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Rough Drafts Christian Fiction

Author: R. J. Alan

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R. J Alan, author of thrilling Christian fiction offers early drafts of his novels in podcast form. Join the adventure ... where the seen and unseen worlds collide!
22 Episodes
Author R. J. Alan presents: Book 1 Chapter 3 Part 1 A Christian Dystopian epic novel When Father Curtis’s life-long mentor offers not solutions, but only troubling questions, where is he to go for the important answers?
Author R. J. Alan presents: Book 1 Chapter 3 Part 2 A Christian Dystopian epic novel A life lived in ministerial service is poor preparation when Father Curtis is abruptly thrust into the world of spy craft.
I am still on vacation this week, and so am offering you a peek at the work of a guest author in this episode. Erin Biller is a home schooling mom, editor, author, and valued friend of the show. We are taking this opportunity to feature a sample of her debut novel, Ammi. Visit her website at I know you'll love it as much as we did!
I am still on vacation this week, and so am offering you a peek at the work of a guest author in this episode. Erin Biller is a home schooling mom, editor, author, and valued friend of the show. We are taking this opportunity to feature a sample of her debut novel, Ammi. Visit her website at I know you'll love it as much as we did!
The Seekers Series: Book 1 Chapter 9 Part 1 A Christian Dystopian epic novel What is truth? Where would one look when searching for truth? When your faith has been shaken, when you are looking for answers, what can you really trust? Father Curtis, having learned all he believed to be true was a lie, has abandoned all faith, but is pressed too defend his contention that no one can know any truth with certainty.
The Seekers Series: Book 1 Chapter 10 Part 1 A Christian Dystopian epic novel Is there really such a thing as objective right and wrong? Diana’s mom lives by the motto, “If it feels good, do it”. Will Diana listen to her mom or her own conscience?
The Seekers Series: Book 1 Chapter 10 Part 2 A Christian Dystopian epic novel How can Maripol catch Father Curtis when his own forces are willful and incompetent? In his dream, Father Curtis finds and welcomes the truth. Will he be as open to it in his waking hours?
Hi. This is R. J. Alan and you’re listening to Rough Drafts. This podcast is the place to get early access to my novels and short fiction before they’re published. Before we get to the story, let me tell you a bit about my writing and about this podcast. Like me, my writing has a Christian worldview. I say that in case some of you might be offended by references to God or to the Bible. If that’s you, I hope like me, you can enjoy a great story even if told from a viewpoint you don’t share, and I really hope you listen, anyway. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you. The novels presented in this podcast are not final, edited, or polished works of fiction. They are, as the title of the show suggests, rough drafts. Works in progress. So why do I publish them before they’re complete? The answer to that question can be summed up in one word. You. I want to share my work with you. I want to know if you enjoy it, and if not, why not? I want your feedback, to help me make the stories the best they can be. And last, I need you to spread the word about my books so they can find other people who might enjoy them, people whose lives might be impacted in a positive way by them. I write my stories because this is the kind of fiction I wanted more of, but couldn’t find it, so now I hope you’ll help other people like me, people looking for these stories, to find them. I’d appreciate your feedback. You can contact me through my website at There you can leave a comment on blog posts, send me an email, or even a voicemail. Tell me what you think of the books, and while you’re there, sign up for the newsletter. I won’t spam you with unwanted comment, but you will be notified when there are new posts, when books release, and when we have special offers available only to subscribers. Finally, a word about the podcast. These are not professionally produced audiobooks. This is just me, talking to you from my office, the second-story bedroom of an old farmhouse. You’ll probably hear my wife calling me, the dogs barking, or the roosters crowing. I hope you love them, anyway. Head over to my website at, and thanks for being here. R. J. Alan
Author R. J. Alan presents: The first installment of Book 1 A Dystopian epic novel Father Curtis, priest of the Order of the Eternal, thought he could continue his quiet life, hiding in his peaceful corner of Republic, remaining beyond the notice of the high and powerful. He had been wrong.
Book 1 Chapter 2 A Dystopian epic novel For Leif and Lars, the most important thing in life is to save their family business. Does hard work and faithful service really pay off in the end? Always? Even when murder is added to the mix?
Book 1 Chapter 4 A Christian Dystopian epic novel Leif and Lars struggle as their family business is threatened, and who are these mysterious men creeping around town?
Book 1: Chapter 5 A Christian Dystopian epic novel How can Leif stop his marriage from spiraling out of control? What is he to do about the escalating work conflict with his dad? And what is the meaning of Father Curtis’s new and disturbing dreams?
Praying that you all have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Take time to remember all He has blessed you with, and to give thanks!
Book 1: Fragments Chapter 6 Part 1 A Christian Dystopian epic novel Working with family is hard, and Leif is drawn deeper into conflict with his dad, while Lars tries to mediate from the sidelines, while Leif’s marriage takes a dark turn. When Leif needs a reason to go on, where will he turn?
Book 1: Chapter 6 Part 2 When Lars learns the family business is in jeopardy, when Father Curtis learns his trusted mentor has lied to him for decades, is a criminal, and has implicated Curtis in his crimes- where will they turn for answers?
Book 1: Chapter 7 A Christian Dystopian epic novel How does a person know they are at a crucial turning point? How can one be sure to be intentional in our actions, and avoid potential disastrous reactions? When Leif faces his own crossroad, will he turn toward the dark or to the light? Maripol’s investigation is at an impasse. What kind of shadowy contrivance can assure the capture of Father Curtis?
The Seekers Series Book 1 Chapter 7 Part 2 A Christian Dystopian epic novel Curtis ponders, when is a dream just a dream, and when is it something more. And if something more, what are his dreams trying to tell him? Having learned his mentor and surrogate father, Professor Reuel, is a heretic, Father Curtis must make a decision. Is he loyal to truth, or to the Order?
The Seekers Series: Book 1 Chapter 8 Part 1 A Christian Dystopian epic novel It’s hard enough for Leif and Lars, struggling to save the family business, but when they are blindsided by a plan to deny their inheritance, the family dynamic devolves into new heights of dysfunction. Meanwhile, Professor Reuel and Father Curtis face a new threat when Order operatives begin snooping about the safe house.
The Seekers Series: Book 1 Chapter 8 Part 2 A Christian Dystopian epic novel While Lars struggles to complete the monumental task needed if there is any hope of saving the business, Leif’s battle with Dad escalates, with dire consequences.
The Seekers Series: Book 1 Chapter 9 Part 2 A Christian Dystopian epic novel Father Curtis, having once accepted a nearly fatal lie, now struggles to accept that there is anything such as absolute truth, much less imagine that he could find such a thing himself. But if there is no absolute truth, with what foundation can he begin to rebuild his life. And why would he bother, if all is as meaningless as it seems?
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