Discover愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)
愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)
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愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)

Author: Judy Lin

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We are a group of amateur musicians who share a deep longing to worship God. 愛的凱歌 is our invitation to our listeners. As you listen to the songs performed on this podcast, let us trust, contemplate, love, worship, serve, and exalt God together. Hallowed be His name!

The songs included in this program are mostly contemporary Christian worship songs from North America [the United States; the English-speaking world]. The translation of lyrics from English to Chinese and the instrumental arrangement of each song are completed by two members of our team. Our presentation of these songs employs instrumental ensembles with voice or instrumental ensembles alone.

May the music presented in 愛的凱歌 nurture our lives and foster our spiritual growth, and lead us to union with the One we love!

一群業餘的愛樂者,同時也是單純渴慕以音樂來敬拜上帝的基督徒,藉由「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」這個平台,邀請您一同來聆聽詩歌,齊來信靠、仰望、愛慕、敬拜、服侍與尊榮上帝。願人都「尊祂的名為聖」。


盼望「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」--藉由詩歌敬拜--能成為彼此生命與靈性的成長;更要緊的,使我們與所愛慕的那位,合而為一。

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28 Episodes
感激 ("Gratitude")

感激 ("Gratitude")


Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌〈感激〉(“Gratitude”),出自於Brandon Lake於2020年發行的專輯House of Miracles。 Brandon Lake是一位美國詩歌創作者,敬拜團領袖和牧師,喜愛和來自世界各地不同背景、教派的音樂創作者合作。〈感激〉(“Gratitude”)就是他和Benjamin Hastings 以及Dante Bowe攜手創作的。 在〈感激〉的歌詞中,Brandon Lake敘述他心中滿溢著對神無限的感激,謙卑來到神面前,獻上感謝的祭。與此同時,他也意識到身為人的渺小與有限。在第一、二節歌詞,他這麼敘述: All my words fall short 無話語表達, I got nothing new 無新事可獻, How could I express 如何能表達 All my gratitude? 對祢的感激? I could sing these songs 我能唱詩歌, As I often do 如往常一樣, But every song must end 詩歌終會結束, And You never do 祢卻永常存。 緊接著,Brandon Lake 並沒有允許自己因為看到自身的有限、不足,而停滯不前、或者退縮,也不允許自己被這種錯誤的、不恰當的情緒或者感覺所支配。如同聖經詩篇50:23所說的:「凡以感謝獻上為祭的,便是榮耀我;那按正路而行的,我必使他得著我的救恩。」因此,在第三節歌詞&副歌中,Brandon Lake這麼描述: I've got one response 單單一回應, I've got just one move 單單一動作, With my arm stretched wide 張開我雙臂, I will worship You 單單敬拜祢。 So I throw up my hands 於是我高舉手, And praise You again and again 讚美你一遍又一遍, 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah 因我所有單單唱哈利路亞! Hallelujah 哈利路亞! And I know it's not much 我知這仍不足, But I've nothing else fit for a King 但除此外無可獻君王, Except for a heart singing hallelujah 惟一個頌讚的心 哈利路亞 Hallelujah 哈利路亞 為了再次強調副歌中對神千千萬萬的感謝、無限的感激與不止息的讚美,Brandon Lake在Bridge的樂段,這麼描述: So come on, my soul 我靈快興起, Oh, don't you get shy on me 喔 不要害羞遲疑, Lift up your song 揚聲歌唱, 'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs 因你裡面擁有獅子的勇敢。 Get up and praise the Lord 起來吧 讚美主! 在Bridge樂句中,出現了一句很不尋常的描述:“ ‘Cause you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs,” 直白的翻譯好像在說我們的肺裡面有一個獅子。然而詩歌的結尾,Brandon Lake再次帶我們回到副歌的歌詞,提醒自己也叫人不要誤解,雖然用獅子比喻我們要放膽且竭力地頌讚神,但我們並非靠著音量的大小,或者自己的力量來頌讚神,如同約翰福音4: 23-24,耶穌曉諭我們的:「時候將到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。  神是個靈,所以拜他的必須用心靈和誠實拜他。」也就是要靠著聖靈和真理(神的話)來敬拜祂。   節目最後,邀請您一同來聆聽鋼琴獨奏版本的 〈感激〉(“Gratitude”)。我們下週見! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈感激〉(“Gratitude”)  詞曲|Words and Music by Benjamin Hastings, Brandon Lake, Dante Bowe 鋼琴獨奏編曲|Arranged for Piano Solo by Brian Büda 演奏者|Performed by Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 譯者|Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: Oct. 16, 2023 Verse 1 All my words fall short 無話語表達, I got nothing new 無新事可獻, How could I express 如何能表達 All my gratitude? 對祢的感激? Verse 2 I could sing these songs 我能唱詩歌, As I often do 如往常一樣, But every song must end 詩歌終會結束, And You never do 祢卻永常存。 Chorus So I throw up my hands 於是我高舉手, And praise You again and again 讚美你一遍又一遍, 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah 因我所有單單唱哈利路亞! Hallelujah 哈利路亞! And I know it's not much 我知這仍不足, But I've nothing else fit for a King 但除此外無可獻君王, Except for a heart singing hallelujah 惟一個頌讚的心 哈利路亞 Hallelujah 哈利路亞 Verse 3 I've got one response 單單一回應, I've got just one move 單單一動作, With my arm stretched wide 張開我雙臂, I will worship You 單單敬拜祢。 Chorus 同上 Bridge (*3) So come on, my soul 我靈快興起, Oh, don't you get shy on me 喔 不要害羞遲疑, Lift up your song 揚聲歌唱, 'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs 因你裡面擁有獅子的勇敢。 Get up and praise the Lord 起來吧 讚美主! Praise the Lord 讚美主 Praise the Lord 讚美主 Praise the Lord 讚美主 So I throw up my hands 於是高舉雙手, Praise You again and again 讚美祢一遍又一遍, 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah 因我所有單單唱哈利路亞! Hallelujah 哈利路亞! And I know it's not much 我知這仍不足, But I've nothing else fit for a King 但除此外無可獻君王, Except for a heart singing hallelujah 惟一個頌讚的心。 Hallelujah 哈利路亞! ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈是主的恩典〉 🎼 演奏|Performed by Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Dear Listening Friends, Welcome to our program, 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. My name is Judy. Today, we will share a Christian song called "Take Shelter." Skye Peterson wrote this song during high school, expressing her discovery of God as the only One who could bring peace to all humankind. Despite facing social anxiety, sorrows, fears, sins, and weariness, she found unshakeable peace in the knowledge that God is her king and loves her. One day, while writing church music with her friend Ben Shive, the melody of "Take Shelter" resurfaced in Skye's heart. Early one morning, she and Ben Shive rewrote the song, with Kristyn Getty later joining them to complete it. The war between Ukraine and Russia broke out shortly after finishing the song. Skye remembered how difficult it was to respond to the tragedy, especially hearing about the deaths of many boys and girls due to bombings. Yet, she remained convinced that God, through His only Son, our Savior, offers us everlasting shelter. He is the King of Peace, our shelter, and our refuge. Skye emphasized that not only those directly affected by war but all of us need to take shelter. If God is not our shelter, we are hopeless. Skye hoped that the lyrics of this song could serve as prayers, anthems, and battle cries, not only for us but also for those on the front lines of wars and various conflicts, our neighbors, and all who await the final shelter of His second coming. In this episode, we invite you to listen to the Mandarin version of "Take Shelter" recorded by our team. May this song also be our prayers, anthems, and battle cries. See you next week! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌為〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”)。 〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”) 是Skye Peterson高中時期寫的詩歌,最原始的版本,整體而言寫的很粗糙,但透過這首詩歌,她想嘗試表達:唯有神是我們真正的避難所、藏身處。Skye Peterson回憶:雖然高中時期的她,懂得東西不多,但她確實知道上帝是她生命的王,在人生的風暴中,唯有神能帶給人們唯一且真實的平安。她進一步地分享:生活中許多艱難的時刻,父母總是會擁抱她,如同一條厚厚的毯子包覆在她身上,讓她感受到溫暖與遮蓋。但更重要的,她深刻體會到:社會性的各種焦慮、不安、憂傷、罪惡、疲乏雖然會擊打她,但這些並無法撼動一個永不改變的事實——她所告白並且信靠的君王,是真神上帝,深深地愛著她。這就是Skye Peterson寫了這首詩歌的由來。之後,Skye Peterson也沒有多想什麼,就把這首詩歌放在抽屜的最底層,一放就是兩年。 後來,出於某些原因,大約當Skye Peterson開始嘗試和她的朋友Ben Shive一起創作教會音樂的時候,Skye Peterson才又再次地想起〈避難所〉這首詩歌的旋律。所以,在某天的早晨,除了已經創作好的副歌部分,Skye Peterson和Ben Shive在錄音室,兩小時內,重寫了〈避難所〉這首詩歌。後來Kristyn Getty 加入,幫助他們完成了這首詩歌的創作。 Skye Peterson 另外提到,想不到在完成〈避難所〉不久,就獲悉烏俄戰爭爆發的消息。對於有人向真實的、活生生的男孩、女孩投擲炸彈,使得她對於詩歌〈避難所〉所要帶出的主題,有了完全新的領受。她坦言,面對這樣的悲劇和痛苦,很難知道該說什麼,但她真心相信:我們的神以某種奇妙的方式,藉由祂獨生子耶穌基督,已經為我們提供一個永恆的避難所、藏身處。藉由我們的拯救者耶穌,我們可以投靠在上帝祂愛的膀臂;上帝是我的避難所、藏身處。從戰爭的前線到我們自己置身的所在,我們每個人都需要避難所。如果上帝不是我們的避難所,我們就毫無盼望了! 最後,Skye Peterson提出對這首詩歌的期待,她盼望這首詩歌的歌詞成為我們的禱告、讚美詩、以及面臨各樣屬靈爭戰時的呼喊,而這不單單是為著我們自己,也是為著在戰爭前線的人、正面臨衝突的人、還有在我們身邊的鄰舍,以及所有等候最後的避難所—主耶穌再來—的人。 資訊欄有提供〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”)中英文歌詞的對照。現在邀請您與我們的團隊錄製的中文版〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”)一同來敬拜我們的神。也願這首詩歌成為我們的禱告、我們對神的讚美,與我們面臨各樣屬靈爭戰時的呼喊。我們下週見! --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”)  詞曲|Words and Music by Skye Peterson, Ben Shive, and Kristyn Getty 編曲|Arr. & Orch. by Mason Brown  --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for "Take Shelter" Mandarin version): 人聲|Voice: Cherry Shih 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 吉他|Guitar: Fountain Lin 鍵盤|Keyboards: Vivien Lin & Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin ---------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 譯者|Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: Dec. 12, 2023 Verse 1 When the nations rage and death is at the door,  當列國怒狂 死亡正在門前, when the wars are waged as they have been before,  當戰爭發動如早先已發生, there's a refuge that I run to, 有一避難所可奔往, a respite from my fear.  在此我得安息,        Nothing in this world can harm me here. 世上無一事能傷害我。 Verse 2 When my song of hope is swallowed by the pain,  當痛苦吞噬我盼望的詩歌, as the weariness of grief floods in again,  如同再度受憂傷困倦淹沒, will you find me in the valley? 你會來幽谷找我嗎? Oh, hear my helpless cry. 喔,聽我的哭喊, Hold me as a mother holds her child.  懷抱我如同母懷抱子。 Chorus And I'll take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God.  我要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂; And I will take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God.  我必要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂。 Verse 3 When a greater war had torn apart my soul,  當更大的戰爭撕裂我靈魂, and the iron hold of sin would not let go,  烙印般的罪也不鬆手離去, all of heaven stormed the darkness in the power of the cross.   從天而來 十架大能 擊打黑暗的權勢, I'm freed beneath the banner of His love. 祂愛的旌旗遮蓋 得自由。 Chorus And I'll take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God.  我要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂; And I will take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God.  我必要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂。 Instr. Verse 4 When the labors of this fleeting life are done, 當短暫人生一切勞苦止息, as the shadows fall, we'll see the lights of home.  如黑夜臨到得見家中亮光, And then all our prayers and troubles  一切的祈禱與煩憂, will be stories of the past.  也都將成為過往, Safe within His gates, we'll find our rest.  進入祂的門,得享安息。 Chorus And I'll take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God.  我要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂; And I will take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God.  我必要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂。 Outro (Take shelter,) I'll take shelter in the loving arms of God.  (投靠在)我要投靠,上帝祂愛的膀臂, And I will take shelter, take shelter in the loving arms of God. 我必要投靠在,投靠在,上帝祂愛的膀臂。 ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈祢的信實廣大〉(“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”) 🎼 詞|Words: Thomas O. Chisholm  🎼 曲|Music: William M. Runyan 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Dear Listening Friends,  Welcome to our program, 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. My name is Judy. On the second Sunday of May, we celebrate Mother’s Day and would like to take this opportunity to wish every mother a Happy Mother’s Day. Today, we will be sharing a Christian song called “More Than Enough - a Mother’s Day Song” by Shawna Edwards. Shawna Edwards is an American Christian artist who writes gospel music to share her faith in Christ. She is particularly concerned about the spiritual growth of youth and children. She has written a series of gospel songs based on stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Her website, Shawna Edwards Music, is an excellent resource for Sunday School teachers, youth fellowship counselors, and choir conductors. In “More Than Enough,” Shawna Edwards intentionally avoids using the word “Mother” in the lyrics, even though the song is about Mother’s Day. This is so that children raised and nurtured by people other than their biological mother can still sing the song and dedicate it to their aunt, uncle, or grandparents. I attended Sunday worship services at a local church for over ten years. Every year, as Mother's Day approached, the church prepared gifts for every Sunday school teacher. A few years ago, the principal of the Sunday school in the church, who has now passed away, shared with me, "Even though I am single and have never been married nor have a family, I am so blessed! I can share God's love with kids at Sunday school, and that's so wonderful and amazing. Though all I could do was tiny, I asked God to help me remain faithful in picking the kids to attend Sunday school on Sundays. Even though I don't have the gift of teaching, I can encourage those with gifts to participate in Christian education for kids and the youth. I feel happy and contented when I see every kid growing up and becoming spiritually mature, knowing how to trust in God and loving Him." “More than Enough” is written for Mother’s Day. Still, its lyrics highlight that whoever remains faithful to God keeps loving and raising the precious kids for God's sake and anticipating their spiritual growth (as the principal of the Sunday school did).  