Author: Evergreen Podcasts

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A "must-listen-to" podcast on dating abuse and intimate partner violence hosted by Bill Mitchell, author of the memoir, WHEN DATING HURTS. This book is about the murder of Bill's daughter by her ex-boyfriend.

Bill and his wife, Michele, lost Kristin to dating violence when she was brutally killed in June 2005. It was 20 days after her college graduation.

FACT: 1 in 3 WOMEN suffer serious physical violence at the hands of intimate partners during their lifetimes. Typically, it happens between the ages of 16-24. But can happen at any age. It doesn't need to happen. 

Bill interviews experts with keen insights into dating and domestic violence:

• "DV" agency counselors

• Law enforcement professionals

• Parents of children who were either lost to, or somehow survived, dating violence

• Actual survivors of intimate partner violence

After you listen to the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, share it with those who need to hear it... Remember the 1 in 3 women statistic.

165 Episodes
(THIS IS THE CORRECTED TRACK FOR CANDI ROSE. We apologize for the confusion we caused by running "Candi Rose Pt 1 of 2" Part 1 twice. We will do better quality control as we move along.) This is part two of a two-part narrative with Candi Rose. Candi Rose is her actual name. Her full name is Candace Rose. She was bullied in high school to the point where her mother moved her to a different school. There she fell in with the wrong crowd. Things became worse as she made a series of unfortunate decisions. Her lack of experience, wisdom, or good judgment landed her in jail as a convicted felon. Once released what did she do to make a living? She became a stripper. The twists and turns of Candi's life will have you tightly holding on. But, as with every survivor story, there is an abuse and there is as ascendence out to freedom and safety. This is Candi Rose's story. NOTE: If you are a survivor and want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, please email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book (paperback, eBook, and audiobook) can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part one of a two-part narrative with Candi Rose. Candi Rose is her actual name. Her full name is Candace Rose. She was bullied in high school to the point where her mother moved her to a different school. There she fell in with the wrong crowd. Things became worse as she made a series of unfortunate decisions. Her lack of experience, wisdom, or good judgment landed her in jail as a convicted felon. Once released what did she do to make a living? She became a stripper. The twists and turns of Candi's life will have you tightly holding on. But, as with every survivor story, there is an abuse and there is as ascendence out to freedom and safety. This is Candi Rose's story. NOTE: If you are a survivor and want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, please email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book (paperback, eBook, and audiobook) can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I attended a podcast convention earlier this year. I left some leave-behinds and business cards with the hope of landing guests spots on national podcasts. It's another way to get the word out about dating abuse and intimate partner violence. Soon after the convention, I was contacted by Mary Fernandez, the host of the "Leadership, Legacies and Legends Unleashed" podcast. She invited me to speak on her show. This is our conversation. It's quite informative overall but the parts about the warning signs of unhealthy relationships and something I call "The Template Every Abuser Follows" make this podcast episode worth your time in listening. Thank you for listening in and subscribing. NOTE: If you are a survivor and want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, please email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book (in paperback, eBook, and audiobook) can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This episode comes with content and trigger warnings: Domestic abuse, domestic violence, and graphic violence. The voice you hear on this WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast episode was created by artificial intelligence. It is not a real person's voice. The words spoken are a composite of beliefs and concepts expressed by dating and domestic abusers found within articles and interviews. They have been collected over nearly two decades. They have been reassembled as complete ideas and thoughts.   This episode illustrates how abusers portray themselves as victims. There is not one "portrait" that fits all abusers, of course, but many never take ownership of their words or actions, and they justify their abusive and destructive behavior.     