’. She lives on an organic farm in California where she rescues and rehabilitates animals.This conversation with Michaela is the third of six I’m hosting over the next several weeks. Together, we’re diving into stories of several prominent women who weathered various life challenges– and found ways to keep showing up for themselves, their loved ones, and their careers.I offer these to bring support and inspiration to all traversing similar dark valleys in their own lives or work AND to celebrate the arrival of my new book, Handbook for the Heartbroken, into the world on May 7.If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenMichaela BoehmConnect with Michaela on InstagramMichaela’s podcast episode about the journaling protocol Subscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
We’re continuing our “When the Going Gets Tough” series today with Jordan Gill, a multi-seven-figure business strategist whose mission is for high-achieving business owners to prioritize rest without sacrificing revenue. Last fall, after weathering a season of grief, coupled with chronic health challenges, Jordan got clarity that it was time to dismantle her business, let her team go, and reinvent. Today we’re talking about how she maneuvered that time both personally and professionally. She’s a role model for listening to one’s true calling, prioritizing self-care, courageously navigating uncertainty, and staying authentic and transparent with her audience along the way. This conversation with Jordan is the second of six I’m hosting over the next several weeks. Together, we’re diving into stories of several prominent women who weathered various life challenges– and found ways to keep showing up for themselves, their loved ones, and their careers.I offer these to bring support and inspiration to all traversing similar dark valleys in their own lives or work AND to celebrate the arrival of my new book, Handbook for the Heartbroken, into the world on May 7.If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenJordan Gill Subscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
Welcome to the first episode in our special, six-part series: “When the Going Gets Tough: Stories of Resilience in Business and Life.”Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing conversations with six prominent women who weathered various life challenges– and found ways to keep showing up for themselves, their loved ones, and their careers in the process.I offer these to bring support and inspiration to all who are traversing similar dark valleys in their own lives or work AND to celebrate the arrival of my new book, Handbook for the Heartbroken, into the world on May 7.We’re beginning our series today with a very candid conversation about a life-quaking betrayal that my long-time friend and colleague, Jennifer Racioppi, experienced. Jenn is a certified Duke Integrative Medicine Health Coach, holistic health counselor, Positive Psychology coach, and a beloved astrologer. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, MindBodyGreen, Forbes, Business Insider, The Numinous, Netflix Family, and Aerie. Her first book, Cosmic Health was released in January 2021 with Little, Brown Spark.Together, let’s go deep over these next several weeks through these intimate conversations.If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenJennifer RacioppiEp 12 with Jennifer Racioppi on “Manifesting Desire in Harmony with Lunar Cycles” Subscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
What do you do when you feel hopeless, discouraged, or frustrated? When the outer actions you’re taking aren’t yielding the results you want?And/or when you know you’ve been getting in your own way by procrastinating or staying busy with things you know aren’t aligned with your soul’s destiny? Or you’re playing small and avoiding going after what you really want?These are all common experiences along the path of stepping into our true callings and fulfilling our soul’s destinies. The key is not to stop here or to stay stuck here for too long. Today I’m going to share the framework to help you become unstoppable in pursuing your destiny. It’s one I haven’t found anywhere else. This process, or ongoing initiation, into embodying our souls is an important, tender, and intricate process. And, It’s the most important work of our lives, no doubt.So, tune in to learn how, after following this guided path, you, too, can, become the woman you’re destined to be– in business and in life.And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Free masterclass: Embody Your BrillianceSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
At the physiological level, it’s often said that high blood pressure is a “silent killer” amongst women because most people who have it don't have any symptoms. And that silence can be deadly.I would say that, in entrepreneurship, at the mental/emotional level imposter syndrome can also lurk silently below the surface– stopping professional growth in its tracks, or, even worse, preventing big, dreams from being born in the first place.Today we’re going to look at Imposter Syndrome in a new light, through the lens of the model I work within, Internal Family Systems, or IFS, so you can start letting your courage and your desires take up more air time inside you than your fears and doubts.And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Free masterclass: Embody Your BrillianceSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
At least once today, you’ve likely experienced some form of self-sabotage. This could look like getting on Instagram right when you wake up, instead of taking that intended time for yourself. Maybe you stayed up too late last night watching TV when you really wanted to get enough sleep so you could wake up earlier today, feeling refreshed. Or you have a big project you know in your heart is important to you, but you keep letting smaller projects and emergencies pull you away from making any real progress on it. Let’s be real: Self-sabotage is an inherent part of the entrepreneurial journey. The more we take risks and step outside our comfort zones, the more we’re going to contend with it. Given this, wouldn’t it be wise to cultivate the skills you need to heal your self-sabotage at the root? So that it’s not only no longer an obstacle on your path, but it’s a true ally, helping you do what it once blocked you from doing? Yes, that’s very possible! And that’s what we’re exploring in today’s episode. In it, I share a painful experience of self-sabotage from my own life. I also share the single (surprising!) question you need to ask yourself the next time you experience it. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Join us inside The Inner Critic CureSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
