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The 411 With Kiki
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The 411 With Kiki

Author: Kiki Ransom

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Welcome to The 411, where model, creator, and beauty enthusiast Kiki Ransom is giving you an inside look at her self discovery and elevation journey. From being NYC’s certified party girl who loved a wild night out to a sleep loving, healthy eating, pilates princess; Kiki is sharing what led to her lifestyle change and everything she does to elevate herself. From her beauty routines that makes her feel confident to her mental health non-negotiables, she is giving you the inside scoop on what the industry IT girls are doing in order for you to be your own version of an IT girl. Time to elevate!
31 Episodes
We are constantly comparing ourselves to others... other relationships, other careers, other people's achievements... but today that stops. In this episode, I get into the many ways I've found myself comparing to others and showcasing jealousy but how I've worked through that and truly realize I'm in my own lane. We all offer something unique to the world and need to remember to be in our own lane, our own league, and embody what makes us special. So long are the days of comparing ourselves to others; we are now the main characters in our own shows. Enjoy!!
Am I Moving To LA?

Am I Moving To LA?


In this episode we talk about my newfound interest in being an LA girl, how I maintain routine while traveling (I'm 2 weeks into a 1 month USA tour), and the importance of knowing it's never too late to step outside your comfort zone so future you is happy and fufilled. Hope you enjoy!
New Season, New Kiki! In the spirit of Season 3, so many new friends, and renewal, I thought it would be a great idea to reintroduce myself and get into the specifics of what lead me to becoming the glowing skin, pilates princess, wellness enthusiasts you know today. From my time in boarding school, to Syracuse University, to entering the working world, to my modeling and content creating days, I walk you through each stage and the role they played in my elevation journey. We touch on hitting rock bottom (my aha moment) and how to bounce back from your lowest points. Hope you enjoy!
Grab a tea, get cozy, because we are getting deep in reflections about what this month and Season 2 has taught me.    This month taught me a lot about myself.   I learned I need boundaries in my life and have to honor them in order to be my happiest, healthiest self. I learned to have confidence in my ideas and actions and know that I have what it takes to bring them to life. I learned that burn out is a thing, and to connect back with myself to understand why I feel the need to achieve a laundry list of accomplishments before 30. I learned (or rather reminded myself) that though social media is my outlet and happy place, it can also be a dangerous, sinking world that encourages a competitive nature in myself that invites unhealthy habits. I learned that I need alone time; being by myself with my own thoughts and company is recharging and quite frankly something I really enjoy. I am my own bestie and I’m proud of that! If being alone is difficult for you, I want you to dig deep and understand why and make it a goal of yours to do 1 thing alone this week. And no, commuting to your job alone doesn’t count. Go to the museum, see a movie, take yourself out to eat; Do something you’ve been wanting to do. I learned acupuncture really will release stress and anxiety in a way that is unmatched, but for long term results, you have to do the mental, physical, and emotional work to really show up for yourself. I learned being a boss is no easy feat, and a journey I’m only beginning. I learned that making mistakes is a positive thing; it's a hands on way to learn and do better in the future. Basically what I’m trying to say as we end Season 2 is thank you. Thank you for being on this journey and giving me a reason to show up weekly to not only create episodes, but reflect on my elevation journey and growth as a woman. Growing and learning about yourself is typically a private matter that most people don’t do with the eyes of the internet staring at them, but knowing I have to report back to you all has forced me to be brave, bold, and put my money where my mouth is. Because of you guys, I'm changing... evolving even. I’m embracing fear, going after what my higher self wants, and really striving to be the version of myself I tell you all to be.   Growing is no easy feat, but as I experience the benefits of honoring my boundaries, being clear on what I want, and showing up for myself, the benefits are so worth it. So if you’re going through a tough time, know whole heartedly that it gets better. The Universe will reward you.   So thank you thank you thank you for being on this journey with me. You showing up and listening is healing me more than you’ll ever know.   I’m so excited for Season 3. A new chapter. A new era. A new journey has begun… and I can’t wait for you to experience it with me!
In this week’s episode, I dive into my first experiences stepping outside my comfort zone and reflect on the ways in which all of them helped me grow into the woman I am today and continue to foster my growth. Throughout my 28 years on this Earth, one theme has been consistent; being comfortable with the uncomfortable. From attending boarding school, to moving to Italy at 18, to now living in London and running my own business, I’ve learned first hand the wins that come from leaving the world I knew to embrace a world I knew awaited me. Were these experiences scary at first? Absolutely! No one said growth was easy. But I promise all it takes is that first step of boldness, discomfort, and vulnerability and the rest is history. I hope in my story, you find similarities and feel encouraged to be bold and step forward for the life you deserve.
I’m so excited to share my conversation with tastemaker, vintage enthusiast, and community activist, Sherin from Outsource Vintage. We dive into the historical and familia inspiration around her career, how she fosters her community and offers support to her clientele outside of style, and considerations when trying to find your own personal style. This conversation was so honest, genuine, and reminds us that there is beauty in things we once found shame in. I can’t wait for you all to listen!
This week I learned the hard way that consistency means effortlessness, ease, and control. After 2 months of being really bad and inconsistent about Pilate workouts, I returned having to face the fact that my body was not the same. My muscle and core strength had weakened over time, my anxiety had heightened, and I was forced to start from the beginning. This realization inspired today’s conversation on the power of consistency. From my pilates workouts, to building a career in content creation, consistency has always played. a key role in my evolution and success. So many world respected people talk about the power fo consistency and how talent and skill mean nothing without it. So on this Wednesday, let’s get real about our goals and what we want to commit to being consistent in. And yes, I will be checking back in 6 months to see what we’ve accomplished! :)
Ella Thirsty is a force to be reckoned with. She spent 10 + years working the PR side for companies like Beauty Seen, L’Oreal, and Cult Beauty and most notably played a leading role in the introduction of Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty to the UK market. During this time, working with household names, she became an expert in all things marketing, brand relations, and furthering her accounts to a targeted audience. It was during the pandemic that she felt inspired to start her own agency, and Thirsty the agency was born. Repping brands like Saie Beauty, Bread, and Glow Recipe, she’s carved out a space for herself and brought a new perspective to the industry from the agency side. Current, refreshing, and unique are words that come to mind when thinking of the reputation Thirsty have established in just 3 years.   The events they put on deserve a written piece of their own.    We dive into the importance of working in an industry before starting your own venture, how she’s navigated being a woman of color in predominantly white setting, and the importance of carving out your own lane when one isn’t paved out for you.   So grab your matcha, open your notes app, and get ready to receive all the insider tea from the PR IT girl herself.
The IT Girl Recipe

