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Chi Flow with Jo | the Podcast

Author: Chi Flow with Jo | the Podcast

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Chi Flow with Jo creates a strong community of women where you connect with others, your own inner spirit and life force energy every day. Practice daily live qi gong classes with hundreds of other like-minded people to begin or end your day in a grounding way. Using qi gong, 5element food, self-acupressure and the Chi Flow online community, develop an understanding and connection with your life force energy. Chi Flow with Jo helps you connect and understand your body, increasing and moving energy to support better circulation, sleep, mobility, inflammation, digestion, mood and longevity.
9 Episodes
Energy Update - Reduce Pain Tune in to the latest episode of the Chi Flow with Jo Podcast, where Ayurveda intersects with Traditional Chinese Medicine, both focusing on alleviating pain and boosting energy levels.  Throughout the month of June, join us in Chi Flow with Jo as we delve into the realms of Qi Gong, Acupressure, and Chinese Medicine, offering insights to help you reduce pain and inflammation, enhance blood circulation, and alleviate anxiety. If you're grappling with stiff, achy joints, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and shoulder tension, frozen shoulder, inflamed knees, or sluggish, uncomfortable digestion, these symptoms may stem from stagnation of blood and energy flow within the body. Discover how Dr. Shivani Gupta, an Ayurvedic doctor, and Joanne Faulkner, specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, collaborate to effectively reduce pain and restore balance for lasting health. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion! JOIN US FOR A FREE ONLINE QI GONG CLASS: GET A FREE MINI EBOOK 'Moving Energy, Moving Blood' to reduce pain and inflammation:
For the month of May, in Chi Flow with Jo we are going to be covering Qi Gong, Acupressure and Chinese Medicine that can help you manage Parkinson's or caring for someone with Parkinson's. What we're going to do is give you Qigong, acupressure and food medicine to help alleviate some of the symptoms and find ease in your body. My husband, Davy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s eight years ago; he and I work together so that he sleeps well, maintains flexibility, balance and strength plus working on the emotional aspects that are not so visible. As his partner, I find strength and support in having my own practice, which strengthens loving compassionate kindness, knowing my limits and how to stay healthy. GET YOUR FREE PARKINSON'S MINI E-BOOK and READ THE BLOG POST here : JOIN US FOR A FREE ONLINE QI GONG CLASS:
Have you found yourself feeling anxious and foggy-headed this past Winter?   Just in time for Spring, we will delve deep into the energy boosting ancient Toaist form of Qi Gong ; the 5 Animal Frolics.   This flow celebrates the energy of animals by mimicking their movements, while bringing our mind and body ease.   Even though the exercises are playful and light, Qi Gong offers some seriously powerful health benefits that are accessible to everyone.   ☯ Increase blood circulation ☯ Oxygenate the muscles ☯ Exercise the cardiovascular system ☯ Relieve stress and tension ☯ INCREASE ENERGY   WATCH THE VIDEO PODCAST EPISODE HERE: WANT TO JOIN US FOR A FREE QI GONG CLASS? Join the Waitlist for a FREE online qi gong class at the end of the month
Are you feeling weak or low in energy? If you’re feeling drained and uninspired, Qi gong with its gentle movements, breathwork and visualizations can replenish your energy. Join us in March for this all-level practice to: ☯ Increase blood circulation☯ Oxygenate the muscles☯ Exercise the cardiovascular system☯ Relieve stress and tension☯ INCREASE ENERGY During March, learn to build and move energy through the meridians, reducing pain and fatigue so that you can feel bright and fresh, excited for the possibilities of what life can bring to you. Pain, inflammation and exhaustion can occur when there are blockages in the body or when there is not enough energy to flow blood or Qi, and it begins to stagnate. Even viral fragments from past illnesses can remain lodged in the fascia of the body causing pain, fatigue, nausea, brain fog, anxiety and joint stiffness. Your body has twelve main meridians, or energetic passageways, that pass through the top layer of skin and fascia right down deep through the organs, bones and flesh of your body. These meridians are how your energy Qi/Chi flows through your body. Qi/Chi is Yang, warm and energizing / Blood is Yin, cooling and nourishing. Just like blood is transported through veins and arteries, energy is transported through the meridian system. Where our attention goes, energy grows and blood flows. Watch this episode SIGN UP FOR A FREE ONLINE QIGONG CLASS HERE
