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My Daily Briefing

Author: Gwen Diaz

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Does the Bible make sense? It will if you read it in chronological order! Come join me on a journey through the story of the Bible in a new and understandable way. My Daily Briefing will make the story of the Bible seem like a good novel!
365 Episodes
Do you know for certain that you will enter the gates of God’s glorious city and eat from the Tree of Life? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 365 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
When we accept that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins, our names are immediately and permanently written in the Book of Life. Is your name written there? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 364 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Have you turned to God and become a child of His by accepting what Jesus did for you on the cross? If so, you have nothing to fear when the world comes to an end! Show Notes: ⁠Episode 363 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Do you realize the impact of your prayers? They matter to God! He listens and responds! Show Notes: ⁠Episode 362 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Do you ever stomp your feet and refuse to admit that you are wrong? Is there an area in your life where you struggle to listen to God? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 361 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Do you realize that when we pray, we enter the throne room of God in a spiritual way? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 360 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Are you in love with Jesus? Are you willing to take a stand for him even when others ridicule you? What difference will it make if you do? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 359 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
John served Jesus for almost his entire life, yet he ended up on a dreadful prison island. But while he was there, God revealed glorious things that no one else has ever seen – things John would never have wanted to miss.   God sometimes takes us to dark places so we can fully appreciate and experience His presence and His glory!
Truth without love is harsh and legalistic. Love without truth is sentimental and deceptive. Truth and love must be equally exhibited in the life of a believer! Show Notes: ⁠Episode 357 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
God is in love with you – in fact, He is crazy about you! Are you enjoying God’s “forever love” right now? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 356 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Since our fellowship with God is characterized by how well we love and value other believers (even those who are very different from us), how do you think God would describe your relationship with Him?  Show Notes: ⁠Episode 355 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Our culture teaches us to follow our hearts – which is another way of advising us to pay attention to our instincts and trust our emotions. But Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Show Notes: Episode 354 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Satan likes to use the difficult times we face to convince us that God has abandoned us. But He never will! He is our father! Show Notes: ⁠Episode 353 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Do you have a solid faith that is able to go through the tough times? Or is your faith kind of wishy-washy – changing to please the people or fit the circumstances that surround you? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 352 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Is there a mature believer (or a group of believers) that you meet with whose goal is to help you grow? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 351 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Do the struggles you face make your faith seem too difficult or even futile? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 350 Subscribe: My Daily Briefing⁠
Have you ever felt abandoned and alone? Do you understand that Jesus is right there beside you? Show Notes: ⁠Episode 349 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Not everyone who claims to be a “Christian” leader is a child of God. It is important to evaluate what others are teaching by studying God’s Word. It is the only true source of knowledge about Him. Show Notes: ⁠Episode 348 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Submission does not imply weakness. As a matter of fact, it usually requires greater strength! Show Notes: ⁠Episode 347 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
Sharing our faith with unbelievers is God’s ultimate purpose for our lives while we are still here on earth. And it is one the greatest joys we can ever experience! Show Notes: ⁠Episode 346 Subscribe: ⁠My Daily Briefing⁠
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