This makes me reflect on what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3: 6, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” The song also leads me to contemplate God’s wide and deep love. A passage in Isaiah 49: 15-16 appeared in my mind. “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast     and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget,     I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;     your walls are ever before me.   Since 愛的凱歌 Adore Him started last December, we have received many emails and messages from listeners who have requested the music sheet for gospel songs in Chinese. However, due to copyright laws, we are unable to offer them. Nevertheless, we have some exciting news to share! Last week, Shawna Edwards released her songs in Mandarin on her website, Shawna Edwards Music. The Mandarin versions include "More Than Enough," "Risen," "The Miracle," and "For Such a Time as This." Additionally, translations of her songs will be released in Mandarin. If you are interested, we invite you to check out her website. At the end of this episode, we invite you to listen to the Mandarin version of "More Than Enough." We'll see you next week! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。接下來的禮拜天是母親節,在這裡先預祝每一位媽媽「母親節快樂」! 今天要和大家分享由Shawna Edwards 創作的詩歌〈遠超過所能〉 (“More Than Enough”)——關於母親節的詩歌。 Shawna Edwards是美國一位女性音樂藝術家,創作許多幫助青少年或兒童敬拜神的詩歌。其中,為著青少年與兒童靈性教育成長,她還創作一系列以聖經故事為題材的詩歌。在教會中擔任主日學老師、帶領青少年團契的輔導,又或者,負責兒童與青少年崇拜的指揮等等,可以在網站Shawna Edwards Music得到一些靈感或者資源。 在〈遠超過所能〉 (“More Than Enough”) 中,Shawna Edwards有提到,雖然這首歌是為母親節而創作的,但從頭至尾,歌詞中都刻意沒有提到「母親」一詞,好讓還有許多被媽媽以外撫養長大的孩子們可以唱給他們的阿姨、姑姑、叔叔或祖父母等等。 記得以前在某地方教會聚會時,每年母親節,教會會贈送禮物給所有的主日學老師。那間教會的主日學校長,幾年前回天家,她曾經跟我分享:「我雖然一生沒有結婚、建立家庭。但是上帝非常恩待我,賜給我這麼多可愛的小朋友,讓我能夠將上帝的愛分享給他們。雖然在教會擔任主日學校長的職分,但其實我沒有教導的恩賜。我能夠給孩子們的,就是愛他們、持續不斷地接送他們來教會參加主日學學校,並且鼓勵教會中有教導恩賜的弟兄姊妹加入主日學教育的侍奉,養育我們的下一代,將福音的種子栽種在孩子們的心中…。能夠陪伴這些孩子們成長,愛他們,看他們長大成熟,學習信靠神,愛神,我覺得很幸福。⋯⋯」 Shawna Edwards 創作的詩歌雖然是針對母親節而創作的,但字裡行間,主要強調的是,神的愛藉著那些忠心、信實、愛主的弟兄姐妹們(如同剛剛提到的主日學校長),日積月累,默默地耕耘,靠著神的愛,將生命的道栽種在兒童和青少年的心裡,並且期盼著他們的長大成熟。如同保羅在哥林多前書3:6說道:「我栽種了,亞波羅澆灌了,惟有神叫他生長。」從這首詩歌,更讓我想到天父上帝對我們長闊高深的愛,如同以賽亞書 49: 15-16 說道:「婦人焉能忘記他吃奶的嬰孩,不憐恤他所生的兒子?即或有忘記的,我卻不忘記你。看哪,我將你銘刻在我掌上;你的牆垣常在我眼前。」   愛的凱歌 (Adore Him) 從去年聖誕節成立以來,私底下會有聽眾反映,他們要如何才能取得中文翻譯的歌譜?因為這牽涉版權問題,我們實在愛莫能助。然而很高興,今天可以跟大家分享,Shawna Edwards Music 上週開始已經有提供中文翻譯歌詞的樂譜。目前中文翻譯詩歌,除了今天和大家分享的〈遠超過所能〉(“More Than Enough”),還有另外三首,分別是:〈神蹟〉(“The Miracle”)、〈復活〉(“Risen”)、以及〈為了這個時刻〉(“For Such a Time as This”) ——關於以斯帖的聖經故事。將來Shawna Edwards 創作的英文詩歌會陸續地翻譯為中文,有興趣的人,可以期待。 現在邀請大家一同來聆聽我們團隊錄製的中文版〈遠超過所能〉(“More Than Enough”)。我們下週見! --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈遠超過所能:為母親節的歌〉(“More Than Enough—A Mother Day’s song”)  詞 曲|Words and Music: Shawna Edwards 編 曲|Arrangement: Masa Fukuda 中 譯|Mandarin Translation: 林靜怡 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for “More Than Enough” Mandarin version): 人 聲|Voice: Abigail Tsau 鍵 盤|Keyboard: Vivien Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin Verse 1 Maybe I'll never know the love it takes 也許我未曾知道那份愛 To make me a happy home that's warm and safe. 使我有溫暖安全幸福的家 And maybe I'll never see how you pray for my every need 也許我未曾看見你如何為我向神求 And wonder what more you could do for me. 又思量還能為我做什麼 But when you walk by my side, 但當你在我身旁 Read me stories at night 夜晚為我說故事 And teach me to trust in God's love. 教導我信靠神的愛 You give me a hug, maybe two 給我一或兩個擁抱 And you say, "I love you," 對我說:「我愛你」 Then I think you're doing enough. 你付出遠超過所能 Verse 2 Maybe you wonder if you're teaching me 也許你不知是否有一天 Every good thing that I can someday be. 我能活出你所教導的美善 But all that I know of faith 但關於一切信仰 And of kindness and love and strength, 信心、恩慈、仁愛、力量 I've learned just by watching you every day. 我已每天從你身上學習 So when you stay by my side, 所以當你陪伴我 Hear me stories at night 夜晚聽我說故事 And teach me to trust in God's love. 教導我信靠神的愛 You give me a hug, maybe two 給我一或兩個擁抱 And you say, "I love you," 對我說:「我愛你」 Then I think you're doing enough. 你付出遠超過所能 Verse 3 Someday, I'll have a home, a family, 有一天我將會建立家庭 And I'll love them just as much as you love me. 深愛他們如同你愛我一樣 Then maybe you'll finally see 又也許直到最後 You have given enough for me, 你將看見你的付出 A gift that will last through eternity. 如同禮物持續在永恆裡 So when you stay by my side, 所以當你陪伴我 Hear my stories at night 夜晚聽我說故事 And teach me to trust in God's love. 教導我信靠神的愛 You give me a hug, maybe two 給我一或兩個擁抱 And you say, "I love you," 對我說:我愛你 Then I think you're more than enough. 你付出遠超過所能 And I'm blessed every step by your love. 每腳步因你愛我蒙福   ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈主是我的牧者〉 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin 🎼〈澆灌的園子〉 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。今天節目開始,首先和大家說聲抱歉,並且做資訊上的更正!在上集的節目中,和大家分享的詩歌是由Keith Getty 和Kristyn Getty改編的新版聖詩〈主工作尚未完成〉 (“Facing a Task Unfinished”)。聖詩〈主工作尚未完成〉不論在原創或改編上的背後故事,都與宣教機構—中國內地會 (China Inland Mission,簡稱CIM) 息息相關。中國內地會後來改名爲海外基督使團 (Overseas Mission Fellowship, 簡稱OMF),近來又改名為OMF International。上一集,在介紹歷史背景時,我提到:「海外基督使團(OMF)是中國內地會 (CIM)的前身」,這句話應該反過來說才正確!犯下明顯的口誤,卻毫無察覺,真是不好意思。感謝聽眾朋友的回覆和提醒,再此向大家澄清一下! 接著,我們來談談今天要分享的聖詩〈罪債全還清〉(“Jesus Paid It All”)。 〈罪債全還清〉(“Jesus Paid It All”) 於1865年創作。Elvina Hall,來自美國衛理公會的平信徒,在一次主日禮拜中,如同往常,坐在教會樓上的詩班位置區,聆聽牧師分享神的話語。當天牧師的講道信息特別長,Elvina Hall聽著聽著,開始思想耶穌基督所帶給人類的救恩、祂如何在十架上所成就偉大救贖的場景等等,漸漸心中產生了一些想法。一時之間,因身邊沒有可以紀錄的筆記本,於是她把想法寫在詩歌本內頁空白處,禮拜結束後,她立刻將所寫的詩詞交給教會的牧師。 而教會另外一位詩班成員,John Thomas Grape,擔任教會管風琴的司琴侍奉者,平日是從事煤炭販賣的商人,閒暇時間的興趣,就是寫寫詩歌。而就在那個主日的幾天前,無獨有偶,John Thomas Grape也將自己寫的新的聖詩曲調交給牧師。 當天主日禮拜會後,牧師拿到Elvina Hall 的詩詞,回到辦公室,將她的詩詞與John Thomas Grape創作的新的聖詩曲調放在一起,發現到:幾乎不需要做任何的修改,歌詞和曲調放在一起配合的完美無縫。後來,Elvina Hall和John Thomas Grape共同合作,完成這首聖詩的創作。接著,他們將這首新作品寄給Theodore Perkins教授,就是負責安息日頌讚詩歌期刊 (Sabbath Carols)的出版負責人,而我們所熟知的傳統聖詩〈罪債全還清〉(“Jesus Paid It All”)就此問世。 聖詩〈罪債全還清〉過去以來已經被許多世界各地的基督徒樂團或歌手翻唱與錄製。今天和大家分享的版本,是出自於Worship Circle於 2019年發行的專輯Worship Circle Hymns。Worship Circle 是一群詩歌創作者共同建立的團體,主要是提供世界各地教會詩班領袖或音樂事奉創作者一個彼此分享交流的管道,以及提供靈修、退修會(Retreat)的平台。Worship Circle在原版聖詩〈罪債全還清〉的基礎上,創作兩句新的歌詞與音樂,作為橋段,放在詩歌結尾處,內容是: O praise the One who paid my debt 喔 讚美主 贖我罪債, And raised this life up from the dead 由死得生 高舉生命。 O praise the One who paid my debt 喔 讚美主 贖我罪債, And raised this life up from the dead 由死得生 高舉生命。 現在邀請大家和我們團隊錄製的中文版〈罪債全還清〉(“Jesus Paid It All”),同來讚美與感謝賜下寶貴救恩的神的兒子—耶穌基督! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈罪債全還清〉(“Jesus Paid It All”)  原詞|Original Words: Elvina M. Hall 原曲|Original Music: John Thomas Grape 新詞曲|New Words and Music: Alex Nifong 編曲|Arranged by: Jeff Moore --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for “Jesus Paid It All” Mandarin version): 人聲|Voice: Fountain Lin, Vivien Lin, and Judy Lin 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 吉他|Guitar: Fountain Lin 鍵盤|Keyboards: Vivien Lin & Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 第1-3節歌詞中文翻譯取自:詩歌本《讚美》,第73首。(以琳基督徒中心聖樂組編輯。台北:以琳,民74。)(The translation of verses 1-3 is cited from Praise edited by Elim Christian Bookstore and published in 1985.)    Intro. Verse 1 I hear the Savior say, 我聽救主說道: "Thy strength indeed is small,  你力量實微小, Child of weakness, watch and pray, 應當儆醒祈禱, Find in Me thine all in all." 因我為你中保。 Chorus Jesus paid it all, 主替我捨身, All to Him I owe; 罪債全還清, Sin had left a crimson stain, 無數罪孽污穢心, He washed it white as snow. 主洗比雪白淨。 Verse 2 Lord, now indeed I find 我今確實知道, Thy power and thine alone, 惟主權能浩大, Can change the leper's spots 可使痲瘋潔淨, And melt the heart of stone. 鐵石心腸軟化。 Chorus Jesus paid it all, 主替我捨身, All to Him I owe; 罪債全還清, Sin had left a crimson stain, 無數罪孽污穢心, He washed it white as snow. 主洗比雪白淨。 Inst. Verse 3 And when before the throne, 將來我立主前, I stand in Him complete, 靠主聖潔完全, Jesus died my soul to save, 主死我乃得生, My lips shall still repeat.  我口還永頌讚。 Chorus (*2) Jesus paid it all, 主替我捨身, All to Him I owe; 罪債全還清, Sin had left a crimson stain, 無數罪孽污穢心, He washed it white as snow. 主洗比雪白淨。 Tag He washed it white as snow 主洗比雪白淨 He washed it white as snow 主洗比雪白淨 Inst. Bridge (*2) O praise the One who paid my debt 喔 讚美主 贖我罪債, And raised this life up from the dead 由死得生 高舉生命。 Bridge (*4) O praise the One 喔 讚美主 Who paid my debt 贖我罪債, And raised this life 由死得生 Up from the dead 高舉生命。 Bridge O praise the One 喔 讚美主 Who paid my debt 贖我罪債, And raised this life 由死得生 Up from the dead 高舉生命。 Chorus (*2) Jesus paid it all, 主替我捨身, All to Him I owe; 罪債全還清, Sin had left a crimson stain, 無數罪孽污穢心, He washed it white as snow. 主洗比雪白淨 ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈信靠順服〉(“Trust and Obey”) 🎼 詞|Words: James H. Sammis 🎼 曲|Music: Daniel B. Towner 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin 🎼〈求充滿我〉(“Fill Me Now”) 🎼 詞曲|Words & Music: Sherry Saunders 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。今天節目中要和大家分享的詩歌為〈主工作尚未完成〉 (“Facing a Task Unfinished”)。這首詩歌可以說是一首宣教詩歌;或者說是一首,求主差派祂的工人去宣教的禱告詩歌。 〈主工作尚未完成〉原初的創作者是Frank Houghton。Frank Houghton 是英國聖公會的牧師,也是一位多產的聖詩創作者。他讀了戴德生(James Hudson Taylor)的傳記後,決定加入其創辦的宣教機構—中國內地會(China Inland Mission, 簡稱CIM)。1930年代,中國內部整個局勢動蕩不安,許多西方傳教士和中國基督徒遭受迫害、殉道,多數福音宣教機構也跟著撤退,離開中國。當時,中國內地會(CIM)有舉辦一場禱告大會,在大會中呼籲,求主在兩年後差派200位工人帶著基督的福音前往中國,將福音的種子栽種在中國人心中。聖詩〈主工作尚未完成〉在那次的禱告大會中首次被使用,接下來的兩年,這首聖詩在英國各個教會中傳唱,許多信徒也在教會、家中、公領域、私領域,持續禱告,求主差派200位工人到中國宣教。兩年後,203位英國人前往中國宣教。[1] 2015年,海外基督使團(Overseas Mission Fellowship, 簡稱OMF)--中國內地會(CIM)後來改名為OMF--正逢宣教教機構創立150週年。[2] 海外基督使團邀請Keith Getty和Kristyn Getty夫婦將〈主工作尚未完成〉這首聖詩賦予新的編曲。藉由這首新改編的聖詩,盼望能夠再次點燃與激勵人們對宣教的熱情與使命。 2016年2月21日,Getty夫婦邀請大家在當天主日,參與一個名為「全球聖詩頌唱」(The Global Hymn Sing)的企劃;企劃目標是希望藉由全球眾教會共同唱聖詩的影響力,提升基督徒對全球宣教的意識。據後來估計,有超過一百萬人,來自超過5千間教會與組織,在一百個國家,以11種不同的語言,在當天一同敬拜神,齊來頌唱新版〈主工作尚未完成〉。 第一節歌詞內容是關於大使命。「所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。」(馬太28:19-29)歌詞中,責備領受救恩的基督徒,豈可放任自己在屬靈上安逸、怠惰,而忽略主耶穌的吩咐,讓靈魂尚未蒙拯救的人,認識主耶穌,領受救恩呢?如同神在羅馬書10:13-15提醒我們的:「因為凡求告主名的,就必得就。然而,人未曾信他,怎能求他呢?未曾聽見他,怎能信他呢?沒有傳道的,怎能聽見呢?若沒有奉差遣,怎能傳道呢?如經上所記:報福音、傳喜信的人,他們的腳蹤何等佳美。」然而,雖然主的工作是藉由人去執行,但一切必須先以禱告為開始;藉著禱告,神會賜給我們耶穌的權柄與能力,因耶穌應許我們:「我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。」(馬太28:20) 第二節歌詞展現禱告與屬靈爭戰之間的關係。以弗所書6:12說道: 「因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰,乃是與屬那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。」此外,歌詞中也展現了對拯救靈魂的迫切。如同路加福音15:4-7,耶穌談論到有關失落的比喻。耶穌說:「你們中間誰有一百隻羊失去一隻,不把這九十九隻撇在曠野、去找那失去的羊,直到找著呢?找著了,就歡歡喜喜的扛在肩上,回到家裡,就請朋友鄰舍來,對他們說:『我失去的羊已經找著了,你們和我一同歡喜罷!』我告訴你們,一個罪人悔改,在天上也要這樣為他們歡喜,較比為九十九個不用悔改的義人歡喜更大。」 第三節歌詞則是再次強調,主所託付的使命在使徒時期已開展,我們也當參與在這場屬靈的接力賽中。在這新世代,不單單要接棒,繼續完成主託付我們的使命,還要預備將棒子交給後來世代,直到主耶穌再來。 第四節歌詞將前三節的歌詞內容作總結,最後引領人注視同一個方向。呼籲所有聖徒將異象與信心定睛在賜給我們使命的三一神身上。上帝是我們的供應者,為了承接未完成的主工作,上帝會供應我們所需,因為「他願意萬人得救,明白真道。」(提摩太前書2:4)聖靈是我們的保惠師,他會賜給我們力量與智慧,放膽去傳講耶穌基督拯救人的福音。誠如使徒行傳1:8主耶穌所應許的:「但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」而耶穌是我們永遠得救的根源。耶穌的愛催促著我們,成為祂的天國大使,走向未得之民,勸人與神和好。如同哥林多後書5:20提到:「所以,我們作基督的使者,就好像神藉我們勸你們一般。我們替基督求你們與神和好。」 〈主工作尚未完成〉這首聖詩總共有四節歌詞,Getty夫婦在原先Frank Houghton創作的第二節到第四節歌詞的結尾,加上了新創作的副歌。副歌內容: We go to all the world, with kingdom hope unfurled. 天國盼望飄揚,走遍天涯海角。 No other name has power to save but Jesus Christ the Lord.  除祂以外別無拯救,耶穌基督是主。 Keith Getty在一次訪談中分享,〈主工作尚未完成〉是他非常喜歡的一首聖詩,也覺得這首聖詩是歷史上創作有關宣教的聖詩中最棒的一首。他期待加上副歌的部分,讓整個新版〈主工作尚未完成〉,更具有流動感、更能展現敘述宣教故事的讚美詩。另外,在主日崇拜中,會眾藉由新加添的副歌,能夠有表達回應神呼召的管道。Keity Getty認為這也是在原版的〈主工作尚未完成〉所較為缺乏的。最後他滿心地期待,這首新改編的聖詩能再次提醒全球基督徒意識到宣教的使命,進而使得我們能夠明白,即使在家門前,我們的鄰居,社區,甚至我們家中廚房,都是我們可以分享基督的宣教禾場。[3] 現在邀請大家和我們團隊錄製的中文版〈主工作尚未完成〉,同來讚美我們的三一神。 [1] 〈主工作尚未完成〉聖詩創作背後故事 [2] 中國內地宣教會在1964年改名為海外基督使團(Overseas Missionary Fellowship);1990年代到如今,名字則改為OMF International。 [3] 新版的創作分享&除了〈主工作尚未完成〉,還有有哪些宣教的聖詩,推薦各個教會在主日崇拜使用: ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈主工作尚未完成〉(“In Christ Alone”)  原詞|Original Words: Frank Houghton 原曲|Original Music: Samuel Wesley  新詞曲|New Words and Music: Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ed Cash and Fionan de Barra 編曲|Orchestrated by: Paul Campbell --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for “There Is One Gospel” Mandarin version): 人聲|Voice: Peggy Liao 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 吉他|Guitar: Fountain Lin 鍵盤|Keyboards: Vivien Lin & Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 中譯|Mandarin Translation: 林靜怡 🎼 日期|Date: Sep. 9, 2023   Intro. Verse 1 Facing a task unfinished, that drives us to our knees. 主工作尚未完成,我們屈膝禱求; A need that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease.  未曾改變的託付,責備安逸怠惰。 We, who rejoice to know Thee, renew before Thy throne  何等喜樂認識主,寶座前得更新, the solemn pledge we owe Thee—to go and make Thee known.  背負神聖的誓約,讓萬眾認識祢。 Verse 2 Where other lords beside Thee hold their unhindered sway; 世上居王自比神,肆意橫行掌權; where forces that defied Thee, defy Thee still today. 一同商議抵擋神,敵對祢到如今。 With none to heed their crying for life, and love, and light,  漠視生命、愛與光—毫不留心關注, unnumbered souls dying and pass into the night. 無數靈魂正消逝,進入無盡黑夜。 Chorus We go to all the world, with kingdom hope unfurled. 帶著天國盼望,走遍天涯海角。 No other name has power to save but Jesus Christ the Lord.  除祂以外別無拯救,耶穌基督是主。 Verse 3 We bear the torch that, flaming, fell from the hands of those 承接不滅的火把,效法信仰前輩, who gave their lives proclaiming that Jesus died and rose. 獻己身承認告白,耶穌受死復活; Ours is the same commissions, the same glad message ours; 同樣心志與委身,同樣佳美福音, fired by the same ambition, to Thee we yield our powers. 同樣熱情受點燃,全然降服於祢。 Chorus We go to all the world, with kingdom hope unfurled.  天國盼望飄揚,走遍天涯海角。 No other name has power to save but Jesus Christ the Lord. 除祂以外別無拯救,耶穌基督是主。 Verse 4 O Father who sustained them, O Spirit who inspired,  得蒙父神的供應,得蒙聖靈感動, Saviour, whose love constrained them to toil with zeal untired. 蒙救主的愛激勵,甘願勞苦不倦。 From cowardice defend us, from lethargy awake! 雖然膽怯祂護衛,從軟弱中覺醒! Forth on Thine errands send us to labour for Thy sake. 差派我們宣揚主,為祂殷勤工作。 Chorus We go to all the world, with kingdom hope unfurled. 天國盼望飄揚,走遍天涯海角。 No other name has power to save but Jesus Christ the Lord. 除祂以外別無拯救,耶穌基督是主。 Chorus We go to all the world, His kingdom hope unfurled.  天國盼望飄揚,走遍天涯海角 No other name has power to save but Jesus Christ the Lord.  除祂以外別無拯救,耶穌基督是主。 ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈主帶給我們最大的恩惠〉 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin 🎼〈主是我萬有 (Be Thou My Vision)〉 🎼 Traditional Irish Hymn and Melody 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!我是Judy。歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him)。在今天的節目,Vivien和我將以雙鋼琴的形式來呈現所要分享的詩歌〈在基督裡〉 (“In Christ Alone”)。 〈在基督裡〉 (“In Christ Alone”)這首充滿聖詩風格的現代英文詩歌,是由Keith Getty和Stuart Townend共同創作的詩歌。來自英國的Stuart Townend和來自愛爾蘭的Keith Getty在一次敬拜讚美的研習會中,透過共同朋友的介紹,彼此有了第一次的接觸。在那次交談中,他們一邊喝咖啡,一邊分享自己的信仰背景、成長歷程、創作詩歌的想法等等。後來Keith Getty承諾回去之後,會寄CD給Stuart Townend;CD裡面有錄製幾首Getty累積創作下來的音樂與旋律。幾週後,Stuart Townend果然收到了CD,並且特別喜歡第一首的音樂旋律。最後,Stuart Townend決定以耶穌的生平、死亡與復活—這永恆的主題—填寫了〈在基督裡〉這首詩歌的歌詞。而從這首詩歌之後,Keith Getty 和Stuart Townend就經常一起合作創作詩歌。 〈在基督裡〉總共有四節歌詞。第一、二節歌詞敘述神的屬性:神是我的們的亮光,詩歌,力量;神是我們的房角石;神是慈愛的,公義的;神是我們的安慰者。第二、三節歌詞描述神的作為。在第二節歌詞中,提到基督的道成肉身,承擔眾人的罪孽,走向十架受死,止息神的忿怒。因為基督甘願受死,我們得生命。在第三節歌詞中,則是提到基督如何為我們受死埋葬,勝過黑暗權勢與死亡毒鉤,第三日死而復活,如今,因著主耶穌寶血的救贖,我們屬於祂,祂也屬於我們。 Stuart Townend曾經分享,〈在基督裡〉以詩體的表達方式,前三節歌詞,已經盡可能呈現基督耶穌福音的內容。然而,他認為有必要再加上第四節歌詞,表達我們對神救恩的回應;也就是福音與基督和我們之間的生命連結。他有感而發地說道:我們基督徒常常以自己生活中的成功與失敗、軟弱或剛強等因素,來界定自己在基督裡的地位與價值,以致於我們的信心常常搖擺不定。他認為我們對神救恩福音的回應,不應該是憑著自己的感覺、外在製造的氛圍、或者受到外在環境的影響。所以,Stuart Townend在第四節歌詞這麼敘述: No guilt in life, no fear in death 生而無愧,死也無畏, This is the pow'r of Christ in me 基督大能藏生命裡, From life's first cry to final breath 從母胎起,直到離世, Jesus commands my destiny 一生日子交主手裡。 No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man 沒有權勢 沒有詭計, Can ever pluck me from His hand 能驅使我與祂分離。 'Til He returns or calls me home 到祂再來,或召我去, Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand 因主大能我得站立。 若我們仔細讀這首詩歌歌詞的英文原文,不難發現Stuart Townend在創作過程中,對於用字遣詞的用心。誠如他自己在一次場訪中提到,他希望歌詞是非常有深度,能夠幫助人不斷地咀嚼,並且深入地去默想神的話語。為達到這個目的,他認為Keith Getty創作了讓人難以忘懷的曲調—一種會使人自然而然地、在心中不自覺地哼唱的曲調。藉由這容易讓人琅琅上口的曲調,來承載有關基督福音的歌詞,盼望如此一來,福音能長存/存留在人心,並且我們能常在基督裡,如同祂在我們裡面。 〈在基督裡〉這首詩歌深受許多基督徒的喜愛,並且截至目前為止,有多位福音歌手或敬拜樂團錄製了這首詩歌。由Natalie Weber編曲的雙鋼琴版本〈在基督裡〉很有意思!隨著音樂的進行,可以感受到Weber當初是照著四節歌詞發展的脈絡來創作雙鋼琴的版本。好比說,這首雙鋼琴曲子的最後一個樂段,Weber以高音域的第一鋼琴與低音域的第二鋼琴相互唱和的編寫方式,企圖表達不論是出生或死亡,不論是主再來,或著呼召我回天家,這兩種對比情境的交錯。又或者,在第三個音樂樂段,Weber以第二鋼琴低音域厚重的和弦行進,表達罪惡與死亡的沈重感;同時以第一鋼琴高音域的十六分音符快速節奏與不和諧音程,表現死亡黑暗權勢帶給人的緊張感。接著,隨著第三樂段以和諧音程進入結尾,彷彿讓我們感受到,基督耶穌在十架上戰勝死亡,使我們進入了光明的榮耀變化。誠如哥林多後書5:17提到「若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。」 現在,邀請您一同來聆聽由我和Vivien彈奏的雙鋼琴版本〈在基督裡〉 (“In Christ Alone”)。我們下週見! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈在基督裡〉(“In Christ Alone”)  詞|Words: Stuart Townend 曲|Music: Keith Getty  雙鋼琴編曲|Piano Duet Arrangement: Natalie Weber ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 中譯|Mandarin Translation: 廖忠信 🎼 附註:〈在基督裡〉有許多不同中文翻譯的版本,以下提供的中文翻譯版本,主要以廖忠信弟兄翻譯的版本為主,並根據一些考量,我稍稍修訂幾個詞的表達。若有興趣,大家可以在網路上搜尋不同翻譯版本的考量與呈現。 Verse 1 In Christ alone my hope is found 在基督裡 我得盼望, He is my light, my strength, my song 祂是亮光、詩歌、力量。 This cornerstone, this solid ground 這房角石,堅固磐石, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm 驚濤駭浪中仍穩當。 What heights of love, what depths of peace 無比慈愛,何等平安, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease 懼怕消逝,掙扎止息。 My comforter, my all in all 我的安慰,我的一切, Here in the love of Christ I stand 因主的愛我得站立。 Verse 2  In Christ alone, Who took on flesh 惟獨基督 道成肉身, Fullness of God in helpless babe 完全的神成為人子。 This gift of love and righteousness 帶來公義 給予慈愛, Scorned by the ones He came to save 祂來拯救卻被拒絕。 'Til on that cross as Jesus died 直到我主 十架受死, The wrath of God was satisfied 神的忿怒得以止息。 For every sin on Him was laid 我的罪孽,祂全承擔, Here in the death of Christ I live 因主受死我得生命。 Verse 3 There in the ground His body lay 祂的身體 在洞穴中, Light of the world by darkness slain 世上之光在黑暗裡。 Then bursting forth in glorious day 到第三日,榮耀清早, Up from the grave He rose again 從墳墓裡祂已復活。 And as He stands in victory 祂勝過了死亡權勢, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me 罪惡毒鉤完全除去, For I am His and He is mine 我今屬祂,祂也屬我, Bought with the precious blood of Christ 因主寶血我得贖救。 Verse 4 No guilt in life, no fear in death 生而無愧,死也無畏, This is the pow'r of Christ in me 基督大能藏生命裡, From life's first cry to final breath 從母胎起,直到離世, Jesus commands my destiny 一生日子交主手裡。 No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man 沒有權勢 沒有詭計, Can ever pluck me from His hand 能驅使我與祂分離。 'Til He returns or calls me home 到祂再來,或召我去, Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand 因主大能我得站立。 No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man 沒有權勢 沒有詭計, Can ever pluck me from His hand 能驅使我與祂分離, 'Til He returns or calls me home 到祂再來,或召我去, Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand 因主大能我得站立。 ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈主的慈愛讓我能夠呼吸〉 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin 🎼〈任何事物都絕對不能取代我的主〉 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。很高興在每週四的節目中,再次和大家相聚。不知道大家認為「福音」是什麼呢?常常聽到有人說:「福音就是好消息。」但是,聖經馬可福音1:1明明記載,向我們啟示:「神的兒子,耶穌基督福音的起頭。」羅馬書1:16又告訴我們:「這福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是猶太人,後是希臘人。因為神的義正在這福音上顯明出來;這義是本於信,以致於信。如經上所記:『義人必因信得生。』」福音是什麼?福音就是耶穌基督。 今天讓我們來聽看看,來自澳洲雪梨聖保羅教會的樂團CityAlight,如何藉由2022年發行的單曲〈有一福音〉(“There Is One Gospel”),來表達福音的本質與內涵。 CityAlight樂團在2022年發行單曲 〈有一福音〉 (“There Is One Gospel”),幾個月後,他們又發行了和這張單曲同名的專輯 There Is One Gospel,並將這首單曲也收錄在這張同名的專輯裡。有興趣的話,可前往節目資訊欄提供的連結網址。 〈有一福音〉這首詩歌,總共有四節歌詞。在一開始,CityAlight藉由歌詞告白:有一福音我站在其上,直到永永遠遠;這個福音是我的故事,內容關乎天父上帝藉由祂的獨生愛子拯救我的計畫。這福音帶來釋放與自由,平安與喜樂。最後CityAlight告白:耶穌是我的真光,直到永永遠,我站立在這福音上。 〈有一福音〉在編曲上,一開始的前奏,就以四平八穩的和弦進行,表達出,CityAlight他們「已經」站立在這福音上,並非忽然間、或者隨意地、又或者可有可無地站立在這福音上。隨著前奏接近尾聲,人聲(vocal)加入,第一節歌詞的第一句和最後一句都以「我站立在這福音上」來強調:基督是我們生命的根基與磐石,身為神的兒女,我們應當永遠在基督裡,生命單單被神建造,立定心志,讓自己永永遠遠屬於祂。 〈有一福音〉每節歌詞的任何一句表達,都會讓人聯想聖經中的某段經文。這也反映了CityAlight 致力於他們創作的詩歌能好好地扎根於聖經話語為基礎,盼望藉由詩歌,一方面向世人傳揚福音的異象;同時盼望基督徒也能藉由詩歌,好好地吃喝神的話語。例如,〈有一福音〉第二節歌詞說到:「有一福音我堅定持守,萬事看為有損。」讓人聯想到保羅在聖經腓立比書3: 7-8的告白。保羅說:「只是我先前以為於我有益的,我現在因基督都當做有損的。不但如此,我也將萬事當做有損的,因我以認識我主基督耶穌為至寶。」 今天並沒有打算要將〈有一福音〉這首詩歌的每節歌詞一一做分析來和大家分享。然而,想邀請大家,藉由節目尾聲,聆聽我們團隊錄製的中文版〈有一福音〉這首詩歌,以及以下略略地以兩段經文和大家分享「福音就是耶穌基督」-- 藉由兩段經文和詩歌〈有一福音〉-- 讓我們思想「福音是什麼」。盼望我們能堅定持守,站立在這福音上,直到永永遠遠。 羅馬書3:21-26 但如今,神的義在律法以外已經顯明出來,有律法和先知為證,就是神的義因信耶穌基督加給一切相信的人,並沒有分別。因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀,如今卻蒙神的恩典,因基督耶穌的救贖,就白白地稱義。神設立耶穌做挽回祭,是憑著耶穌的血,藉著人的信,要顯明神的義。因為他用忍耐的心寬容人先時所犯的罪,好在今時顯明他的義,使人知道他自己為義,也稱信耶穌的人為義。 哥林多前書1:26-31 弟兄們哪,可見你們蒙召的,按著肉體有智慧的不多,有能力的不多,有尊貴的也不多。神卻揀選了世上愚拙的,叫有智慧的羞愧;又揀選了世上軟弱的,叫那強壯的羞愧。神也揀選了世上卑賤的、被人厭惡的以及那無有的,為要廢掉那有的,使一切有血氣的,在神面前一個也不能自誇。但你們得在基督耶穌裡,是本乎神,神又使他成為我們的智慧、公義、聖潔、救贖。如經上所記:「誇口的,當指著主誇口。 ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him:   --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈有一福音〉(“There Is One Gospel”)  詞曲|Words and Music: Jonathan Robinson & Rich Thompson 編曲|Arrangement: Grant Wall & Daniel Galbraith --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for “There Is One Gospel” Mandarin version): 人聲|Voices: Fountain Lin, Vivien Lin, Judy Lin 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 吉他|Guitar: Fountain Lin 鍵盤|Keyboards: Vivien Lin & Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin 聖經朗讀|Bible Reading: Sarah Wu --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 中譯|Mandarin Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: Sep. 16, 2023 Verse 1 There is one Gospel on which I stand for all eternity. 有一福音我站在其上,直到永永遠遠, It is my story, my Father’s plan, the Son has rescued me.  它是我故事—父神計畫—人子祂拯救我。 Oh, what a Gospel, oh what a peace.  喔,何等福音,何等平安, My highest joy and my deepest need. 我極大喜樂,極深需要。 Now and forever, He is my light.  如今到永遠祂是我真光, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 我站立在主基督福音上。 Verse 2 There is one Gospel to which I cling, all else I count as loss. 有一福音我堅定持守,萬事看為有損, For there, where justice and mercy meet, He saved me on the cross.  在那公義和憐憫相親,十架上祂救我。 No more I boast in what I can bring, no more I carry the weight of sin.  我不再誇口能做什麼,我不再背負罪的重擔, For He has brought me from death to life.  因祂帶領我出死入生, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  我站立在主基督福音上。 Verse 3 There is one Gospel where hope is found, the empty tomb still speaks.  有一福音盼望能尋得,空墳墓仍說話, For death could not keep my Saviour down, He lives and I am free.  死亡無法制伏我救主,祂活著我自由。 Now on my Saviour I fix my eyes, my life is His and His hope is mine.  如今單單定睛我救主,祂是我盼望,我屬於祂, For he has promised I too, will rise.  因祂應許我也將復活, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  我站立在主基督福音上。 Verse 4 And in this Gospel, the church is one, we do not walk alone.  在這福音上,教會合一,我們並不孤單, We have His Spirit as we press on to lead us safely home. 有祂的靈可奮力前行,必然安抵天家。 And when in glory still I will sing of this old story that rescued me.  當在榮耀中我仍歌唱—祂拯救我這古老故事, Praise to my Saviour, the King of life.  讚美我救主—生命的王, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  我站立在主基督福音上。 And when in glory still I will sing of this old story that rescued me.  當在榮耀中我仍歌唱—祂拯救我這古老故事, Praise to my Saviour, the King of life.  讚美我救主—生命之王, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 我站立在主基督福音上。 Praise to my Saviour, the King of life.  讚美我救主—生命的王, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 我站立在主基督福音上, I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  我站立在主基督福音上。   ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈救贖〉(“Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It”) 🎼 詞|Words: Fanny J. Crosby 🎼 曲|Music: William J. Kirkpatrick 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin 🎼〈我救贖主〉(“I Will Sing of My Redeemer”) 🎼 詞|Words: James McGranahan 🎼 曲|Music: Philip P. Bliss 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hello everyone, and welcome to 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. I am Judy, your speaker for today's episode. I am excited to share a modern hymn, "Wonderful, Merciful Savior," written and composed by Dawn Rogers and Eric Wyse. In 1989, while in quiet time, Dawn Rogers was inspired by a melody and some lines that emerged in her heart. She wrote them down, and upon her husband's return from a business trip, she handed him the first two verses and chorus of "Wonderful, Merciful Savior," asking for his help arranging the song. They presented the song at a Sunday worship service in a local church, and after the service, the pastor asked them to sing it again. As they approached the platform, Dawn Rogers passed a note to Eric Wyse, saying she had completed the third verse while listening to the sermon. This is the story of the birth of "Wonderful, Merciful Savior," which has since been translated into many languages, including German, French, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Since its creation, "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" has resonated with countless Christian bands and worship leaders, leading to many recorded versions. The band Selah recorded this song individually in the albums Press On, released in 2001, and Greatest Hymns, Vol. 2 in 2016. The latter version gained more attention, and then "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" was widely and extensively gotten high attention again. . The hymn describes the three persons of the triune God individually in each of the three verses. The first verse highlights Jesus as a wonderful and merciful savior; the second verse depicts the Holy Spirit as our counselor, comforter, and keeper, and the third verse describes God the Father as almighty, great, and infinite. The refrain then leads to the exaltation of the triune God. The band Selah recorded a "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" version that gained popularity. The name "Selah" comes from a Hebrew word in the Bible, which scholars interpret in various ways. Some believe it means to pause and reflect on the song that has been sung, while others translate it to mean "Amen." In this episode, we offer the Chinese translation of the lyrics of "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" and share a version of the song played on the piano. We invite you, just like the function of Selah, to pause and reflect on the song's message and approach the Triune God with a calm and meditative mindset. Let us contemplate His wonderful, merciful love, grace, and salvation together. ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌為〈榮美、憐憫神〉 (“Wonderful, Merciful Savior”)。〈榮美、憐憫神〉是由Dawn Rodgers和Eric Wyse夫婦共同創作譜寫的現代聖詩。 〈榮美、憐憫神〉是在1989年創作的。Dawn Rodgers有天在家靈修時,心中有了旋律和一些話語,於是譜寫了這首詩歌。當時Rodgers已經完成了這首詩歌的前兩節歌詞和副歌的部分。Eric Wyse外出回來後,Dawn Rodgers邀請丈夫協助編曲。緊接著,他們夫婦在平時去的地方教會主日崇拜中,獻唱這首詩歌。當天主日禮拜結束後,教會的牧師邀請他們再度來到講台上,獻唱這首詩歌。走上講台途中,Dawn Rodgers將一張小紙條遞給她的丈夫Eric Wyse,並告訴丈夫,剛剛在聽講道的時候,完成了第三節的歌詞。這就是〈榮美、憐憫神〉這首詩歌產生的由來。之後,這首詩歌被翻譯成德文、法文、俄文、西班牙文、匈牙利文等多種語言,深受世界各地的基督徒喜愛。 許多樂團或福音歌手將〈榮美、憐憫神〉收錄在他們發行的專輯。其中,Selah人聲三重唱樂團分別在2001年發行的專輯Press On,以及2016年的專輯Greatest Hymns, Vol. 2收錄了這首詩歌,特別是2016年發行的專輯,使得〈榮美、憐憫神〉受到過多人的關注。 〈榮美、憐憫神〉藉由三節歌詞,分別敘述聖子耶穌、聖靈、和聖父上帝—三一神的位格;雖然是三個位格,卻是獨一真神。第一節歌詞描述聖子耶穌是:榮美、憐憫的救主,祂道成肉身,為我們捨命,施行奇妙救恩。第二節歌詞則是敘述聖靈是我們的保惠師、安慰者和看顧者。在我們軟弱、絕望中,聖靈在我們心靈深處動工,帶領、扶持我們。第三節歌詞描述聖父上帝是全能、偉大、無限的神,祂向凡屬乎祂的兒女們,施予慈愛憐憫。最後,副歌頌揚:唯獨聖子、聖靈、聖父—三一神—是我們時時刻刻所渴慕、讚美的。 剛剛提到,在不同的媒體中,可以搜尋並聽到不同版本的〈榮美、憐憫神〉,其中,Selah 三重唱樂團所演繹的〈榮美、憐憫神〉這首詩歌,頗受許多人喜愛。Selah樂團團名,出自聖經中、希伯來文的一個詞。Selah,中文翻譯為「細拉」;在聖經中出現74次,分別出現在詩篇71次,哈巴谷書3次。對於Selah一詞的意思,聖經學者有不同的解釋。以詩篇為例,Selah主要指:(1) 詩人在唱一段詩詞後,中間暫停、安靜、默想所唱的詩詞的意思;(2)「誠心所願」、阿們的意思。 在節目資訊欄中,有提供〈榮美、憐憫神〉(“Wonderful, Merciful Savior”)中、英文歌詞的對照。今天節目尾聲以鋼琴獨奏版本和大家分享這首詩歌。最後,邀請大家以Selah的意涵,一同來到三一神面前,安靜心,默想聖子、聖靈、聖父三一神的榮美、憐憫與慈愛。   --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 鋼琴獨奏〈榮美、憐憫神〉(“Wonderful, Merciful Savior” Piano Solo)  詞曲|Words and Music: Dawn Rodgers & Eric Wyse 編曲|Arrangement: Raluca Bojor 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 中譯|Mandarin Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: June 29, 2020 Verse 1 Wonderful, merciful Savior,  何等榮美、憐憫救主, precious Redeemer and Friend 救贖我寶貴摯友, who would have thought that a lamb could  誰曾想到羔羊竟能, rescue the souls of men? 拯救人類靈魂? Oh, You rescue the souls of men. 喔,祢拯救人類靈魂。   Verse 2  Counselor, comforter, keeper,  保惠師、安慰、看顧者, Spirit we long to embrace 祢靈我渴望擁抱, You offer hope when our hearts have  祢給予盼望當我心 hopelessly lost the way 在全然絕望中, Oh, we hopelessly lost the way. 喔,當在全然絕望中。   Verse 3  Almighty, infinite Father, 全能偉大無限父神, Faithfully loving Your own, 施慈愛凡屬乎祢, Here in our weakness You find us 我雖軟弱祢仍尋找, falling before your throne; 跪拜在祢座前, Oh, we’re falling before your throne. 喔,跪拜在祢寶座前。 Refrain You are the One that we praise, 唯獨祢 我們讚美, You are the One we adore, 唯獨祢 我們愛慕, You give the healing and grace 祢賜下醫治恩典, Our hearts always hunger for  我心時刻渴慕祢, Oh, our hearts always hunger for.   喔,我心時刻渴慕祢。   ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈真神之愛〉(“The Love of God”) 🎼 詞曲|Words and Music: F. M. Lehman 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。這個星期是基督教教會節期中的受難週,明天是受難日,星期天則是復活節。為記念耶穌基督為我們受苦、受釘與第三日死而復活,今天要和大家分享的詩歌為〈教會興起〉 (“O Church Arise (Arise, Shine)”)。〈教會興起〉這首詩歌首次出現是在Keith & Kristyn Getty夫婦於2006年發行的專輯In Christ Alone。十年後,也就是2016年, Getty 夫婦在發行的專輯Facing A Task Unfished,再次收錄了〈教會興起〉這首詩歌,但在原來的詩歌上,添加新的副歌歌詞為橋段,並且邀請Chris Tomlin共同演唱與錄製這首詩歌。 〈教會興起〉是由多位創作者合力創作的詩歌。詩歌提醒我們:「教會」不單單是指眼睛可見的、外在的建築物,也是指一群領受救恩,蒙神呼召,聚集在一起的神的兒女。「教會」更是指以心靈眼睛看見、聖靈內住的、基督的身體。 這首詩歌以「教會,你當興起!發光!」這個概念為主體,發展了四節歌詞。第一節歌詞內容,引用聖經經文以弗所書6:11-13,提醒身為基督徒的我們,當穿上神所賜的全副軍裝,勇敢為愛爭戰,拯救在黑暗、罪惡中的靈魂。第二節歌詞進一步地提到,雖然在爭戰中,或有試煉,或有艱難,切莫忘記我們不是倚靠屬血氣的勢力、才能來贏得勝利;也不是我們配不配得,或是自己的大發熱心,才能成為主的軍隊,乃是受神的呼召爭戰,與主同工,拯救被擄的靈魂。當記念:「基督受死,第三日復活,為要得著獎賞,就是:萬國要成為祂的產業」;而蒙神拯救的我們,就是祂的產業。第三節歌詞的內容,更引導我們單單聚焦在賜下救恩的基督耶穌身上。耶穌祂是「教會,你當興起!發光!」的根基。耶穌在十架上成就的工作,祂的愛與憐憫,祂的受苦、受釘、得勝與復活,是我們應當專心仰望的。延續第三節歌詞內容,第四節歌詞繼續往前推進,提醒我們要定睛在天國永恆盼望,因為基督不僅為我們死而復活,使我們得以出死入生,有永恆生命,基督還要再來,領我們回永恆榮耀的天家。況且,耶穌已經為我們向父神祈求賜下保惠師聖靈—與我們永遠同在,並成為我們時時刻刻的幫助,所以神的眾兒女們,當與歷世歷代眾聖徒,一同憑著信心奔跑,持續傳揚基督復活得勝的救恩,並渴望將來那日的來臨,與我們所愛慕的主在永遠的榮耀裡。 我個人很喜歡〈教會興起〉 (“O Church Arise (Arise, Shine)”)這首詩歌新加添的副歌歌詞。歌詞這麼描述:「興起,發光,你的光到來。興起,發光,因基督復活。主的燦爛新娘,你當仰望;教會(主的燦爛新娘),你當興起!發光!」因為有了這段新加添的副歌,更能將這首詩歌四節歌詞彼此間的關係,緊密相扣,同時又能讓每節歌詞更有效地傳遞—「教會,你當興起發光!」— 這句話的內涵。 今天藉由分享〈教會興起〉這首詩歌,盼望我們常常為著自己、也為主的兒女彼此代禱,願我們能成為聖經描寫有關十個童女的比喻中,那忠心信實、甘心樂意、時刻警醒、預備自己的童女,為著我們所愛慕的新郎—主耶穌,「興起,發光!」 我們在節目資訊欄中,有提供這首詩歌的中英文歌詞對照。節目尾聲,邀請您和我們團隊錄製的中文版〈教會興起〉(“O Church, Arise (Arise, Shine)”),一同來敬拜讚美得勝復活的主耶穌基督。 ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him:   --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈教會興起〉(“O Church, Arise (Arise, Shine)”)  詞曲|Words and Music: Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Chris Tomlin, and Stuart Townend 編曲|Arrangement: Dan Galbraith --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for “O Church, Arise (Arise, Shine)” Mandarin version): 人聲|Voices: Priscilla Huang, Sarah Wu 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 貝斯手|Bass: Fountain Lin 鍵盤|Keyboards: Vivien Lin and Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 中譯|Mandarin Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: Dec.9, 2023 Intro   Verse 1 O Church, arise and put your armor on.  教會興起,穿上全副軍裝, Hear the call of Christ our Captain. 聽從統帥基督呼召。 For now the weak can say that they are strong  軟弱的人 如今宣告剛強, in the strength that God has given. 因上帝是我們力量。 With shield of faith and belt of Truth, 信心盾牌 真理腰帶, we’ll stand against the devil’s lies.  我們能敵擋那惡者, And army bold, whose battle cry is love, reaching out to those in darkness. 主的軍隊,勇敢為愛爭戰,搭救在黑暗中人們。   Verse 2 Our call to war, to love the captive soul,  我們受召,愛那被擄靈魂, but to rage against the captor. 卻要憎恨那擄掠者。 And with the sword that makes the wounded whole, 而那寶劍 傷者可得痊癒, we will fight with faith and valor.  我們勇敢因信爭戰。 When faced with trials on every side,  雖有試煉 四面襲擊, we know the outcome is secure,  我們深知結局已定, and Christ will have the prize for which He died: an inheritance of nations.  基督受死,為要得那獎賞:就是萬國為祂產業。    Chorus Arise, shine, for your light has come.  Arise, shine, 你的光到來, Arise, shine for the risen Son.  Arise, shine, 因基督復活。 Lift your eyes, we are His radiant bride.  當仰望,主的燦爛新娘, Arise, O Church, arise.  興起,教會,興起。   Verse 3 Come see the cross where love and mercy meet,  看十架上 愛與憐憫相遇, as the Son of God is stricken. 因人子為我們受創。 Then see His foes lie crushed beneath His feet,  看祂腳下 那惡者受擊打, for the Conqueror has risen! 因爲得勝者已復活。 And as the stone is rolled away 而當那石頭被挪開, and Christ emerges from the grave, 基督從墳墓中出現,  the vict’ry march  勝利持續, continues till the day 直到那日來臨,  every eye and heart shall see Him. 所有人必要看見祂。 Verse 4 So Spirit come, put strength in every stride, give grace for every hurdle,  聖靈請來,賜下力量恩典,邁開步伐 跨越障礙; that we may run with faith to win the prize of a servant good and faithful. 憑信奔跑 為主贏得獎賞 成為良善忠心僕人。 As saints of old still line the way, retelling triumphs of His grace,  昔日聖徒,仍然持續 傳揚基督得勝恩典, We hear their calls and hunger for the day when with Christ we stand in glory.    聽見他們 渴求那日我們 與主站立在榮耀裡。 Chorus  Arise, shine, for your light has come.  Arise, shine, 你的光到來, Arise, shine for the risen Son.  Arise, shine, 因基督復活。 Lift your eyes, we are His radiant bride.  當仰望,主的燦爛新娘, Arise, O Church, arise.  興起,教會,興起。  Outro  ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈我救贖主〉(“I Will Sing of My Redeemer”) 🎼 詞|Words: Philip P. Bliss 🎼 曲|Music: James McGranahan 🎼 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hello, everyone, and welcome to 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. I'm Judy, your host. Today, I'd like to share a beautiful Christian song called "King of Kings," which Hillsong Worship released in 2019 as a lead single. "King of Kings" was penned by several songwriters, including Brook Ligertwood. She once shared the story behind the song, saying that they attempted to summarize the story of the gospel and of the church. Through the song, they wanted to emphasize that the heart of the gospel and the church's birth originated from the life of Jesus Christ—his birth, suffering, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Ligertwood continued by saying that the gospel speaks to the salvation of Jesus Christ for all of us, and it is not something of the past but a "now" reality. We all need to respond to Him and His salvation "now," and this response should be ongoing—now, in the future, and forever. She hopes that Christians always look at Christ, the Son of God, who shed His blood for humanity's sins, and then we repent, believe, and profess our faith to Him, our Lord. He is the King of Kings who places us in the stories of "King of Kings." As a songwriter, Ligertwood specifically loved a few lines in verse 4: "And the church of Christ was born, then the Spirit lit the flame. Now this gospel truth of old shall not kneel, shall not faint." She hoped and prayed that through this song, all children of God may encourage one another, reminding them endlessly to proclaim the gospel of Christ's salvation by completely depending on the Holy Spirit and to stand firm with confidence. Even though worldly things or social winds may sway and distract us from our Lord, Jesus Christ, remember that "the gospel truth of old shall not kneel, shall not faint." * God reveals to us in Philippians 2: 6-11, saying: Who, being in very nature God,     did not consider equality with God something to be used to his advantage; rather, he made himself nothing     by taking the very nature of a servant,     being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,     he humbled himself     by becoming obedient to death—         even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place     and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,     in heaven and on earth and under the earth,  and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,     to the glory of God the Father. And He also speaks to us in Revelation 19:16, saying: On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:    King of kings and lord of lords. At the end of this episode, we invite you to join our team and sing along to the Mandarin version of "King of Kings," giving praise and exaltation to our Lord, the King of Kings. * See: ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: -------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌為〈萬王之王〉(“King of Kings”);這是新頌敬拜團(Hillsong Worship) 在2019年發行的單曲。