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Never Went to Business School

Author: Same Same Studio

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Business school? What’s that? Join Rebecca & Rebecca owners of Same Same Studio, in conversations about their experiences going from freelancing to running an agency with employees in the span of one year. Want honest tea from the inside of running a creative business? Then you have come to the right place.
44 Episodes
One of our biggest challenges at the end of 2023 was ensuring we had enough liquidity as a company. While many companies choose to take out loans to ensure liquidity, we didn't want to do this. We made some tough decisions last year and this episode we go into what we learned in terms of liquidity not just as a business but also in our private lives.
Everyone who has worked in the field of design probably knows the struggle of having to try many iterations of the same solution to make the client trust that the final result is the "right" one. Clients will hire designers, because they aren't a designer themselves, but at the same time will not always trust the designers decisions. Why do people not trust a designer's expertise?
An interesting discussion on value and how it is not something you can convince someone about if they are not open to it. The price point will absolutely affect process and the experiences you have as a service provider, because it will attract a certain type of client.
Ever heard someone say "Those who can't do, teach"? In this episode we unpack that statement and how we don't agree with it. We also talk about what we have learned about teaching since working on our creative business course. If you want more information about our course sign up for updates here
There's a difference between being a contractor (often called freelancer) and a business owner. So what does running a business mean and how is it different? In this episode we discuss some of the distinctions we've discovered through our experience of doing both.
"If I can't have it no one should", "I could have done it better and for less money" In this episode we unpack some statements we see quite a lot online from creative people. We also discuss how your pricing shouldn't be the only thing that sets you apart from your competitors.
Have you ever done the work and then had to chase after a client to get them to pay? Yeah, same. We recently had to rethink some things after having a particularly bad experience with a client when it came to invoicing the work that we had done. In this episode we break down what we have done to prevent chasing after clients and new boundaries we set for our pricing strategy.
Designers can be a judgemental and pretentious group which while it is kind of their job sometimes, it can also interfere with the process and the goals of a creative product. In this episode we unpack our thoughts on big egos in project work and expose our appreciation for comic sans.
What is web design and how is it different to what we learned in school? Graphic design may include web design but just because someone studied graphic design doesn't automatically mean they have the knowledge to design a high quality website. In this episode we explain why it is important to understand the difference and distinguish between different fields within the graphic design profession.
We say it all the time, niche down and you will have more time for your expertise, you will be able to charge more for your work and you will get better leads. Not everyone feels this way about creative services, and in this episode we talk about our thoughts on being a generalist who offers everything.
In this episode we talk about time and how while you might be working full-time as a self-employed creative person not all of that time can be billed. P.S. The draft title of this episode was "Animal Crossing", which will make sense once you take a listen.
Ever been to anti-work reddit? While yes it is unhinged and yes managers should be called out for treating employees like trash, it isn't always that extreme. In this episode we talk about what we do as managers and why while it might not always be super obvious we do do actual work.
Big fat disclaimer: we love apple and we love technology. Don't come at us for not wanting an Apple Vision Pro. In this episode we unpack the question: how productive do we really need to be?
Intellectual property is a big part of your value as a creative business, and it is important to always give credit where credit is due. White-labeling can be a challenge when you are trying to build your portfolio, but there are ways to show the work that don't involve publishing it.
Charlotte Rohde is an artist, (type) designer, and writer based in Berlin. We invited her on our podcast to talk about her experiences as a woman in a male dominated business, her journey from type designer to artist and how she navigated pricing her work. Check out more from Charlotte here
Having a sense of purpose every day is what motivates us to get up and live our lives, so what happens when we don't have that? In this episode we talk about living to be 100 (what?), retirement (lol) and other things that all all have to do with our purpose in life.
We've all been there, scrolling through social media and getting our daily dose of dopamine, but how sustainable is that? Business is a marathon and not a sprint which means little to no instant gratification while doing it. The process becomes the source of joy rather than the fleeting feeling of instant gratification. In this episode we talk about how we feel about sources of happiness when persisting in business.
Ever heard someone use the term "unprofessional"? Of course there is a time and place when it is appropriate to describe something or someone as unprofessional, but how often does it really occur? There are a lot of customs, socially and professionally that we as a society have decided are professional and in this episode we unpack those.
Tone of voice is a key part of branding and brand strategy. While staying neutral is safe and you'll unlikely receive hate for it, you also won't generate any strong emotional connection to your audience. It is good to have opinions and it's important to have a personality as a brand.
#25 Social Media

#25 Social Media


What to post and what not to post? Do you really need to be posting every day? In this episode we talk about our journey figuring out how to use social media and what our strategy is now. We talk frequency, message, content and how the packaging of the content is important. We also share insights of our Instagram followers and how that is effected by our content as well as effects our content.
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