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Wake The F-Up! Dooley And Dawes

Wake The F-Up! Dooley And Dawes

Author: Dooley And Dawes

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"WAKE THE F-UP with Dooley and Dawes" is a dynamic exploration into the realms of conscious living, deliberate creation, and the transformative power of NOWISM. Join hosts Andy and Kat as they ignite minds, inspire hearts, and unlock the secrets to manifesting your dreams with passion and purpose. Each episode is a vibrant tapestry of wisdom, laughter, and profound insights, from thought-provoking discussions on manifestation techniques to intimate glimpses into their personal journeys. Ready to join the awakening?
Kat Dawes:
Andy Dooley:
18 Episodes
The conversation explores the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on humanity, creativity, and the future. It delves into the conflicting emotions and perspectives surrounding AI, it's potential to enhance human creativity and the ethical considerations of its use. The discussion also highlights AI's transformative power and the need for conscious and intentional engagement with this technology.
Welcome to a deep dive into the realm of worthiness and self-love. We're about to explore the concept of inherent worthiness and the crucial need to embrace it. Our discussion will touch on the powerful influences of upbringing, societal conditioning, and self-perception on our feelings of worthiness. We'll underscore the significance of self-acceptance and self-love, drawing inspiration from the profound wisdom of Rumi, Abraham, and Bashar. They remind us that worthiness is a conscious recognition of the abundant well-being that surrounds us.
In this episode, Andy and Kat delve into the significance of embracing and eliminating resistance to manifest desires. They underscore the empowerment that comes from consciously crafting positive thoughts and finding ways to enter the receiving mode or, as Andy fondly terms it, vacation mode. They explore the joy of finding your tribe, a group of like-minded individuals who share your positive mindset. They discuss the power of gratitude, affirmations, and creating happy triggers. For instance, they suggest writing down three things you're grateful for each day and using a specific phrase or action to trigger a positive feeling. These practices can shift energy and attract what you want. They also encourage listeners to be unapologetic about their positive mindset, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among the audience. The discussion culminates with a powerful reminder to embody the energy of having it all and to discover personal ways of embracing what you've been seeking by maintaining a spirit of lightness, ease, and fun!
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss the concept of dancing with the universe and how to create a harmonious relationship with it. They share personal stories and insights on manifesting abundance, slowing down to receive, and the power of positive self-talk. The conversation emphasizes the importance of noticing and appreciating the evidence of manifestation and cultivating a playful and trusting mindset. In this conversation, Kat and Andy discuss the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and being deliberate in our thoughts and conversations. They emphasize the power of imagination and the role it plays in manifestation. They also provide practical tools for shifting our state of being and neutralizing negative thoughts. The conversation concludes with a challenge for listeners to start creating evidence of their desires and to tell a better story about their lives.
Abraham Hicks Fix

Abraham Hicks Fix


In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the teachings of Abraham Hicks and their influence on spiritual vocabulary and personal growth. They explore how Esther Hicks became the conduit for Abraham's messages and the impact of their teachings on millions of followers. They highlight the importance of finding non-resistant thoughts and the power of focusing on better feeling thoughts. The conversation also touches on the concept of momentum in the law of attraction and the significance of the 68-second rule. They conclude by discussing the topic of death and how Abraham approaches it with humor and nonchalance. In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the teachings of Abraham Hicks and the power of deliberate creation. They explore the idea that life is a story and that we have the ability to choose our thoughts, emotions, and the meaning we give to our experiences. They emphasize the importance of being in control of how we feel and finding ways to feel good in order to manifest our desires. They also touch on the concept of individuality and the role of each individual in global transformation. Overall, the conversation highlights the empowering and transformative nature of the Abraham Hicks teachings.
From Hurry To Harmony

