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6 in the Eve

Author: Ginty

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6 in the Eve is a podcast on topical issues, produced and presented by Cynthia Umurungi (Ginty). We have a discussion about our issues and concerns as the African/ Rwandan youth. We talk about the future, our safety, money, career, health, family. We laugh a lot, we fight too. We respect each other's opinions and agree to disagree. The most important thing though, we are solution-oriented.
48 Episodes
Arthur Hirwa is an interior designer. In this episode, he tells us what the job is all about and how it is integrated into other fields such as construction and architecture.  Is your space functional? Does it work well for you?  Listen to Arthur and get to understand your environment better. If interior design is your passion and if at all you are considering it as a career in Rwanda, Arthur has tips for you.  Thank you for listening. Meet you here next time.  
Dr. Maxime Umubonwa was referred to as 'Muganga' since she was a teenager. Her grandmother was technically supposed to be her first patient. Since she always complained of something, Maxime felt like she wasn't being attended to properly, and she would always tell her will treat her when she becomes a doctor.  Dr. Maxime is a woman who wears many hats. She believes that a person is more than what they do and that being a medical does not stop her from having opinions on other important aspects of the community and inspiring the generation behind her.  Listen to De Maxime Umubona sharing her journey with us.  Thank you for listening to 6 in the Eve. 
Innocent Ishimwe is a full time photographer. His speciality: Nature and landscape.  He started off as a photojournalist and later found his niche. In this podcast, he tells the story of his career in general and what is takes to be good at it.   Specifically, he tells us about the trip he took to Rubavu and Goma, right after the Nyiragongo volcano eruption. There is a picture that he was looking for. He didn't get it. But he promised he will go back.  Innocent leads Image Rwanda,  a collective of photographers from Rwanda. 
Ivan is a professional fitness trainer. That is his passion and a full-time job. He loves what he does very much but what he enjoys more is the transformation he sees in his clients. Ivan told 6 in the Eve about his bumpy journey to becoming a fitness trainer and the challenges he faced as a business owner due to Covid-19 measures that badly affected gyms.  Ivan is working towards changing the perception that people have on gyms, one battle at a time. He accepted to share his vision with us and it is huuuge!  Also from him, a kind reminder that the time to get fit is NOW!  Thank you for listening. Now, get in your gym clothes, and let's do this.  Meet here next week. 
I breathe...cinema

I breathe...cinema


Yvan Butera had a chat with Ginty on 6 in the Eve about his passion for cinema and as an actor and producer.  In this episode, he gives us intel about the Rwandan creative scene in terms of cinema, the opportunities, and what is lacking.  He also tells us what we can do to support the industry in general. Listen to Yvan tell his story and join us in the journey to support our creative industry.  Thank you for listening.  Meet you here next week. 
Dorine Intwarinkase Mutaganzwa is a conservation researcher. While some of us believe that she is a specialist already, on her side, she is still pushing it. With two masters in the same field, she is doing course after course. Away from studies though, Dorine loves talking about our environment and discussing good practices to conserve it.  One other fun fact about Dorine is that she loves coffee and coffee shops. She is always looking for feel-good environments to work from. Recently, she came up with an idea! An eco-friendly packaging and business model to sell coffee. Café Dre is an awesome concept and we invite you all to check it out.  This episode is a call for all of us to reflect on our environment and pledge to protect it.  Thank you so much for your time. Meet you here again next week.
When Sherry was 10, she had a very clear picture of what she wanted to do/be. A singer.  It took what looked like an eternity for that dream to materialise. She gave up many times and picked herself up again, and continued. When she released Gerayo, she wanted to put her dream on hold as it was becoming hard to continue without help.  In this episode, Sherry Uwase tells her story of perseverance. She talks about her early journey to motherhood, she shared the difficult times she went through while pursuing music and a separate professional career. As it is now, Sherry has been signed by an artist management firm in East Africa and will have all the support she needs to do music. Finally! 6 in the Eve says congratulations for Sherry. We can't wait to listen to all the bangers!  Thank you for taking the time to listen. See you next week. 
Ten years ago, Ginty received 2 young people in the studio. They were part of a dance group called Sick City Entertainment. The reason they were invited on air was to talk about a new idea that they wanted to put in place. Our Past Initiative. The big idea was to create a platform for the young people in Rwanda to learn their history and story. The right medium to do that was art. Using art as a universal language, but also, as the language that young people understand beyond speeches.  They created the right partnerships and started organising events that included dance, poem, acting, with messaging lessons of History and the Genocide against the Tutsi. They also would run projects to support the genocide survivors. In this episode, Ginty speaks to Christian, the leader of Our Past Initiative, and tells the story of their journey.  10 years later, Our Past initiative is a registered NGO that plans to do more and better. The power of having and idea and acting upon it!  Thank you for listening. Meet you here next week!
Early this week, social media was on fire. Everyone was talking about Super League, UCL, UEFA champions league, Perez etc. It was so polarising that even those who do not watch football wanted to be part of the conversation. We then though, that since we are many not to speak the football language, we would get someone who can try and explain in simple and accessible terms why everyone seemed excited.  Henry Muhire Brulart is a former sports presenter. He explained the business side of football and tried the best he could to breakdown the mystery about Super League. His opinion might not represent that of the majority, and a few teams in the Super League saga might have switched camps since then.  Thank you for listening.  Meet here next week. 



