DiscoverTrade a Lie for a Truth
Trade a Lie for a Truth
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Trade a Lie for a Truth

Author: heidileeanderson

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Did God *really* say He’d use all things for His glory + your good? Doesn’t look that good to me...
Did He *really* say peace is possible? I wouldn’t hold your breath...
Did God *really* say He’d never leave you? Well then... where is He?
And did God *really* say He’d give you rest? Because (no offense) you look pretty tired + defeated to me...

Bottom line: Our enemy is out to kill our peace, destroy our faith, and steal our hope. How? By planting lies in our minds in hopes we take the bait.

Good news for us though: Jesus came to set us free, and ”if we abide in His Word, we’ll know the truth + the truth will set us free” (John 8:32).This is the show for you if you’re ready to pick up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and stand firm in the truth, defusing every fiery dart and seizing that abundant life Jesus always gives.

Join host Heidi Lee Anderson, popular social media creator and author of P.S. It’s Gonna Be Good, episode by episode as we Trade a Lie for a Truth.
23 Episodes
Ever tried juggling all the things? Work, mom life, extracurricular activities? Clean house, toned body, healthy meals? Volunteering at church, keeping up with the yard, staying on top of emails, meeting up with friends, and organizing the toys? Not to mention, reading your Bible and being a loving, attentive wife? Join me as I pull back the curtain of my life and share a behind-the-scenes look into what God is actively teaching me and I believe has for me in this next season ahead. While it’s tempting to want to do it all, the truth is freeing: we are limited human beings with time constraints and physical limitations, so we can’t do it all—and even better… we shouldn’t do it all. In the end, we can trade that crippling lie (you can do it all) for the truth: There are some things in this season that need our focus, so there are some things in this season we can step away from. Sit in Ecclesiastes 3 with me, and together, let’s ask God and find out for ourselves what should be our top priority in this current season of life.   Let's connect! 🙏 Join my Bible study: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:
Have you ever heard someone say, "God won't give you more than you can handle"? But then life happens, and you do face more than you can handle. There's a diagnosis that's far bigger than you. Bills that seem insurmountable. Your child’s challenges that are far out of your control. The strains in your marriage, well… it's all requiring a lot more from you than you feel like you have left in you. Today, we're going to talk to someone who gets it. Elle Cardell, founder of Delight of Delight, is going to share more about her story and help us trade this lie for the freeing truth. God may give you more than you handle—but it’s never more than He can.   Let's connect! 🙏 Join my Bible study: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect more with Elle: Elle (@elle_cardel) is a sinner saved by God’s redeeming love and grace. She lives in the heart of Tennessee with her husband, Michael, and their beautiful daughter, Selah, with another little love on the way this August! The south holds a special place in her heart, but sweet tea not so much.   Elle is the founder of the online women's ministry @daughterofdelight and host of The Daughter of Delight Podcast. She is deeply passionate about encouraging women of faith in their walk with the Lord, specifically through her podcast, creating bible literacy resources and equipping teams of women who love to write on the truths of Scripture to provide biblically sound devotionals to the Daughter of Delight community. In her free time, she loves making specialty lattes at home, going on thrifting adventures with her family, working on reading all the books she will likely never finish, and playing cozy board games with her hubby! Resources: Visit the Daughter of Delight Website The Daughter of Delight Podcast Rooted: Elle's FREE 5-Day, How to Bible Study Series  Connect on Instagram: @daughterofdelight , @elle_cardel
A Jehovah’s Witness knocks at the door, reciting Bible verses. A Mormon posts on social media, talking about the grace of God and following Jesus. A Muslim prays… do all religions really lead to the same God? And what about atheists and the God they disbelieve in?   Join me as I interview one of the nation’s leading apologists, Pastor Jason Carlson, as he tackles the lie, “All religions point to the same God.” Not only will we learn about the key polar differences in each religion, but we’ll also get valuable conversation tips as we interact with nonbelievers and hear about the most convincing piece of evidence that the God of Christianity is the one true God.   In the end, let’s trade this lie for the truth: Jesus is God, and He’s the only Way, the Truth, and the Life.   Let's connect! 🙏 Join my Bible study: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect more with Pastor Jason Carlson: 💻 Lakes Free Church: 📲 Christian Ministries International:
Ever felt like you don't belong? Maybe it’s because you homeschool and everyone else sends their kid to public. Or you moved, and while everyone else has their people, you have to start fresh with all strangers. Or maybe it’s in your job—you’re a Christian and everyone else… let’s just say doesn’t show the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Whatever it may be, we’ve got to tackle this lie, because because God has gone to great lengths to give you a place of belonging. Join me as I interview my friend Caroline Saunders, author of her latest Bible Study Come Home as we trade this lie "I don't belong" for the truth "I belong in Christ and in the Church."   Let's connect! 🙏 Join my Bible study: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect more with Caroline Saunders: 💻 Her website: 📲 Instagram: 📖 Her book, Come Home:
Conflict and peace... they seem like polar opposites, right? You certainly can’t have one with the other… Or can you? Join me as I interview Donna Jones, author of Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life, as we open up the Bible, hear what God has to say on the matter, and discuss the practical steps clearly laid out for us in places like James and Ephesians. Not only will we realize how peace can still reign, but Donna shares conflict prevention tips, anger management tools when you’re caught up in the heat of it all, and lastly, the best step to take if you want to move a tumultuous relationship towards peace and health today. In the end, let’s trade this lie for the truth: Conflict can be peaceful and healthy if I follow Jesus and the path laid out in His Word.   Let's connect! 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 “Hello, I’m Jesus” Family Devotional: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect more with Donna: 💻 Her resources: 📲 Instagram: 📖 Her book, Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life: 🎙️ Her Podcast, That’s Just What I Needed:
Ever thought, “Once I can get past this, I’ll have joy again”? Here’s the deal: While happiness is based on circumstances, joy comes from something—er, rather, someone—completely different. Once we understand what it is and learn from the Bible how to get it, then we can live with joy TODAY. Join me as I interview Hannah Crews, popular social media content creator and author of the Goodness Gracious devotional, to hear her story, talk about Bible characters who get it, and move forward in the path God has for us to receive joy. In the end, let’s trade this lie that “joy comes when life is perfect” for the truth that “life will never be perfect, but since a fruit of the Spirit is joy, I can have it today.”   Let’s connect: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect more with Hannah: 📖 Her book, Goodness Gracious: 📲 Instagram: 💻Her blog:
Have you ever thought, “I could never do that”? I could never be a SAHM. I could never start my own business. I could never go back to school or try a different career. Today, we’re talking to someone who originally thought, I could never homeschool,” but now finds herself at home, educating her 3 kids, and would never trade it for the world. How did she get there? And how can we get to that place of confidence too? Join me and Katie Klein, popular content creator at Little House Learning Co., as we talk about a Bible character who gets it, pull truths from his story to apply to ours, and find out how to move forward in the plan and purpose God has for us. In the end, let’s trade the lie that "I could never ________" for the truth that "I can do what I am called to, by Christ who equips me" (Hebrew 13:21).   Let's connect! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 "Hello, I'm Jesus" Family Devotional: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect more with Katie Klein: 💻 Her resources: 📲 Instagram:
Have you ever felt like, “I can’t have real friends”? It’s not as easy as it was when we were in grade school; no, now making adult friends is hard. Let alone, making real adult friends. Today, we’re talking to 3 women who not only get it, the Pastors’ Wives Tell All trio, but they give practical help, examples, and encouragement to find those friends we’re so desperately looking for. In the end, let’s trade this lie for the truth: I’m created for real friends, God is for community, and ultimately, Jesus is my forever Friend.   Let's connect! 🙏 Join my Bible study: 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:     Connect more with Stephanie Gilbert, Jessica Taylor, and Jenna Allen: 💻 Their podcast and resources: 📲 Instagram: 📖Their book, Pastors’ Wives Tell All:
Have you ever bought into the lie of hustle culture that’s screaming, “To get the life you want, you have to chase that life down!”? You know, work 24/7. Be available around the clock. Run yourself into the ground. Basically, if you want it, you gotta make it happen… all day, every day. But what if that’s not true? What if to get the life you want, you actually have to slow it down? Join me as I interview Jennifer Dukes Lee, bestselling author of several books including, Growing Slow, It’s All Under Control, and Stuff I’d Only Tell God, as she retells her story, ties seasons on the farm to seasons in life, and helps us grasp a slower paced life. In the end, you’ll be able to trade this lie for the truth: To get that life you want, you don’t have to chase it down… you just need to follow Jesus, who is the Life.   Let's connect! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Travel Through Passion Week Family Devotional: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast: 💻All my resources:   Connect with Jennifer: 💻 Her website: 📲Instagram: 📲Facebook: 📙 Her book, Growing Slow: 📙 Her latest book, Stuff I’d Only Tell God:
💭Have you ever thought, “This is just how it is? It’s never gonna get better? It’s gonna last forever?” The good times seem to fly on by💨, but when we keep seeing that negative pregnancy test month after month, when our child’s struggles at school continue to be there, or a chronic illness has shadowed many of your days and there’s no hope of healing on the horizon... 👉It’s in these moments we can entertain the lie that “it’s never gonna get better,” but when we do, we lose one of the most important things God has ever given us: hope❗️ Today, I want to speak to the person whose hope quotient is so low, and to even hope, wish for better, long for more… well, you just don’t feel like you have it in you anymore. 🗣️Through the power of the Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead, I believe He’s going to restore some dead things in our souls today too and resurrect it back to life.   Let's connect! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Travel Through Passion Week Family Devotional: 🙋‍♀️Adult Passion Week Devotional on sale for $2.99: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast: 💻All my resources:
Have you ever heard, “God had nothing to do with that?” Something so bad, so tragic, so horrific happened that it was almost spoken as a reassurance or thought to make you feel better. Like “how could a good God have allowed something so bad?” But is it true? And does it actually make you feel better? Join me as I interview Amber Smith, host of the Arise podcast and wife to Granger Smith. She retells the story of her 3-year-old son drowning, how she met Jesus during this time, and how God has turned their life upside down for the good. In the end, we’ll be able to trade this lie for the truth: Quite the opposite of God having nothing to do with it... God is in this with you. He is intimately involved in the details of your life, and His sovereignty is actually the reassurance needed to pull you through.   Let's connect! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Travel Through Passion Week Family Devotional: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast: 💻All my resources:   Connect with Amber: 💻 Her website: 📲Instagram: 💻 YouTube: 🎙️Arise Podcast: 📙 Granger Smith’s book, Like A River:
Have you ever bought into the lie that if you do ______, then you’ll be a success… a good mom, a good wife, impressive to others, and finally, loved and accepted? If so, you’re gonna want to join me as I interview Mariela Rosario, Author and Founder of She Speaks Fire, as she retells a fresh look into the Genesis Garden, those figurative fig leaves we tend to pick up today, and her own story of drug addiction and freedom found in Jesus’ name. Trust me when I say you’re gonna want to close your eyes and bask in this firehose of encouragement and truth. In the end, as we together pick up the Sword of the Spirit to demolish this lie, we’ll be able to trade it for the truth: Our identity is secure in Christ, and we are already redeemed, loved, accepted, and complete.   Let's connect! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Travel Through Passion Week Family Devotional: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast: 💻All my resources:   Connect with Mariela: 💻 Her website:  📲Instagram: 📲She Speaks Fire Instagram:  📙 Her book:
Ever heard, "All good people go to heaven"?   Whether it’s Islam, Judaism, or secular humanism, the common belief of culture today is that getting into heaven is just a matter of following the Ten Commandments or the precepts of the Quran or the Golden Rule... ultimately, just "being a good person."   But is this true? Let’s find out today. My husband grew up learning about religion, but when he heard about a relationship? Everything changed.    Join us in this new episode as Ty retells a key conversation with his mom, how that split up his family each Sunday, the word he heard from God, and the truth he lives to tell today.   In the end, let's trade the lie that "good people go to heaven" for the truth that "only One is good, and if you believe in Him as your Lord and Savior, you can be confident you're going to heaven."     Let's connect! 💻Join my new Bible study launching March 1: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Travel Through Passion Week Family Devotional: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:
In the midst of daily difficulties and everyday challenges, have you ever thought, “I’m so done with this! It’s so hard… pushing me too far… stretching me beyond belief. God, take this away—I’m ready for the good! I’m ready for the blessing"? Whether it’s motherhood pushing you past your limits, in your job with demands stronger than you have capacity for, or amidst the everyday mundane of paying bills, staying up on cleaning your house, or navigating through the challenging dynamics of your marriage, we’re going to tackle this lie that hard equals bad. Join Abbie Halberstadt, best-selling author of M is for Mama and now with her new release, Hard is Not the same Thing as Bad, and I to trade this lie for the truth that even in the hard, God is good and has good and it can be good. Let’s figure it out together...   Let's connect! 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Travel Through Passion Week Family Devotional: 📖My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect with Abbie: 💻 Her website: 📲Instagram:  🎙️ Podcast: 🌮Her free meal plans: 📙 Her book:
Have you ever wondered, “When things are hard… God must be punishing me”? When you experience something painful—a trial within your marriage, your home, your finances, or your health—it can be easy to buy into this lie that God is punishing us because of something we said or did. But there is some good news found in Jesus.🙌 Join Amy Seiffert and I as we talk about the heart of the Father, the difference between punishing vs. correcting, and God’s motivation behind allowing trial to come into our lives. In the end, you’ll be able to trade this lie for the truth: Even when things are hard, there’s more going on because I know God isn’t punishing me—since Christ is the complete Sacrifice and there’s now no condemnation for those found in Him.   Let's connect! 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖Join my Bible Study: 📙Grab my book: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect with Amy: 💻 Her website: 📲Instagram: 📙 Her book Starved:
We’ve heard God’s timing is always perfect, but have you ever doubted it? When plans go south, bad news comes, and the trajectory keeps getting worse, it’s at this point we start to entertain this lie, don’t we? Because we know how to turn the story around! We have it all mapped out in our mind + in our prayers, and we know what would usher in the redemption and give us that happy ending we’re craving… if only God would do it. Join Tara Sun (from Truth Talks with Tara) and I as we share our stories and tackle this lie in order to trade it for the truth: His timing is better, redemptive, good, and always perfect.   Let's connect! 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖Join my Bible Study: More episodes on my Podcast:   Connect with Tara: 💻 Her website: 📲Instagram:  🎙️ Podcast: 📙 Her book:
Have you ever wondered if God has lost His grip on your life? Things look bad. Circumstances keep getting worse. Prayers are going unanswered. Where is God and how in the world do we keep hanging on? As Ty and I share our love story, coupled with the 1️⃣ Bible story you need to hear when bad news comes, we'll uncover the truth of what's going on beneath the surface and even when things look terribly bad, how God's goodness will certainly follow us all the days of our lives (Psalm 23:6). Someday, we will see. Until then, we need only to hang on. In the end, let's trade this lie for the truth: God hasn't lost His grip on your life... in fact, His hand is all over it.💛   Let's connect! 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖Join my Bible Study: 🎙️More episodes on my Podcast: 📖 My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good:
Ever feel like your children are a burden? Maybe you've never thought it, but others certainly have when they're giving you the look at the grocery store, annoyed you brought them on the plane, and making it seem like you all need to walk on egg shells when visiting a family member's house. Join Ariel Tyson and I as we look to God's Word to hear what He has to say on the subject, and as we look at one psalm in particular, we'll uncover the absolute truth that, no matter how other people view our kids, God says they are 3️⃣ things in particular that should shape our perspective. In the end, let's trade this lie for the truth: Children are indeed a blessing.   Let's connect: 💻 📲Instagram: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Grab my kid's devotional, "Hello, I'm Jesus": 🤗Join my monthly online Bible study: My book:   Connect with Ariel: 📲 Youtube: 📖 Chase the Roar book:
To fight the lies found in every comparison trap, we need to uncover 2️⃣ truths: who we are in God and the reality of every person we're comparing ourselves to. Join Crystal and I as we root out our identity in Christ, uncover how to (practically) find worth in God alone, and recognize and embrace our unique gifts and talents to live in the fulfillment that can only come from our God-given purpose. In the end, let's trade this lie for the truth: I am a sinner saved by grace, who falls short, yes... yet even still, now in Christ, I am complete. Let's connect! 💻All my resources: 📲 Let's be friends on Instagram: 📖Join my Bible Study:   Connect with Crystal: 🛍️ Daily deals: 📲Instagram: 🎙️ Podcast: 📙 Her latest book:   Chapters: 00:00 Two Truths and a Lie Introduction 02:48 How Crystal experienced the Lie of Comparison 07:02 The Truth of Our Identity in Christ 12:17 Embracing Our Unique Journeys 16:45 Finding Strength in Weakness 19:37 Recognizing and Embracing Our Gifts 24:08 Overcoming the Comparison Trap Practically 28:31 Replacing Lies with Truth 32:14 Funny Rapid Fire Questions
In the age of "speak your truth," it's become widely accepted to process and spew out any words you'd like. But how does God use His Words? And as His image-bearers, how should we? Join Sarah Molitor and I as we talk about previously being critical and negative towards our spouse, and how God not only convicted a heart change but redeemed that situation as well. Not only will you walk away knowing your own communication style, but you'll also gain practical tips and uplifting encouragement when anger, impatience, stress, and the like tempt to get the best of you. Of course, always concluding with a lightening round of funny questions. Let's connect! 💻 My website: 📲 Instagram: 📖 My book, P.S. It's Gonna Be Good: 💛 Join my monthly online Bible study: 💌 Free weekly devotionals + coloring sheets:   Connect with Sarah Molitor: 💻 📲Instagram: Well Said* Book: Her two children's books: I Grew With You and The Song That Goes On and On and On and On
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