還記得,隔年翻譯了這首詩歌後,我們教會詩班在復活節主日禮拜,就以這首詩歌獻詩。 〈萬王之王〉是由多位創作者共同譜寫而成的。Brook Ligertwood (這首詩歌的其中一位創作者),曾經分享有關創作這首詩歌的背後故事。她說:〈萬王之王〉這首詩歌嘗試總結福音和教會的故事。詩歌內容扎根於聖經經文,敘述福音的核心與教會的故事,始於耶穌的誕生,並透過五旬節聖靈降臨,將領受救恩的我們—眾神的兒女們,放置在耶穌救恩的故事與教會當中。 Brook Ligertood又提到:…耶穌基督救恩不是一個古老的遺傳或作古的事件,我們都當立即回應主耶穌的救恩。不單單現在,還有未來,我們都要單單地定睛耶穌基督。主耶穌是神的兒子,祂為著你我的罪(人類的罪)流血受死,第三日復活。我們當悔改、當相信並承認耶穌是基督。祂是「萬王之王」,祂把我們放在這救恩的故事裡;我們也當在這個救恩的故事中,繼續前進,奔向天城。 這首詩歌的第四節歌詞,開頭是這麼描述的:「基督的教會誕生,聖靈以烈火點燃;這亙古常存真理,不動搖,不衰敗。」Brook Ligertwood身為創作者,她自己特別喜歡以上這幾句歌詞。一方面,她強調我們要倚靠聖靈來傳揚基督耶穌救恩的福音。另外一方面,她認為我們彼此都要互相提醒:不論世代如何變遷,不論世俗風潮如何,基督救恩福音真理,「不動搖,不衰敗」。(附註)   聖經腓立比書2:6-11曉諭我們:「(耶穌)他本有神的形象,不以自己與神同等為強奪的;反倒虛己,取了奴僕的形象,成為人的樣式;既有人的樣子,就自己卑微,存心順服,以至於死,且死在十字架上。所以,神將他升為至高,又賜給他那超乎萬名之上的名,叫一切在天上的、地上的,和地底下的,因耶穌的名無不屈膝,無不口稱耶穌基督為主,使榮耀歸與父神。」   啟示錄19:16說道:「在他衣服和大腿上有名寫著說:『萬王之王,萬主之主。」」   節目尾聲,邀請您和我們團隊錄製的中文版〈萬王之王〉(“King of Kings”),一同來敬拜讚美我們的「萬王之王,萬主之主」。 * 附註:參見 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈萬王之王〉(“King of Kings”)  詞曲|Words and Music: Brooke Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, and Scott Ligertwood  編曲|Arrangement: Dan Galbraith --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中文版〈萬王之王〉錄製團隊資訊 (Recording team information for "King of Kings" Mandarin version): 人聲|Voices: Cherry Shih, Sarah Wu, and Peggy Liao 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 吉他|Guitar: Fountain Lin 鍵盤|Keyboards: Vivien Lin and Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 中譯|Mandarin Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: February 2, 2020 Verse 1 In the darkness, we were waiting 在黑暗中我們等候, Without hope, without light. 無盼望、無光明, 'Til from Heaven You came running,  直到祢從天奔向我, There was mercy in Your eyes. 雙眼充滿了憐憫。 To fulfill the law and prophets 藉律法先知而應驗 To a virgin came the word. 由童女道成肉身, From a throne of endless glory, 祢捨棄榮耀的寶座, To a cradle in the dirt. 竟降生在塵世中。 Chorus Praise the Father, praise the Son, 讚美父,讚美人子, Praise the Spirit, three in one. 讚美聖靈,三一神。 God of glory, Majesty 榮耀君王 至高神, Praise forever to the King of Kings 讚美萬王之王到永遠。 Verse 2 To reveal the kingdom coming   為顯明祢國度臨到, And to reconcile the lost, 為與失喪者和好 To redeem the whole creation,  為救贖所有受造物, You did not despise the cross. 祢輕看十架羞辱。 For even in your suffering,  即便要經歷苦痛, You saw to the other side. 祢仍然定意前往, Knowing this was our salvation,  深知這必拯救我們, Jesus for our sake you died. 耶穌為我們受死。 Chorus Praise the Father, praise the Son, 讚美父,讚美人子, Praise the Spirit, three in one. 讚美聖靈,三一神。 God of glory, Majesty 榮耀君王 至高神, Praise forever to the King of Kings 讚美萬王之王到永遠。 Verse 3 And the morning that You rose,  那清晨主祢復活, All of Heaven held its breath, 諸天都屏息等候, 'Til that stone was moved for good, 直等石頭被挪開, For the Lamb had conquered death. 因羔羊戰勝死亡。 And the dead rose from their tombs, 死的人都活過來, And the angels stood in awe, 眾天使敬畏站立, For the souls of all who'd come 凡來到天父面前, To the Father are restored. 所有靈魂都恢復。 Verse 4 And the church of Christ was born, 基督的教會誕生, Then the Spirit lit the flame. 聖靈以烈火點燃; Now this gospel truth of old  這亙古常存真理, Shall not kneel, shall not faint. 不動搖,不衰敗。 By His blood and in His name 藉寶血和祂聖名, In His freedom I am free, 在祂裡面我自由, For the love of Jesus Christ 因耶穌基督的愛, Who has resurrected me. 祂使我得以復活。 Chorus Praise the Father, praise the Son, 讚美父,讚美人子, Praise the Spirit, three in one. 讚美聖靈,三一神。 God of glory, Majesty 榮耀君王 至高神, Praise forever to the King of Kings. 讚美萬王之王到永遠, Praise forever to the King of Kings. 讚美萬王之王到永遠。 ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 🎼〈我們有一故事傳給萬邦〉(“We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”) 🎼 詞曲|Words and Music by H. Ernest Nichol 🎼 演奏|Performed by Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌為〈祢稱我所是〉(“Who You Say I Am”);出自於新頌敬拜團(Hillsong Worship) 在2018年發行的專輯There Is More。 〈祢稱我所是〉的歌詞,句句充滿著隱喻聖經真理的啟示與教導,大膽地對比這個短暫世界企圖想要去扭曲、界定我們存在的價值與目的。這首詩歌主要是在驚嘆與頌讚上帝的奇妙恩典。歌詞展現了上帝對世人長闊高深的愛。當我們還是罪人,是罪惡的奴僕時,上帝就藉由祂的獨生愛子耶穌基督,為我們的罪死,復活,使我們稱義;又使我們得以和上帝和好。這一切都出自於神對我們的愛與恩典。這首歌不僅把焦點放在我們與神和好,因信稱義,以及我們從罪惡中得釋放,得自由,還進一步地帶領我們看見,我們要進入神的家中,成為祂的兒女。至終,這首詩歌宣告:我們因著神的恩典得救;我們是神的兒;並且祂已經為我們預備了地方。 在預備這集的Podcast,重新讀了〈祢稱我所是〉(“Who You Say I Am”)這首詩歌的歌詞時,覺得整個歌詞脈絡的進行,彷彿重現了《天路歷程》(The Pilgrim's Progress)書中、名叫「基督徒」的天路客在「曉諭之家」(The House of the Interpreter)看到的其中三個異象的場景。 第一個場景是,「曉諭之家」的主人曉諭,拉著基督徒的手,帶他進到一間滿是灰塵的大廳,基督徒觀望了一會兒,曉諭才吩咐僕人前來打掃。當那人開始清掃灰塵時,屋裏頓時塵土飛揚,基督徒幾乎要窒息了。這時後,曉諭對一旁的少女說:「去取水來,把這屋子用水灑一灑。」少女灑過水後,房間一下子就打掃乾淨了。基督徒問:「這是什麼意思呢?」曉諭解釋道:「這大廳就好比一顆從未受過福音洗禮的心,而這些灰塵象徵的,是一個人的罪惡與內心的腐敗,以致於人心都被污染了。掃除灰塵是執行律法,灑水則是傳播福音。你剛才親眼見到打掃之初,塵土飛揚,不但沒有使大廳更乾淨,反而差點把你嗆死。這說明了律法不僅無法洗淨人心,反倒使罪惡更加猖狂。因此律法只能發現、禁止罪惡的產生,卻不能給予世人抵抗罪惡的能力。」「還有,你也看見了,那少女用水灑在客廳裡,便使人覺得潔淨多了。這表示福音深入人心,罪惡自然消失;心靈一旦被洗淨,邪惡便被驅逐,此後居住於心中的便是榮耀的主基督了。」   不久,曉諭又帶著基督徒到一個地方,牆邊有一堆火正熊熊燃燒,有個人站在一旁,不時把水澆在火堆上,然而火勢卻愈燒愈旺。 基督徒:「這是什麼意思呢?」曉諭回答:「這堆火代表人心中所接受的恩典,而那個想用水將火澆滅的便是魔鬼。雖然牠極盡一切想達到目的,但火勢卻更加熾烈。等會兒你便知道其中的原因了。」說著,曉諭就帶著基督徒走到牆外,看到在那裡有個人拿著一桶油,暗中不住地往火上澆。於是基督徒問:「這又是什麼意思呢?」曉諭答道:「這人便是基督,他不斷用恩典的油來保守人心,因此,儘管魔鬼試圖熄滅人心中的恩典,人心依然光明。而那澆灌的人之所以暗自站在牆外,這說明一個受到試探的人,不容易看到恩典在心裡動工。」 最後第三個場景,看到曉諭帶著基督徒來到一個樂園,那裏聳立著一座宏偉的宮殿,基督徒看見了,不禁喜形於色。他看見宮殿的頂層有一些人穿梭來往,每個人都穿著金色的華服。於是基督徒又問道:「我們是否也能進入?」曉諭一語不發地領著基督徒朝向宮殿門前走去。在大門前,有許多人駐足不前,彷彿想進去又不敢進去。同時離門口不遠處,有個人坐在桌子旁,桌子擺著一本冊子和筆墨,任何想進去的人都得先登記。基督徒還看見門廊上站著一些全副武裝的人,似乎是要以武力驅逐那些進去的人。基督徒不免有些納悶。最後,當門外的人紛紛識趣地掉頭而去時,忽然見到一個魁梧的男子走到負責登錄名冊的桌前,說道:「先生,我要報名。」登記完後,那個人拔出寶劍,戴上頭盔,當即衝進門去,那些守門的武士群起攻之,但是那人毫無懼色,奮力一拼,終至兩敗俱傷。但最後仍讓他殺出一條生路來,並一直衝進宮殿中。那時宮殿頂上忽然傳來欣喜的叫聲:「請進!請進!你將贏得永恆的榮耀!」於是那人依言走進了宮殿,並且換上和那些人相同的金色華服。(註1) 聖經約翰福音14:1-4所說的:「你們心裡不要憂愁,你們信神,也當信我。在我父的家裡有許多住處,若是沒有,我就早已告訴你們了,我去原是為你們預備地方去。我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡去,我在哪裡,叫你們也在哪裡。我往哪裡去你們知道,那條路你們也知道。」   今天的節目,我以Hillsong Worship發行的鋼琴獨奏版本來呈現〈祢稱我所是〉(“You Say Who I Am”) 這首詩歌。節目資訊欄也有放進我在去年初翻譯的中文歌詞,以及中英歌詞對照。邀請您一同來聆聽!我們下週見 ❤️ → 註1:參考 本仁.約翰著。林燕珠、牟善應譯。《天路歷程—修訂版》。台北:道聲,2019。 ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him:   --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈祢稱我所是〉(“You Say Who I Am”)  🎼 Words and Music: Ben Fielding & Reuben Morgan 🎼 Piano Solo Arrangement: Hillsong Worship (purchased from Musicnotes and authorized for use by Judy Lin) 🎼 Mandarin Translation: Judy Lin (Date: Jan. 4, 2023)  🎼 Performer: Judy Lin Verse 1 Who am I that the highest King would welcome me? 我是誰 那至高王何竟迎接我? I was lost but He brought me in, 前我失喪祂卻接納我? oh, His love for me. 喔! 祂愛 為我 oh, His love for me. 喔! 祂愛 為我 Verse 2 Free at last, He has ransomed me. His grace runs deep. 得自由,祂已贖回我,何等恩典。 While I was a slave to sin, Jesus died for me. 當我是罪的奴僕,耶穌為我死。 Oh, He died for me. 喔!祂為我死。 Chorus Who the Son sets free, oh is free indeed.  人子釋放我,喔真得自由, I’m a child of God, yes, I am. 我是神兒女,Yes I am. In my Father’s house there’s a place for me. 在我父家中,有預備地方 I’m a child of God, yes I am. 我是神兒女,Yes I am. Bridge I am chosen, not forsaken. 我受揀選,非遭丟棄, I am who You say I am. 我是祢稱我所是。 You are for me, not against me. 祢幫助我,非敵擋我, I am who You say I am. 我是祢稱我所是。 I am who You say I am. 我是祢稱我所是。 Chorus (同上) Bridge (同上) Chorus (同上) Bridge (同上) ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music): 〈照我的樣子〉 演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
✏️ 〈我們持定活潑信心〉(“We Keep Our Faith Alive!”)  🎼 Composers: Don Besig and Nancy Price 🎼 Mandarin Translation: Judy Lin   🎼 Performers: Vivien Lin & Judy Lin Verse 1 Gathered here within this place,  讓我們聚在此地, we can share in God’s redeeming grace.  同來分享神救贖恩典; There’s no room for doubt or fear;  疑和懼毫無餘地, we can feel His presence here.  神正在我們中間。 As we face each passing day 迎向每一個日子, we will serve and honor and obey;  服事、順從為我們榮耀; and if hope should start to dim,  雖盼望起初微小, we will know our trust is in Him. 我們的信靠在乎祂。 Chorus And we will keep our faith alive, 我們持定活潑信心, God will always be our guide. 神總是引導我們, Through the darkest night,  極深的夜晚, we will see God’s light. 必看見主光, We will keep our faith alive! 我們有活潑信心。 Verse 2 We will live as God has planned  甚願活出神計畫, though at times we may not understand. 雖有時我們無法明白; Many things we may not see, 許多事雖未眼見, but our faith will help us believe. 此信心助我們相信。 From His word we learn the truth; 祂的話 我們真理, through His love we all are born a new. 祂的愛 我們全被更新; With His help we will not fall  我們必不致跌倒, for we know our God will prevail. 因知我們神必掌權。 Chorus (同上) Verse 3 When we share the love He gives, 我們分享祂的愛, all the world will know that we are His. 全世界必知我們屬祂; In God’s name we stand as one, 祂的名 我們合一, and through us, His work will be done! 藉我們 主工必成就。 Chorus (同上) We will stand as one ‘til His work is done,  我們合一直到主工成就, we will keep our faith alive! 來持定活潑信心! ------------------------------------ ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music) 〈主凡是引導〉 (“All the Way My Savior Leads Me”) 詞|Words: F. J. Crosby 曲|Music: R. Lowry 〈主是我萬有〉 (“Be Thou My Vision”) 詞|Words: Dallan Forgiall 曲|Music: Irish Traditional Music  演奏|Performer: Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi everyone, Welcome to our program 愛的凱歌Adore Him. My name is Judy. Today, I’d like to share with you a poem called "A Little Bird I Am", written by Lady Guyon while she was imprisoned in jail. She was a representative of the seventeenth-century French Quietist movement, which emphasized inner spiritual experience and the importance of prayer. Lady Guyon's pursuit of a deeper spiritual life, her understanding of prayer, her efforts to unite with God, and her love for God can be seen in her autobiography "The Life of Madame Guyon," her book "A Short and Easy Method of Prayer", and other works. Many spiritual leaders throughout history have been influenced by her, including John Wesley, Simpson, Andrew Murray, the Moravian brothers, and Watchman Nee in China. ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: -------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him)。我是Judy。 今天要和大家分享的詩歌是〈我是一隻籠中小鳥〉(“A Little Bird I Am”)。這是出自於蓋恩夫人被囚禁在監獄中所寫的一首詩歌。   蓋恩夫人是十七世紀內裡生命派(奧秘派)的代表。她在屬靈生命上的追求,對禱告的深入了解,竭力追求與神聯合,愛神的心志等等,可以從她的自傳《馨香的沒藥》,教導人如何禱告,捨己,與神聯合的書籍《簡易的祈禱法》,以及其他著作中看出。教會歷史上許多的屬靈人物深受她的影響,例如:約翰衛斯理(John Wesley),宣信(Simpson),慕安得烈(Andrew Murray)莫拉比亞(Moravians)弟兄們,以及中國的倪柝聲。   蓋恩夫人出生於一個富有的法國貴族家庭,卻一生經歷許多的苦難。她的童年是在修道院和家中交替度過的,在十年內來回搬了九次。結婚前,一度曾經想要當修女。十五歲時,被家裡所迫,嫁給一位38歲的財主傑克斯.蓋恩(Monsieur Jacques Guyon)。12年的婚姻裡,面對的是婆婆與家中女傭聯手的欺壓,丈夫的無情,孩子夭折,以及得到天花毀容,遭受眾人的侮辱。後半生,為了敬虔侍奉神的緣故,反倒被天主教會冤枉,一些高層人士編織罪名陷害她,視她有異端傾向,最終將她囚禁在監獄中。 不論早年的婚姻生活,常常遭到丈夫與婆婆的責備與阻擋,認為她太愛禱告;或者後半人生,遭遇到羅馬天主教教會的逼迫,甚至關在監獄中,蓋恩夫人對神熾熱純潔的愛,與對神的順服,卻不曾停止。蓋恩夫人一生的特點是:無論在任何的景況中,她都始終保持與神親密的交通,愛神的心始終沒有改變。她在所寫的一首詩中提到:「我今只求沒有揀選,順服得以完全。祢的慈愛祢的責備,對我同樣甜美。」在另一首詩中又說:「有一奧秘人難領會,就是純愛的能力。它將痛苦變為甘甜,羞辱熔化成安息。」   她的基督教思想雖然帶著新教的色彩,但蓋恩夫人自己未曾有要脫離天主教的意思。蓋恩夫人總共被監禁四次,最後一次,被關在惡名昭彰的巴士底(Bastille)監獄地牢四年,甚至後面的兩年,她完全不能對外與人通信、說話;陪伴她的,只有幽暗的黑牢、沈重的枷鎖,與主親密的同在。苦難沒有摧毀她,反而點燃她向基督那純潔、熾熱的愛情。正如她在自傳所告白的:「自從我和主訂婚之後,我向主所要求的嫁妝,不過就是十字架、鞭打、逼迫、羞辱、卑微、無己、貧窮。」蓋恩夫人又這麼說:「神給我十字架,十字架也把神帶給我。」「有時,一段長久被交於死地的生活是必須的,為要煉淨我們的心,使我們脫離那隱藏的自愛。」   「我是一隻籠中小鳥」是一首非常優美、滿溢著對主的愛的獨特詩歌;在詩歌中,蓋恩夫人將自己在監獄中的生活比喻為禁閉在籠中的一隻鳥,心靈無拘無束,不住向她所愛的主歡樂歌唱。 幾年前有機會到美國進修,在密西根的一個小城鎮中,參與當地一個基督教團契。令我印象深刻的是,每次團契的聚會中,會有一段時間,除了彼此提出代禱的事項與禱告的時間,還會有人將近期讀的一首詩,以朗誦的方式與大家分享。在場的人並非訓練有素的朗誦詩詞專家,但重要的是,藉由那段時間,團契弟兄姊妹們將生活中讀到的詩詞,在聚會中藉由朗誦分享出來,藉著詩詞的形式滋潤靈性,一同在基督裡長大成熟。   所以,今天節目尾聲,嘗試一面以樂器彈奏〈我是一隻籠中小鳥〉( “A Little Bird I Am”)這首詩歌的旋律,一面朗誦這首詩歌的詩詞。盼望透過蓋恩夫人所寫的這首詩歌〈我是一隻籠中小鳥〉( “A Little Bird I Am”),成為我們信仰的扶持與指引,打開我們更寬闊的屬靈視野,並且吸引我們自身親自來到聖潔的神面前,將自己獻給祂,愛慕祂,與祂合一,在主裡安息。   ------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈我是一隻籠中小鳥〉(“A Little Bird I Am”)  🎼 Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte-Guyon (1648-1717) 🎼 Arranged and Performed by Judy Lin 1 A little bird I am, Shut from the fields of air, And in my cage I sit and sing To Him who placed me there; Well pleased a prisoner to be, Because, my God, it pleaseth Thee. 我是一隻籠中小鳥, 遠離天空、曠闊野地; 是祂將我安置於此, 我願向祂歌頌不已; 如此被囚,我甚歡欣, 因這,我神,使你稱心。 2Nought have I else to do, I sing the whole day long; And He whom most I love to please Doth listen to my song; He caught and bound my wandering wing; But still He bends to hear me sing. 禁中我無他事可作, 終日就是靜中歌唱; 我所使之稱心的神, 也在傾聽我的頌揚; 祂捆綁了我的翅膀, 卻愛俯首聽我歌唱。   