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Reawaken Your Health Podcast

Author: Dr. Amy Novotny

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Health and wellness are a moving target and mean different things to each person. There is so much information out there that it’s hard to know where to start and whom to trust so people often become stagnant. Because of this, we want to share different health and wellness resources with results with you to inspire you to reawaken your health and live a better life.
25 Episodes
We all experience challenges in life that can lead to emotional and energy blocks in our bodies.   We might feel them as discomfort or unease in various parts of our bodies.    To help us understand this issue, I interviewed nationally-certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP),  Dr. Kathleen Rickard.   She studies chakra systems and the energetic flows related to disease and the ability to heal.   We discuss how our bodies are energy beings and how this can impact our overall health and disease status.  We dive into the 7 main chakras in the body and how a blockage in each chakra can show up in our health status.   Dr. Rickard gives examples of how we can combine Western medicine with Eastern medicine to help someone begin to heal. She talks to her patients and asks them questions to help them begin to clear their chakras.   Dr. Rickard has been a nurse practitioner for 23 years, a registered nurse for over 35 years and earned her doctorate in nursing practice.  She has developed and presented workshops across the country to address important topics in health and wellness.  She is also a Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, a Master Reiki Practitioner, and a Sat Nam Rasayan practitioner.   Please join us for this conversation to learn about the chakras in your body and their importance in your wellbeing!   To reach Dr. Rickard, please visit her website:   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
We know that sometimes when we eat certain foods, we feel off.  It can be hard to pinpoint which foods contribute to these sensations, especially if our meals consist of a variety of ingredients.   To help us understand this issue, I interviewed Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Integrative Health Practitioner/Coach and Personal Trainer, Linda Downey.    We discussed what happens when inflammation in our gut allows it to leak food into our blood stream.  This can lead to symptoms of food sensitivities when we eat specific foods.    Linda explains the different between a whole food sensitivity test and a zoomers test that breaks down the food into the different peptides to see if there are specific components of the food to which you are sensitive.   We go through her sensitivity test and she explains how it is important to understand that common foods we are sensitive to can show up in other products like shampoo or adhesives.  We discuss some of the common symptoms like brain fog, joint pain and migraines.  Some symptoms don't even show up until a couple days after you eat that specific food!   Linda underwent her own personal health journey in her 20's, 30's and 40's as she suffered from Ulcerative Colitis, Lyme's disease, Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease.  She was determined to find out what happened to her body and how to fix or control these issues.  She has been working to repair her gut to allow her to eat certain foods again without reactions.   Please join us for this conversation to learn all about food sensitivities, testing and its importance in your wellbeing!   To reach Linda, please visit her website: or email her at   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
As we get older, we often attribute our aches and pains to arthritis, typically osteoarthritis.  There are times when the wear and tear gets so bad that you lose all the cartilage in your joint and it becomes "bone-on-bone."     Conservative treatment options are typically used first to help avoid a joint replacement and many of these options are successful.  Recently a client of the PABR Institute canceled a hip replacement due to the work with did using the PABR method.     Unfortunately, there are times when a joint replacement is needed.  That's when you want a surgeon who is highly skilled, caring, attentive to detail and who works with you on your goals.    This past weekend for the Weekend Wellness Hour show, I interviewed just that type of surgeon, Dr. Michael Sumko.  We discussed indications for knee and hip replacements as well as indications for revisions of those surgeries.     Dr. Sumko discussed minimally invasive options as well as robotics that are now used in surgeries.  We even discussed patient optimization to ensure greater success with these major operations.     Dr. Sumko is the chief of orthopedics at Tempe St. Lukes Hospital in Tempe, Arizona and is the Medical Director of Quality and Cost Efficiency.  He served at the VA and is soon to be a clinical associate of Arizona State University.  He was nominated and named as a Healthcare Hero in 2017 and is joint fellowship trained by Tony Hedley in less invasive approaches to hip and knee replacement as well as revision surgeries.    Dr. Sumko is a wealth of knowledge in this field and I've personally seen his surgical technique in the operating room!    