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@CROWNRENITY studies and explores the Duality of life. Good vs Evil. Yin vs Yang. Feminine vs Masculine. She uses her intuitive powers to discover what’s real and what’s fake. She’s on the hunt for the truth.
She first discovered spirituality from her personal experience being a 304. She began as a born Christian to becoming Daddy’s Little SLUTT to Satan’s Little Princess.
She’s a Ride or Die Woman. She’s Like A Bonnie to Clyde. She’s down to Earth. Down to listen. Down to let others take the lead. She’s Sexy. She Has Hella Sex Appeal. Open-Minded. Real Knowledgeable.
7 Episodes
Cynnrenity believe that we all in a sense has “sold our souls to the devil” but, you can’t literally “sell your soul.” You can go against the morals, values, and self-respect you placed on your own self. You can literally go against what God, The Creator, The Universe, or The Divine Mother wanted you to do or whatever you said you was going to do. You gave into temptation because you are easy to foul. Now, you have to balance your practical with your spiritual but, you must start an initiation process with Spirit to know exactly what that oath is. That’s the only way you’re going to be in alignment with what you truly want.
Cynnrenity has to rewire her subconscious mind from the 304 Lifestyle to a Rich Bxtch Lifestyle. She wants to start creating her own affirmations to motivate her to her deepest, darkest desires. This is where she began.



Cynnrenity is so funny. She decides to read her messages to allow y’all to hear how men treat her. She’s very spiritual and she declines certain men whose energy she just doesn’t vibe with. Although she knows this is how the game goes, she’s been in the game long enough to just see if there’s any other talents she can discover besides getting mistreated by men. She really does take pride in her values, morals, and self-respect. The industry is already a risk…and for her safety, she rather just use her spiritual knowledge to discern who she would take that risk with.
Cynnrenity loves The Hood Witch and Big Empress Energy and she thought she should share these spirit leaders with you as well. This podcast episode is very dear to her heart. She has cried. She has learned a lot. She started her motion. She started to release a lot of trauma and events that has happened in her life. She started cutting a lot of meaningful relationships in her life that no longer serves her. She discovered that the energy really was on point with the dates and timing because a lot of painful conversations happened around this time. A lot of doors began to close. A lot of doors she tried to re-open but, spirit locked them and threw out the key. There’s no going back. She realizes she must go forward .. by any means necessary! This podcast started a lot of shadow work and with this podcast she began unleashing a lot of her shadow sides on her social media platforms to share with her supports. This is going to be a painful experience for her! But, as she continues her journey, she will be loved, blessed, and appreciated by everyone who loves her in the long run.
Cynnrenity decodes the innergy of Mercury Pre-Shadowing Aries. She first touched the basics of what the planet Mercury symbolizes, what Pre-Shadow means, and what it means for a Planet to be in Retrograde. In the next couple of episodes, Cynnrenity will dive deeper into the upcoming innergies between the dates of March 25th-April 3rd, 2024; leading up to the Solar Eclipse April 8th, 2024.



Cynnrenity first discovered The Lord’s Sabbath Journey embarking on a journey of a Reverse Baptism. The Reverse Baptism came from her journey of initiation with becoming Satan’s Little Princess. Her journey practicing Satanism and the search for a self-love journey with Lucifer led to wanting to do a Reverse Baptism in her own way. Cynnrenity wants to understand the truth and nothing but the truth.



Blessed Be Baby! This is the trailer to Cynnrenity’s new podcast Daddy’s Little SLUTT. This is about the universal debate between Good vs Evil. God vs Satan. But, this is also about the agendas the world is pushing. This is about everyone’s thoughts and opinions about each other. This is about discovering the truth about who we really are and why we are designed to be in this Matrix today. This is only the beginning. Listen closely. The moment you thought you heard everything, you gonna want to hear it again. Understand who God is. Understand who Satan is. And discern the truth with me. There’s also missing pieces to the puzzle and we are here together trying to figure out the truth. Enjoy this Trailer and make sure you listen as many times as God wants you to listen. You might be a Witch. Find out to see.
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