The IT Girl Recipe


I need all my ladies looking to elevate all 2024 to come to the front, because this EP was made specifically for you. Grab your pen and paper and get ready to take notes on all the elements I think make an IT girl. From therapy, to pilates to skincare routines to going at your own rate; I dive into the steps and actions I took on my journey from party animal Kiki that completely abandoned her mental and physical health, to m current day Kiki who’s a baddie and has come such a long way. I cannot emphasize enough, this journey took years and is still continuous, so wherever you find yourself, be proud your acknowledging the desire to be a happier and healthier version of yourself and get excited to look back at how far you’ve come. I’m so proud of you! We got this!!
Happy love day beautiful people!! In today’s episode we dive into the power of self love because how on earth can you even begin to love someone else if you don’t love yourself. From habits and routines I honor, to recapping my previous relationships and my learning lessons, I take you down memory lane of the many moments, both trying and rewarding that taught me about myself and learning self love. If you’re in a relationship, enjoy today with your partner and the beauty of having that connection with another human being and if you’re not, embrace the beauty and privilege of being able to really hone in and honor the self. As someone who now lives with a boy (a boy who has my whole heart) but a boy nonetheless, I encourage you to embrace this chapter of solo living, the right to be selfish, and really growing and healing and elevating YOU. Hope you enjoy!
Let’s talk MONEY, because it girls care about their finances.   Whether you have college debt, are supporting a family, or simply want more money to enjoy the gems life has to offer, money is needed. In this honest, thorough, and safe conversation with cofounder of Your Juno, Margot, we dive deep into the gender gaps of financial literacy and ways you can take personal responsibility for your own money management and overall wealth without shame.   As someone who always blamed my poor money management skills on “not having the money gene,” Margot helps me understand this does not exist and money management must be learned, the same way a foreign language is learned; with time and dedication.   It is through the creation of their app, “Her Juno” that sisters Margot and Alexia are changing the trajectory of financial literacy in woman, and giving them the tools they need to be further educated, equipped, and confident in creating their own wealth.   The time is now ladies!!   (Please note: The information provided in this episode is not financial advice.)
Let’s get into the IT girl skincare routine aka how you can find the best skincare routine for YOU. I’ve spent 5+ years diving deep into skincare, it’s benefits, and how it can overall elevate your wellness journey so I’m excited to take you through my personalized routine and explain why each product is used and what it does for my skin. Discovering your ideal skincare routine takes time, so take notes, but remember I did not discover this routine over night and I’m continuously still tweaking it as better products come along. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the skincare journey of elevating your skin!
When it comes to building a brand, Isabella Vrana is your girl. Turning a life long passion into a career is no easy feat, but Bella shows us with hard work, leveraging social media to your gain, and taking it slow, the deed is possible. For all aspiring and current business owners, I strongly believe there is at least one takeaway from Bella’s approach that can enhance your business. So grab a note pad, your matcha, and get ready to get the 411 on building a business.
My Success Cocktail