Marcel Mutsindashyaka is a survivor indeed! He chose to live and do it well, to the best of his ability. He was very young in the Genocide Against the Tutsi. The time his brain was able to make clear connections and understand complex concepts, he simply couldn't think of something else. As he grew up, he realised that he was so affected and needed help. Likely, he got the help he needed and spoke to professionals.  Years later, he founded He later continued his studies in the USA and currently lives and works there. On this episode, we talked about his journey of resilience and leading a worthy life. He also shared his journey as a parent and how to tell the genocide bitter story to children. Thank you for listening.  Meet here again next week. 
This week, Rwanda and friends of Rwanda are commemorating for the 27th time, the Genocide against the Tutsi.  A lot has happened in 27 years. Genocide survivors have shown an extreme level of resilience, Rwanda has been rebuilding one step at a time.  But the fact is wounds are still raw and the healing journey is a long one.  6 in the Eve caught up with Ngabo Brave Olivier. He is currently the Programs' Manager at Ibuka and the Director of Kicukiro Memorial Centre.  Brave used to be a dancer when he was younger. Many of us show his extraordinary performances. When speaking with 6 in the Eve,  Brave said that he started dancing as a way to remember his dad who was killed during the Genocide against the Tutsi. Dancing helped him with his healing journey. Brave later built a career in Marketing and sales. He now uses his knowledge to build projects that bring income to genocide survivors. He believes that this is probably the reason he is alive today.  Listen to Ngabo's story and share your story of resilience.  Thank you for listening. See you here next week. 
In one of our previous episodes, we talked to Boris who mentioned a few facts about mental health and how we should be talking about these issues more in our society.  We spoke to a professional in mental health to give us a number of important details on depression. Josiane Umukundwa tells us how the depression starts, possible causes, symptoms to look out for and what to do once they are there.  The reason why people hide their mental status is stigmatisation. Those who attempt crying for help are sometimes bullied, called names.  Their feelings are dismissed or silenced. We could all strive to normalise mental health conversations for the betterment of our society in general.  If you, your friend, or a member of your family have any symptoms of depression, Josiane says it is possible to get help.  Thank you for listening.  Meet you here next week. 
This is the last episode of the month of March. This month, we listened to ladies sharing amazing ideas and telling the stories of their contribution to the community. They shared their expertise and challenges. This time, we will speak with Ariane. A sports presenter and commentator.  Ariane Uwamahoro, also known as Ariana Mami is an energetic storyteller, with an infectious laugh.  When she was young, her dad wanted her to be a scientist. Deep inside she knew that she will never be an accomplished scientist. A small voice always directed her towards journalism. When she was done with Biology and chemistry in high school, she decided that it was time to give journalism a try. In this episode. she tells us how she couldn't be admitted to the national university but had to be more creative to reach her goal.  When she started her career as a journalist, she was a radio presenter, but she always made sure to add some sports stories. One day, the sports presenter took ill. Ariane was invited to sit in for him and since then, the rest is history.  In this episode, Ariane tells the story of her journey, what it took to convince the manager to trust her, and some of the sexist barriers that women face in this field of work. The journey was not smooth, in fact, the first football match she commented on was such a terrible experience that she is so glad she was stopped after the first half.  Listen to Ariane's inspiring story and share it with friends.  Meet you here next week. 
This is the second part of the conversation that Eliane Umuhire had with 6 in the Eve.  In this episode, Eliane tells us how she decided to quit her job and took up acting full time. She had no special support and had no savings. She just knew that somehow, it would work. Eliane didn't want to spend her life doing something she didn't like while failing to give acting a chance.  That decision was a risky one and she also advises anyone who might want to take drastic decisions to follow their passion. It did pay off. She has won awards. She saw places she has always dreamt to see. Eliane told us how she couldn't believe it the time she was called to Hollywood and was given a lead role. An unbelievable experience, she says. The movie will be released this March. We will keep you posted.  Thank you for listening. Meet you here next week. 
Eliane Umuhire is an award-winning Rwandan actress. When she was 11, she was given a role to play in class. That time, she felt an emotion that she didn't know before. She had no idea what it meant but it is as if she was no longer herself and could have the feelings of her character.  She later understood that the feeling is normal for actors and that this could be a real profession. Growing up, Eliane would look for places where she could jumpstart her career. She discovered the theater scene in Rwanda but figured it might not be able to pay her (At least at that time).  Eliane did accounting in high school and University. Although she confesses she attended very few classes at the University. At that time, she was more preoccupied with acting! When she finished school, she took her acting to the next level. The number of plays was increasing. They did many tours in Europe but still, the pay wasn't enough to sustain her. To survive, she looked for jobs to top up. One day, she decided that she was going to quit and focus on acting. This was going to be her career, she was going to try her best and make it work. She decided she was going to be an actress, and do it full time.  Listen to Eliane shares her journey, the career she has always wanted, the painful path. Eliane has just returned from Hollywood. She acted in a movie that will be released in a few months.
Aurore Irangeneye is a research and gender specialist. She is married and is a mum to a handsome boy.  It took Aurore years before she could finally become a mum. It is a journey that took so much work and mixed emotions. She had to go through societal trauma, incessant questioning comments that sound like insults, many medical visits. Aurore says that this journey made her relationship with her partner better which is not always the case.   On this show, Aurore shared her journey with us. She has accepted to speak up because she knows that many women go through the same problem and suffer in silence. Infertility issues touch more people than we can ever imagine. The biggest trouble is our inability to talk about it which reinforces the secretive concept.  As a society, we should definitely be doing better. Better at understanding, better at respecting people's privacy, better with kindness, and overall respect to other humans. A special thought goes to all couples, especially women who are going through the same thing. Aurore is available to talk if you wish to!  Thank you for listening. Meet here next week. 
A romantic poet