Please join us for this conversation to learn more how to help your joints, how to determine if you need to see an orthopedic surgeon like him and how to change your lifestyle to improve your life and wellbeing!     To learn more about Dr. Michael Sumko, please visit, his Facebook page titled Dr. Michael Sumko Hip and Knee Specialist or call Steward Healthcare at 602-553-3113.   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Have you or someone you’ve known struggled with addiction?  Have you experienced early life trauma or adverse experiences that led you to seek unhealthy coping mechanisms?     We explored the topic of recovery from drug addiction for this week’s episode of the Reawaken Your Health Podcast with Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor LPCC-S) and Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor (LICDC-CS), Todd Crandell. Todd spent 13 years of his life in the throes of drug abuse and addiction before choosing a different path.  He started the organization Racing for Recovery to help people all over the world overcome addiction through healthy and holistic living.   Todd shared with us his early life experiences that led him to seek ways to cope with his trauma. He explained his choices and how he got mixed up in drugs.    We discussed how he feels about addiction and recovery as well as his path to a life of sobriety. He shared why he started the Racing for Recovery organization and the four important tenants of the recovery process.    Todd dove into the topic of resilience and how it has helped him with his choices during his sobriety. We also touched on his mindset and why a growth and learning perspective have helped him succeed.    Todd’s ability to be real comes through in the conversation as he admits areas where he still needs to work and grow. He also touches on the various aspects of his health and lifestyle that help him to this day.    Please join us to learn more about Todd’s unique process for drug addiction recovery to help you or a loved one.    Please feel free to reach out to Todd Crandell at   -Dr. Amy Novotny   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:   P.S. We are now offering the Total Body Freedom Fundamentals Video-Only Course! This has been requested for years and it has now come together.  To learn more and sign up:   What others had to say:   "Both Jana and I have benefited greatly from your course. I had a lot of pain because I’m bone on bone in my right knee, but refused to skydive on a fake knee so I had resolved to simply put up with the pain. My pain is much more manageable now and sometimes nonexistent. Thanks for all you do!" Randy Hubbs, Business Owner   "Lifesaving. Changed so many aspects of my life. It's such a great life skill being able to understand your Body and regulate it naturally. The Mind -Body connection is real. Dr. Amy teaches you how to fix it.  She is the Best."  David Goldstein, Executive
How to Cook with Plants to Make Your Meals More Nutritious with Chef Lisa Lyne   We know our diet is critical to our health. So many physicians and nutritionists talk about the gut microbiome nowadays and how what we feed ourselves determine the bacteria, fungi, and other organisms that live in our gut and allow us to absorb nutrients.    One consistency in the health and nutrition world is eating more plants, especially a diverse variety of plants.  Diving into plant-based cooking can be overwhelming and daunting if you are not a cook or if you haven't used plants much in cooking before.   This past weekend for the Weekend Wellness Hour show, I interviewed Lisa Lyne to explore easier ways to incorporate plants into our daily cooking and meals.  Lisa is a chef, gardener, storyteller, holistic health coach, certified cycling instructor, gym rat, vegan, avid reader, friend of all animals and lover of good food and wine.    She graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition ten years ago. While attending classes at IIN, she also completed a Culinary Arts program through the State University of Brockport in NY. She became vegan because she felt it was the right thing to do for the animals, the planet, and her body. Her goal is to motivate people to eat more delicious plant-based foods and help them navigate the vegan world.   We discuss some common ideas that cause people to avoid plant-based cooking, whether it's not enough protein or becoming hungry too often to not getting enough vitamin B12.  Lisa has suggestions for all of these fears and we go into some ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner.     Please join us for this conversation to learn more how to incorporate more plants into your cooking to improve your life and wellbeing!  Join us on this delicious journey!   To learn more about Lisa Lyne, please visit, or reach out to her at   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