My Success Cocktail


Grab a matcha, get cosy, and lets get into the nitty gritty around how I built the life I have today. From the power of delusion, the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and the truth about hard work; We're laying out the details.
Grab a pen and notepad because Emily did not hold back in this raw conversation around the facts of nutrition. From defining "toxic diet culture," explaining what foods lead to glowing skin, and answering the million dollar question; "Is breakfast REALLY the most important meal of the day," Emily covers any and all things you could think of when it comes to nutrition. It's rare to have direct access to a BSc Nutritionist from Kings College London Graduate, so I'm honored to have her on The 411.   To stay up to date with Emily's amazing nutrition tips and super approachable meals; follow her on instagram & tik tok at @emthenutritionist
This one strategy grew my following to 20,000 + and confirmed brand partnerships I had on my Vision Board.   This one goes out to my Content Creators; current and aspiring! Grab a matcha, open your notes app (or pen and paper if you’re like me), and let’s get into the nitty gritty about content creating, social media, hosting a podcast and discuss what a true day in the life is like and the role and responsibility we hold when we decide to put ourselves online. Daily, I see the saturation of lies being shared simply to go “viral” or accumulate a lot of views, but as someone who took time finding her groove and momentum, always puts honesty first, and truly understands the power of virality, I want to have an honest and unfiltered conversation about it all. My goal is by sharing the behind the scenes and specifics of how I’ve grown my socials and attained the brand partnerships of my dreams, you’ll take what you need to set intentional goals for yourself for 2024.   And achieve them!
OUR SEASON FINALE!!!! I can’t believe we are already wrapping Season 1… Where did the time go? Never the less, I’m so excited for Season 2 and have been squealing with excitement to share everything Chloe and I have been working on.   But 2023 isn’t over just yet, so wanted to leave you with the tools I use to set attainable goals for the New Year. I used to make long grandiose goals, confident I would accomplish them then feel defeated when none had come true. I realized, rather than embracing the journey and making attainable, approachable goals, I was solely thinking of the end game. That type of thinking stops NOW. These tips are strategies I’ve learned that allow me to experience achievement and success and organically lead me to my ultimate goal. I’ve discovered life is about taking small intentional steps that lead us to our major goal. So have your notes app ready or if you’re like me, grab a pen and paper, and get ready to learn a new way to set your goals that’ll show you results.   I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR AN INCREDIBLE SEASON 1!!!! Season 2, here we come!
Your girl has been initiating a personal rebrand over the last few months, and I wanted to share approachable steps I’ve been taking to do so without spending a million dollars and getting overwhelmed. Because let’s be real, before we can change anything on the outside, we have to focus on the inside and not rush that process. So sit back, grab a pen, and get ready to take notes so you feel ready to enter 2024 with a plan to be your best self. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The mind behind the beauty column for Dazed, Refinery 29, and Cosmopolitan, Vanese talks about how one of the hardest times in her life led her to her dream job, how she’s battled with mental health and what outlets have been working, and how to bounce back back when your crush doesn’t return the favor. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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