
Our primary objective is to synthesize the research on the brain and learning and provide applicable strategies answering the question, "What does this mean in my classroom or home?"

137 - Author Chat: Designed On Purpose For A Purpose

Join authors Amber Albee Swenson and Dr. Rhoda as they discuss their new book!


136 - Exploring the Artist within you with Prof. Kristin Gjerdset

You were created in the image of God. He is a creative, which means you are too! Join us for a conversation with Art Professor Kristin Gjerdset and be inspired to see the world through the eyes of an artist!


135 - The Importance of Supporting Young Fathers - Interview with Andrew Zimdars

Do you know a new father? Life just changed dramatically and it will never be the same. We are very aware of the need to support post-partum mothers, but today we discuss what we can do to support new dads!


134 - Does Stress have to be Stressful?

It is natural to have stressors in life, but those stressors don’t have to always be a bad thing. Join our conversation to learn a strategy that can help you process the daily stress in life.


133 - Are You the Average of the Five People You Spend the Most Time With?

Who we spend time with influences the conversations we have and the things we think about. It can even impact our thoughts and behaviors. Join us to learn more.


132 - Why Kids Ask Why

Why do young children ask so many questions? What is going on in their mind? Do you need to answer all of their questions? Join us for our discussion and also learn some strategies for when you are exhausted and can’t answer one more “Why?”


131 - Why is Summer So Healthy for Your Brain?

Summer is an extremely healthy time for our brains and minds. Join our conversation to learn why summer can help you and those you love thrive!


130 - Is a Paycheck the Adult Report Card?

The thought that a paycheck is the measuring stick for how we are doing as an adult is a fallacy. Join our conversation as we discuss how adult peer pressure can easily influence our choices for how we want to live our life.


129 - Why do we get some of our best ideas in the shower?

72% of the world’s population report that good ideas often come to them while they are bathing. Why is this? More importantly, how can we be intentional about making space in our life for more creative thinking and problem solving?


128 - Whoever Tells the Stories Defines the Culture

Stories resonate with us. They permeate the layers of our hearts and souls. They influence us. Who is telling the stories you listen to? Who is telling the stories your children listen to? Join us for a discussion on why this is important.


127 - How To Become Less Polarized

Do you feel like you have become much more opinionated and that it is often your obligation to correct other people’s opinions? It seems to be a trend and it’s so easy to fall into. Join us for two strategies to help become less polarized, and to model three important characteristics that help our children thrive!


126 - The Benefit of Resetting Intentions Through the Day

Does your interaction with one person bleed over into your interactions with others as you travel through your day? Take a few moments to join us and learn how to re-set or recalibrate your intentions as you move through your day!


125 - An Interview with Korben Biersack

Korben is a former student who works with students in special education, and he is also an adjunct college professor, an assistant coach for a college baseball team, and a brand new father! Join our conversation to learn how we can help students thrive.


124 - Cognitive Distortions - Becoming Aware of Mental Traps

What are some of the common mental traps that can get us caught up in a downward spiral of thinking? How can we be aware of these traps and avoid them if we choose to? Join us for our conversation!


123 - How to Motivate the Unmotivated

What can we do when someone in our life isn’t showing up in a way we would like them to? Please join us for our conversation on what we can do and how we can do it.


122 - Body Image

Contentment and gratitude are key components of thriving and yet how often do we apply these concepts to our body image? Please join us for our conversation!


121 - Please See and Hear Me

As much as you look for your children in a crowd, your children look for you and want to really be seen by you. Join us for a ten minute discussion to renew our commitment to really seeing and hearing our children, and understanding why this is so important.


120 - "I Get To" instead of "I Got To"

Join us for this 5 minute conversation and learn how shifting one three letter word can make a significant difference in our outlook and our life!


119 - Is Experience Really Our Best Teacher?

We all have experiences, but do we learn from them? Join us for our discussion on growing wiser through experiences.


118 - Peace and Patience

Are you finding yourself irritated and stressed more often? Join us for a conversation to help increase the peace and patience in your daily life.


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