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The CEO Show

Author: Laura Canham

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Welcome to the CEO Show. A podcast for ambitious women ready to bring the fun, freedom and flexibility back into business.

Meet your host Laura Canham; an award winning business coach on a mission to make business super freaking simple and totally freaking fun. She scaled her online business from start up to a quarter of a million dollars in just two years (whilst also birthing two babies!) so she knows a thing or two about getting big results without the hustle.

In this podcast Laura will be pulling back the curtain on what it really means to be a CEO. From the juicy business strategy, to the mindset work and most importantly, how to prioritise you - the beautiful woman behind the business.

Each week you can expect juicy episodes with no-nonsense business advice to help you skyrocket your success, deep and meaningful soul chats, unfiltered interviews with powerhouse female entrepreneurs and everything in-between. So babes, stick around if you’re ready to scale your business with ease and create success your way.

Find out more here:

37 Episodes
If there’s some aspects of biz leaving you feeling a little frazzled, it may because you need to tighten up your boundaries.Now you know for me, the aim of the game is always life first and establishing your business rules or boundaries enables you to focus on that.When done well, your biz boundaries not only ensure that you as the CEO remain happy and fulfilled, but also that your clients get the very best version of you and have a much better experience.Over the years I’ve learned this shit...
I recently decided to secret shop my clients [and yes, before you ask, they fully consented! Lol]But the whole aim of this exercise was for me to act like a potential customer and see whether or not I would buy from them. This way I could really see what was working, what wasn’t and where they could potentially be leaving thousands of dollars on the table…I reviewed their messaging. Did it speak to me?I looked at their branding. Did it entice me?How easy was it to learn more about them and th...
You’ve probably all heard the phrase, you shouldn’t work for free and exposure doesn’t pay the bills. Well I disagree.Working for free is actually one of the things that’s actually grown my business so fast and made me more money!Now I understand that exposure might not pay a bill right there and then but if it’s done right, it sure as shit helps pay bills later down the track.And I think this is where people often get it twisted…Working for free is not a long term solution to business growth...
I’ve coached hundreds of mums in business and every single one of them has felt the push-pull between life and work.Most of us are desiring both a successful career and being a present, loving mama. But let’s face it, it’s not always easy.Trouble is, most mums often find themselves in a state of overwhelm because they’re trying to do business:The exact same way they did before they had kids.Like women who aren’t mums.How they did things when their kids were small, but now things have changed....
One of the biggest challenges with starting your own business is the shift from being someone else’s employee to becoming your own CEO.And quite often, entrepreneurs who once spent many years working for someone else can very easily slip back into employee mode in their own business, and this can have huge impacts on your business growth and overall satisfaction in what you’re doing.If you find yourself often slipping into the busy little worker-bee in your business, this episode is for you!I...
I’m back with another installment of ‘what Laura learned about business from her random bucket list of adventures’ lol.This week is officially 5 years since I hiked to Everest Base Camp. It was definitely an interesting [read as: f*cked up!] experience to say the least, but as I was sat reflecting on this trip, I realised there were so many lessons I learned which can be applied to running a business.So in this episode, I’ll be sharing a bit about the journey, the good, the bad and the ugly -...
You might have heard the phrase ‘you can’t manage what you don’t measure’.And this basically means, if you’re wanting to make any changes in your business, you need some data or information to guide you.And most entrepreneurs want to save time in their business, save money, create more flexibility or boost their income, but they haven’t been gathering the data to inform them exactly how to do this.Maybe you’ve avoided it because it seems confusing. Maybe you’re not sure where to start or find...
Let’s face it, we all want more time. It’s the thing that none of us seem to have enough of, and we tend to blame time for all the things we didn’t do… However, not all uses of our time are created equal!In fact, in business, there’s actually 3 different types of work: foundational work, needle moving work and surface level work. And the trouble is, most entrepreneurs are only focussing on the surface level work - and this is what leads us to feeling ‘busy’ all the time but without many ...
What do I charge? The question that can cause so much debate and confusion.Truthbomb - there is no magic formula to setting the perfect price. It’s actually all very subjective. And in most industries there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to how much to charge. So how do you account for your time? Effort? Knowledge and expertise? In today’s episode I’ll be sharing some strategies to support you with pricing your offers and ensuring this is beneficial for you from both a financial and e...