NOTE: If you are a survivor and want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, please email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book (paperback, eBook, and audiobook) can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I was invited to join in an interview with True Crime Connections podcast host, Tiffanie. This was the perfect venue to continue our review of life-saving information like my latest list of warning signs. Only in the past year have I uncovered some new ones worth hearing about. I also shared what I call the "Template Every Abuser Follows". These are important areas to know since intimate partner violence does not present itself as evil at first. "IPV" often appears like "this someone" is the embodiment of your dreams. It's all wonderful until you begin to know the real person behind the mask. Thanks to Tiffanie, the host of the True Crime Connections podcast for this opportunity to speak before a new audience of listeners. And thank you for following the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast. NOTE: If you are a survivor and want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, please email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book (paperback, eBook, and audiobook) can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The following story comes with trigger warnings due to both its content and graphic descriptions. This is part one of a two-part story. Beany Chalfant brought her story to me in an email. I knew she needed to tell her narrative to us. By the time she reached 40, she had never been close to intimate partner violence. But all of that changed with one boyfriend. In the beginning, he seemed to bring everything she was missing, but before long, he was more than she could handle. The story shows us, once more, that having no awareness of the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship makes it too easy to become swallowed alive by an abusive predator. Beany reached the point where she found ways to live with the frequent emotional and violent behavior doled out by her boyfriend. In his twisted mind, he felt he could do anything he wanted. And when she tried to stop him, he resorted to threatening her life and the lives of her children. How does anyone remain in a relationship this toxic for 10 years? Listen to the story and you will see. This is Beany’s story. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The following story comes with trigger warnings due to both its content and graphic descriptions. This is part one of a two-part story. Beany Chalfant brought her story to me in an email. I knew she needed to tell her narrative to us. By the time she reached 40, she had never been close to intimate partner violence. But all of that changed with one boyfriend. In the beginning, he seemed to bring everything she was missing, but before long, he was more than she could handle. The story shows us, once more, that having no awareness of the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship makes it too easy to become swallowed alive by an abusive predator. Beany reached the point where she found ways to live with the frequent emotional and violent behavior doled out by her boyfriend. In his twisted mind, he felt he could do anything he wanted. And when she tried to stop him, he resorted to threatening her life and the lives of her children. How does anyone remain in a relationship this toxic for 10 years? Listen to the story and you will see. This is Beany’s story. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part two of a two-part story with Claire. It comes with trigger warnings for its content and graphic descriptions. I was sent a link with a news segment from the West Coast. The newscasters were showing body cam footage of an intimate partner violence case that would later head into court. The footage was eerie to watch. It puts you right there outside of the building watching a man deny knowing anything had happened. But eventually, police find Claire in their apartment. Of course, an arrest follows. Had someone, a passerby, not called for the police, it's uncertain if Claire would have survived further bodily harm from this disgusting man. The predator who abused Claire had met a target he could manipulate, take complete of, and repeatedly injure. She thought she loved him, and she was prepared to do anything to save the relationship no matter now toxic it became. This is Claire's story. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part one of a two-part story with Claire. It comes with trigger warnings for its content and graphic descriptions. I was sent a link with a news segment from the West Coast. The newscasters were showing body cam footage of an intimate partner violence case that would later head into court. The footage was eerie to watch. It puts you right there outside of the building watching a man deny knowing anything had happened. But eventually, police find Claire in their apartment. Of course, an arrest follows. Had someone, a passerby, not called for the police, it's uncertain if Claire would have survived further bodily harm from this disgusting man. The predator who abused Claire had met a target he could manipulate, take complete of, and repeatedly injure. She thought she loved him, and she was prepared to do anything to save the relationship no matter now toxic it became. This is Claire's story. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book can only be found on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part two of Cynthia’s two-part story of survival. It comes with trigger warnings due to its content and some of descriptions. You will feel her innocence throughout. She is a trusting soul and sometimes it has gotten her into places that are impossible to escape. Trouble often seemed to follow. Cynthia is not perfect. She has made mistakes. But it seems most of her mistakes have cost her dearly. No matter what Cynthia has endured in life, she managed to remain positive, and she looked for the good in people. This is Cynthia’s story. It comes with a long list of hurdles throughout, and lessons learned the hard way. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: The WHEN DATING HURTS book can be found only on Amazon. Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part one of Cynthia’s two-part story of survival. It comes with trigger warnings due to its content and some of descriptions. You will feel her innocence throughout. She is a trusting soul and sometimes it has gotten her into places that are impossible to escape. Trouble often seemed to follow. Cynthia is not perfect. She has made mistakes. But it seems most of her mistakes have cost her dearly. No matter what Cynthia has endured in life, she managed to remain positive, and she looked for the good in people. This is Cynthia’s story. It comes with a long list of hurdles throughout, and lessons learned the hard way. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our WHEN DATING HURTS podcast, Bill Mitchell   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I was asked by Dan Woerheide to join him on his Narrowing the Divide podcast. This podcast series is actually Dan working as a career coach, but he feels everyone working needs to know more about dating abuse and domestic violence. It will eventually touch every life. I appreciate Dan for inviting me to speak on his show. It's a new audience for me to tell what I know about domestic violence. We cover a lot of ground in this conversation. You will hear my latest list of warning signs, and something I call "The Template Every Abuser Follows". I promise you this episode will be worth your time. You might want to listen and take notes. Bill NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, please email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part two of a two-part story. It comes with trigger warnings due to its content and descriptions. Alexandra story begins in Australia, where she was born and where we meet up with Michael. He was an artist and a narcissistic abuser. The kind of a guy we lie awake at night hoping our daughters never meet up with or date. The story takes us from Australia to Vienna, Austria and then to Poland where the abuse from Michael turns from the emotional to physical violence as horrible as we can imagine. We see how trauma bonding takes place and it is almost impossible to break free. There is a stop in Sweden where a brief relationship with a man named Magnus begins. Fortunately, that one ended abruptly and finally. We will let Alexandra tell her story. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part one of a two-part story. It comes with trigger warnings due to its content and descriptions. Alexandra story begins in Australia, where she was born and where we meet up with Michael. He was an artist and a narcissistic abuser. The kind of a guy we lie awake at night hoping our daughters never meet up with or date. The story takes us from Australia to Vienna, Austria and then to Poland where the abuse from Michael turns from the emotional to physical violence as horrible as we can imagine. We see how trauma bonding takes place and it is almost impossible to break free. There is a stop in Sweden where a brief relationship with a man named Magnus begins. Fortunately, that one ended abruptly and finally. We will let Alexandra tell her story. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part two of a two-part story. Deborah’s story takes us to places many of us have never been before. She spent time in the US Navy and then the US Army. We go to Virginia, California, Kentucky, and even Afghanistan before her return to the US. Before heading into Afghanistan with the US Army, Deborah meets Scott, who does a brilliant portrayal of being everyone’s best buddy while winning over Deborah’s heart. It here where warning signs are on full display but are unfortunately missed. Upon her return from Afghanistan, while in the US Army, Deborah, learns, she is pregnant with her first child. At this point, the relationship takes a major turn for the worse. This story shows how a covert narcissist can take on many disguises and fool many people. But when a narcissist is called out, or is not being obeyed, life can become turbulent and dangerous for the person being targeted. In this story, we see how Scott handles himself when Deborah is not compliant. We also learn how Deborah manages to keep her mind together when she is put to the test time and time again. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part one of a two-part story. Deborah’s story takes us to places many of us have never been before. She spent time in the US Navy and then the US Army. We go to Virginia, California, Kentucky, and even Afghanistan before her return to the US. Before heading into Afghanistan with the US Army, Deborah meets Scott, who does a brilliant portrayal of being everyone’s best buddy while winning over Deborah’s heart. It here where warning signs are on full display but are unfortunately missed. Upon her return from Afghanistan, while in the US Army, Deborah, learns, she is pregnant with her first child. At this point, the relationship takes a major turn for the worse. This story shows how a covert narcissist can take on many disguises and fool many people. But when a narcissist is called out, or is not being obeyed, life can become turbulent and dangerous for the person being targeted. In this story, we see how Scott handles himself when Deborah is not compliant. We also learn how Deborah manages to keep her mind together when she is put to the test time and time again. NOTE: If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast, Bill Mitchell Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Every survivor story comes with reasons to listen carefully and learn the many facets of dating and domestic violence. This story is certainly no exception. For those of you thinking domestic violence doesn’t happen to people like you, Jamie’s narrative stands as evidence to the contrary. She was a college graduate. A law school graduate. And then a prosecutor in a district attorney’s office near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. What is so ironic? She was the prosecutor of criminal cases oftentimes like what she was experiencing within her personal life at that time. And yet, she was not thinking of her difficulties as abuse. When she realized she was technically a domestic violence victim, she felt guilt and shame for not coming forth and taking the kinds of legal steps against her abuser she would have urged her clients to take. Jamie wants to underscore dating and domestic violence can—and does—happen to anyone in any profession. This is what finally helped her turn the corner on her shame. This interview is her way to reach out to the world and use her story to help shine the light of knowledge about abuse. NOTE:  If you want to share your story of abuse on the    WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast,           Bill Mitchell   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Every survivor story comes with reasons to listen carefully and learn the many facets of dating and domestic violence. This story is certainly no exception. For those of you thinking domestic violence doesn’t happen to people like you, Jamie’s narrative stands as evidence to the contrary. She was a college graduate. A law school graduate. And then a prosecutor in a district attorney’s office near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. What is so ironic? She was the prosecutor of criminal cases oftentimes like what she was experiencing within her personal life at that time. And yet, she was not thinking of her difficulties as abuse. When she realized she was technically a domestic violence victim, she felt guilt and shame for not coming forth and taking the kinds of legal steps against her abuser she would have urged her clients to take. Jamie wants to underscore dating and domestic violence can—and does—happen to anyone in any profession. This is what finally helped her turn the corner on her shame. This interview is her way to reach out to the world and use her story to help shine the light of knowledge about abuse.  NOTE:   If you want to share your story of abuse on the     WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast,            Bill Mitchell    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This the final part in a three-part story. Sarah’s story of abuse starts off a bit slow but then it really gets rolling. It covers many of the warning signs (red flags) of what became an unhealthy relationship, and later, and awkward, disrespectful, one-sided, abusive marriage. Plus, there were children involved. Sarah somehow managed to stay true to herself. She never became as awful as the behavior that came her way from her husband.    There is so much to be learned in this heroic narrative about a young woman trying to make sense and live with someone when she was not prepared.    This is Sarah’s survivor story.  NOTE:    If you want to share your story of abuse on the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast,             Bill Mitchell     Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is part two in a three-part story. Sarah’s story of abuse starts off a bit slow but then it really gets rolling. It covers many of the warning signs (red flags) of what became an unhealthy relationship, and later, and awkward, disrespectful, one-sided, abusive marriage. Plus, there were children involved. Sarah somehow managed to stay true to herself. She never became as awful as the behavior that came her way from her husband.    There is so much to be learned in this heroic narrative about a young woman trying to make sense and live with someone when she was not prepared.    This is Sarah’s survivor story.  NOTE:    If you want to share your story of abuse on the      WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, email me: Thank you for listening to our podcast,             Bill Mitchell     Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (7)


Dude needs to grow the fuck up.

Jan 22nd

Rosalea Aitken

why as a host are you asking personal details regarding the sexual abuse of people that aren't even on the podcast..not professional or appropriate in my opinion!

Aug 20th
Reply (1)


Come on. Really? The other woman? She’s not a survivor. Be serious.

Mar 6th

Nicholas Keigher

something is wrong with the overlay of the audio in this episode

Feb 15th
Reply (1)



Sep 22nd
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