I’m about to say something pretty big that’s not an exaggeration: The Inner Critic is the biggest thing I see holding women back. This is true today, and this has been true since I started doing this work twenty-five years ago. It also used to be the biggest thing holding ME back. Many of us still have unhealed experiences in our past that are keeping us overworking, undercharging, or not enforcing appropriate boundaries. These unhealed wounds are keeping us stuck at the same level in our work and lives and unable to move forward, even though we’re investing in courses and coaches.To help shift this, today I’m talking with an Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist and assistant trainer, Nancy Wonder, about the pathway of healing our Inner Critics– and the Inner Little girls they’re protecting. In our conversation, we talk about:How to reach a tipping point in your healing work where you consistently feel more space insideWhy you need to stop combatting your Inner Critic, and what you need to do insteadHow an embodiment practice like yoga fit into this approachWays to end inner wars and addictive patternsHow to lessen the charge in your triggers so they don’t dominate you as muchAt the end, Nancy leads you through a meditation to help you begin to make powerful shifts with your Inner Critic. Above all, healing your Inner Critic is a crucial piece in doing what you most want to do and being who you most want to be. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Join us inside The Inner Critic CureNancy WonderSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
What does it mean to “fulfill your potential”– beyond a pithy personal development slogan? Today we’re not only unpacking how to do that, but we’re also exploring the three biggest blocks that can keep us from boldly moving toward our destinies. This is an innate process happening within each of us, and the more we can become aware of it, the more we can consciously partner with it to experience the fulfillment we most want. Today’s episode will help you do that. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-Order My New Book: Handbook for the Heartbroken Join the Waitlist for Becoming YouSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalThe Vital Spark (book) Connect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
After I closed down my business in 2019 and then decided to rebuild it two years later, I had the benefit of hindsight and past trial and error to learn from. With the wisdom of my past experience, I could more intentionally and strategically rebuild my business from the ground up (instead of duct-taping things together piecemeal). Today I’m sharing the key steps I took to do this– the very same ones I share with the women I work with– as they can be applied to any small business owner. So, rather than building your business by default, build it with a clear, intentional design. Today’s episode will help you get clear on how to do that. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-Order My New Book: Handbook for the Heartbroken Getting Out of Your Own Way: An IFS Daily Parts Meditation KitFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
We usually don’t talk about trauma and business together in the same sentence, but that needs to change. And that’s what we’re doing here together today. Here’s the thing: Trauma impacts us ALL as entrepreneurs, to different degrees and in different ways– especially when you’re taking a creative risk or moving into uncharted territory. I’m going to share with you the #1 sign that your trauma may be impacting your business and some steps you can take to shift that. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Pre-Order My New Book: Handbook for the Heartbroken Getting Out of Your Own Way: An IFS Daily Parts Meditation KitFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
Starting at a young age, we’re taught to ignore our body’s signals (like the need to go to the bathroom or drink water). As we get older, the repercussions of silencing our instincts become more and more grave. This can lead us to get (or stay) in harmful relationships, mistrust our feelings, and perpetuate an ever-widening split between our bodies, psyches, and souls. Rather than perpetuating this split through spiritual bypassing, it’s time for us women to remember our innate strength to deeply feel– even, and especially, the hard stuff. Today I’m talking with bestselling author, artist, and transformational coach, Alexandra Roxo, about her beautiful new book, Dare to Feel: The Transformational Path of the Heart. In its pages, she guides us to reconnect with the important messages from our souls that ALL of our feelings hold. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Alexandra RoxoPre-Order My New Book: Handbook for the Heartbroken Getting Out of Your Own Way: An IFS Daily Parts Meditation KitFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
Money, pricing, and enoughness, oh my! Today we’re talking about something that every woman I work with struggles with– and that I used to struggle with- underpricing and overdelivering. It’s a recipe for burnout, resentment, health challenges, and a compromised work/life balance at large. Not to mention feelings of scarcity and financial anxiety. Let’s not do that anymore. I’m going to share with you some key steps to take to start pricing from your true power, not the parts inside of you that never feel like they’re “enough.” And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Free Guide: 5 Money Mistakes NOT to make in 2024Getting Out of Your Own Way: An IFS Daily Parts Meditation KitCreate Your Dream Business: 12-Month Mentorship & MastermindFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
Eight years ago today, February 4, 2016, my life fell apart. I now see that fateful date as the demarcating line between who I was and who I am to become. Since then, my path of rebuilding every crevice of my inner and outer world hasn’t been easy. But it’s been beyond worth it. I’m only now beginning to stand on the deeply aligned and sturdy foundation I’ve created for myself, both personally and professionally.Today I want to have an honest conversation with you about what this process of creating a whole, soul-aligned foundation for yourself and your business entails. I’ve found that it’s not common to find people who are genuinely doing this, much less teaching you how to do it. Since 2024 is the year of quantum leaps, the more committed you are to living your own deep truth, the more possibility there is for you to experience the miraculous in the next twelve months. If you feel the pull of that soul desire and potential as much as I do, this conversation is for you. If you’re interested in being part of our Create Your Dream Business community, applications are open for a couple of more days for our February circle. This is a 12-month immersive IFS mentorship & mastermind circle for spiritual women entrepreneurs who are ready to bring their soul-powered dreams into the world. Here’s where to learn more & apply. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Create Your Dream Business: 12-Month Mentorship & MastermindFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
Today's episode holds a special place in my heart, not just because we're celebrating these soulful, Self-led entrepreneurs, which I love that we are, but because I want this to be an example of what’s possible, especially for women in business.  I think there's a special power in sharing our successes and our challenges, what’s working and what isn’t.When we talk about our journeys, we normalize and validate hardships, while also empowering others to dream big and move toward their goals. When you walk away from this episode, I only want you to think, “If they can do it, so can I.” Enjoy!Here’s where to learn more about these beautiful women: Carrie HaynesEmily O’NealJulia ForbergIf you’re interested in being part of our Create Your Dream Business community, applications are now open for our February circle. This is a 12-month immersive IFS mentorship & mastermind circle for spiritual women entrepreneurs who are ready to bring their soul-powered dreams into the world. Here’s where to learn more & apply. And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Create Your Dream Business: 12-Month Mentorship & MastermindFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
I don’t know about you, but I always appreciate hearing what people spend money on in their businesses. Overall, I appreciate having open, honest conversations about money, especially as women business owners. So today I’m taking you behind-the-scenes as I reviewed my 2023 P&L to get clarity on the top three things I chose to invest in in my business last year, and why. My intention is that this inspires you to look more consciously at how you want to spend your money and invest in yourself and your work in the year ahead.And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.comIt’s as simple as that! If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.Resources:Free Guide: 5 Money Mistakes NOT to Make in 2024Create Your Dream Business: 12-Month Mentorship & MastermindFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
I know from my own journey as a business owner over these past decades, as well as the experiences of all of my students and clients, that overwhelm and disregulated nervous systems are things we need to be constantly working on. Especially for all of us who are introverted and highly sensitive (that’s me)!Through a lot of trial and error, including a recent dip into the red zone this past fall, I’ve distilled three of my top tips for building the buffers into our business models– and our days– to operate in our optimal state as much as possible. May this serve you in designing and refining your business this year that support you in being your best self. Resources:Workshop Series: Design Your Dream Business in 2024 Getting Out of Your Own Way: $9 IFS Daily Parts Meditation KitCreate Your Dream Business: 12-Month Mentorship & MastermindFree Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
As we step into a new year together, it’s a potent time to really make sure that the actions you’re taking are leading you to where you want to go— that they’re strategic, thoughtful steps towards creating the business and life that are right for you.Because you don’t want to wake up one year from now hating your life and hating your business– feeling like it’s running YOU, rather than the other way around.I’ve been there, and it’s not fun, to say the least. So, today we’re going to talk through how to make sure that doesn’t happen. Here’s to 2024 being a year of deep inner and outer alignment that truly lights you up and leads to the fulfillment of your unique vision of success. Resources:Workshop Series: Design Your Dream Business in 2024Free Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
As you’re listening to this, I’ve entered into hibernation for the holiday season– to partake in the medicine and magic of this season, which is all about resting, dreaming, reflecting, getting quiet, and turning within.With this, we’ll be taking a break from sharing any new podcast episodes until the first week of January. Until then, I wanted to leave you with something that’s appropriate for this liminal window of time between the solstice and the New Year: An excerpt from a dharma talk I gave last January at a New Year’s visioning retreat here in Colorado.I hope this serves and inspires you as you take your own time to be and reflect over the coming weeks, in the ways that feel right for you.Happy holidays and New Year, my dear friends.Enjoy, and I’ll see you in January! Resources:New Year’s Visioning Retreat for Entrepreneurial WomenFree Guide: 5 Money Mistakes NOT to Make in 2024Free Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
I was planning on talking about something else today, but I had such a powerful experience earlier this week that I felt inspired to veer from my original plan so I could share more about it with you. Living in such a transactional and mechanistic culture, it’s easy to forget how magical it is to be a human being who gets to engage in the creative process. Moreover, it’s easy to forget that our businesses, and all that we share within the world of our businesses (such as books, websites, programs, and even a podcast like this), are sacred, divine beings. They’re here to partner with us, and to evolve us, in profound and mysterious ways. If we’re willing. Today I’m sharing a recent story of how I experienced this in a big way. May this inspire you to bring this perspective more fully into your own life and work in the year ahead.Resources:New Year’s Visioning Retreat for Entrepreneurial WomenFree Guide: 5 Money Mistakes NOT to Make in 2024Free Mini-Course: 3 Lies that Hold Succesful Women BackConnect on InstagramMentioned in this episode:Book Regular Order Dynamic Ad
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