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Divine Flow


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A podcast for creative souls who want to bring more peace, flow, lightness, and spiritual connection into their lives & work, Divine Flow is the energy state you surrender into where everything naturally works out beautifully in your life & work. 

Insights drop in right when they are needed. You don’t need to grasp, control, or even steer the ship... because it’s all already been pre-planned by your Higher Self! 

You just get to slow down, feel peaceful, and BE as life rushes to you. Imagine how it would feel to live in alignment with this flow ALL of the time! It is real and it is possible.

That is the beautiful world we are moving into on this planet. But first, we need to unhitch ourselves from everything that ties us back to the fears that cause us to cling too tightly to the “old ways” of forcing, hustling, and the illusion of being in control - which, let’s face it, isn’t working out that well anymore anyway… am I right?

Join us for podcast episodes that will inspire you to slow down and flow based on conversations with spiritual thought leaders and creative & intuitive souls who are doing what they love and doing it all in divine flow. 

4 Episodes
No one likes to feel like someone or something outside of themselves is calling the shots in their life. It can be easy to think that you and your Higher Self are separate, that you are somehow powerless to this other part of you that is planning everything that is happening for you.So, how can we learn to listen to this aspect of ourselves and hear it more clearly as we make decisions in our day-to-day lives as if we ARE our Higher Selves? (Because we are. We just forgot.)// Sign up for emai...
We don’t need to worry so much about planning out every little detail of our lives down here on Earth… because our Higher Self has already planned it.But wait... who is this Higher Self and how is it planning our lives for us? How do we know when we’re being guided by our Higher Selves, and how can we drop in and listen more closely, more often? (And who am I to say what the answer is here - in other words, how did I come to discover all of this in the first place?)// Sign up for email update...
Divine Flow is about realizing that it is OK to prioritize rest, play, self-care, and spiritual discovery, and knowing that you will actually get ahead much faster, further, and more enjoyably when you do.Energetic alignment is so much more important than speed or how hard you work. And you can tell if you are in alignment because you feel calm, content, happy… you feel like you’re in flow.Pushing yourself beyond your limits, forcing things to happen, creating impossible schedules for yoursel...
How can we live in flow and stay connected to our Higher Selves in a world where we are taught to go go go and work hard to help others? And what kind of divine downloads and intuitive insights could we receive if we slowed down and prioritized our own energetic alignment above anything and everything else? That is what we'll seek to explore through solo episodes and interviews with spiritual thoughtleaders.// Learn more @ Follow us on Instagram @
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