3Thou hast an ear to hear A heart to love and bless; And though my notes were e’er so rude, Thou wouldst not hear the less; Because Thou knowest as they fall, That love, sweet love, inspires them all. 哦神,你是有耳能聽, 你也有心施愛賜福; 我的音調雖然粗陋, 你卻毫不鄙棄厭惡; 因你知這音調之弦, 乃是甜美之愛所彈。 4 My cage confines me round; Abroad I cannot fly; But though my wing is closely bound, My heart’s at liberty; For prison walls cannot control The flight, the freedom of the soul. 這籠將我四面禁錮, 我難外飛任意遨遊; 我的翅膀雖被捆住, 我心我靈仍是自由; 監牢牆垣,不能阻擋 心靈所有釋放、翱翔。 5 O it is good to soar These bolts and bars above! To Him whose purpose I adore, Whose providence I love; And in Thy mighty will to find The joy, the freedom of the mind. 我心超越監牢之閂, 我靈騰飛何其自在! 向著心愛之主騰飛, 祂的旨意我所敬拜; 在你堅定旨意之中, 我靈得到自由、歡騰。 ----------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂  (Background Music): 〈榮美憐憫神〉 (“Wonderful, Merciful Savior”) 詞曲|Words & Music: Dawn Rodgers & Eric Wyes 演奏|Performed by Judy Lin ----------------------------------- ✏️封面插圖|Cover Illustration: Judy Lin 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi everyone, welcome to 愛的凱歌Adore Him. I’m Judy, your host. Today, I’d like to share a beautiful Christian song called “Turn Your Eyes.” This Christian song is featured in The Glorious Christ, an album released in 2019 by the American worship band Sovereign Grace Music. Sovereign Grace Music created “Turn Your Eyes” based on the melody and lyrics of the chorus of the hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” by Helen H. Lemmel. They added three new verses to create a modern hymn with a sacred style. In the chorus of “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” Helen Lemmel wrote: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” Sovereign Grace Music was inspired by this hymn to emphasize the importance of focusing on Jesus in our faith journey. Interestingly, Helen Lemmel was inspired by an English missionary named Isabella Lilias Trotter. Trotter's booklet Focused and her lifetime story inspired Lemmel to write “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” Both Trotter and Lemmel were talented women from England. Trotter was an artist, and John Ruskin, a Victorian art critic, once said that if Trotter devoted her life to painting, she would become the greatest painter of the 19th century. Instead, Trotter focused on her calling from God and went to Algeria to share the gospel with Muslims for forty years. She used her talent for painting to illustrate her gospel pamphlets and as a tool for evangelism. Lemmel's talent was in music, and she traveled throughout the United States performing concerts in churches and other venues. She was a singer, vocal teacher, and hymn writer, and she even wrote a children’s book about Bible stories. At forty, Lemmel went to Germany to study music and met a male friend there whom she later married. Years after, Lemmel became ill and was diagnosed with blindness. Her husband left her, but instead of being discouraged, she focused on serving God and relying on Him more. Like Trotter, Lemmel continued writing hymns until she passed away at 97. The song “Turn Your Eyes” by Sovereign Grace Music, the hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" by Helen Lemmel, and Trotter's booklet Focused remind me of a passage from the Bible found in Hebrews 12:1-2. It says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Although “Turn Your Eyes” was translated into Chinese in 2022, it was only during this year's Chinese New Year that our team had the opportunity to record the Chinese version of this beautiful Christian song. We are excited to share it with you at the end of the program. You can find the lyrics in both Chinese and English in the information section below. Thank you for listening to Adore Him, and see you next Thursday!  ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: -------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him)。我是Judy。 今天要和大家分享的詩歌是〈轉眼仰望〉(“Turn Your Eyes”)。這首詩歌收錄在美國敬拜樂團Sovereign Grace Music於2019年發行的專輯The Glorious Christ。 Sovereign Grace Music 敬拜樂團根據Helen H. Lemmel於1918年創作的聖詩〈當轉眼仰望耶穌〉(“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”) 副歌的旋律與歌詞為基礎,創作了新的三節歌詞,於是誕生了〈轉眼仰望〉(“Turn Your Eyes”) 這首具有聖詩風格的現代詩歌。 Helen Lemmel在〈當轉眼仰望耶穌〉(“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”)這首聖詩的副歌中,如此描述:「當轉眼仰望耶穌,定睛在祂奇妙慈容,在救主榮耀恩典大光中,世俗事必要顯為虛空。」我想Sovereign Grace Music敬拜樂團應該是受到這段詩詞的安慰與激勵,意識到身為基督徒,我們是奔向天國的天路客,在這信仰旅程中,以及直到我們回天家,單單「聚焦」在所信靠、愛慕的主耶穌基督身上是至關重要的。 如同Sovereign Grace Music 受到Helen H. Lemmel 的影響,藉由創作〈轉眼仰望〉(“Turn Your Eyes”)這首詩歌,幫助在21世紀的我們,留意信仰道路中「聚焦」的重要性。有趣的是,Helen H. Lemmel 則是受到英國宣教士Isabella Lilias Trotter (1853-1928)寫的一本小冊子《聚焦》 (Focused)以及她生平故事的啟發,得到靈感,創作了至今仍受許多基督徒喜愛的聖詩〈當轉眼仰望耶穌〉。 其實Trotter和Lemmel兩位女性創作者有許多類似的背景。他們都是英國人,並且在小的時候就都展現出過人的藝術天分。約翰.羅斯金(John Ruskin)英國維多利亞時代的藝術評論家曾經這麼說:「如果Trotter將她的一生奉獻繪畫,將成為十九世紀最偉大的繪畫家,而她的作品將成為不朽的傑作。」Trotter放下一切的「自我」和世人引以為傲的成功,「聚焦」在神她的呼召,前往北非的阿爾及利亞,在鮮為人知的隱密沙漠中,四十年之久,向那裡的穆斯林分享耶穌的救恩。Trotter藉由她的繪畫恩賜,在自己寫的福音小冊子上,加入插圖,成為接觸穆斯林的媒介。Lemmel的藝術天分主要展現在音樂上面,12歲時和家人移民到美國,年輕時就旅行各地,在教會或其他表演場地舉行音樂會。Lemmel除了是一位歌手,也是聲樂老師,詩歌創作者,後來還創作了一本寫給兒童閱讀的聖經故事書。四十歲時,Lemmel前往德國進修繼續深造音樂,並在那段期間,認識一位男性朋友並與對方結婚。幾年後,Lemmel身體出狀況,醫生診斷她會從此失明。她的丈夫不願與她面對這個事實,選擇離開她。雖然身體與心理上都經歷痛苦,但Lemmel反倒比起過往,更「聚焦」在侍奉神與單單仰望信靠祂。和Trotter一樣,Lemmel直到過世前,一直專注於創作詩歌。享年97歲。 從Sovereign Grace Music 創作的詩歌〈轉眼仰望〉,Lemmel的〈當轉眼仰望耶穌〉,到Trotter在所寫的小冊子《聚焦》,讓我想到聖經中的一段經文,記載在聖經希伯來書12:1-2。「我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脱去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程,仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦難,便坐在神寶座的右邊。」 雖然2022年就已經翻譯了〈轉眼仰望〉(“Turn Your Eyes”)這首詩歌,但一直到今年過年期間,我們的團隊終於有機會能夠錄製這首詩詩歌的中文版本,並且很高興能夠在今天節目的尾聲呈現給大家。 在節目的資訊欄,有提供中英文歌詞對照,現在邀請您同來聆聽〈轉眼仰望〉(“Turn Your Eyes”)。 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈轉眼仰望〉(“Turn Your Eyes”)  🎼 Based on the Sovereign Grace album The Glorious Christ 🎼 Words & Music: Helen Lemmel, George Romanacce, Kevin Winebarger, Nathan Stiff, & Nic Trout --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈轉眼仰望〉錄製團隊|Recording team information for “Turn Your Eyes” Mandarin version: 人聲|Voices: Cherry Shih & Sarah Wu 鼓手|Percussion: Priscilla Huang 吉他|Guitar: Fountain Lin 鍵盤手|Keyboards: Vivien Lin and Judy Lin 後製混音|Sound Mixing: Vivien Lin 封面相片|Cover Photo: Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin) 🎼 譯者|Translator: Judy Lin 🎼 日期|Date: Dec. 26, 2022 🎼 第一節歌詞翻譯取自:以琳基督徒中心聖樂組編輯。《讚美》。台北:以琳,民74。(The translation of verse 1 is cited from Praise edited by Elim Christian Bookstore and published in 1985.)   Verse 1  Turn your eyes upon Jesus, 當轉眼仰望耶穌, look full in His wonderful face,  定睛在祂奇妙慈容, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim,  在救主榮耀恩典大光中, in the light of His glory and grace. 世俗事必要顯為虛空。  Verse 2  Turn your eyes to the hillside 當轉眼仰望那山, where justice and mercy embrace. 公義憐憫擁抱我們, There the Son of God gave His life for us,  在那處神子為我們捨生, and our measureless debt was erased.  擦消我們一切的罪債。  Chorus  Jesus to You we lift our eyes. 耶穌,我們定睛於祢, Jesus our glory and our prize.  耶穌,我們榮耀獎賞; We adore You, behold You, our Savior ever true. 愛慕著祢,注視祢,永恆真實救主, Oh Jesus, we turn our eyes to You. 喔,耶穌,我們定睛於祢    Instr.      Verse 3  Turn your eyes to the morning,  當轉眼望那清晨, and see Christ the lion awake.  猶大獅子基督覺醒, What a glorious dawn fear of death is gone, 榮耀黎明驅除死亡恐懼, for we carry His life in our veins.  我們血液流淌祂生命。    Verse 4  Turn your eyes to the heavens.  當轉眼定睛望天, Our king will return for His own.  我們的王必定再來; Every knee will bow, every tongue will shout, 萬膝必跪拜,萬口必呼喊, all glory to Jesus alone. 榮耀單單歸給耶穌。  Chorus *2 Jesus to You we lift our eyes.  耶穌,我們定睛於祢, Jesus our glory and our prize. 耶穌,我們榮耀獎賞; We adore You, behold You, our Savior ever true. 愛慕著祢,注視祢,永恆真實救主, Oh Jesus, we turn our eyes to You.  喔,耶穌,我們定睛於祢。   Oh Jesus, we turn our eyes to You.   喔,耶穌,我們定睛於祢。 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music): --今天在這裡同在的聖靈 --Performed by Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Dear Listeners Friends, Welcome to our podcast 愛的凱歌Adore Him. My name is Judy, and today we are excited to feature a hymn that you might be familiar with called "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". This hymn was written by Thomas O. Chisholm and composed by Willian Runyan. Thomas Chisholm was a prolific hymn writer who wrote about 1,200 hymns in his lifetime. "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" is one of his most well-known works, and it is loved by people worldwide. Chisholm was born in Kentucky, USA, in 1866. He started working as a schoolteacher when he was 16 and later became an associate editor of his hometown newspaper at the age of 21. When he was 27 years old, he became a follower of Christ, and ten years later, he was ordained as a full-time Methodist minister. Unfortunately, his health took a turn for the worse, and he had to quit his service as a local church minister within a year of being ordained. He and his family then moved to a countryside farm in Illinois to improve his health. Over the years, he faced financial difficulties due to numerous hospital bills and health issues. He found a job selling life insurance to make ends meet. He worked hard and retired at the age of 87. In his final years, he wrote a letter to a friend, expressing how God's great faithfulness, love, and mercy had always been with him. He often reflected on his favorite biblical passage in Lamentations 3:22-24: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'" At the end of this episode, we invite you to listen to the Piano Duets version of "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." We hope you enjoyed this episode, and we will see you next Thursday! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him)。我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的聖詩是〈祢的信實廣大〉(“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”)。 Thomas O. Chisholm是聖詩〈祢的信實廣大〉(“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”)的作詞者。Thomas一生寫過大約1200首的聖詩,其中最被大眾所熟悉的聖詩,就是〈祢的信實廣大〉。1866年,Thomas出生在美國肯德基州的富蘭克林。16歲成為學校老師,21歲成為當地報社的副主編,27歲他參加當地舉辦的基督教奮興會,回應神的呼召,決志禱告,承認並接受耶穌基督為他的救主。之後,他有了想全職服事神的心願,37歲時,Thomas被按立爲衛理公會的牧師。可是牧會僅僅一年,他身體健康出現嚴重的問題,以致於他無法繼續在教會侍奉。從教會辭職後,Thomas和家人從肯德基搬家到印第安納州,居住在一個農場養病。因為健康問題,隨之而來的是醫院的帳單,家庭生活開銷的經濟壓力。他後來選擇當保險推銷員這種時間比較彈性的職業,直到87歲才退休。 Thomas晚年曾經在寫給朋友的一封信中提到,由於很久以前自己的身體健康出了問題,所以經濟狀況在過去任何時間裡從來沒有好過,然而,他從未懷疑過上帝的信實與慈愛。反倒他向朋友見證,他一生中常常是虛弱無力,甚至發病時,躺在床上一連好幾天,什麼都不能做,但他卻無數次經歷上帝對他的愛護。他心中實在充滿無比的感謝。他告白:上帝是守約施慈愛,信實的神。這封給朋友的信,反應了Thomas最喜歡的一段聖經經文,記載在耶利米哀歌3: 22-24「我們不致消滅,是出於耶和華諸般的慈愛,是因祂的憐憫,不至斷絕。每早晨都是新的,祢的誠實極其廣大。我心裡說:『耶和華是我的分,因此,我要仰望祂。」」 Thomas1923年寫了〈祢的信實廣大〉(“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”),並寫信邀請William Runyan 為這首詩譜寫曲子。William Runyan是當時穆迪聖經學院的音樂老師,也是芝加哥當地一家出版社的編輯。William 當時讀了Thomas的詩時,大為感動,便向神禱告,求神賜給他靈感,希望寫的曲調可以配得上這首詩歌。不久,這首聖詩在穆迪聖經學院受到教師和學生的喜愛。最後,因美國佈道葛理翰牧師(Billy Graham)在福音佈道會中,常使用這首聖詩而被人們所熟悉。 節目尾聲,邀請您一同來聆聽雙鋼琴演奏版本的〈祢的信實廣大〉(“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”)。 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” Sunday Worship For Two, Volume 1: Two Piano Duets 🎼 Music: William Runyan 🎼 Arranged by: Sandra Zylstra 🎼 Performed by: Vivien Lin and Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈祢的信實廣大〉(“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”) 🎼 詞Words: Thomas O. Chisholm 🎼 曲Music: William Runyan 🎼 資料來源/Source: Chen, Lucy, Hsiung, Hsiung, Huang, Huang, Chen, Christ, ed. Hymns for God’s People (New Revised Edition). Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Grace, 2019.  1 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; there is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; as Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be. 祢的信實廣大,我神我天父, 全無轉動影兒,藏在祢心; 祢不改變,祢慈愛永不轉移, 無始無終的神,施恩不盡。 Refrain (副歌): Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand hath provided: great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! 祢的信實廣大,祢的信實廣大, 每早晨賜下新豐富恩惠, 我一切需要祢手豐富預備, 祢的信實廣大,顯在我身! 2 Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest; sun, moon, and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love. [Refrain] 春夏秋冬四季,有栽種收成, 日月星辰時刻,循轉不止; 宇宙萬物,都為造物主見證, 述說天父莫大信實仁慈。 