So many of us work hard at improving our health and wellness through a clean diet and exercise but we often don't think of what's in our homes that could possibly be toxic to our health.   This past weekend for the Weekend Wellness Hour show, I interviewed  Loni Brown, a certified interior decorator, non-toxic living coach, and speaker to discuss the topic of everyday home products that have chemicals that could harm us.     Loni shares with us her own journey as she began to search for clean products before the birth of her first child.  She found so many items in our house harm our air and could have long term effects on our health.   We discuss two of the main culprits that impact our air which include carpets and rugs that have flame retardants and pain and varnishes on woods that have volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that give off gases that harm the air in our homes.   We dive into kitchen items that impact us through the food we eat including strategies to minimize plastic cookware.  Loni is full of suggestions to help us begin taking the first steps to detoxify our homes.     Besides sharing this wealth of knowledge, Loni is a pioneer in eco-friendly living and the founder of EntirelyEco, a beautiful and non-toxic home decor shop. She has a mission to help people, especially new parents, reduce toxic exposure in their homes so they improve their indoor air quality and provide their children a foundation of a lifetime of health.   Please join us for this conversation to learn more about the ways to make changes in your home to improve your life and wellbeing!    To learn more about Loni Brown and her company, please visit,   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Wellness is such an elusive and complex topic.  There is so much information out there about the "one thing" to do to fix your health.  Rather than focusing on one quick fix, why not look at several areas of health to improve our wellness.    This past weekend for the Weekend Wellness Hour show, I interviewed 20+ year chiropractor and founder of Vitalism Code, Dr. Scott Gamm.  We discussed how symptoms in our body are ways that our body communicates to us that something is wrong and needs to be fixed.     Dr. Gamm also shares with us four pillars of health that have to be addressed simultaneously to achieve wellness in totality. He begins by describing how we can develop greater control over our body and the outside triggers that drive our urges.  He describes how to create a gap between an outside stimulus (like we are hungry) and the immediate actions we typically take (eating something sugary to quell that hunger) so we don't act based on urges that don't serve us.    We also touch on tonal balance, nutrition, detoxification and mindfulness as ways to address total wellness.  Dr. Gamm shares some great tips on how to get started in your own home!   Dr. Gamm has been a practicing chiropractor for over 20 years in various regions of the US and has studied various forms of wellness. He has lectured at seminars, chiropractic colleges, major corporations, non-profits and small businesses about how to use simple concepts within health and wellness to transform challenges into significant gains towards participant’s goals. Please join us for this conversation to learn more about the ways to improve your life and wellbeing!    To learn more about Vitalism Code and to sign up for his current complimentary video offer,  please visit  For further questions, please email him at or visit   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
We often discover more about ourselves and our health during the extreme challenges in life than during our daily life activities.  If we pay attention, our body talks to us and gives us signals.  When we challenge ourselves to our physical limits, we can learn the essential nutrients and rest critical to calm our body back down so that it is nourished and rested.     This past weekend for the Weekend Wellness Hour show, I interviewed an amazing human being who swam across the English Channel, not once, but multiple times!  Paul Hopfensperger, deputy mayor of Bury St. Edmonds in England, challenged his body for this ultimate feat and learned a lot about health and wellness along the way.     He shared with us this journey and how he learned about the blood type diet that helped him with some scary health concerns! As his training ramped up, he began to experience random nose bleeds and blood coming out of his rectum.  He began his quest to discover why this was happening.   After he exhausted the traditional medical routes of scans and tests, he came across the blood type diet developed by Dr. D'Adamo.  He immediately changed up his diet to see if this method worked and he had instant changes--no more blood!    Paul shares with us some of the fundamentals of the blood type diet and how it works based of 5 factors in your blood.  Of course, you need to know those factors to truly find the foods that match your blood but he gives some general information on foods that are generally acceptable or non-acceptable for your blood type.    Not only is he an incredible endurance athlete, but he is also the CEO of Body and Mind Studio International, a naturopathic health coach, a certified John Maxwell Team Member, and Master of the Institute for Human Individuality.    Please join us for this conversation to hear about Paul's fascinating story leading up to his 21 mile swim across the English Channel and learn all about the blood type diet that might be the key to improve your life and wellbeing!    To reach Paul, please visit his website: or email him at   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Are you an athlete who performs well but haven’t dialed down your nutrition?  Do you have digestive issues during a race or an event?   We discussed sports nutrition for this week’s episode of the Weekend Wellness Hour Show with endurance athlete and nutritionist, Kristi Lind.  