From Hurry To Harmony


Are you ready to shift from chaos to manifestation? Join Andy and Kat as they unravel the secrets to living in harmony and manifesting your dreams faster than ever before. Discover the power of slowing down, aligning your energy, and embracing the present moment. Kat shares her heartfelt journey of finding a home for her mom while navigating distance and longing. Explore the challenges and triumphs of embracing the journey, as Andy and Kat delve into the joy of creation and the satisfaction of aligning with your higher self. Dive deep into the power of harmony and sync with your higher self. Learn how to tune into the frequency of possibility and manifest your dreams with love and intention. Join Andy and Kat as they share insights on embodying love, aligning your energy, and creating a practice that resonates with your goals and values. Don't miss out—tune in now and start manifesting with love and harmony!
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss the secrets behind your pet peeves and how they relate to the law of attraction. They explore the idea that pet peeves are like addictions, where people feed their frustrations and validate their negative beliefs. They emphasize the importance of becoming aware of pet peeves and choosing to shift the narrative to attract more positive experiences. The conversation covers various pet peeves, including loud chewing, interrupting conversations, people being constantly late, poor hygiene, and not using turn signals. They also discuss the addictive nature of worrying and the impact of negative thinking as a pet peeve. In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss pet peeves and how they can be transformed into opportunities for growth and self-awareness. They explore various pet peeves, such as loud noises, poor grammar, and negativity, and discuss their underlying secrets.  They emphasize the importance of finding the gift in pet peeves and using them as catalysts for personal transformation. The conversation also touches on the power of language, taking action, and rewriting our stories to create a more positive and fulfilling reality.
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss the power of feeling your desires into existence. They emphasize the importance of being in tune with your emotions and using tools like journaling and meditation to check in with your feelings. They also introduce and play the ABC game from Abraham Hicks, where each letter represents a positive emotion or state of being, and encourage listeners to use this game to shift their point of attraction and raise their vibration. By the end of this episode, you will be awake and buzzing with good vibes!
In this captivating dialogue, Andy and Kat dive into the transformative realm of detaching from desires. With eloquence and insight, they illuminate the profound significance of placing unwavering trust in the manifestation journey, fostering a deep, symbiotic bond with the Universe. With a tapestry of personal anecdotes and illuminating examples, they weave a narrative that underscores the potency of detachment and the pivotal role of emotions in the intricate dance of manifesting desires. Through their shared experiences, listeners are invited to grasp the transformative power of relinquishing attachment and embracing a state of serene surrender. Emphasizing the sublime importance of basking in the radiant glow of the present moment, Andy and Kat extol the virtues of cultivating gratitude for life's abundant blessings. Their discourse culminates in a poignant reminder to infuse life with playful optimism, release the shackles of scarcity, and embrace a world brimming with limitless possibilities.
In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the power of manifesting through storytelling. Kat shares her epic van story, where Rev. Michael Beckwith inspires her to become the greatest version of herself. She playfully manifests a new car by telling a new story and detaching from the outcome. They emphasize the importance of living in the present moment and offering the Universe a pure vibration of love and abundance. The critical takeaway is to focus on BEING the energy of the ANSWER rather than trying to manifest specific outcomes. Kat and Andy discuss the power of playful energy and storytelling in manifesting desires. They share personal stories of how they manifested their dreams by embodying the energy of what they wanted. They emphasize the importance of being in a state of abundance and expansion rather than lack and limitation. They encourage listeners to be willing to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs and embrace the best-case scenario. The key takeaway is that by being playful and creative and becoming the energy of what you desire, you can attract magical opportunities and experiences.
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss common mistakes to avoid when manifesting. They emphasize the importance of not taking manifestation too seriously and approaching it with playfulness and a sense of humor. They also highlight the need to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want and to not care about what others think. Additionally, they discuss the curse of trying to change other people and the importance of letting go of the 'how' and trusting the universe. In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss people's mistakes regarding manifestation. They emphasize the importance of playfulness, intuition, and following one's guidance. They also highlight the need for patience and trust in the manifestation process. Daily practices such as journaling and meditation are recommended to stay focused and connected to the desired outcomes. The power of detachment and non-attachment is discussed, along with the understanding that the universe knows best how to bring manifestations into reality. The conversation concludes with a reminder to make manifestations welcome rather than trying to force them to happen.
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss the power of visualization and the responsibility that comes with it. They emphasize the importance of using imagination wisely and avoiding the unintentional rehearsal of worst-case scenarios. They explain that visualization is not about making things happen, but about generating the feeling of already having what you desire. The hosts share personal stories and guide listeners through a visualization exercise to help them tap into the emotions of their desires. They also discuss the quantum model of reality and the role of vibration in manifestation. Overall, the episode highlights the art of visualization and its potential to create positive change in one's life. In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the power of visualization and visioning in manifesting desired outcomes. Kat shares her experience of using a Marvel cup as a tool for visualization and how it led to unexpected connections in the animation industry. They emphasize the importance of being easy and playful in the visualization process, letting go of specific outcomes, and trusting the universe. The conversation concludes with a guided visualization exercise to help listeners manifest their best-case scenarios.
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss the concept of the Holy Grail from a metaphysical perspective. They explore the idea of personal devotion and the quest for the Holy Grail, emphasizing the importance of following one's passion and creativity. The conversation then shifts to the role of self-love and worthiness in manifestation, highlighting the power of living unconditionally and raising one's vibration. Finally, they discuss the significance of self-love and appreciation as the key to unlocking the secrets of manifestation and the importance of feeling first before manifestation. In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the power of affirmations and the language we use to create our reality. They emphasize the importance of feeling good and flexing positive thinking muscles. They also explore the concept of the Holy Grail within ourselves and the need to stay interested and focused on our state of being. By finding magic in the mundane and mastering our emotional and mental state, we can manifest our desires and create a fulfilling life.
In this captivating episode, Kat and Andy delve into the art of navigating life's challenges and uncovering the hidden treasures within them. From embracing contrast to viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth, they offer profound insights into the transformative power of perspective. Through heartfelt personal stories, they explore the delicate balance of experiencing both grief and hope, urging listeners to embrace life with purpose and gratitude. But it doesn't stop there. Kat and Andy introduce practical strategies, including the AIR acronym (Acceptance, Inner Strength, Resilience), as a guide for maneuvering through tough times. They delve into the concept of reframing adversity, emphasizing the importance of finding meaning amidst chaos. Plus, they inject a delightful dose of humor with the introduction of Totes McGoats, the skydiving goat, symbolizing the adventurous spirit needed to navigate life's unpredictable twists. Listeners are invited to seize the moment, take risks, and embrace the full spectrum of life, even in its most challenging moments. With their infectious enthusiasm and wisdom, Kat and Andy remind us of the power of selflessness and the beauty of embracing life in all its complexity. Tune in for an inspiring journey filled with laughter, introspection, and invaluable lessons on living fully in the face of adversity.
Life Is A Game, Not A Test!