3 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow: blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! [Refrain] 祢赦免我罪愆,賜我永平安, 祢的容光親自,安慰導引; 日日加力,更賜我光明盼望, 祢所賜的恩愛永無止盡! --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music): --今天在這裡同在的聖靈 --Performed by Judy Lin ------------------------------------- ✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Dear Listening Friends, Welcome to our podcast program 愛的凱歌Adore Him, where we share our love for music and faith. I am Judy, your host for today's episode. As we celebrate the Lunar New Year, we will be sharing a hymn called "O God Our Help in Ages Past", which was written by Isaac Watts based on Psalm 90. Originally, the hymn was titled "Man Is Frail and God Eternal." During the time when the hymn was written, England was going through a period of turmoil with severe restrictions on religious freedom. Additionally, in 1714, Queen Anne passed away without leaving any heirs, and Isaac Watts' father was jailed twice for religious reasons. Isaac Watts was acutely aware of the vulnerability of humanity and the boundlessness and everlasting nature of God. This inspired him to write a hymn based on the first part of Psalm 90, which he titled "O God Our Help in Ages Past." In the opening stanzas, he acknowledged that our God is our help, our hope, our shelter, and our eternal home.  On Remembrance Day and other significant occasions in the UK and Canada, the hymn "O God Our Help in Ages Past" will be sung in church services. Nowadays, many churches will be singing this hymn to praise and give thanks to God during their Sunday worship service for the New Year.  Now, we would like to invite you to listen to "O God Our Help in Ages Past" in Taiwanese, sung by Fountain Lin, Vivien Lin, and Judy Lin.  Happy Lunar New Year! See you next Thursday! ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ Website: 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。 台灣時間,明天就是除夕,在此先問候大家:新年恭喜!新年快樂! 每逢過年,回顧過往,面對新年,不知道大家有什麼感觸?今天要和大家分享的聖詩是〈千古保障〉(“O God Our Help in Ages Past”)。這首聖詩的作詞者是以撒.瓦特斯 (Isaac Watts)。以撒.瓦特斯被稱為「英國聖詩之父」。瓦特斯創作〈千古保障〉時,它的英文標題其實是:“Man Frail and God Eternal.” (人是脆弱的,而神是永恆的。)為何瓦特斯有如此感觸呢? 瓦特斯所處的時代,當時的英國,宗教自由被嚴格限制。瓦特斯的父親,因為支持基督教新教,已經兩次遭受逮補入獄。1714年,支持新教的英國安妮女王過世,沒有留下任何子嗣,誰會是下一位王位繼任者呢?宗教迫害會再度發生嗎?一切都成了未定數。當時的英國就是處在這種緊張不安的氛圍中。 瓦特斯意識到人生命的短暫,能力的有限,以及神的全能與永恆。他以聖經詩篇90篇為基礎,寫下了〈千古保障〉。普遍認爲詩篇90的內容是有關摩西向上帝的禱告。或許,瓦特斯聯想到摩西的一生。摩西起初在埃及當王子,後來逃到曠野,接著受到神的呼召,帶領以色列百姓出埃及,四十年後,摩西沒有進入應許之地--迦南地,只是在遠處遙望,並且不久就被神接回天家。瓦特斯想起摩西的一生,又想到自己當時身處在動盪不安的英國,藉由詩篇90得到安慰。於是,瓦特斯改寫詩篇90的前半段,創作了聖詩〈千古保障〉。 聖詩〈千古保障〉總共九節歌詞,不過普遍現今看到的聖詩歌本,只有列出六節歌詞。瓦特斯在第一節歌詞中告白:回顧過往的一切,上帝是我們的幫助;面對不確定的將來,上帝是我們的盼望;即便遭遇任何險境,上帝是我們的避難所。更重要的,瓦特斯最後定睛在—上帝—是我們永恆的家鄉。 在英國、加拿大的國殤日(Remembrance Day),或一些重要的節慶場合,都會吟唱〈千古保障〉這首聖詩。逐漸地,許多教會在新年的新春禮拜中,也會以這首聖詩頌唱讚美神。 在先前的Podcast中,有和大家略略分享過:通常會以聖詩歌詞的第一句話,作為聖詩的標題。原本〈千古保障〉歌詞的第一句話是“Our God our help”,但後來約翰.衛斯理(John Wesley) 將「我們的上帝」(“Our God”) 改成「喔上帝」(“O God”)。衛斯理認為:「我們的上帝」這一詞中的「我們的」,有分門別類的意味。衛斯理為了避免人們去劃分:究竟是誰的上帝?是哪一個教派的上帝?…於是將瓦特斯的歌詞略作修改,把歌詞中「我們的上帝」改為「喔 上帝」。所以現在大家普遍對〈千古保障〉這首聖詩英文標題的認識就成了“O God Our Help in Ages Past.” 今天在節目的尾聲,邀請大家一起來聆聽台語版本的〈千古保障〉/〈上帝作阮代代幫助〉。資訊欄處有台語、中文、英文歌詞的對照。 最後,再次祝大家新年快樂!我們下週見! ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him 個人網站: ❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: ------------------------------------------------------------ ✏️ 千古保障(華語)/ 上帝作阮代代幫助(台語) (“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”)  曲/Music: William Croft 1708  詞/Words: Isaac Watts 1719 (根據詩篇第90篇) 台譯/ Taiwanese Translation (Source: 舊版 台語聖詩) 中譯/ Chinese Translation:劉廷芳 1933 Source: 1 O God, our Help in ages past, our Hope for years to come, our Shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal Home. 上帝做阮代代幫助,也做將來向望, 互阮閃避大湧風颱,永tiàm安穩所在。 上帝是人千古保障,是人將來希望; 是人居所,抵禦風雨,是人永久家鄉。 2 Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is Thine arm alone, and our defense is sure. 全能寶座蔭影下面,聖徒徛起安心, 上帝聖手夠額通靠,做阮穩當保護。 在主寶座蔭庇之下,羣聖一向安居; 惟賴神臂威權保護,永遠平安無慮。 3 Before the hills in order stood, or earth received its frame, from everlasting Thou art God, to endless years the same. 眾山猶未生出以前,世界猶未形成, 祢對永遠就是上帝,久長不變無替。 山川尚未發現之時,星球未結之先; 遠自太初便有神在,永在無窮盡年。 4 A thousand ages in Thy sight are like an evening gone, short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun. 對祢來看,雖然千年親像過了一暝, 暗時一更實在真短,一目nih久就過。 在神眼中,億千萬年,恍若人間隔宿; 恍若初聞子夜鐘聲,轉瞬東方日出。 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the op’ning day. 光陰啲過親像大水一盡互伊流去, 功名富貴宛然眠夢,實在攏是空空。 時間正似大江流水,浪淘萬象衆生; 轉瞬飛逝,恍若夢境,朝來不留餘痕。 6 O God, our Help in ages past, our Hope for years to come, be Thou our Guard while life shall last, and our eternal Home! 上帝做阮代代幫助,閣做將來向望, 抵著艱苦求祢照顧,做阮永遠門戶。 上帝是人千古保障, 是人將來希望; 是人居所,抵禦風雨, 是人永久家鄉。 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 上帝作阮代代幫助 (台語) (“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”) Words: Isaac Watts  Music: William Croft  Performed by Vivien Lin Vocals: Fountain Lin, Vivien Lin, and Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music):주가 일하시네 (主正在行奇事) Words and Music: 詞曲|이혁진 (李赫鎭) Performed by Judy Lin ------------------------------------- ✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him)。 新教改革者馬丁路德(Martin Luther)曾經告白:「我就算是完美、無可挑剔的修士,站在神面前仍是個受盡良心折磨的罪人。對於我的品德是否能稍微緩解神的怒氣,一點把握也沒有,直到我晝夜思想,明白了神的公義和人的『因信稱義』的關係為止。」路德當時是羅馬天主教的修士,以及威登堡(Wittenberg)大學的教授。在他教授「聖經羅馬書」這門課中,不斷地反覆思考使徒保羅在羅馬書中提到「因信稱義」的觀念。逐漸地,他再也無法滿足於當時羅馬天主教會機械化的儀式崇拜。例如,他提出質疑:難道藉由靠著膝蓋、一步步爬上「聖階--Holy Staircase」(Scala_Sancta)的禱告方式,人們就能稱義嗎?難道透過參與建堂計畫的奉獻,人們就能擺脫死後煉獄的刑罰嗎?(附註1) 聖經羅馬書1:17說到:「因為神的義正在這福音上顯明出來;這義是本於信,以致於信。如經上所記:義人必因信得生。」這節經文啟示我們,義人必得著永生生命,不是藉由他們的所作所為—即便完美、無可挑剔,乃是靠著信靠神。義人必要「因著信而活」,也當「憑信心而活」(“live by faith”)。路德以羅馬書1:17這節經文作為他神學上的主要觀點,挑戰當時天主教教會許多墮落、敗壞的教會儀式與靈性操練。他把這些挑戰與想法,就是後來眾所周知《九十五條論綱》(Ninety-Five Theses) 張貼在—有點像社區的佈告欄—Wittenberg 教會的門上。 原初,他只是想要針對所提出《九十五條論綱》中的議題作辯論,但很快地被教會貼上標籤,視他為異端。在1521年,由神聖羅馬帝國皇帝—查理五世—於沃爾姆斯舉行的帝國議會(Diet of Worms)中,他被要求撤回所提出的《九十五條論綱》,但他斷然拒絕,最終,他被逐出教會。 當時德國一些領地的王公貴族們開始選邊站。有些人表面上支持路德,實則看準這是削弱教會勢力、增加個人政治權勢的機會;有些人則真心被路德所發表的「九十五條論綱」以及他的其他著作所感動,因而信仰的良知覺醒。 1526年斯佩爾(Speyer)議會上,該詔書被暫時中止,但三年後,此詔書又被恢復。最終,因為路德在德國人民中所獲得的支持度,以及受到某些德國王公貴族的保護,《沃爾姆斯詔書》從未在德國執行。但在帝國的其他地區,的確有神職人員因為支持路德的教義,被逮補、起訴,被迫公開懺悔,甚至遭受火刑。 1529年,也就是斯佩爾(Speyer)議會後的三年,感懷於原本《沃爾姆斯詔書》被終止,卻又重新啟動,一切努力似乎歸回原點,路德以詩篇46為基礎,創作了〈堅固保障〉這首聖詩。〈堅固保障〉歌詞,雖然字裏行間充滿戰爭的用字與描述,但顯示的姿態不是好戰、好鬥、侵略、攻擊,而是防衛、護衛的狀態。神是我們可以全然信靠的保護者。不論我們遇到各樣的威嚇與脅迫,不論面臨世上各樣邪惡勢力、或者不法的事,神保護我們,為我們爭戰。 在接近節目尾聲之前,想稍微和大家分享一下看似離題的話題。誠如前天podcast中向大家預告的,接連三天,每一集的結尾,我和Vivien會以鋼琴四手聯彈演奏當天所分享的聖詩。不知道大家是否有思考: 「鋼琴四手聯彈」和「雙鋼琴」的區別在哪?又,為何我們一連三天選擇「四手聯彈」來表達所要分享的聖詩呢? 關於第一個提問:扼要地說,四手聯彈是「最親密的室內樂演奏型態,兩位彈奏者共用使同一樂器,肩並肩且近距離感受彼此的呼吸,享受最直接的合奏樂趣。…在鋼琴教學的過程中,教師們常利用四手聯彈來提高學生的學習興趣,因此四手聯彈作品被公認是兼具教學價值與藝術價值的演奏類型。」(附註2) 至於第二個提問:回顧第一天分享的聖詩〈耶穌愛我,我知道〉,我們看到Susan Warner和Anna Warner兩姐妹不僅共同創作小說,還一起開查經班,餵養青少年,幫助他們靈性的成長。至於William Batchelder Bradbury,在前一集我們沒有提到的是,他不單單致力於推動兒童主日學詩歌的創作與發展,有「聖詩皇后」稱號的芬尼.克羅斯比(Fanny J. Crosby)也受到他的鼓勵與提攜,踏上詩歌創作之路。第二天的〈奇異恩典〉,我們看到約翰.牛頓(John Newton)和威廉.考柏(William Cowper)為了幫助教會會眾能更加明白講道信息的內容,配合信息主題,多年來,合作創作詩歌的努力與委身。今天第三天和大家分享〈堅固保障〉,我們看到馬丁路德和受他影響的一群基督徒,不畏懼世上的權勢,願意順從神,揭示「因信稱義」的真理…。 接連三天,一路下來,我們發現這些與我們同樣奔走天路的屬靈前輩,不是走向成為孤僻或落單的「天路客」,而是像鋼琴四手聯彈一般,一同奔跑,並始終堅信,懷抱擺在前頭的盼望,滿心喜樂,相信在四手聯彈的過程中,上帝那雙慈愛的雙手總是信實的帶領、扶持、管教、愛護、保抱我們。 聖經希伯來書3:13-14說到:「總要趁著還有今日,天天彼此相勸,免得你們中間有人被罪迷惑,心裡就剛硬了。我們若將起初確實的信心堅持到底,就在基督裡有分了。」奔跑天路的旅程與過程,充滿許多的挑戰與試探,藉由神所賜給我們親愛的屬靈家人,那寶貴的「四手聯彈」以其各樣形式展現在我們的生活當中,好叫我們「趁著還有今日,天天彼此相勸」,免得「被罪迷惑」,「心裡剛硬」。又叫我們藉由這寶貴的「四手聯彈」,一同勉勵,將起初的信心確確實實地堅持到底,使我們「在基督裡有分」。 願神啟示我們,好叫我們能明白屬靈意義上「四手聯彈」的奇妙,並在其中同得同享這份奇妙所帶來的祝福! 最後,節目的尾聲,邀請您一面聽著鋼琴四手聯彈演奏的「堅固保障」,一面翻開聖經,默想詩篇46篇,或者也一面讀著在資訊欄處提供〈堅固保障〉中英文對照的歌詞。 God Bless you! 我們下週四見! *附註1:  參見Peterson, Randy, Be Still, My Soul: The Inspiring Stories behind 175 of the Most-Loved Hymns. Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House, 2014. Kindle.  *附註2:   由四手聯彈之發展與特色論其與鋼琴教學的關聯性 關於四手聯彈與雙鋼琴的比較 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 〈堅固保障〉( “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”) 🎼 詞曲/Words and Music: Martin Luther (1529) 🎼 英文譯者/Translator: Frederick H. Hedge (1852) 🎼 曲調/Tune: EIN FESTE BURG 🎼 資料來源/Source: Chen, Lucy, Hsiung, Hsiung, Huang, Huang, Chen, Christ, ed. Hymns for God’s People (New Revised Edition). Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Grace, 2019.     1 A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper he, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe does seek to work us woe; his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal. 上主是我堅固保障,是我山寨和避難所; 苦海汪洋主為救星,四無生門我仍有望。 雖有兇惡仇敵,攻擊不留餘力, 對我仇恨刻骨,常用狡猾引誘, 但我救主將我保護。 2 Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing, were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God's own choosing. You ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is he; Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same; and he must win the battle. 我若是單靠己力行走,每遇戰爭必要退後; 須有能者隨時幫助,即神設立救贖恩主。 若問所設為誰? 乃主耶穌基督, 又稱萬有主宰,到永遠不更改, 祂已得勝作我元帥。 3 And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God has willed his truth to triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo! his doom is sure; one little word shall fell him. 若全世界充滿鬼魔,救主聖徒仍能安妥; 仇敵降災設下網羅,主為道路助我勝過。 幽暗魔王興起,我靠救主能抵, 敵怒不能久長,敵迫我能忍受, 主言一出敵即敗退。 4 That Word above all earthly powers no thanks to them abideth; the Spirit and the gifts are ours through him who with us sideth. Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God's truth abideth still; his kingdom is forever! 主言有權高過萬王,世上帝王不能相比。 聖靈恩賜全備可信,降於我身何等希奇。 名利任其失去,生命我也無慮, 身家雖然失喪,主道終必興旺, 救主之國存到永遠。 ----------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 鋼琴四手聯彈 堅固保障 / Hymn Piano Duets, A Might Fortress Is Our God 🎼 Music by Martin Luther  🎼 Arranged by Raluca Bojor 🎼 Performed by Vivien Lin and Judy Lin ----------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music): 주가 일하시네 (主正在行奇事) Words and Music by 이혁진 (李赫鎭) Performed by Judy Lin 하나님의 은혜 (神的恩惠) Words by작사 조은아 Music by 신상우 Performed by Judy Lin ------------------------------------- ✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
😂😅 更正告示:John Newton牧會的地方叫Olney,並非錄音檔案中的Oneal(口誤)!! Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,歡迎收聽愛的凱歌Adore Him。 今天要和大家分享的讚美詩為〈奇異恩典〉(“Amazing Grace”)。英國《衛報》稱這首讚美詩為「基督教國歌」。2020年新冠疫情在世界各地肆虐,同年4月12日,被稱為世界第四男高音的音樂家安德烈·波切利(Andrea Bocelli)站在義大利米蘭大教堂門口前,面對著教堂廣場獨唱這首讚美詩。2023年1月1日,這首讚美詩迎來了它第250週年紀念日。 許多人知道〈奇異恩典〉這首讚美詩的創作背景,與作詞者約翰.牛頓(John Newton)在海上經歷暴風,禱告尋求神的拯救有關。但是,約翰.牛頓一生的經歷,比起這個情節,更能深刻體現「上帝的奇異恩典」這句話的意涵。 牛頓在1725年出生於英國倫敦。他的父親是西班牙人;母親則是英國人,一位敬虔的基督徒。牛頓七歲時,母親過世。11歲開始,跟著父親跑船,不久,他的父親娶了第二任妻子。牛頓漸漸地開始過著叛逆、放蕩的人生。 受到父親影響,牛頓17歲時成為海員,不久受其他水手的影響,染上吃喝嫖賭等各種惡習。英法戰爭爆發時,他被強行徵召入伍,靠著父親的關係,他在船艦上得到了副官的職位,於是開始驕傲起來,看不起那些跟他從前一樣是普通水手的船員。接著,軍中有人介紹他讀了一本無神論的書籍,牛頓的行為變得越發墮落,常常褻瀆神的名。有一回,艦長派他去捉拿一個逃兵,結果他自己卻趁機逃跑。被逮補回來後,他再次被貶為一般的水手,在眾人面前受鞭刑。為此,他萌生謀殺艦長的意圖。因神的恩典,遭到神無形之手的制止。 牛頓退伍,離開海軍之後,轉往一家商船工作,依然過著渾渾噩噩的生活。後來,他在阿莫斯.克勞(Amos Clowe)手作工作。克勞的妻子對牛頓存有許多戒心和偏見,於是趁著有次丈夫遠洋在外,藉故百般折磨牛頓,甚至讓牛頓成為黑人的奴隸。克勞回家後,妻子又誣告牛頓偷竊,於是克勞用鐵鍊、枷鎖鎖住牛頓的腳踝,用盡各種辦法折磨他,使他生不如死……。牛頓在危難中,託人帶信向父親求救。神恩典的手再次伸向他。經過一番波折,1748年春天,受父親所託的朋友,幫助牛頓搭上一艘遠洋輪船「灰狗號」,從非洲返回英國。 橫跨大西洋途中,牛頓又開始胡作非為,毫無顧忌地謾罵、褻瀆神的名,嘲諷《聖經》中的話語。但有天夜晚,他讀到Thomas Kempis所著的《效法基督》(Imitation of Christ)一書,大為震撼⋯,緊接著,那晚夜半,「灰狗號」進入暴風雨中心。所有船員與暴風搏鬥,直到第二天早上。雖然大家已經精疲力盡,但風暴依然繼續。正當船長開會和大家商量辦法時,牛頓脫口說出連他自己都很驚訝的話:「…我們這樣做還不夠,我們還需要求主憐憫我們!」危難中,牛頓也想起《聖經》中的話語,為著自己過往的罪孽深感痛悔。神的憐憫與恩典再次臨到牛頓。最終「灰狗號」脫離暴風圈,一個月後在愛爾蘭靠岸。 上岸後,牛頓立刻前往教堂,跪下禱告,感謝神的憐憫與恩典,一方面為著過去人生中辱罵與褻瀆神的名,向神認罪悔改;另一方面向神禱告,願意將自己的餘生奉獻給神,被神使用。 雖然牛頓經歷這次生命的大翻轉,但因不久前才結婚,為了養家,他又去應徵從事與奴隸貿易有關的船長工作。神的憐憫與恩典再次臨到他,花了近七年的時間,在一次病倒後,醫生證實牛頓再也無法從事船員的工作後,他因而獲得了一份觀潮員的工作。此後,牛頓定期參加主日崇拜。 在教會,他和後來成為著名的佈道家約翰.衛斯理(John Wesley)一起學習拉丁文和希伯來文《 聖經》。在期間,牛頓也想起了母親生前對他的代禱,以及對他的期望--希望他將來能成為牧師,侍奉神。當時英國國教嚴格規定,沒有受過神學大學教育者,無法取得牧師資格。牛頓沒有放棄,透過不斷地在家練習與在教堂做見證,提升自己講道的水準。1764年他寫的《一篇真實的記述》成為當年英國的暢銷書。同年,英國聖公會破例按立他為牧師。 成為牧師後,牛頓在偏遠的小市鎮奧爾尼 (Olney)侍奉主。牧會期間,養成了寫讚美詩的習慣。他配合每週講道的信息,創作詩歌,幫助會眾更能深入了解信息內容。其中,許多詩歌都是他與當地的一位詩人,也是他的好友威廉.考柏(William Cowper)一起寫的。 1773年的新年禮拜之前,牛頓為配合當天的講道信息──歷代志上十七章16-17節,和考柏寫了〈奇異恩典〉這首讚美詩。(1879年倆人創作的《奧爾尼詩集》 (Olney Hymns)問世,總共收錄348首聖詩,牛頓寫的佔280首;其中最能反映約翰一生經歷的就是〈奇異恩典〉。) 在奧爾尼牧會16年後,牛頓回到出生地倫敦。1787年,在牛頓脫離奴隸販者的身分34年後,他打破沉默,出版了《論非洲奴隸貿易》(Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade)一書,勇敢向社會坦承自己曾是運送黑奴的船長。當時英國國會議員威廉.威伯福斯(William Wilberforce)深受本書啟發,在本書出版的隔年,1788年,提出廢奴法案。1807年,也就是二十年後,禁止買賣黑奴的相關法律在英國國會最終獲得通過。同年,約翰牛頓返回天家,享年82歲。 回天家前,牛頓隨著年紀增長,記憶力大不如從前,但他告白:「雖然我的記憶力逐漸衰退,我卻清楚記得兩件事:我是個大罪人,基督是我偉大的救主。」(“Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.“) ------------------------------------------ *   奇異恩典 (“Amazing Grace”) 中英歌詞對照: Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I’m found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典,何等甘甜,我罪已得赦免, 前我失喪,今被尋回,瞎眼今得看見。 ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed 如此恩典,使我敬畏,使我心得安慰, 初信之時,既蒙恩惠,真是何等寶貴。 Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come This grace that brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home 許多危險,試煉網羅,我已安然經過, 靠主恩典,安全不怕,更引導我歸家。 The Lord has promised good to me, His Word my hope secures; He will my Shield and Portion be, As long as life endures. 救主應許,愛我真切,使我今得盼望; 主是盾牌,是我產業,是我生命保障。 Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. 歷盡艱險,勞苦奔走,我今來到主前; 全靠主恩,扶持保佑,恩典帶進永久。 When we’ve been here ten thousand years Bright, shining as the sun We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we first begun 將來禧年,聖徒歡聚,恩光愛誼千年, 喜樂頌讚,在父座前,深望那日快現。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ✏️ Hymn Piano Duets, Amazing Grace 🎼 Music: Traditional American Melody 🎼 Arranged by Raluca Bojor 🎼 Performed by Vivien Lin and Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music):하나님의 은혜 (神的恩惠) Words by 작사 조은아 Music by 신상우 Performed by Judy Lin ------------------------------------- ✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:   Powered by Firstory Hosting
