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Author: ParaReality

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ParaReality airs the first & third Friday of each month. The host, known only as Sandman, talks to guests from all over the world as they explore paranormal & alternative topics and issues including subjects related to ghosts, spirits, hauntings, apparitions, electronic voice phenomena, the unexplained, Wicca, the esoteric, the occult, magick, dreams, UFO sightings, medicine, alternative healing, psychic abilities, conspiracy theories and more.

Join long-time paranormal researcher Sandman and his roster of special guests, experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen to the show to learn about the great mysteries of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries.

174 Episodes
Joining me tonight is Nashville horror host, and legend, Larry Underwood, also known as Dr. Gangrene. Dr. Gangrene exploded onto the airwaves on July 1, 1999 on the Hendersonville, TN Public-access television station. Chiller Cinema, as the show was known, quickly expanded into Nashville, TN where it aired on Community Access Channel 19. Chiller Cinema was the first program to broadcast live out of the new Public, Educational, and Government Access television building where CH 19 broadcast from. Chiller Cinema was soon seen on other Public-access television stations across the country, making Underwood one of the first horror hosts to self-syndicate his program. The show won much praise and accolades and was named one of the country's top 20 cable access TV programs by Gear Magazine.  Dr. Gangrene continues to stay busy, producing a weekly horror host TV program Dr. Gangrene's Cinetarium, which airs weekly on Nashville's NECAT Arts CH9 on Comcast out of Nashville, TN, Saturdays at 9pm central. He is a regular guest at the Wonderfest convention held annually in Louisville, Kentucky, where he hosts live movies every year. He also occasionally writes articles for Scary Monsters Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you have been a loyal listener to this podcast for the last several years, you’ll know that one of my favorite topics to talk about are the Nazis. Over the years I’ve devoted more than a handful of episodes to Hitler, Himmler, the Nazi Party as a whole and their occult practices. It’s a fascinating topic for me and I’ve spent probably hundreds of hours of my life researching it. As a matter-of-fact, the most popular episodes in my catalogue come from the 2014 Summer Series that I devoted to the Nazis. One of those episodes consisted of my investigation of if Adolf Hitler escaped Berlin in 1945, and lived his life in secret elsewhere. That episode is in the top three most listened to or downloaded episodes in the history of the podcast. With April 30th being the 73rd anniversary of the “official” death of Adolf Hitler, and since my investigation into that supposed suicide is one of the most popular episodes that I’ve done, I’ve decided to reopen that case file and take another look at the death of Adolf Hitler. Did he actually die in that secret bunker in 1945, or did he fake his death and escape Berlin as it literally burned down around him? Did he flee to Argentina, Antartica, or somewhere else? Or did he actually die before April 30, 1945? To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Barbara With Interview

Barbara With Interview


Barbara With is an international peace activist, award winning author/publisher, psychic channel, composer and performer, workshop facilitator, and inspirational speaker. She is the co-founder of Conflict REVOLUTION®️, a revolutionary way to resolve conflicts of the psyche based on her work channeling Albert Einstein. She has authored six books on metaphysics. A spiritual psychic reader since 1987, Barbara With has been conducting and documenting thousands of channeling sessions around the world, speaking the voices of Albert Einstein and other Angelic peacemakers from “beyond the grave.” Together with the Psychic Sorority, Barbara and the Party, along with the Angels, have created Conflict REVOLUTION® as a solution for world peace, one person at a time, each of us starting with ourself. Learn more about Barbara’s offerings at To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tonight, you and I are going to be investigating a familiar event in US history. However, we’re not going to be looking at it in the usual way. Why would we? This is the ParaReality Podcast, and one thing we definitely don’t do is look at things in a normal way. We're going to investigate a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory. A mystery wrapped in an enigma. It’s an almost 60-year-old cold case that has just been begging to be solved, yet there is very little evidence as to who committed the crime, or why. All we have is circumstantial evidence and speculation. On Nov. 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was president of the United States, was assassinated while driving through Dallas, Texas. He was emergently taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was officially pronounced dead at 1:00 PM local time. Later that night, his brain, or what was left of it, was removed during his autopsy and has been the subject of controversy, speculation and conspiracy theories ever since. America has been perplexed by the whereabouts of JFK's brain since 1966 when it mysteriously disappeared from the National Archives. Almost sixty years later, there are still those in the United States who ponder the true culprits behind John F. Kennedy's assassination. However, another inquiry looms large: What became of JFK's brain? While the late president's body rests at Arlington National Cemetery, his brain has remained missing since 1966. Was it pilfered to cover up evidence? Snatched by his brother? Or could it be that the brain was substituted before it even went missing? To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Episode References John F. Kennedy Parkland Memorial Hospital National Archives Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Tylenol Murders

