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Creating Connections

Author: Nhien Dinh

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Welcome to 'Creating Connections,' where the art of human connection meets the heart of creativity.
Join me each week for inspiring stories from entrepreneurs and creatives, as we explore life's complexities, joys, and the magic in between.
Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for your next big idea, a parent seeking balance and joy, or a creative spirit in search of affinity, this podcast is your oasis.
We'll talk about mindset, growth, and the endless possibilities of imagination. From professional insights to personal journeys, we cover what it means to live fully, create boldly, and connect deeply.
'Creating Connections' is more than a podcast; it's an inspiring journey into the heart of our human experience. Tune in to be inspired and become part of a community where connections aren't just made; they're celebrated, nurtured, and treasured.
27 Episodes
I'm excited to share this next episode with you. 💙 Get ready for a raw and heartwarming conversation as I sit down with the incredible Faith Sage. We're diving into Faith's journey of resilience, triumph over grief, and finding her true purpose in helping others navigate life's toughest challenges. From career shifts to confronting unimaginable tragedies, her story is a testament to strength, determination, and unwavering positivity. We'll explore the power of finding purpose in the face of adversity and the profound impact of supporting others through tough times. If you're in need of a little inspiration or seeking wisdom for navigating life's hurdles, this episode is sure to leave you feeling uplifted and empowered. So find a relaxing spot and tune in for an episode that's bound to connect with your heart.
We're back with an episode you won't want to miss. Join me and the amazing Jessie Chiang for a heartfelt and empowering conversation. Jessie shares her journey of embracing her unapologetic self and being found by the right people and opportunities, bringing all the feels and some powerful insights into self-acceptance and cultural identity. We keep it real and relatable as we explore the impact of supporting and uplifting others. So tune in, grab your favorite snack, and get ready to be inspired and connected through this episode!
Description: In this episode, I sit down with the incredibly insightful Aleasha Bahr to tackle "Simple Sales" via the "Black Sheep Sales Method." Together, we delve into Aleasha's transition from the corporate grind to forging her own path as an entrepreneur and sales strategist. She gives us an intimate look into the creation of her podcast "Sales is Not a Dirty Word,” and the birth of her signature Black Sheep Sales Method. Through our conversation, you'll discover how to approach sales with sincerity, tailor solutions to client needs, and the significance of steering clear of the glossed-over portrayals we so often see on social media. This episode is perfect for entrepreneurs, service providers, and anyone keen on crafting meaningful connections – both in business and in life. I'm profoundly inspired by Aleasha's dedication to authenticity and her rejection of one-size-fits-all sales tactics, and I believe you will be too. So, tune in to this episode to be motivated by Aleasha's candidness and my reflections on the value of genuine guidance in today's business landscape. ​ ​Connect with us afterwards by sharing your thoughts within my Creating 🎙️Connections community, and don't hesitate to reach out to Aleasha Bahr on LinkedIn. Join us in this episode, where we fuse personal growth with actionable business strategies. I'm excited to share this exciting conversation with you and I'm certain it will change the way you see the world of sales and personal success.
Are you ready to break free from limitations and start pursuing your dreams? In this episode, we discussed the power of taking action and embracing our true passions. From overcoming the fear of rejection to finding joy in the journey, we explored the importance of aligning our actions with our aspirations. I shared my own journey of pursuing happiness and success, and how taking the leap led to fulfillment. If you're seeking inspiration and resources to take the next step, let's connect and amplify your voice. Join me in creating connections and empowering each other to live authentically. Subscribe now and be part of our uplifting community!