Life Is A Game, Not A Test!


In this conversation, Kat and Andy discuss the concept of NOWism and how to approach life as a game. They emphasize the importance of being playful and easy about negative focus and Moment Terrorism. They explore the idea of finding the gift in challenging situations and shifting from reaction to response. They also discuss the role of journaling and language in training your inner Now Ninja and developing a better story. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of play and the importance of staying present in a world of distractions. In this conversation, Kat and Andy discuss the concept of Free Will and its role in creation. Free Will is sent from eternity into time to live out a human life and has the power to create any story in time and space. However, Free Will often falls asleep and believes in limitation. Eternal Affairs, a governing body, becomes concerned and waits for Free Will to ask the right question. The game of NOWism is introduced as a way to awaken (you) Free Will and create a more powerful, beautiful story.
In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss how to let go and manifest faster. They emphasize the importance of trust and divine timing, and how being specific can hinder the manifestation process. They suggest cultivating feelings of satisfaction, appreciation, and gratitude to align with the desired manifestations. The power of affirmations and feeling good is highlighted, along with the practice of going general and releasing the need for specific outcomes. They also discuss the importance of starting the day with positive thoughts and living under cosmic knowledge. They highlight the value of dance breaks, hot baths, and walks in the park as ways to enhance happiness. The conversation then shifts to recognizing the magic within and the power of creating one's reality. They emphasize the idea that we are all automated miracles and that our song is playing right now. The power of positive vibrations is explored, with a focus on the concept of the better it gets, the better it gets. The conversation concludes with a reminder to embrace our role as deliberate creators and focus on feeling good now!
In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the topic of self-love and how to navigate the challenges of loving oneself. They emphasize the importance of realizing that true love comes from within and that seeking love outside of oneself is a futile endeavor. They provide practical tools and techniques for activating self-love, such as shifting one's thoughts and focusing on appreciation. They also explore the idea of being open to the transformative power of love and the need to let go of past baggage. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing love and choosing to feel good in the present moment. In this conversation, Kat and Andy discuss the importance of rising up and facing challenges, having fun and trusting the universe, the power of play and raising your vibration, living unconditionally and self-love, finding love in the unlovable, and embracing the journey and loving out loud.
In this episode, Andy and Kat discuss the importance of reclaiming our divinity and shifting from victimhood to being deliberate creators of our reality. They emphasize the power of mastering our state of being and focusing on our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. The conversation explores the concept of surrender and the role it plays in manifesting our desires. They also discuss the significance of attention and focus as the currency of the universe and how it affects our reality. The episode concludes with insights on embracing new chapters in life and finding delight in the present moment. In this conversation, Andy and Kat discuss the importance of embracing identity transformation and letting go of attachment to old roles. They explore the concept of the hero's journey and how facing challenges and plot twists can lead to personal growth. The conversation also emphasizes the need to accept the contrast in life and view challenges as opportunities for transformation. They provide strategies for balancing negative news and maintaining belief in a positive outcome. The importance of being the creator of one's own story and focusing on feeling good is highlighted.
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