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Your Journey to Fertility

Author: Jennifer Edmonds

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Do you feel like you've tried everything to fall pregnant but nothing seems to help?

You've tracked your cycle, timed sex perfectly, switched up your diet, seen all the specialists but it still hasn't happened...

While most fertility podcasts focus on current tips to help you fall pregnant, Your Journey to Fertility covers the latest scientific research - but we also go deeper into your mindset, your subconscious & the more "woo-woo" ways you can support your body & your baby. 

There are countless modalities that are scientifically proven to help increase your fertility - nutrition, supplementation, mindfulness & Eastern medicine to name a few. But there's also an element to conceiving your baby that goes beyond what we can see - and this is where the spiritual side of fertility support comes in.

Welcome to Your Journey to Fertility - the only podcast that blends both science & spirit to give you all the tools you need to navigate your fertility journey. 

For over 15 years, Jennifer Edmonds has been guiding women on their journeys to motherhood and beyond. She is the leading authority on mind-body programs for fertility support and assisted conception.

Jennifer has helped hundreds of women trying to conceive:

  • Move through the pain & frustration of infertility
  • Reclaim joy in their lives & their relationship
  • Heal their connection with their bodies
  • Get a positive pregnancy test after believing it would never happen

This podcast is here to help you do the same.

So join us each week and start Your Journey to Fertility right now. Hit follow & let's dive in.

33 Episodes
Did you know that since the 1970s average sperm counts globally have fallen by more than 50%?The statistics around male fertility rates these days are nothing short of scary. Even when you receive a "good" result in a male fertility analysis, this is only compared to the general population - and as we'll find out in this episode, that is far from optimal if you're trying to conceive.Today I interview a special guest - Saara Jamieson - who is a scientist, researcher, and the founder of men's f...
The term "Nervous System Regulation" is a bit of a buzzword right now, especially in the fertility space. But what does it actually mean? And WHY is it important if you're trying to conceive?Today I'm speaking with special guest, Lauren Enright, who is a neuroscientist and a yoga teacher. And she's going to break down everything you need to know.By the time you finish listening, you'll find out:Why it's important to balance stress when you're trying to conceiveWhat tools you can use to help r...
There were countless cycles along my fertility journey that were perfect on paper - they should have worked. But they didn't. So what was it that finally got me over the line?Today's episode is a very vulnerable one. I'm sharing what I went through in the months leading up to the day I got my positive pregnancy test with my little rainbow. I won't lie - it wasn't a quick or easy fix. There are no magic powders or fancy supplements that made the difference. But what I did do had a lasting...
Do you ever wish someone could just tell you WHEN you'll finally fall pregnant with your baby, so that at least you'll be able to handle everything else in between?If the journey to your baby feels far away, and the prospect of not knowing when/how/if they'll ever be here is all-consuming, then this is the conversation you need to hear. Being able to lean into that feeling of knowing - of trusting that your baby is going to get here - is one of the hardest things you'll ever do on this j...
Do you feel like every time you open your social media accounts you're bombarded with pictures of pregnant bellies, pregnancy announcements, happy families...?Maybe you go to dinners with friends who won't stop talking about their kids and asking when you're going to hurry up & have your own...?Perhaps it just feels like the whole world is a reminder that you're not pregnant.Triggers are actually a nervous system response to your brain's perception of danger. And while that may sound extr...
Have you’ve been trying to conceive for 6 months or more & you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with the treatment options available to you? Or maybe you feel there’s something missing that’s been dismissed by your doctor?Western medicine looks at fertility issues from one perspective - but the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine looks at your body as a whole, and how every part of your body, mind + spirit impacts your overall health & ability to conceive.My guest today is Mi...
Do you often think: "Nobody understands what I'm going through" as you're navigating your fertility journey?If you feel like infertility came out of nowhere & took over your whole life, then this episode is for you. Today I'm sharing the 5 things nobody told me about infertility - and once you know what these are, you can support yourself, no matter what stage you're up to. These will help you avoid feeling isolated & confused, and to know exactly how to reach for help when you need i...
Being able to trust that you’ll fall pregnant, even after months or years of trying unsuccessfully, is incredibly hard. If you feel like your entire life has been put on hold as you’re trying to conceive, this is the episode you need to hear. Today’s guest, Jessi LeVesconte, will show you her step by step guide to using manifestation that has helped hundreds of women fall pregnant.How does the concept of manifestation actually work when you’re trying to conceive?The way Jessi explains it is t...
Do you often feel like your baby is so close – you can sense they’re around you but you have no idea how to bring them home? That feeling isn’t something you’re imagining – and in today’s episode, special guest Nancy Weiss explains how connecting with your baby (even before they’re born!) can bring you one step closer to falling pregnant.Have you heard how “Spirit Babies” can connect with you on your fertility journey?You can spend so much time focusing on nutrition, supplements & medical...
If you’re approaching (or over) the age of 40, is IVF really the answer to your fertility problems? If you’re feeling the pressure to jump into fertility treatments – or perhaps you’ve already been through several rounds of IVF, then this episode is for you. Special guest, Monique Cormack, will be taking you through the truth around trying to conceive in your 40s.If you’re in your late 30s and early 40s, you’ve probably noticed you’re being bombarded with messages about declining fertility ra...
The one thing you hear more than anything when you’re dealing with infertility is that you shouldn’t stress. But how are you supposed to avoid it when you’ve spent months or years TTC, and there’s no end in sight? On today’s episode I’m going to break down exactly what stress is, how it affects your overall health and fertility, and most importantly – what you can do to reduce it.How are you supposed to avoid stress if you’re dealing with infertility?The truth is: you can’t. Yet we repeatedly...
How exactly does exercise fit into your journey of trying to conceive? Maybe you’ve asked your doctor & they’ve been vague about it – and you’ve found there is so much conflicting advice on the internet. Today I’m discussing the 5 types of exercise you should avoid when you’re TTC, so you have an idea of what you should be doing to support your body & chances of falling pregnant.So what type of exercise should you be doing to support your fertility?The answer is – it depends on ...
WTF are you meant to do when IVF doesn’t work? Today I am speaking with embryologist, Lucy Lines, who will walk you through everything you need to know about each stage of IVF, what to ask your doctor, and how to increase your chances of success.Most people get to IVF thinking - this will FINALLY be the thing that gets me pregnant! After years of trying at home & going through other treatments that haven’t been successful, IVF feels like the light at the end of a very long tunnel.But more...
If you feel like you’re doing ALL THE THINGS on your fertility journey – you’re already eating the perfect diet, taking the right supplements, you’re doing everything your doctor has told you, but you’re still not where you want to be, then this is the episode you need to hear. Today I’m going to share the one thing that is so often overlooked as you’re trying to conceive.We live in a world where we are led to believe that more = more. But when it comes to infertility, sometimes that just isn...
If you’re at the stage on your fertility journey where you’re falling down the Dr Google rabbit hole or getting your information from Facebook groups, this episode is for you. Today I’ll share the 5 things that everyone dealing with infertility needs to know about. No matter what stage you’re at, these are going to help you avoid confusion & know exactly what your next steps will be.Do you ever open the Google app on your phone to ask a quick fertility question, yet somehow find yourself ...
If you have been trying to conceive for 6 months or more then no doubt someone has said you need to “Just Relax!” (if i had a dollar...). In today’s episode I’m going to share exactly why relaxing isn’t going to help you fall pregnant, so you can start focusing on the things that will.How many times have you been told you just need to “relax a bit more” as you’re struggling with infertility? While things like booking a holiday, going for a massage & spending a day at the spa might make yo...
What's one of the last things we consider doing on our fertility journeys? After the endless medical appointments, the supplements, the acupuncture, the testing..Doing...less.I was always under the impression that more = more when managing fertility. But it took me years and many hard lessons to realise this has the opposite result.Today's guest will completely shift the way you think about approaching your fertility. Coni Longden-Jefferson is a women's health writer, fertility advocate, spea...
I'm sure you've heard about the benefits of seeing a women's health physio during pregnancy or postpartum. But did you know there are actually incredible benefits to this kind of work while you're trying to conceive?Today Emily Everton is sharing her knowledge on how some gentle practices & manual therapies can make a huge difference to your cycle, and PMS symptoms you have, and your overall health + fertility.We discuss in detail:What a women's health physio can do to help as you're TTCH...
Are you sick of the constant advice to "stay positive" on your fertility journey?How are you meant to navigate this between an infertility diagnosis, medical appointments, endless medications, conflicting advice and the pressure of wanting to start a family?Today's guest will completely shift the way you think about "being positive" as you're TTC. Lea Nicole Trujillo is a psychologist, certified fertility coach, women's health coach, and all-around amazing human. Today she shares:Her own 7-ye...
How do you move through the grief of- An infertility diagnosis- Unsuccessful cycles- Pregnancy loss- Or the loss of what you thought your future would look like?In today's episode I am joined by the incredible Sarah Reece. Sarah is an Infertility Coach, speaker & Yoga + Meditation teacher.Her work focuses on helping women & couples find peace & joy again in their lives...BEFORE they become pregnant.In today’s episode, we go into:Why infertility causes grief in so many different wa...