For the months of January and February we will be focused on Intermittent Fasting, Qi Gong exercises that boost metabolism, improve digestion and sleep and create healthy habits to kickstart 2024 and beyond. In this podcast episode Joanne talks through how the Chi Flow Intermittent Fasting 6 week programme works, what to expect, giving you acupressure points, Qi gong exercises and food tips to help you with your fast. Includes the full OPENING THE KUA QI GONG for joint pain, low energy, brain fog and stiff hips. To view this podcast episode click here: Visit my website here
Bone Breathing Qi Gong In Chinese medicine just as in Western Medicine, the bones and bone marrow are seen as deep, energetic storage areas, creating new stem cells which in turn create red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells for a strong immune system. For the month of December we will be focused on Qi Gong exercises that nourish bone marrow and strengthening the bones that enclose it, creating healthy, strong energy for the New Year and beyond. The Qi Gong, Food Medicine and Acupressure for December in Chi Flow with Jo will focus on Bone Breathing, reducing stress and strengthening bones with breathwork and daily Qi Gong exercises. In Chinese medicine, just as in Western Medicine, the bones and bone marrow are seen as deep, energetic storage areas, creating new stem cells which in turn create red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells for a strong immune system. For the month of December we will be focused on Qi Gong exercises that nourish bone marrow and strengthen the bones that enclose it, creating healthy, strong energy for the New Year and beyond. LINK TO STUDY: JOIN US FOR A FREE QI GONG CLASS:
The Energy for November in Chi Flow with Jo is STAY WARM SEA SWIMMERS. There’s no doubt how popular sea swimming has become. Why is that? Is it good for you? In Chi Flow with Jo, I will show you how can you optimize the health benefits of Outdoor swimming using Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi Food medicine, Qi Gong breathing and exercise and Acupressure points. Gyms and swimming pools can be intimidating places for the perimenopausal or menopausal women, they’re often filled with complicated equipment and lots of people and mirrors, but swimming outdoors brings us back to nature, with a gratitude for our bodies and a camaraderie with other swimmers. In the water, all bodies become equal. As we age the body can stiffen up, not only in the joints but also in the elasticity of your blood vessels. Low estrogen levels can cause your heart and blood vessels to become stiffer and less elastic. In response to the cold water your blood vessels constrict but instead of this having a detrimental effect this actually improves the oxygenation of the body, reducing pain and swelling plus improving lymphatic drainage. In terms of Chinese Medicine this is a great example of the interconnectedness of Yin and Yang. When something is extremely Yang it becomes Yin and vice versa. For example, cold is Yin, but when our body experiences extreme cold it begins to shiver and our metabolic rate increases forcing the body to burn more calories to keep warm. This is Yang. When either Yin or Yang reaches its maximum strength, it transforms into the other. FREE RECIPE BOOKLET - 2 TEAS FOR SEA SWIMMERS - click HERE WANT A FREE CLASS? CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
Your immune system is the most important part of your body when it comes to staying healthy and fighting off disease and illness. It works by detecting harmful pathogens and viruses and acting as a defense against them. In terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine the Immune system is called Wei Qi or Defensive Qi and it runs between the skin and muscle. This is the first line of defense to protect the body from external pathogens. However if the is weak energy or blockages in your energetic system this can cause disruption in your protective force field. Learn to balance and fortify your protective energy system using Qi Gong, Acupressure and Food medicine in Chi Flow with Jo. WOULD YOU LIKE A FREE QI GONG CLASS?
Learn about the upcoming September Energy in Chi Flow with Jo in this Podcast episode "Improve Digestion". Full of information about what foods to eat, what acupressure points to work on and Qi Gong moves to practice, Joanne shares some of her knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu, Qi Gong and Qi Food Therapy with you, to prepare you for the month ahead in Chi Flow with Jo. WHY NOT JOIN US? Daily Qi Gong classes benefit your mental and physical health, calm your mind and get you moving through gentle movement meditation exercises, idea for all ages and fitness levels. Live every weekday morning on Zoom, join Jo and the Chi Flow community to practice together, feel supported and motivated by being part of a community of hundreds of people flowing together. WATCH FULL EPISODE: WOULD YOU LIKE A FREE ONLINE QI GONG CLASS? CLICK HERE Have a Chi-filled day!
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