Kristi has been an endurance athlete for over 30 years, competing in over 60 marathons, 25 Ironman triathlons (including world championships), 20 ultramarathons and a variety of adventure races throughout the world.     Kristi realized early on that she needed to focus on nutrition to give her an edge in her performance.  Despite a career as a Chief Client Officer in the marketing and business work, she decided to study and became a nutritionist to help herself and other athletes.     We touched on the critical aspects of nutrition for energy and recovery, especially when performing in endurance races.  She stressed the importance of determining your nutrition strategy at the beginning of your training so you can start practicing and preparing your body for game day.     Kristi stressed the importance of hydration and gave general guidelines for athletes competing at a high level or in endurance events.  She noted some factors that will influence the amount of water needed and which electrolytes are important for managing dehydration.     We discussed which foods are great during the race or event and which ones tear up the gut and create distress.  Kristi also dove into macronutrients and which are important for the brain to keep you mentally in the game when you are ready to check out or stop competing.     We continued the discussion with so much more, touching on caffeine, supplements and vegan diets.  Kristi recently came back from a race in Antarctica and coaches various athletes to help them find a nutrition strategy that works for them.     Please join us to learn more sports nutrition so you can have safe athletic events!    Please feel free to reach out to Kristi Lind at
Our diet is critical to our wellbeing.  There is so much research and data now that describe the relationship between a poor diet and chronic diseases.  The food we put in our bodies determines how we feel, how our genes are expressed and how our organs work.   This weekend for the Weekend Wellness Hour show, we discussed how to heal yourself through your gut with certified nutrition consultant licensed in Florida and certified GAPS practitioner, Sarah Bingham. Sarah co-authored the book Food Allergies: A Self Help Guide, ran her own nutrition consulting practice for 13 years and was a regular guest on National Public Radio. She has worked as part of a team in several medical practices using a multi-faceted approach to heal conditions such as depression, anxiety, obesity, autoimmune disorders, learning disabilities, behavioral issues in children and chronic fatigue.    We discussed Sarah's background including her fight against 2 parasites and feeling very ill.  She first cut out white sugar and white flour and then began studying the GAPS diet.   We discussed what the GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) entails and the 6 stages of this type of elimination diet.  Sarah shares stories of helping kids with autism, adults with interstitial colitis and a wide variety of conditions, including anxiety and depression.   Sarah began her career with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Development from Tuft’s University. She ran a special needs pre-school and worked for several years with special needs children.  She went on to receive a Master’s Degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Massachusetts.   Sarah has more than thirty-seven years experience helping clients throughout the country reach their desired level of wellness. She loves empowering parents to feed their children to health.  For all of her clients, lasting results involve terrific energy, a better immune system, better body size, more stamina and less anxiety.   Please join us for this conversation to learn all about this eliminations diet and how we can begin to improve your life and wellbeing!    To reach Sarah, please visit her website: or email her at   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Our feet impact our lives in so many ways, often more than we realize.  They are critical to our mobility and can affect us emotionally, mentally and socially if we are not able to walk or run when we come down with a foot ailment.  Learning how to take care of our feet is critical.    This weekend we dove into all sorts of foot conditions with podiatric surgeon, Dr. Alan Shih, owner of the Tucson Foot & Ankle Institute in Tucson, Arizona.    Dr. Shih attended podiatric school at the Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine followed by an internship at Tennessee Valley VA Medical Center and a surgical residency at the Southern Arizona VA Medical Center. He then completed the highest level of surgical training at a level-one trauma center in Chicago — Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Dr. Shih also received advanced training at the Dellon Institute for Peripheral Nerve Surgery, an affiliate of John Hopkins School of Medicine.   Dr. Shih specializes in neuropathy, conditions affecting the nerves, of the feet and lower legs.  He has received advanced training at the Dellon Institute for Peripheral Nerve Surgery, an affiliate of John Hopkins School of Medicine so we spent time discussing the current thoughts on treatment for nerve issues in the foot.  Dr. Shih discusses why nerves used to be cut out of the foot for conditions like Morton's Neuroma but now podiatrists are changing to decompress the nerve like we do in the wrist for carpal tunnel.   We also spend some time discussing fungus under the toenails since this conditions afflicts so many people.  