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Author: BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Inc

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EarthChat presents in-depth conversations and views on the many environment issues affecting our community. EarthChat is brought to you by BEAM Mitchell Environment Group. You can listen live each Tuesday on Seymour FM at 12noon AEST or to the repeat on Saturday at 8am with your hosts Vanessa, Peter, Ruth and Tim. Time to tune in, listen up and get active EarthChatters!
20 Episodes
Tim and Ruth chat with Liz Downes about Deep Ecology. What is Deep Ecology? It is a way of life that supports conscious activism. It’s a sense of being part of the earth and called into action by the web of life. activism and facilitation work then involves creating a sense of community among like-minded people who want to explore this connection with the web of life. Liz Downes is a forest activist, researcher and campaigner. Her recent focus has been in Ecuador, where mining is threatening the world’s most biodiverse regions. Liz is director of the Rainforest Information Centre and a facilitator of Deep Ecology, helping others do experiential work which aims to ignite our passion for the living Earth and the knowing of ourselves as part of it, which lead to empowerment and action in difficult times. Want to read more? Check here for information, including course dates, for the Rainforest Information Centre and here for background on Deep Ecology. You can find out about the Australian Earth Laws Alliance here
This week on EarthChat, Marie and Tim chat with Cath Rouse from the community group opposing the proposed Wollert waste to energy incinerator. They discuss and learn about the environmental dangers to the surrounding residents from the  potential toxic emissions caused by burning among other things large quantities of plastic and other chemicals. They also emit large amounts of greenhouse gases while producing energy. Want to read more? Check out this website from Climate Action Merribek. You can also add your name to the petition here. You can also get involved though the No Northern Incinerator Wollert FaceBook page
Peter Mitchell joins Ruth this Tuesday, May14 at noon to give listeners a sneak preview into the latest edition of the ‘Natural Treasures’ in Mitchell Shire prior to its official launch next Sunday, May 19. This new edition offers 16 more sites for us to explore, and Peter has created reserve notes for every site. There are a lot more nature reserves, roadside wild nature corridors, rail trail reserves, and many more walking tracks, all of which beckon us to put on our boots and get out into nature. And there’s more…… ! In addition to being able to pick up the leaflet from the Shire’s Libraries and Information Centres from next Monday, May 20, you will also be able to plan your nature expeditions from home via BEAM’s website which goes live at the time of launch (see below). There is also a fabulous "Nature Scavenger Hunt" for children to enjoy. I’ve been privileged to take a sneak peak at this fabulous new leaflet. Here’s an excerpt: “This brochure lists the best of the nature reserves in Mitchell Shire which are available to the public. The landscapes of Mitchell Shire have many Natural Treasures including small but rich patches of wildflowers, tree-lined corridors along roadsides, railways and creeks, larger conservation reserves and state forests, and private bushlands. To find these reserves, download walking maps, and learn more about the natural history that make these Treasures such rich places, go to: (live from Sunday, May 19) They have a rich diversity of environments…….” “This diversity of environments provides habitat for a wide range of native plants, animals, fungi and bacteria, and all the complex interactions between them. The form a framework of biodiversity that we can use to rebuild healthy ecosystems and landscapes across the Shire”. What also makes this Natural Treasures’ leaflet so special is that it is the only information of its kind, (thanks to the work of Peter and others acknowledged on the leaflet). Neither Parks Victoria nor Vic Forests offer such extensive and important information. Join us to hear about these exciting new additions to the leaflet, and to be reminded of all the nature reserves open to the public in this Shire. We often don’t realize how lucky we are to have so many places to immerse ourselves in nature nearby - many more compared to most other Shires in this State.
Vanessa and Ruth discuss the recent Landcare forum on soil health and sustainable farming, held at the Seymour Racecourse on the 2nd May,  including a presentation by TV celebrity chef Matthew Evans and his book on Soil. Vanessa outlines the contributions by the various speakers invited to the forum, touching on soil health and productive soils, biology and plant pathology. There were lots of practical examples of soil health applicable to farms, as well as the connection between healthy soil and nutrient rich foods, management approaches in Regenerative Agriculture and an outline of the pitfalls that need to be avoided.
