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Parenting On Purpose

Author: Nisreen Elsaidi

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A podcast exploring the ups and downs of parenting with realistic ways through with education, mindset and empowerment creating a purposeful presence for parents.
13 Episodes
In this podcast episode, Hanan from Infinite Healing, NLP shares her journey of healing and growth, emphasizing the non-linear nature of the process. She discusses how she managed the challenges of pursuing an education, being a mother of three, and navigating the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hanan reflects on her own experience of feeling disconnected from her children and how she repaired and improved their relationship by becoming aware of her own needs and the impact of her thoughts. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and how it enabled her to reframe her perspectives, ultimately leading to positive changes in her children's lives. Hanan also highlights the significance of open communication, setting boundaries, and empowering her daughters. She encourages parents to seek help and support, recognizing that healing oneself has far-reaching effects on future generations.
In this season of the podcast, mothers from diverse backgrounds share their unfiltered experiences, offering a glimpse into the raw reality of motherhood. Through these stories of growth and connection, listeners are invited to embrace vulnerability and find strength in shared experiences. Each episode explores the power of connection in nurturing mothers' hearts and minds, highlighting the beauty of imperfection and growth. Join this journey of transformation as mothers reflect on their resilience, offering insights and wisdom that resonate with the universal challenges of motherhood.
In the journey of parenting, mastering patience is often a key challenge. The transcript explores the concept of co-regulation, derived from developmental psychology, as a powerful tool for parents to navigate through moments of rage while supporting their children's emotional growth. By understanding that emotions are individual responsibilities and practicing self-regulation, parents can create a more harmonious and empathetic atmosphere for their children. The transcript emphasizes the importance of transparency, connection, and setting realistic expectations, offering practical strategies for enhancing emotional balance and strengthening the parent-child relationship.
Discovering your why as a parent is the cornerstone of breaking the cycle of reactive and ineffective parenting. By understanding the deep-rooted reasons behind your actions and reactions, you can make meaningful changes in how you relate to your children. This podcast episode delves into the transformative power of knowing your why and how it can lead to a more intentional and conscious parenting journey.
In this episode, we dive deep into the stigma surrounding mothers who practice self care and challenge the belief that it is selfish. The host explores various aspects of self care beyond massages and spa treatments, emphasizing the importance of alone time, expressing oneself, and asking for help. The analogy of bank accounts is used to highlight the need for mothers to make deposits into their own accounts in order to have the capacity to serve their families. The podcast encourages mothers to schedule self care activities in their daily routines and explores the origins of the belief that self care is selfish. It also addresses the inner voice that tells mothers they are being selfish and provides strategies for reframing it. The episode concludes by promoting healthier views of motherhood that prioritize the well-being and longevity of mothers to better serve their children.
In this episode, the host discusses the dangerous concept of the mum juggling act and the false idea of balance in motherhood. She highlights how society has created unrealistic expectations for mothers to effortlessly handle all aspects of life while maintaining a peaceful family dynamic. The host explains the conditioning from childhood, where caregivers were perceived as capable of meeting all needs, and how this conditioning carries into adulthood. She reassures listeners that feeling overwhelmed and questioning one's enjoyment of motherhood is normal, and provides strategies for navigating this challenging phase. The host encourages letting go of the all or nothing mentality, visualizing and categorizing roles to prioritize tasks, and embracing the concept of equilibrium. She also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing available help, whether through outsourcing or finding support within one's community. The episode concludes with the reminder that balance is a journey, and listeners are invited to share their takeaways and join the quest for balance in parenting.
In this episode of the Parenting on Purpose podcast, host Nistrin elsady explores the challenges of overstimulation in parenting and provides strategies to navigate this issue. With the constant influx of information and demands from the outside world, parents often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to cope. Nistrin shares practical tips such as putting down the phone, engaging in a brain dump to clear mental clutter, and asking oneself and children what they truly need in the moment. She also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and filtering out negative self-talk that contributes to overstimulation. By adopting these strategies, parents can regain a sense of balance and self-regulation in their parenting journey.
Summary 1: In this episode of the Parenting on Purpose podcast, the host tackles the challenge of navigating toxic family members, in-laws, and friends. The episode starts by discussing the importance of recognizing that comments about parenting from these individuals reflect their own awareness and consciousness, which may differ from your own. The host encourages listeners not to feel the need to justify themselves or prove their intentions. The second aspect explored is the recognition that you cannot control others' thoughts and actions, but you do have control over your own. Setting boundaries and making choices becomes crucial in dealing with toxic people, including the option to remove yourself from harmful environments. The episode emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, avoiding a victim mindset, and adopting a problem-solving approach. By focusing on personal growth and understanding one's own contribution to the dynamic, listeners can empower themselves and protect their well-being.
This episode of the Parenting on Purpose podcast delves into the journey of consciousness and how it shapes our parenting experiences. The host shares personal insights, highlighting the importance of personal growth and embracing one's individual goals and aspirations, even in the midst of motherhood. The art of goal setting is emphasized, urging listeners to set realistic goals that align with their responsibilities. The episode also explores the societal expectations of motherhood and encourages mothers to rediscover their sense of self and pursue their dreams. The host shares her own experience of feeling lost and purposeless as a first-time mom, and how breaking free from the martyrdom of motherhood allowed her to prioritize her own happiness. The episode concludes with practical advice on setting goals for both personal and family growth, including the significance of individualized goal plans for each child.
This episode explores the power of conscious parenting and how it can lead to personal and parental growth. The host shares a formula that has changed her life and her relationships. By examining and understanding our emotional responses, we can better navigate challenging situations and meet our children where they are. Rather than seeking to fix every problem, parents are encouraged to allow their children to experience and learn from difficult situations. The host emphasizes the importance of empathy, connection, and guiding children through life like lifeguards, rather than controlling or fixing everything. By recognizing and addressing our own emotional loading, we can approach parenting with more clarity and regulate our emotions in order to create healthier parent-child relationships.
This episode challenges traditional notions of responsibility in parenthood and offers a fresh perspective on what it truly means. It delves into the importance of understanding our ability to respond to our children's wants, needs, emotions, and behaviors, and how this shapes our outcome as parents. The episode encourages listeners to listen to their gut instincts and intuition, while looking for the underlying needs behind their child's behaviors. It emphasizes the significance of emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, communication, problem-solving, and connection in raising well-rounded individuals. The behaviorist theory of focusing on positive and negative behaviors is discussed as potentially hindering children's emotional growth. Instead, the episode encourages parents to focus on emotions and addressing them effectively. The strategy of working backwards to identify patterns of behavior, symptoms, and needs is provided as a tool to redirect behavior in a productive manner. Overall, this episode invites parents to consider a new approach to parenting that prioritizes understanding and responding to the emotional needs of their children.



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This podcast episode features a conversation with Yasmin, the owner of Mikash Skincare, who shares her experience of running a successful business while raising two young children. Yasmin discusses the challenges she faced and how she overcame them with grace and determination. She also emphasizes the role of trust and faith in her journey and offers advice for other aspiring entrepreneurs and parents on finding balance. The episode delves into Yasmin's passion for skincare and the inspiration behind creating her own line. She shares her struggles with grief and loss, particularly after the passing of her first child, and how she managed to find healing and continue her business. The episode highlights the importance of maintaining a confident mindset as a business owner and the power of believing in oneself and their product. Overall, it offers a glimpse into Yasmin's journey as a mother and businesswoman, capturing the lessons she has learned along the way.
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