He share that this condition often results from trauma to the toes and can happen if shoes are too small or too large.  He shares the latest treatment options and which ones are the most effective.   Dr. Shih also discusses hammer toes, plantarfasciitis and various sports injuries that impact our daily life.    Please join us for this conversation to learn all about your feet and how we can address various conditions to improve your life and wellbeing!    To reach Dr. Shih, please visit his website:   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Gut health is coming to the forefront as one of the ways in which we can boost our immune system.  Your digestive tract is an area where we can have great influence through the food we eat.    This weekend I had a great conversation with Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Integrative Health Practitioner/Coach and Personal Trainer, Linda Downey about how to use stool testing to determine the health of your gut.   We discussed what leaky gut means, how the digestive system works and how the microbiota in our gut (bacteria, fungi, etc) work in harmony but can get out of balance.  We also talk about how this can influence hormones, neurotransmitters, vitamin production and so much more.  Linda takes us through why we need stool testing and what the results can tell us about the microbiome in our gut.     These results can help us understand why we might not be feeling our best.  The best part is that recommendations are provided in terms of what you should eat to allow for your gut to heal.  Linda even mentions how to get 20% off on stool testing the month of August 2020.    Linda underwent her own personal health journey in her 20's, 30's and 40's as she suffered from Ulcerative Colitis, Lyme's disease, Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease.  She was determined to find out what happened to her body and how to fix or control these issues.  She shares how getting a stool test was how she discovered an overgrowth of H. pylori in her gut.  She was able to change her diet and feel better over time.    Please join us for this conversation to learn all about stool testing and its importance in correcting your guy microbiome for your wellbeing!    To reach Linda, please visit her website: or email her at   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Have you considered that your ability to heal might be related to a prior shock in your life?  Have you considered that where the shock registers in the brain can impact how your body responds?   We considered these German New Medicine concepts on this week’s episode of the Weekend Wellness Hour Show, with naturopathic physician, Dr. Katherine Willow.  Dr. Willow began integrating German New Medicine into her practice after her husband was diagnosed with brain tumors in 2000.     We dove into how German New Medicine has an approach to illness different than traditional medicine.  Dr. Willow explained the idea of emotional or physical shocks that happen to us over our lives and impact our old brain or new brain.     Dr. Willow then went into how our body responds to these shocks through cell growth or loss.  She gave examples of how cell growth leads to diagnoses of cancer whereas cell loss is attributed to various joint pains.     We went through the types of health conditions that can be helped with this approach.  Dr. Willow shared with us the process of how she approaches a new patient who is suffering and why their healing can happen within a couple days.    Dr. Willow also explained some obstacles that would limit the ability of German New Medicine to help with healing.  She notes that fear and stress are the greatest blocks to success with this method.   Dr. Willow has been practicing since 1983 as a fourth-generation naturopathic doctor via her family in Europe.  Her practice, Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre, works with clients all around the world through virtual sessions as well as in person visits in Canada.     Please join us to learn more about the German New Medicine approach to illness and healing.     Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Katherine Willow at .     #pain #painrelief #painfree #stress #stressrelief #stressmanagement #sleep #health #sleepperformance #wellness #pabr #pabrinstitute #relaxation #breathwork #bodywork #mindfulness #heal #anxiety #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #weightloss #mentalfitness #breath #healthylifestyle #holistic #holistichealing #nervoussystem #immunesystem #sleepefficiency  
Have you heard of medicinal leeches?  Yes, you got that right--leeches!  Maybe you thought that it was an ancient practice not suited for modern society, but guess what? It's here in the US and is used daily in emergency rooms all over the country.     Today for our Weekend Wellness Hour, Dr. Amy Novotny interviewing holistic primary care physician, Dr. Nidia Diaz about medicinal leech therapy!    Dr. Diaz spent 10 years in Asia and Europe learning some of the lesser-known methods of healing.  She began her medical career in acupuncture and then traveled to over 25 foreign countries to learn more modalities and methods.  She even apprenticed with master healers including Yeshi Dhoden, the personal physician to the Dalai Lama.     She then gained a certification in medicinal leech therapy by studying in Germany, Russia and Turkey and is only one of a handful of physicians outside of emergency room practice who can perform this treatment method to address inflammation.   We discuss what leeches can do for us, how they help with blood flow and reducing inflammation and how they help people with osteoarthritis, clotting disorders and hemorrhoids.  They are even used as an organic beauty treatment for detoxifying, blood cleansing and promoting the formation of collagen in the face.   Please join us for this conversation to learn about some true alternative healing arts and how leeches have helped people all over the world for years!    To reach Dr. Diaz, please visit her website:   -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