The Tylenol Murders


A series of unexplained deaths in Chicago in 1982 starts a nationwide manhunt. The victims are connected by one frightening detail: It looks like all these people took Tylenol and died the same day. Almost every home and hospital in America had Tylenol in them somewhere. But what if these people weren’t killed at random? Can the elusive killer finally be identified and brought to justice? Who actually committed the Chicago Tylenol murders? Was it career con man, or was it a self-described closet chemist? Or perhaps it was one of the most famous domestic terrorists in the history of the United States. Tonight I will uncover the top theories surrounding an ongoing FBI investigation into the over 40 year old case and maybe bring into light some information that you’ve never heard of. Can this elusive killer finally be brought to justice? To learn that, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Yucca Man

The Yucca Man


In and around the Mojave desert, there have been reports of mysterious creatures, given different names like the Mojave Bigfoot, Sierra Highway Devil, and Marvin of the Mojave. Locals in the Antelope Valley area might recognize these terms as referring to a local cryptid known as the Yucca Man. This creature is believed to be a version of the legendary Bigfoot adapted to desert life. It's said to inhabit parts of Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona, with sightings dating back to the 1970s, particularly in the Antelope Valley area. The Yucca Man was first sighted on a night in 1971 at the Twentynine Palms Marine base. Different versions of the story exist, but generally, it's told that a marine guard who was on duty was found the next morning unconscious, with his rifle bent in half. According to the Marine, a large, hairy figure emerged from the darkness and approached him. The Marine tried to stop the figure by raising his rifle and giving orders, but the creature took the rifle and bent it in half. The Marine was then knocked out. The creature was described as having glowing red eyes and a foul smell. Both the FBI and CIA were involved in investigating the incident, but the details of their findings remain unclear. There were apparently at least two other sightings of similar figures on that same night. One report mentioned a 12-foot-tall figure accompanied by a smaller one. Other accounts came from people whose dogs were constantly barking at something in the area. Just who, or what is the Yucca Man? Is he a Sasquatch, or some version of him, like a cousin? Is he a completely different cryptid? Is he an alien? Or is he actually just the figment of overactive imaginations? To learn that, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Le Loyon

Le Loyon


In the early 2000’s the shadow of a man dressed in leathers, wearing a gas mask and soldier camo, haunted the forest of Maules, in Switzerland’s Canton of Fribourg. He would walk the same path and always linger just long enough for some passerby to catch a glimpse. They called him Le Loyon, “The Ghost Of Maules”. He was only seen in brief glimpses. Those who encountered him said that while he never showed any aggression towards them, they nevertheless were left with feelings of uneasiness. This Le Loyon was an Urban Legend that was spoken about only in hushed whispers. The citizens of Maules were frightened of him, though they couldn’t actually prove that he even existed. That all came to an end in 2013 when the only picture of Le Loyon was captured by an unknown photographer. Soon after that, Le Loyon disappeared completely. Some say that he committed suicide. Others say that he transitioned into something else, not of this plane. Just who, or what, was Le Loyon? What were the circumstances behind his appearances? What happened to him? To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ParaReality Update #2