A romantic poet


Urbain Gilles Sugira, is a young man who simply loves writing words that sound absolutely beautiful. He is a music enthusiast and a poet. He writes and talks about love mainly. In the Rwandan culture, poetry occupied an important place. It might not feel the same way today but there is actually a growing community of poets and spoken word artists and enthusiasts amongst young people.  Urbain discovered his passion for poetry when he was still in high school. It was after an assignment that his English teacher had given them. The biggest challenge at that time however was to get to the right audience to help him practice. He was in boys-only school, and he felt like his schoolmates were the worst audience to help him grow his passion.  In this episode, UrbaIn tells the journey of his passion, poetry. He told us how he made it against all odds, how he found his tribe (other poets).  Check out Urbain's Instagram page for more of his content. He also wrote a poetry book that you can find on Amazon.  Thank you for listening! Stay tuned for our next episode. 
Ginty answers Mpinga

Ginty answers Mpinga


A year ago, the trailer of 6 in the Eve was shared on social media. It was exciting to see how the audience received it. In one year, 6 in the Eve has gone through a number of changes and it took many shapes. 6 in the Eve main reason of being, though, never changed. That is creating conversations that are important to our society. Currently, it is a radio show and a podcast that is aired once a week.  A month ago, Mpinga (Marino) asked Ginty is she could interview her when 6 in the Eve turns one! What an amazing idea this was.  Mpinga is a very curious soul and she had all her questions well drafted. She wanted to know how it feels to have a project turn 1 year, she wanted to know what inspired 6 in the Eve and the choice of guests, how people can support it and future projects.  Obviously,  this was a long conversation, so this is only part one. Stay tuned for the rest of the show.  Stay safe, speak to you next week. 
This is the second part of the conversation that Ginty had with Malik.  In this episode,  Malik shared his journey and his professional growth. He says it is fine to be confused and not having a clear picture of who you want to be or what you want to do. The most important thing is to learn through your journey and maybe, one day, you will figure it out.  Thank you for listening! 
Kagire Edmund He says that the biggest problem with cancer is getting a late or wrong diagnosis. He also mentioned the financial hardships attached the getting proper treatment. In fact, he says the government of Rwanda paid his medical bills, but the whole treatment is too expensive that they couldn't have afforded had they not had the courage to ask for help. This conversation is not only about cancer. Kagire tells us how he started in his journalism career, how he is dealing with these difficult times as someone with an underline condition and so much more.