Hey there! I'm thrilled to invite you to join me for a very special episode where I share my recent journey of self-discovery and growth while attending connection events from one coast to another. I attended impactful events to find clarity through meditation, I opened up about the challenges and joys of parenting, as well as the importance of finding balance. I reflect on the power of honesty in leadership and the impact of finding the right community. As I share my experiences, I hope to inspire and encourage you in your own journey of personal and professional development. Join me as I delve into the significance of authentic connections and self-awareness, and let's create meaningful connections together. 💙
I used to think helping others was the movement to be a part of. It was what I said regularly, that I "want to help others with..." But the other night, I got to thinking about how every time I said it, it didn't feel right. It felt as though I'm saying the people I'm helping are in a place of need and I'm supposed to be the hero. The term empowerment felt good and after looking up the specific definitions of both, I knew I had found a new way to communicate how I'm taking ownership of what I'm doing. Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: LinkedIn: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating here:
If you've ever lost sleep over how something will go that you've made a commitment to, this episode will help you to talk yourself into faith - that everything will go well...unless of talking you out of taking action as often happens when we get into our own heads and let the negative self-talk spiral out of control. Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: LinkedIn: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating here:
I almost talked myself out of going to an event that I had been looking forward to for weeks! The false fear created in our heads can be so loud sometimes...but we can learn to quiet it. What's something you did this week that took you away from the fear and towards the action? Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: LinkedIn: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating here:
There doesn't HAVE to be any negativity that shows up in our lives if we are deeply tied to the faith that everything can go right and that we intrinsically deserve happiness. This topic means so much to me because it's helped me to see the world differently in such a good way and help me to show up as a better mom, a better partner, and a better entrepreneur. Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: LinkedIn: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating here:
Are you still waiting for the moment to claim your success? Do you think that it's something coming around the corner once you've put in all the work and paid your dues? ....AARRREEENNNN That's my big buzzer found for: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG lol Success is NOT what you've been thinking. Join me in this Monday Motivation episode as we explore the idea of success and why YOU already are... Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: LinkedIn: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating here:
Our new Friday podcast is a quick close-out of the week. These episodes are intended to help you get a boost for the weekend and celebrate your wins from the week. What did you do this week that you're celebrating? Share with me on facebook! Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: LinkedIn: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating here:
Have you ever made a terrible mistake or had a huge falling out with someone you love and just thought - "what an awful person I am!" or "how can I be so stupid??" It's in these moments that it's important for us to stop and take a look at how we communicate with ourselves because what we say will determine how the rest of the day goes. Let's leave each moment where they belong and re-claim your patience and happiness. Join me in this episode as I share how to accept each moment for what it is and not allow the negative moment to spread to the rest of the day or worse - to alter the belief of who you are. Let's Keep the Conversation going! Follow me on: Facebook: YouTube: TikTok: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: Instagram: Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating here:
If you already feel like the days are slipping away and every moment is quickly passing by, tune into this episode as I share how to Slow Down to Get Your Time Back.
Too often, we rely on our opinion of ourselves to determine our level of confidence. But confidence is more than just a belief in yourself – it's an unshakable self-assurance that allows you to take on any challenge. In this video, we're going to...
As a mom and entrepreneur, life can get overwhelming. Our thoughts can carry us away into the land of in-action, we feel like we have to solve every problem for everyone and that’s just not the case.  In this episode, I will take you through...
If you’re looking to start your online business and want to optimize the process and make the MOST of your time, this episode is for you.  Whether you’re a seasoned online business owner or new to the space, my top 5 MUST-have apps may...
When you aren't actually having a great day and someone asks you, "Did you have a good day?" or "How was your day?" do you answer them truthfully, or do you say, "Great! How was yours?" and go about your business? Well, today was an "Off" day for...
Have you ever felt guilty for not being in a good mood or not feeling positive enough? Today's Quote: "Address, don't suppress." In this episode, we're going to talk about how and why to STOP being too positive and NOT feel guilty for...
If growing your business through social media or anything other than waiting on sales to just come through has stopped you from having any online presence, this episode is FOR YOU! People want to work with you and they want to know what you offer and...
Today on the Inspired Love, Life and Business podcast, I share my experience with previous pregnancies, why I haven't officially announced my current pregnancy and what's been holding me back.  I also share three things I would do differently if...