What is meditation?  How do you meditate?  Do you have to do it with others?  Why do we need to meditate? These are some of the questions we discuss in the Weekend Wellness Hour show this weekend.     Dr. Amy Novotny interviews celebrity trainer and yoga and meditation retreat leader Jeanette Ortega for this episode.  They discuss Jeanette's story of being in the fitness world for 25 years and how that evolved from entering and winning fitness competitions to becoming a gym owner to incorporating wellness of the mind and spirit into her fitness teachings.   Jeanette shares her foundation for leading guided meditations and explains what she expects clients to get out of the meditation.  She even leads us on a 10 minute meditation pulling together breath work, gratitude and spreading love.       Besides the skills and accolades above, Jeanette is also a reiki master, creator of her own fitness style called Bootoga, a health and wellness life coach, a certified personal trainer, a yoga instructor, and speaker.  She has also co-authored the Amazon Best Selling The Little Black Book of Fitness. She has also been featured on the OWN Network and BravoTV.   She now has a wellness academy with resources for people looking to dive into all types of wellness.  Please reach out to Jeanette at or visit   Please join us for this conversation to learn the important aspects of meditation, the different types of meditation, the purpose of it and how to incorporate it into your daily life!    -Dr. Amy   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
We often don't talk publicly about our urinary system.  We feel embarrassed mentioning any issues with it, even to our physicians!  It's time we have a conversation on all the issues related to our bladder, kidneys, prostate, etc.    Dr. Amy Novotny interviews Dr. Felecia Froe, a licensed urological surgeon for over 20 years, to discuss common ailments of the urinary system.  They discuss incontinence, bladder infections, kidney infections, prostate conditions, and more.  They discuss how the muscles in the pelvic floor affect our ability to urinate and how high level athletic performance can affect the pelvic floor and incontinence.     Dr. Froe also mentions how water and drinking enough of it is one of the most important ways we can help our urinary system.  She mentions the detrimental effect of alcohol and caffeine on our system and why pure water is needed.   Dr. Froe continues to practice urology part-time and now consults with clients virtually to help them with their health during the pandemic and performs surgeries when appropriate.  She also is the owner of Money with Mission, an investment company focused on empowering professional women to build wealth and achieve financial freedom through social impact investing.  She has partners at the Eco Alliance Group where they provide healthy food to food desert areas with indoor vertical farms and grocery stores.     She has written many Best Selling books including " How to Create Wealth that Outlives You ". Plus, she is an advocate for sharing the great work others are doing for their community through her podcast Money With Mission Radio.    Please join us in this conversation as she explains the importance of taking care of your urinary system now!   Feel free to reach out to Dr. Froe for medical questions through her email,   For her investment teachings, reach Dr. Froe through: Website: Podcast: Email:   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
We all go through transformations throughout our lives.  Some are planned and some are unexpected.  This pandemic has forced us all to go through a transformation.   Some people are embracing this time with a curiosity and eagerness to try something new while others are kicking and screaming through the process.   Dr. Amy Novotny interviews energy, intuitive and mindset coach, Sophia Stavron, to discuss the topic of transformation and how she leads her clients through this process.   We discuss the need to explore a person's past and the emotional impact of past trauma or situations that impacts our ability to transform now.  Sophia also shares how intuition plays an important role in our present life and how we need to build this skill.  She also discusses visualization and being a dreamer to allow us to fulfill our true potential and purpose in life.      Sophia is a sought-after dynamic international speaker, Amazon #1 best selling author, executive producer of multiple films, including Emmy and Telly Award winning films, and an authority on using and teaching the Ancient Greek Sophia Stavron Bio 2020 secret to transform any aspect of your life...Philotimo LifestyleTM . Sophia is also Funding Manager of The HopeSeed Foundation, a nonprofit organization that empowers and uplifts underprivileged children and orphans. She has been seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and WFAA-Dallas, TX, and currently is an executive producer of the much anticipated global film, ‘Dreamer’.    