Tony Richardson and his partner Rita have been growing trees on their two farms for 25 years. They invested their super (against advice at the time) and grew different eucalypt species hoping to log them for timber after about 25 years. However, Tony, a transport engineer by profession, had been captivated by the potential of biochar, and peeler logs for plywood. Growing trees for logs locks up carbon for maybe 50 years, and all of the upper tree and branches and leaves (75% of the biomass of a tree) become carbon emitting waste. In contrast, biochar can lock up carbon for 100 years, and all of the tree not peeled for plywood can be pyrolysed…no waste.  Logging takes the base of the tree trunk, but the rest of the tree is left to rot, or burnt; a big carbon emitter, and a wasted resource. Tony recommends a 10 year plantation turnaround as the best carbon storage, with biochar and peeler logs sold on the retail market. A short turnaround means the farmer’s plantation is less likely to be lost to bushfires. What does this all mean? EarthChat this week shares an interview with Tony Richardson, with Peter Lockyer as host and guest commentator and local gardener Brian Bowring offering his perspectives… Brian has been a biochar advocate for years. It's a great yarn.
Over the last six months, the killing of over 30,000 people and the forced relocation of approximately 2 million people has brought global attention to the plight of people in Gaza and the wider conflict between Israel and Palestine. Our EarthChat guest this week is Dr Rachel Coghlan who completed her PhD on palliative care in Gaza and who maintains close contact with health workers and others there who are enduring the ongoing destruction talking place. Houses and hospitals have been damaged and destroyed, fields and trees uprooted, people left without access to food, clean water or sanitation. Tim and Ruth talk to Rachel about the damage to society and to the environment that has taken place and ask what role can we play in advocating for peace, reconciliation and restoration of destroyed ecosystems? Rachel Coghlan is a public health leader with over 20 years’ experience in clinical physiotherapy and in international humanitarian health research, policy, and advocacy. She is also a Fulbright Scholar and holds a PhD from the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership, at Deakin University. She has contributed to palliative care research and education in Gaza and maintains connections with Palestinian friends and colleagues. Rachel is a curious thinker and listener, always searching to learn from those most affected by illness and humanitarian crises with a view to trying to help make some sense of the grief and suffering that mark life in our world. Her Crikey articles can be found here
Marie and Tim talk to  Phoebe Gardner from Bardee about their developments in using black soldier flies to transform very large amounts of food waste into protein, animal feed and fertilizer. Part of a truly circular economy. Bardee claim that their vertical farming system feeds and nurtures soldier flies through their natural growth phases and in their Grow Labs, larvae grow 3000x in size in just 7 days eating only food waste with no added water required. Larvae are processed into a high quality insect protein for pet food and animal feed & the castings become a nutrient-rich organic fertiliser. As well as producing very useful products this diverts large amounts of waste that would otherwise be going to landfill. This is a very positive project for the environment.
This week, Ruth welcomes back Grace Davis-Williams who is our Regional Waste and Resource Recovery Education Officer in Mitchell Shire. This role is part of a collaborative project between Mitchell, Murrindindi and Strathbogie Shire Councils who came together in 2018 to provide a regional approach to waste education, a critical tool for supporting waste management strategies and sustainability. Grace has been straddling her efforts to minimize waster over three shires for the last six years. A big undertaking. She somehow fitted in giving birth to Benny but now returns to work determined as ever to raise awareness of how we can improve our waste practices. Her priority list includes the reminder to us to keep recycling loose in our bins - a big problem in Mitchell Shire where up to a whole truckload of recyclables is sent to landfill each week because people keep bagging their recyclables before putting them in their yellow bins. Put them in loose! And then there’s the battery challenge. Batteries are a problem for the environment. Supermarkets have special receptacles where people can dispose of their batteries. Grace is holding a webinar on 17th April about why they are such a problem for the environment and what we can do to help. The good news is that Victoria is definitely pro recycling - around 98% of Victorians are trying to recycle. Join us to learn how we can do it even better especially in Mitchell Shire where we have one of the highest contamination rates in the State and the highest in the region. See here for a huge range of local workshops and events.
The end of logging in native forests by VicForests raises the wonderful opportunity for us to think of future prospects for these tree communities in Victoria. This week on EarthChat, Tim and Marie talk with Paul Macgregor, forests campaigner for BEAM, and committee member of the Victorian Forest Alliance, about the importance of restoring these forests to biodiverse splendour and cultural richness. 1.8 million hectares of state forest, once reserved for logging, now face a brighter future. Trees and forests will now have a chance to grow old and mature, providing greater habitat for rare animals, and reducing forest flammability. Biodiversity can expand. Carbon can be sequestered. Air and water will be cleaner. The cultural uses of forests and their plants by First Nations can be respected, explored and shared. But after 200 years of logging, clearing, tree monoculture and inappropriate fire regimes, there’s a lot of work to be done to help these forests restore to their full potential as living communities. Paul, Tim and Marie discuss the ways in which we can do this.
On this week's show, Peter is joined by an old friend, Annemaree Docking. She's a hands-on, small-farm landholder who's been practising sustainable farming for 30 years. She is also a former Vice President of the BEAM Committee. Annemaree was raised on a suburban block in Doncaster, on what was then the outskirts of Melbourne, very much a fringe suburb in the 1980’s, apple and pear orchards were giving way to quarter acre Aussie dreams while Annemaree grew up riding horses where the Eastern Freeway and townhouses now preside. The changing landscape left its impression on her. She is currently a PhD candidate with Deakin University researching Regenerative Agriculture Systems.   Her Regenerative Agriculture for Climate Resilience project considers the concept of regenerative agriculture and its potential to support transformative change of peri-urban agriculture and landscape for greater climate resilience of cities and regional centres. Annemaree is the Principal Consultant of her new business project Thriving Rural.
"Climate Safe Rooms" is a Climate retrofitting project to create refuges in low-income households during heatwaves and extreme cold. As our weather bobs around all over the place, and the expected extra hot and dry summer has become a mix of deluge and high humidity, local action on climate has many faces. This week, Peter is joined by the Mitchell Community Energy's President, John Thompson, who is fired up about Seymour being the springboard for community action that contributes to the recently adopted Mitchell Shire Climate Emergency Action Plan: from linking with the Seymour Buslines EV bus pilot; to direct action making inefficient homes more liveable when the mercury hovers above 40°C for a week. We are also joined by Geelong Sustainability chairperson David Spear with some insights into the Climate Safe Rooms project. The Climate Safe Rooms project was funded by the Victorian Government to retrofit one room in a vulnerable household to be comfortable in extremes of heat, and cold. This has clear health benefits to the householder, and energy savings. An energy audit, door and window seals, a solar system and a reverse cycle split system are amongst the changes introduced by this pilot project.  Geelong Sustainability are award winners in innovative local action on climate. Is this the path for Seymour?     Join Peter Lockyer and John Thompson on EarthChat this week for good news to meet challenges to climate in our local community. In just one hour, you may gain an insight to change your life forever. Or close to it.
We are a powerful force for nature! How do we get people involved in environmental action? This week on EarthChat, Tim and Ruth talk to Don Vogt, a long-term environmental activist and convenor of the ACF Inner Melbourne Community Group. Don is a tireless and committed community leader and he dedicates most of his week to organising events, recruiting new members and further strengthening this powerful local group. They plant trees, get AFL footballers involved, run workshops, lobby politicians and do lots of local clean-ups. Don shares some of what he has learned in getting people involved and some of the challenges he has faced along the way.
Continuing the theme of the importance of volunteering for the environment, Vanessa and Tim will be talking about Vanessa's recent experience working along Hughes Creek near Avenel, and how this relates to an endangered fish species, the Macquarie Perch, that can still be found in this creek. You can also read more about it online on The Country News at this link (subscribe or access articles for free for one month).
Vanessa and Ruth discuss Vanessa's recent adventure discovering two very different habitats for native animals. They discuss the largest feral predator-free ecosystem in Victoria, Mount Rothwell, and the sewage treatment lagoons of the Western Treatment Plant, otherwise known as the Werribee sewage farm. Want more information about either location? Read about Mt Rothwell here and the Western Treatment Plant here
Marie and Tim chat to Brendan Garrett about Mitchell Shire Council's Climate Emergency Action Plan. We talk about how to reduce our carbon footprint and meet our carbon net zero goals. What are the practical steps we can take? You can read the Plan here.
Tim and Ruth talk to Dr Rosemary Kelly about superannuation investments, international treaties prohibiting weapons which cause indiscriminate civilian deaths, climate change and fossil fuels and how funds apply screens when investing. Find out why this might be important for your super. An important conversation on the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation.
Seymour now has its own Youth Development Officer. Ryan Hutchison joins Ruth along with the 2 other Youth Development Officers for the Mitchell Shire, Tara Kinsey & Kris Johnson. They fill us in on what the Council is offering Youth aged 12 - 24 throughout the Shire. 
Vanessa Malandrin talks about rivers and an interesting PhD research project. The research by Madeline Grupper from Melbourne Uni looks at how people in the Goulburn Broken River Catchment think about rivers and water use. The hope is to build a shared understanding of river priorities.
Ruth’s guest is Aeronwyn Schache, a face to face fundraiser’ with The Wilderness Society. This is a fascinating conversation on the path and values that have led this next generation activist to devote her life to supporting the environmental health of our planet and all its residents.
As someone who cares about the environment, the impact of climate change, or other social justice issues, it is easy to be overwhelmed, to feel despair and burnout. How can we rediscover purpose, energy and strength for the journey? This week we talk to Josh Glover on this topic.
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