It is now officially one week until we jet off to Europe!This is a surreal moment for me as it’s the culmination of absolutely everything I’ve been creating in my business for the last 3 years.In this episode I’ll be sharing about what has led to the decision to take my toddlers, husband and business overseas for 4 months and what I’m planning for the business during this time.As well as some hot tips for you if you’re thinking of the digital nomad life, you’ll hear a sneak peek of my new off...
Have you heard of the ick? It’s a term often used in the dating world when we suddenly get a weird feeling and start to dislike the person we’re dating.Now the business ick is very similar. It’s a feeling that you get and you just know something isn’t right. You start to dislike your business but you don’t know why.And the trouble with the business ick is that most entrepreneurs let it fester. They don’t address it and it gets worse and worse until they break it off and throw their business i...
Since when did $10k months become the marker of success?This week’s episode is a little spicy as I dive into where this $10k month trend has come from and why it needs to stop being everyone’s business goal.I see so many entrepreneurs getting caught in the hype of wanting to be in the $10k club, without fully understanding their own financial and business goals, and instead blindly chasing a random number.When we aren’t clear on what we desire, it can cause so many issues with how we run our ...
‘Business is easy’. Lol. This is by far one of the biggest lies you’ll see online…Now, the definition of easy is when things are simple, uncomplicated, quick and no fuss, and let’s be really honest - business simply is not that!But when this is the message we are constantly being fed online, it can be super harmful. Because it’s starting to create a whole group of business owners who think they can do no work and get results, or that they can be making $10k months in their first week in biz.L...
Manifestation is not just weird and wonderful woo-woo.Yes, a few years ago I was skeptical too because I didn’t really know what it was or what I had to do. But now I’ve come to learn that manifesting is much more about getting aligned and taking action, and this is something I can get behind.I recently realised just how much stuff I’ve manifested since diving into this process in late 2021. From small shifts in my home life, to my big juicy financial goals and lifechanging trips - I have cre...
In today’s episode I am sharing a training with you from one of my recent programs ‘Idea to Income’.This part of the program was a huge AHA moment for so many people in terms of why their offer wasn’t selling as much as they wanted it to. Because typically people focus so much on the ‘inclusions’ of their offer, they overlook how it will be delivered. So you could have the best offer ever, with all these brilliant things included BUT if you’re delivering it wrong - it could be putting people ...
What makes some women so successful?What is it that gets someone to consistent $10k months? Or to hit six-figure plus years?Over the last few years I’ve coached hundreds of women, and i’ve started to see some patterns emerge in how they show up in their business. I recently sat down and made some notes on some of the things they were doing and it became clear that there were 3 key traits they all had in common.In this week’s episode I share about the importance of decisiveness, adaptability a...
Did I tell you that I once competed in a bodybuilding competition? Lol. I am not kidding.I don’t think I’ve really shared this story before, so I’m really excited to talk about it more on today’s episode. In particular, all the huge life and business lessons I learned from this crazy experience which I think you’ll enjoy.Although I froth off getting out of my comfort zone, most people won’t ever do anything challenging; either because they fear change or judgement. And this is the reason why ...
My recent month away in the UK was a real pivotal moment for me. I realised that everything I’d been working towards in my business had come to fruition.Since having kids it’s been my mission to have as much freedom and flexibility as possible. And most importantly, to build sustainable income that allowed for this.Most people operate within a business model of ‘do the work, get paid’ but this is can create months or even long periods of the year when you’ve got $0 in the bank account.And yes...
It’s officially my birthday month!So to celebrate what went down during my 35th lap around the sun, I thought I would sit down and do some reflecting.And whilst i’ll be talking about my life and business, I can guarantee that what i’m sharing will have you nodding along, giving you all those aha moments and allowing you to hopefully witness yourself and your business in 2023 from a different perspective.I am a huge believer in soaking up the lessons in everything. Because this is truly where ...
I’ve made some really solid, stellar investments in the last two years, but I’ve also wasted a shit load of money on the wrong things too.These days you’ll find heaps of options when it comes to personal and professional development, and I’ve learned that it’s so easy to get sucked into something that isn’t a good fit or jump on the FOMO bandwagon for the latest shiny thing - and I don’t want that for you.In this episode, I’ve wrapped up the good, the bad and the ugly for you when it comes to...
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