Please join us in this conversation as she explains the two important factors in pivoting your life right now!   Feel free to reach out to Sophia through her website,   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Have you ever felt like you are just going through the routine of life and responding to one crisis or stressor after another?  Dr. Amy Novotny interviews Elite Performance Coach and Cultural Consultant, Jim Gardner who helps clients with mental and emotional preparation for elite performance.  Jim shares with us some of his methods that he uses that help not only athletes but also coaches, executives and high achievers to improve performance in all sorts of settings.     We discuss how so many people's identity is tied to their jobs or career instead of who they are.  We talk about how he helps high achievers begin to look inside themselves to ask the hard questions of what are your values. Jim shares how fear can creep up in these conversations but he coaches them through that fear to lead to greater things.   He has a fascinating past that has led him to serve as Board Chairman of the Adaptive Training Foundation where veterans and civilians with physical ailments achieve the impossible through fitness, mindfulness and community.  Prior to forming his coaching and consulting practice in 2011, Jim served as a leader and executive for several iconic global companies including McKesson, Pizza Hut, Tandy, Fidelity Investments, and Levi Strauss & Co.   Jim’s mission is to work with others on physical, mental, and emotional preparation for the opportunities in their lives. Jim has served for nine years as a mentor at Trinity High School in Euless, Texas. He has been a counselor in the Made-Up Minds program for troubled youth in the HEB School District. Jim also served as a board member for the North Texas Director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.   Jim is now Board Chairman of the Adaptive Training Foundation.  He also serves as a Board Secretary and executive performance coach for One Share Health, a national healthcare organization.    Please join us for this conversation to learn how Jim's strategies can help you change aspects of your life, work or business!    Please feel free to reach out to Jim through his email,   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Colon Health: this topic doesn't get covered much in mainstream health conversations, but it affects our whole wellbeing.  Dr. Amy Novotny interviews colon hydrotherapist and massage therapist, Suzanne Gray from Florida.  Suzanne has been teaching Colon Therapy nationally and internationally for over 25 years and incorporates energy work, massage therapy, essential oils, breathing techniques and light and color therapy into her sessions. Please join us to learn about this fascinating treatment and what it can do for your body and how you feel!    Suzanne walks us through what it's like to get a colonic and the different types of systems that are used for colonics.  She also discusses colon health and how our food and water intake impacts our colon.     We cover how often a person should get a colonic, what conditions it helps, and who could benefit.  Suzanne has plenty of amazing stories of the benefits her clients experienced after undergoing a colonic with her.   Suzanne is a wealth of knowledge on the topic and please learn more about her practice at or reach out to her personally at!   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:
Do you ever feel that a trauma in your past has you stuck? EMDR might be a solution for you! Dr. Amy Novotny has a conversation with psychotherapist, consultant, international speaker, author and researcher, Carolyn Settle, MSW LCSW.    Carolyn has been counseling children, adolescents, and adults for 39 years in various settings including hospitals, community behavioral health centers and private practice. She is an authority on EMDR with adults, adolescents, and children for trauma, depression, anxiety, phobias, and other distressing life occurrences.  She is also an EMDR Institute facilitator, an EMDRIA-certified therapist and consultant, and a volunteer for EMDR Trauma Recovery Network Humanitarian Assistant Program ( as a trainer.   Ms. Settle was a co-investigator in the research of fidelity to EMDR and children under the age of ten.  Ms. Settle has been an invited presenter at EMDRIA conferences nationally and internationally. She has presented in the countries of Japan, France, England, India, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and Scotland.  She has even co-authored a book, EMDR and the Art of Psychotherapy with Children; Infants to Adolescents 2ed.     We discussed a newer form of treatment for when our mind gets stuck: EMDR, also known as Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. We cover the 8 phases of this treatment modality with examples on how it can help you change the way your mind frames an incident in your past.   Please visit to find a local practitioner in your area. Carolyn also shares a lot of information on her website You can also reach Carolyn at   Subscribe to PABR Institute's email list for free Tips for Relief:  
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