ParaReality Update #2


I'm very pleased to announce that I have recovered enough to be able to get back into the Secret Bunker to begin recording the podcast again. Season 18 of ParaReality will drop on Friday, February 2nd at 8:00 PM Central Time. Turn On, Tune In & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It has been a while since I've recorded and uploaded a new episode of the ParaReality Podcast and I'm sure that many of you have been wondering what has been going on. Unfortunately for me, I was involved in an accident the week before Thanksgiving, which required me to be hospitalized for several days. I also had to undergo surgery and have my left patella reconstructed and some hardware placed in my knee. As a result of that, I've now got an old-school plaster cast on my left leg that goes from my upper thigh to my toes, and my left leg is completely straight. I am confined to a bed until Dec. 26, and whenever I do get up, I have to have assistance. I can only walk with the use of a walker, and can only go short distances. This means that I am unable to get into the Secret Bunker to record new episodes for the next several weeks. Therefore, I have no choice but to take a hiatus from the podcast for a while so I can concentrate on my recovery. I wish that I could have been able to update everyone sooner, however I just haven't felt like it, to be completely honest. I don't know how long I will be out, however I will keep you all updated on my social media. The links can be found by clicking on the "Podcast Links" button at the top of this website. I'm not much for sharing a lot of personal information, however I will post weekly updates on my recovery and timeline to return to recording the podcast. To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out!​ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The United States' National Parks conceal unsettling mysteries and unsolved crimes that continue to elude both the curious and the brave, beyond their stunning landscapes and serene vistas. These stories cover a wide range of the unexplained, from the depths of untamed wilderness to the center of supposedly tranquil parklands. We'll follow the terrifying trails of unsolved homicides that have perplexed detectives, where danger and darkness triumphed over innocence and joy. Here you will find ghosts, UFOs and people who have inexplicably disappeared without a trace. You will be lured into the unexplored by cryptid sightings that are a mix of legend and fact. As you consider the thin line dividing the living from the lingering, eerie echoes from the past will give you the chills. Although the truth may be elusive, the journey is sure to be one to remember. So gather up your drinks and snacks and sit back and get comfy because your journey through the mystique of US National Parks is about to begin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Maui Wildfire

Maui Wildfire


In the aftermath of the devastating wildfires in Maui, misinformation and conspiracy theories have spread online, underscoring the shortcomings of social media firms’ enforcement policies following disasters. Conspiracy theories including that the fire was started intentionally by a secret “energy weapon” and that a shadowy cabal of global elites set the blazes purposefully to clear the land for their own nefarious uses have gained popularity. What’s real, and what’s nothing more than fringe Conspiracy Theorists trying to get their 15 minutes of fame in? And…how can you tell the two apart? That’s what I’ll be talking about tonight, and hopefully by the end of this episode, you’ll have a better idea of what’s real and what isn’t. To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dr. Richard Gallager

Dr. Richard Gallager


Tonight I'll be interviewing Richard Gallagher, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry at New York Medical and a psychoanalyst on the faculty of Columbia University. He graduated from Princeton University, Phi Beta Kappa in classics, and trained as a resident in psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Gallagher is the world’s foremost scientific expert on the subject of diabolic attacks. He has been an active member of the International Association of Exorcists since the 1990s. He and I will sit down and discuss his book, Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormal. We will also discuss how he became involved in investigating possessions, as well as some of his most memorable cases.To learn more, you'll have to Turn On, Tune In & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tonight is the finale of my Summer Series on Alabama Haunted Locations and Urban Legends. And man do I have some creepy urban legends to tell you about tonight. I’ve been waiting to tell you about these places all summer long. If you’ll remember, all the way back in June, on the first part of my series, I started off by telling you about 5 Alabama urban legends of the cryptid and ghost variety. Then, in part two, I told you about some creepy and haunted places that you could visit on a haunted Alabama road trip. Tonight, I’m going to be circling back around and pick up where I left off in part 1. I’ll be telling you about 5 more Alabama urban legends, but this time, instead of focusing on the “creatures” of each location, I’ll be focusing on the locations themselves. To learn where these locations are, and what the stories that inspire them, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mike Familant, a 33-year-old EMT, firefighter and graphic designer, is a full time bigfoot researcher, producer and lead investigator from NorthWest New Jersey. He first got into bigfooting in 2011 on an expedition in North Florida, where him and a friend experienced rocks being thrown at them while sitting around a camp fire. Since then, he has made it his personal goal to find out exactly what is roaming the woods of America.In 2016, after becoming frustrated with the lack of true research expedition shows on TV, he created his own show, called “In the Shadow of Big Red Eye .” The show is currently filming their 8th season. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tonight is the second in my three part Summer Series on Alabama Urban Legends and Hauntings. On the first episode, I told you about five creepy Urban Legends from my home state, along with one hoax. When it comes to ghosts, Alabama has definitely seen its fair share. From hotels and restaurants, to cemeteries and landmarks, Alabama is home to many different types of haunted places. This episode, I’m going to be telling you about 5 creepy places that you can visit if you ever decide to take a haunted road trip in the great state of Alabama the Beautiful. Of course, there are a lot more than just five places to visit in this great Southern state, however I think that these five are the best. Well, at least they are in my opinion! What are those places, you ask? Well, to learn the answer to that question, and find out how you can get to them, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Eric's Final Episode

