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The Deen Corner

Author: Salma Babayo

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The Deen Corner is a podcast where we dive into fun and engaging conversations about Islam. ๐ŸŽ™๏ธโœจ Join us as we explore various topics related to our faith, from understanding the Quran and Hadith to discussing Islamic values and principles in our daily lives. We'll have open and lighthearted discussions, sharing personal experiences, stories, and insights that will inspire and uplift you. So, get comfy and let's chat and cheer together as we deepen our understanding of Islam in a fun and interactive way! In sha Allah
13ย Episodes
salaam everyone, in this episode i talk about journaling and how it can help you connect with Allah on a deeper level.
Tawbah is an essential ingredient in every stage of a servantโ€™s journey to his Lord, and it is something we must renew all the time. It is inevitable that we are going to sin; but each time we sin, we should rush to make tawbah, so that the sins do not corrode our hearts. Ibn al-Qayyim (raแธฅimahullฤh) writes, โ€œThe state of tawbah is at the beginning, the middle and the end of the servantโ€™s journey to his Creator. The servant who seeks the pleasure of Allah never abandons tawbah. He remains in the state of tawbah until his deathโ€.
Assalamu alaikum everyone, this is a mini message episode, where we explore the beautiful journey of getting closer to Allah. Join me as we dive into practical tips, and inspiring stories that can help you strengthen your faith and deepen your connection with the Allah. Reading List: 1. Sins: The Poison Of The heart by Dr Haifa Younis 2. Don't be sad by Aaidh ibn Abdullah 3. Daily Wisdom 4. Golden stories of muslim women by Abdul malik 5. Judgement Day by Dr. Omar Suleiman 6. Jannah Home at last by Dr. Omar suleiman 7. Allah Loves by Dr. Omar suleiman 8. Builders of a nation by Dr. Haifa younis 9. The final Prophet by Dr. Omar suleiman 10. Deeper into dhikr by Dr. Omar suleiman I hope this helps! dm me : @thedeencornerpodcast on instagram ๐Ÿ’•



Salaam everyone! In this episode, I delve into the topic of sins and their impact on our relationship with Allah (swt) and the influence of Shaytan. I discuss how sins can weaken our connection with Allah (swt) and strengthen our ties with Shaytan. I explore the consequences of indulging in sinful behaviors and how they can lead us astray from the path of righteousness. Through engaging conversations and reflections, I aim to shed light on the importance of avoiding sins and seeking forgiveness to maintain a strong bond with Allah (swt). Join me as we explore this crucial aspect of our faith and strive to strengthen our relationship with Allah (swt) while guarding ourselves against the whispers of Shaytan.
Salaam everyone! ๐Ÿ’•In this heartfelt episode of the Deen Corner podcast, join us for a captivating conversation with our special guest, Teneseia, a Muslim revert. As we explore her transformative journey into Islam, discover the profound moments that shaped her beliefs, the challenges she faced, and the beauty she uncovered along the way. Through the lens of friendship, I (Salma Babayo) share my growing love and respect for Teneseia, making this episode a celebration of diverse paths converging in the embrace of faith. Tune in for an inspiring dialogue that reflects the richness of human experience and the power of spiritual connection. Our socials! ๐Ÿ’Œfind me @thedeencornerpodcast on instagram and find ๐Ÿ’Œ Teneseia @wadu74 on tiktok
Salaamu alaikum everyone! Greetings from the Deen Corner Podcast's second season. Words can't explain how much I've missed talking to you all and expressing my views ๐Ÿ’•. I sincerely appreciate all of your kindness and affection from season one. May Allah reward each and every one of you. I have no one to thank but Allah for changing my perception on many topics. I hold a very special torch in my heart for tahajjud as it has never failed me. I decided to discuss it in episode one. Our guest for this episode, Salmah, tells her tales of how tahajjud has improved her mental health and how, after much struggle, she eventually found peace. I hope you enjoy this episode and i canโ€™t wait to hear your reviews! please leave them below of dm me on instagram: @thedeencornerpodcast Jazakallahu khairan again for all your support ๐Ÿ’— Tahajjud Prayer & Tahajjud Dua (The Definitive Guide) โ€ข AKU ISLAM



Salaam everyone! In this episode, We explored the power of forgiveness and how it can transform our lives. I shared personal stories, insights, and practical tips for cultivating forgiveness. It's incredible to see how far weโ€™ve this season of the deen corner podcast. Canโ€™t wait for the next season! stay tuned ๐Ÿ’•
Salaam everyone! In this episode, we dive into the topic of dealing with people who make you feel like you're doing too much because you want to go to Jannah. we explore the challenges and pressures of striving for spiritual growth while facing judgment and comparisons from others. Join the conversation as we share personal stories, practical tips, and inspiring insights to help navigate this journey and stay focused on your own path to Jannah. In sha Allah.
Salaam everyone! In this episode, we'll dive deep into the impact of trauma and discuss practical strategies for dealing with it as best as possible. these arenโ€™t A star tips and theyโ€™re simply just what works for me and i hope if you decide to try them they work for you as well. Take care๐Ÿ’•
Salaam everyone ! This episode all about dua and how to make it properly. We'll dive into the amazing world of dua, exploring its significance and the impact it can have on our lives. You'll learn all about the key elements of making dua, like sincerity, humility, and faith. We'll also share practical tips on the best times and manners to engage in dua, so you can make the most out of this beautiful act of worship. Get ready to unlock the power of dua and discover how it can transform your life. In sha Allah.
imposter syndrome as a Muslim. Imposter syndrome is something many people experience, regardless of their background. In this episode, weโ€™ll explore how imposter syndrome can specifically affect Muslims and discuss the unique challenges we may face. By sharing personal stories and insights, weโ€™ll shed light on the traits and characteristics of imposter syndrome within the Muslim community. References : Dua of Sayidna Abubakar.. "O Allah, You know me better than I know myself, and I know myself better than these people who praise me. Make me better than what they think of me, and forgive those sins of mine of which they have no knowledge, and do not hold me responsible for what they say." The Book: Golden stories of muslim women by: Abdul Malik Mujahid.
what is bullying and is being bullied all that bad? is that what drew me to Allah (swt)? Bullying is when someone intentionally hurts, harasses, or intimidates another person repeatedly. It can happen in various forms like physical, verbal, or online. Bullying is definitely not a good thing, as it can have serious negative effects on the person being bullied. It can lead to emotional distress, low self-esteem, and even physical harm. As for the question about whether being bullied drew you to Allah (swt), it's possible that experiencing difficult situations like bullying can make us seek solace, guidance, and support from a higher power. Many people turn to their faith during challenging times as a source of strength, comfort, and guidance. Allah (swt) is always there for us, ready to provide solace and help us navigate through difficult experiences. Finding peace and connection with Allah (swt) can be a way to cope with the pain and find inner strength. Everyone's journey to Islam is unique, and it's beautiful that you have found solace in your faith. Remember, Allah (swt) is always there for you, guiding and supporting you through every situation.
Salaam everyone, it's Salma here! Welcome to The Deen Corner, where we'll take a fascinating journey into the colorful world of Islam. Thank you so much for tuning in. Iโ€™m very excited for this incredible journey weโ€™re about to embark on and i hope you tag along. Jazakallah khairan ๐Ÿ’•
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