Dear Listening Friends, Welcome to our podcast program Adore Him. We will release an episode each day of the following three days, instead of an episode a week.   Today's episode will feature the hymn, "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." There is a well-known story about Karl Barth, a famous theologian, who was once asked to sum up the essential truth of Christianity. He answered, "Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so." These words begin the lyrics in "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." The story behind the hymn is quite interesting. The poem was first shown in Say and Seal, written by Anna Warner and Susan Warner. However, Anna was the one who wrote the poem. When William B. Bradbury read it in Say and Seal, he decided not only to compose music for it but also to add lyrics for the refrain. Both Susan Warner and Anna Warner, as well as William B. Bradbury, significantly contributed to the spiritual growth and devotion of children and youth. Although we may not know much about their work, the unchanging and eternal truth - "Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so" - has been ingrained in the hearts of God's people through this hymn. 1 John 3:16 states: "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us." Revelation 1:5-6 says: "... To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen." Now, we invite you to listen to this hymn on piano duet performed by Vivien Lin and Judy Lin. Also, we pray that this endless truth remains with you forever. See you tomorrow! *See Peterson, Randy, Be Still, My Soul: The Inspiring Stories behind 175 of the Most-Loved Hymns. Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House, 2014. Kindle.  ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: -------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him) 。在這集的Podcast開始,一連三天,要和大家分享的聖詩,分別為:「耶穌愛我,我知道」(”Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”),「奇異恩典」(“Amazing Grace”), 以及「堅固保障」(“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”)。節目的尾聲,我和Vivien,會以鋼琴四手聯彈的演奏型態來呈現所分享的聖詩。 首先,這集要與大家分享的聖詩是「耶穌愛我,我知道」(“Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”)。據說,曾經有人要求神學家卡爾巴特(Karl Barth)對基督教信仰的基要真理作總結,他回答:「耶穌愛我,我知道,因有聖經告訴我。」(“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”) 這段話正是聖詩「耶穌愛我,我知道」開頭的歌詞。 提及這首聖詩的誕生,有一段奇妙的旅程。「耶穌愛我,我知道」這首詩詞首次出現,是在1860年由安娜和蘇珊(Anna Warner & Susan Warner)兩個姐妹共同創作的小說Say and Seal第二卷的其中一個章節裡。而實際上,寫這首詩的是安娜。這對姐妹出生於富裕的家庭,1837年美國經濟陷入蕭條後,家庭經濟開始吃緊,當時兩姐妹十幾歲,為了幫助家庭還債,開始寫詩、寫歌和創作小說。而這對姐妹匿名發行的小說Say and Seal I, II在當時非常的暢銷。故事內容主要是描述小女孩費絲德瑞克(Faith Derrick)、熱心的主日學老師約翰恩狄考(John Endecott)、生病的小男孩強尼福斯(Johnny Fox)以及林頓(Mr. Linden)先生之間的故事)。其中小說的第二卷寫到患有嚴重心臟疾病的小男孩強尼,在生命垂危之際,請求林頓先生唱歌安慰他。林頓先生抱起強尼後,在房間裡一邊緩慢地走著,一邊輕聲地吟唱起詩歌:「耶穌愛我,我知道,因有聖經告訴我。凡小孩子主牧養,我雖軟弱,主強壯。」(“Jesus loves me—this I know, For the Bible tells me so: Little ones to him belong,—They are weak, but he is strong.”)。過不久,小男孩強尼就安然地歸回天家。 白德瑞(William B. Bradbury)—「耶穌愛我,我知道」的作曲者—在當時已經是美國很有名的指揮、管風琴師、歌曲創作者,並且發行許多音樂作品和教會詩歌本。我們現在所熟悉的聖詩,例如:「禱告良辰」(“Sweet Hour of Prayer”)、「耶穌領我」(“He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought!”) 和「賜福救主」(“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”),就是出自於白德瑞的創作。其中,白瑞德對音樂教育與好的主日學詩歌的發展特別關心。當白德瑞讀到Say and Seal小說中的「耶穌愛我,我知道」這首詩時,立刻決定要為這首詩譜寫曲子,並加上副歌歌詞:「主耶穌愛我!主耶穌愛我!主耶穌愛我!有聖經告訴我。」(“Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.”)  安娜和蘇珊除了Say and Seal,也創作了許多本在當時頗受大眾歡迎的小說。而除了繼續創作小說,兩姐妹也開始發展另一個事工。美國經濟蕭條後,兩姐妹和家人搬家後住的地方、跨河的正對面就是美國西點軍校。他們的舅舅當時是西點軍校的校牧。1875年,安娜和蘇珊開始教授聖經課程,幫助西點軍校生的靈性教育與成長。爾後四十年,每個主日下午,人們便會看到一群西點軍校生過河到對岸,參加聖經課程的場景。安娜和蘇珊過世後,安葬在西點軍校;他們兩位是唯一以「非軍人」身份安葬在西點軍校的平民。 或許現今人們未曾聽過Say and Seal 這部小說,也不清楚安娜和蘇珊兩姐妹以及白瑞德是誰,更不會清楚他們在兒童或青少年的靈性教育侍奉上所做的努力與奉獻,但可以肯定的是,「耶穌愛我,我知道,因有聖經告訴我」(Jesus loves Me, this I Know for the Bible tells me so.)—這個亙古不變的真理,藉由這首聖詩,深深地影響著我們。 聖經約翰壹書3:16說到:「主為我們捨命,我們從此就知道何為愛。」啟示錄1:5-6說到:「…他愛我們,用自己的血使我們脫離罪惡,又使我們成為國民,作他父神的祭司。但願榮耀、權能歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們!」節目最後,邀請大家來聆聽這首深受大人與小朋友喜愛的聖詩「耶穌愛我,我知道」。 *   參見 Peterson, Randy, Be Still, My Soul: The Inspiring Stories behind 175 of the Most-Loved Hymns. Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House, 2014. Kindle.  * 耶穌愛我,我知道~中英歌詞對照 1. Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so.  耶穌愛我,萬不錯,因有聖經告訴我;  Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong.  凡小孩子主牧養,我雖軟弱主強壯。 (Refrain) Yes, Jesus loves me!  Yes, Jesus loves me! (副歌) 主耶穌愛我,主耶穌愛我, Yes, Jesus loves me!  The Bible tells me so. 主耶穌愛我,有聖書告訴我。 2. Jesus loves me!  He who died. Heaven’s gate to open wide 耶穌愛我,捨生命,將我罪惡洗乾淨; He will wash away my sin. Let His little child come in. 天堂榮門替我開,把祂小羊引進來。 3. Jesus loves me!  Loves me still. Though I’m very weak and ill. 耶穌愛我,不改變,疾病軟弱祂衿憐; That I might from sin be free.  Bled and died upon the tree. 白日遭難主搭救,黑夜睡覺主看守。 4. Jesus loves me!  He will stay Close beside me all the way; 耶穌愛我,到永遠,一生路程祂陪伴; Thou hast bled and died for me.  I will hence-forth live for Thee. 倘若生前我愛祂,死後領我到祂家。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ✏️ Hymn Piano Duets, Jesus Loves Me 🎼 Music by William Batchelder Bradbury 🎼 Words by Anna Warner and William Batchelder Bradbury 🎼 Arranged by Raluca Bojor 🎼 Performed by Vivien Lin and Judy Lin --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music):주가 일하시네 (主正在行奇事) Words and Music by 이혁진 (李赫鎭) Performed by Judy Lin ------------------------------------- ✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin   ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Dear Listening Friends, Welcome to our podcast program 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. My name is Judy. My older sister and I were preparing to celebrate Mother’s Day two years ago. My sister had a brilliant idea of recording a Christian song we sing as a gift, along with a thank-you card, for our mother. At first, I hesitated for a few minutes as I didn't think I had a great voice, but I eventually decided to try anyway. We chose a song called "Simply Trusting Every Day" from Anointing's album, Anointing Hymn 4, and recorded it. (Anointing Music and Ministry is a praise and worship team from South Korea.) Today, we would like to share this song with you. "Simply Trusting Every Day" or "Trusting Jesus" was originally written by Edgar Page Stites (1836-1921) and composed by Ira David Sankey (1840-1908). Sankey once shared the story of the birth of this hymn. The story is about how, in 1876, a man cut a piece of paper in which he read Stites's poem. Then he handed it to D.L. Moody in Chicago, and Moody transferred it to Sankey, asking for its music composition. Sankey replied that he would do it if Moody testified to the teaching of Stites' poem." Later, "Simply Trusting Every Day" was shown in Gospel Hymns II, published in 1876. Throughout his poem, Stites repeated the phrase "Trusting Jesus, that is all" to highlight that no matter what kind of storms are ahead of us, whether in peace or distress, our single focus is "Trusting Jesus, that is all." Furthermore, in stanzas three and four, using the image of the pilgrim with a plea for the Holy Spirit's guide in prayers, Stites reminded and encouraged us to keep pressing forward with the single heart of "Trusting Jesus, that is all" until the day when we are back our heavenly home. Anointing ( or Anointing Music and Ministry) added some words to Stites's poem and created a new composition tune for the words in 2020. They gave this arranged song, titled "어려운 일 당할 때 (Simply Trusting Every Day)," and as mentioned before, it was the song my sister and I recorded as a gift for our mother two years ago. The Bible says, "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession—to the praise of his glory." (Ephesians 1:13-14) What an amazing promise God has given us! Let us put our trust in the Lord (Psalm 37:3) until the day we return to our heavenly home, for He remains faithful forever.  Thank you for listening to our program, and we hope you enjoy the song and are blessed by its message. ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: -------------------------------------------------------- Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。 兩年前預備慶祝母親節時,姊姊和我商量,是否兩人合作,唱一首詩歌,錄製成一個音檔,加上一張卡片,作為送給媽媽的母親節禮物。當聽到這個很棒的主意時,因為覺得自己實在沒有好的歌聲,心裡稍微猶豫了一下。但終究,我們真的嘗試這麼做。正好那陣子,韓國敬拜團Anointing 發行新專輯Anointing Hymn 4,在其中我們選了改編自聖詩「日日專心靠救主」的詩歌,作為要唱歌錄音後送給媽媽的禮物。(附註1) 「日日專心靠救主」這首聖詩的詩詞作者是艾德格.斯泰慈(Edgar Page Stites, 1836-1921);作曲者是散基(Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908)。散基曾經分享他譜寫這首聖詩旋律的經過:「…那時是1876年在芝加哥,有個人在報紙上讀到了斯泰慈寫的詩,於是把那首詩剪下來,然後交給了穆迪(D. L. Moody)。而穆迪又轉交在我手中,同時希望我為這首詩譜寫曲子。我答應作曲,但條件是穆迪要為詩詞中所教導的內容作見證。Moody立刻答應。」不久,這首聖詩在1876年出版的Gospel Hymns II 中首次出現。(附註2) 「日日專心靠救主」英文的標題為“Simply Trusting Every Day”或者是“Trusting Jesus”。這首聖詩的曲調,有些人可能很熟悉,我彈給大家聽聽看。……  「日日專心靠救主」共四節歌詞,每一節歌詞的最後一句話,以及副歌的最後一句話,都以“Trusting Jesus, that is all” 作為每個段落的結尾。斯泰慈在詩詞中強調,無論人生遇到何種風暴,一切惟獨倚靠主耶穌;無論順境或逆境,一切惟獨倚靠主耶穌。接著,斯泰慈以我們是天路客的形象繼續強調:在世上我們是客旅,當求告聖靈的光照和引導,而基督耶穌的靈將充滿我們,何等的榮耀!我們只要單單倚靠主耶穌。最後,斯泰慈提醒與鼓勵我們:在世上我們是客旅,直到離世進入天城,都當記得:「一切惟獨倚靠主耶穌」(“Trusting Jesus, that is all”)。 2020年,Anointing 敬拜團在斯泰慈詩詞的基礎上,加上一段新的詩詞創作,並且重新為這首聖詩譜寫新的曲調。今天要和大家分享的詩歌正是兩年前和姊姊一起錄製,由Anointing 改編的「日日專心靠救主」。 聖經以弗所書1:13 -14說到:「你們既然聽見真理的道,就是那叫你們得救的福音,也信了基督,既然信他,就受了所應許的聖靈為印記。這聖靈是我們得基業的憑據(原文作:質),直等到神之民(原文作:產業)被贖,使他的榮耀得著稱讚。」這是何等美好的應許!讓我們天天「以神的信實為米糧」(詩篇37:3)凡事交託,“Trusting Jesus, that is all.”  附註1: 附註2: 參照 林列。《聖詩合參》。香港:基督教文藝出版社,1991, 1993。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ✏️ Anointing's「日日專心靠救主」 ( "어려운 일 당할 때 Simply Trusting Every Day”) 🎼 Words by E. P. Stites and 한경숙; Music by 채푸른 🎼 Vocals: Vivien Lin as Soprano and Judy Lin as Alto  🎹 中文詩詞翻譯:參照 Google翻譯 & 以琳基督徒中心聖樂組編輯。《讚美》。台北:以琳,1985。 🎹 MR for 어려운 일 당할 때 Simply Trusting Everyday (Piano & Vocal ver.) | Anointing Hymns,  purchased from (shop) Intro Verse 1 日日專心靠救主,每逢患難主幫助; 雖我信心或不足,一切惟靠主耶穌。 Verse 2 靠主聖靈相光照,使我心中滿榮耀; 賴主扶持免跌倒,一切惟靠主引導。 Chorus 時時刻刻靠主耶穌,朝朝暮暮依靠主耶穌; 無論遭遇何事故,一切惟靠主耶穌。 Verse 3 前途光明歌不休,路徑陰暗殷勤求; 危時憑主我無憂,一切惟靠主拯救; Verse 4 依靠耶穌度今生,仰賴救主不變更; 直到離世進天城,靠託救主到永恆。 Chorus 時時刻刻靠主耶穌,朝朝暮暮依靠主耶穌; 無論遭遇何事故,一切惟靠主耶穌。 Bridge 被懷疑、黑暗、恐懼四面圍繞,對將要疲倦灰心的我, (第二部人聲:嗚 ~         啊~嗚~) 主是腳前的燈,路上的光, (主是~ 嗚  ~ 路上光) 引導我的路,真光已照耀。 (啊-----啊--真光已照耀) Chorus 時時刻刻靠主耶穌,朝朝暮暮依靠主耶穌; 無論遭遇何事故,一切惟靠主耶穌。 一切惟靠主耶穌。 --------------------------------------------------------- ✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music):주가 일하시네 (主正在行奇事) Words and Music: 이혁진 (李赫鎭) Performed by Judy Lin ------------------------------------- ✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: ❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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