Eric's Final Episode


For months now, Easy E and I have been keeping a secret from everyone. We finally have come to the time when we can no longer hide it. Back at the first of the year, Easy E told me that he was leaving Nashville and moving to Orlando, FL. He got a fantastic job opportunity, and couldn't let it pass him by. Needless to say, I was a little shocked, but not very surprised since his girlfriend lives there, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before he packed up and left. However, I wasn't prepared for him to leave so soon. We decided to keep things a secret because we didn't want the focus of the podcast to turn to him leaving, and us doing some sort of sad countdown to his final day. We wanted to "keep the status quo," and keep the focus on providing quality content presented in a unique manner. But sadly, the time has finally come. This is Easy E's final episode. So, tonight we celebrate all things Eric. We will take a look back at some of our favorite topics, funniest moments, and lament about all the things that we didn't get a chance to talk about during our time together. Easy E has become more than just a cohost. He has been a dear, and trusted friend, and he and I have spent many times together just hanging out and having a good time - without doing a podcast. Yes, Easy E has been a good cohost, and an even better friend. I know that he will succeed in his new life in Orlando, and I wish him nothing but good times and happiness. Saying goodbye is never easy, so instead of saying that, I'll say "So long." You will be missed, my friend, and the Secret Bunker will always feel empty without you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
June Lundgren Interview

June Lundgren Interview


June Lundgren is a psychic, medium, demon seer, healer, animal communicator, international author and nurse. She has appeared on such shows as Coast to Coast Am, Midnight in the Desert, Jim Harold’s Paranormal Podcast, Ground Zero and the television show Ghost Adventures: Graveyards of the Pacific- The Norblad Hostel episode.Raised by her maternal grandmother she grew up communicating with spirits, animals and angels. She is descended from a long line of women with psychic and spiritual gifts. She is called a demon seer because she can see, hear, communicate and remove negative entities. She has been helping people resolve their paranormal problems for over forty years.Tonight, Eric and I sit down with her and discuss her abilities,and how she has developed them throught the years. We also learn what a "Demon Seer" is, and at the end of the podcast, June reveals a secret about me that even I never knew!Turn On, Tune In & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5 AL Urban Legends

5 AL Urban Legends


I know that it’s not “officially” summer yet, but it’s still time for my Summer Series to kick off. You know that every summer, I pick one topic and spread it out over three episodes in June, July and August. This year, I began to plan the Summer Series all the way back in February, so I’ve been itching to get it to you, and tonight’s the night! My home state is Alabama. I grew up there and lived there until the end of 2002, when I moved here to Nashville. Like most southern states, Alabama has no shortage of tales of ghosts and hauntings, thanks to its long history of slavery and Civil War battles that were fought in the state. But, did you know that Alabama also has more than its share of cryptids? In fact, the state has several cryptids, most of which you’ve probably never heard of. I briefly touched on one of them called The Alabama White Thang in a previous episode. I thought that it would be great idea for me to bring all of those creatures to light, and try to get them the attention that they deserve. So, that’s what my summer series is all about – Alabama Cryptids and Legends. Tonight, I present to you Part 1 – Five Alabama Cryptids and One Hoax! To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you’ve noticed, the theme for this season is Conspiracy Theories. And you know that I’ve gone on record to say that even though I’m a Conspiracy Theorist, I try to be an ethical one. I’ve said many times that we Conspiracy Theorists need to be held accountable for our actions if we incite violence or it causes harm to others. So tonight, I’m going to be discussing the ethics of conspiracy theories and the psychology behind them.To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Nashville Shooter

The Nashville Shooter


Just a little past 10 AM on Monday, March 27, 2023, Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old woman shot out the glass on a locked side door of Covenant School in the Green Hills area of Nashville, TN. Armed with 3 firearms, she entered the school and killed 6 people, including 3 children, all aged 9, before being shot dead by officers of the Nashville Police Department. This incident marks the 376th mass shooting at a US school since the notorious Columbine massacre of 1999, according to a Washington Post database. I’ve looked at the database and so far, 199 people, most of them school children have lost their lives. And it looks as if there’s no end to this in the foreseeable future. In fact, many “Red States,” such as my home state of TN, are actively loosening gun laws instead of making them tighter. Right here in TN, there are currently more bills on the floor about guns than there is anything else. Tonight on the very special episode of ParaReality, I’m going to be taking a look at the Nashville shooting. I’ll tell you everything that I know about the incident so far, what I’ve learned about the shooter, give you a brief timeline of the incident, and finally, do a little speculating about why this might have occurred.To learn more, you’ll have to Turn On, Tune In, & Find Out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit