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Prescribing Lifestyle with Dr Avi Charlton
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Prescribing Lifestyle with Dr Avi Charlton

Author: Dr Avi Charlton

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"Prescribing Lifestyle" is your go-to podcast for all things health, wellness, and personal development. Hosted by Dr Avi Charlton, low carb GP. She interviews experts in the fields of nutrition, fitness, psychology, and more. This podcast dives deep into the science behind living your best life. Whether you're seeking practical tips for healthy eating, strategies for managing stress, or inspiration for creating positive habits, "Prescribing Lifestyle" delivers insightful conversations and actionable advice to empower you on your journey to optimal well-being. Tune in to learn how to cultivate a lifestyle that promotes vitality, resilience, and fulfilment.
13 Episodes
Show Notes: Understanding Migraines with Angela Stanton In this episode of Prescribing Lifestyle, Dr. Avi Charlton sits down with Dr. Angela Stanton, a renowned migraine specialist and author, to explore the intricacies of migraines and effective strategies for managing them. Angela shares her personal journey with migraines, insights from her extensive research, and practical advice for sufferers. This episode delves into the genetic basis of migraines, the role of diet and electrolytes, and the importance of environmental awareness in managing migraine triggers. Key Topics Introduction to Angela Stanton Overview of Angela's expertise in migraine research and her personal journey as a migraine sufferer. Discussion on Angela's book, Fighting the Migraine Epidemic, and her Facebook group, Migraine Sufferers Who Want to Heal by the Stanton Migraine Protocol. Angela's Background and Experience Angela's educational background and transition from academia to full-time migraine research. Personal experiences and struggles with migraines that led to her research focus. Understanding Migraines Explanation of what migraines are and their connection to electrical activity in the brain. The genetic basis of migraines and how they differ from other types of headaches. The Role of Electrolytes Importance of sodium and other electrolytes in preventing and managing migraines. Practical advice on balancing electrolytes through diet and lifestyle adjustments. Diet and Migraine Management The impact of carbohydrate intolerance on migraine sufferers. Introduction to the Stanton Migraine Protocol, emphasizing a low-carb or carnivore diet to stabilize blood glucose levels. Environmental Factors and Triggers How weather changes, exercise, and other environmental factors can trigger migraines. Tips for managing these external triggers effectively. The Stanton Migraine Protocol Key elements of the protocol: electrolyte management, diet, and environmental awareness. Step-by-step guidance on implementing the protocol and adapting it to individual needs. Success Stories and Community Support Insights into the supportive community within the Migraine Sufferers Facebook group. Success stories from group members who have benefited from the protocol. Angela's Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle Angela's personal strategies for staying healthy and active at 70. The importance of staying mentally and physically active for overall well-being. Final Thoughts and Advice Encouragement for migraine sufferers to explore the Stanton Migraine Protocol. Importance of personalized care and working closely with healthcare providers. Resources Mentioned Migraine Sufferers Facebook Group Fighting the Migraine Epidemic by Dr. Angela Stanton Join the Low Carb Pro Community: Engage in bi-weekly webinars and access extensive resources through Low Carb Pro. For $25 a month, join a supportive community dedicated to holistic health improvement. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free e-book from the
Show Notes: Top 10 Tips for Thriving on Your Low Carb Journey In this episode, we explore the top 10 tips for thriving on your low carb journey. These insights are shared to help you navigate and sustain a low carb lifestyle effectively. The episode includes practical advice on self-compassion, nutrition, exercise, and more. Key Topics Introduction to the Event Overview of the low carb dinner event and its purpose. Introduction to the speaker and the outline of the session. Self-Love and Self-Compassion Importance of practicing self-love and self-compassion. Strategies to stop berating yourself and be kind to yourself. Treating yourself as your best friend. Charging Your Battery Explanation of the six pillars of lifestyle: nutrition, sunlight, community, relaxation, exercise, and sleep. Practical tips for charging your body with good food, sunlight, community interaction, relaxation, exercise, and proper sleep. Understanding Food as Fuel Why eating crappy food is a punishment, not a reward. The impact of junk food on your metabolism and overall health. Viewing real food as a treat and a way to nourish your body. Personalized Health Journeys Emphasizing that everyone's health journey is unique. Encouragement to try different approaches and find what works best for you. The importance of self-experimentation and keeping an open mind. Starting at Any Age Inspirational stories of older individuals embarking on a low carb journey. Affirmation that it's never too late to start improving your health. Mental Health and Food Choices How your food choices impact your mental health. Questions to ask yourself before eating: are you feeding chaos or calm? The effects of sugar on mental and metabolic health. Continuous Learning and Growth Encouragement to keep educating yourself about health and nutrition. The importance of listening to different perspectives and continuously learning. Seeking Help and Building Community Availability of support from the speaker and other experts. The benefits of joining a supportive community to share experiences and gain guidance. Planning Ahead for Success Tips for planning meals and making healthier food choices. Stories of practical strategies to avoid unhealthy food options.   Join the Low Carb Pro Community: Participate in the "Breathe Together with Me" challenge started May 23, 2024. Engage in bi-weekly webinars and access extensive resources through Low Carb Pro. For $25 a month, join a supportive community dedicated to holistic health improvement. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free e-book from the
Show Notes: How to Start Exercising In this episode, we sit down with Wynter Chan, an exercise physiologist based in Melbourne, to discuss how to start an exercise routine. Wynter runs the Melbourne Yoga and Pilates clinic and provides a comprehensive approach to fitness, catering to a wide range of needs from yoga and Pilates to other exercise methods. Wynter shares her insights on making exercise a sustainable part of your lifestyle, the benefits of online training, and practical tips for overcoming common barriers to physical activity. Key Topics Introduction to Wynter Chan Wynter's background and expertise in exercise physiology. Difference between exercise physiologists and physiotherapists. Wynter's Background and Experience Wynter’s educational journey and career highlights. Her work with national sports teams and the Australian Ballet. Challenges in Starting Exercise Common challenges people face when starting to exercise. The importance of motivation and accountability. Making Time for Exercise Tips for busy professionals to fit exercise into their schedules. Examples of effective short exercise sessions. Success of Online Training Transition to online sessions during the lockdown. Benefits of online training for clients’ consistency and flexibility. Personalizing Exercise Plans Customizing exercise plans based on individual lifestyles. Wynter’s approach to working with clients of various needs. Client Success Stories Stories of clients achieving their fitness goals, including a significant weight loss and diabetes reversal. Handling Injuries and Adaptations Strategies for exercising with injuries. Importance of finding alternative exercises to maintain fitness. Motivation and Goal Setting The role of motivation in sustaining an exercise routine. Setting realistic and achievable goals to maintain progress. Working with Chronic Conditions How exercise physiologists collaborate with healthcare providers. Using care plans to make sessions more accessible. Wynter’s Personal Exercise Routine Wynter’s own fitness journey and current routine. Tips on tracking exercise and maintaining consistency. Final Thoughts and Advice Wynter’s advice for those struggling to start exercising. Encouragement to find enjoyable activities and start small.     Join the Low Carb Pro Community: Participate in the "Breathe Together with Me" challenge starting May 23, 2024. Engage in bi-weekly webinars and access extensive resources through Low Carb Pro. For $25 a month, join a supportive community dedicated to holistic health improvement. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free e-book from the
Show Notes Episode Overview: In this episode, we explore the transformative power of functional breathing, an essential yet often overlooked aspect of wellness. Join us as we delve into the benefits of nose breathing, the science behind it, and practical tips to enhance your health through better breathing techniques. Discussion Highlights: Introduction to Functional Breathing: The significance of breathing for overall well-being. Barry’s qualifications as a certified Oxygen Advantage coach and functional breathing instructor. Influential books: Patrick McKeown's "The Oxygen Advantage" and James Nestor's "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art." The Importance of Nose Breathing: Benefits of nose breathing over mouth breathing. Health issues linked to mouth breathing: anxiety, asthma, insomnia, and more. The detrimental effects of mouth breathing on dental health and jaw development. The Role of Modern Medicine and Holistic Practices: Combining functional breathing with modern medicine and a healthy diet. The holistic approach to health, including proper diet, exercise, and stress management. Breath as a Personal Religion: The intimate relationship we have with our breath. Using breath to manage stress and stay grounded. Community Engagement and Respiratory Rate Exercise: Interactive respiratory rate measurement exercise with participants. Discussion of participants’ results and ideal breath rates. Identifying Dysfunctional Breathing: Signs of dysfunctional breathing and its effects on health. Common causes: poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, and misinformation about breathing. Nasal Breathing Benefits: Increased oxygen uptake, humidification, and filtration of air. Production of nitric oxide and its health benefits. Calming effect of nasal breathing through parasympathetic nervous system engagement. Over-Breathing vs. Functional Breathing: The negative impact of over-breathing. Techniques for achieving functional breathing: nasal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and reducing breath volume. Practical Breathing Exercise: Guided breathing exercise to practice functional breathing. Encouraging regular practice and use of nasal dilators or strips during exercise. Comments and Community Interaction: Participant feedback on the breathing exercise. Introduction to the 10-day "Breathe Together with Me" challenge as part of the Low Carb Pro membership. Further Resources and Community Benefits: Access to webinars, masterclasses, and a learning portal through Low Carb Pro. Value of joining a supportive community for ongoing health improvement. Key Takeaways: Be aware of your breathing patterns and practice nose breathing as much as possible. Quality over quantity: breathe less frequently but more deeply. Regular practice of functional breathing can significantly enhance overall health and well-being. Join the Low Carb Pro Community: Participate in the "Breathe Together with Me" challenge starting May 23, 2024. Engage in bi-weekly webinars and access extensive resources through Low Carb Pro. For $25 a month, join a supportive community dedicated to holistic health improvement. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
Discussion Highlights: Barry's Weight Loss Journey: Barry shares his lifelong struggle with weight and multiple failed attempts at traditional diets. His turning point comes when he learns about the carnivore diet from a couple who achieved remarkable health transformations. Adopting the Carnivore Lifestyle: Barry's initial skepticism about the carnivore diet gives way to curiosity and research. He decides to give it a try, motivated by desperation and the promise of not feeling hungry while still losing weight. Health Transformation and Improved Markers: Barry experiences significant weight loss and improved health markers, including blood pressure and blood sugar levels. He emphasizes that his journey wasn't just about weight loss but reclaiming overall health and well-being. The Importance of Self-Knowledge and Individual Choices: Barry stresses the importance of understanding one's body and making choices based on personal needs rather than comparing with others. He highlights the deceptive nature of marketed "healthy" foods and the significance of mindful eating. Community Support and Resources: Barry acknowledges the role of supportive communities and resources like masterclasses and Facebook groups in aiding his journey. He encourages continuous learning and exploration of different perspectives to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Mindset and Mental Health: Barry shares insights into addressing mindset issues and working on mental well-being alongside physical health. Sustainability of Lifestyle Changes: Barry emphasizes the sustainability of low-carb or keto lifestyles when approached with the right knowledge and mindset. He shares anecdotes of individuals maintaining their health gains and making informed choices long-term. Event Announcement: Join us for an exciting low-carb dinner event at Bucatini Restaurant in Mitcham on Saturday, May 18th, featuring delicious food, inspiring conversations, guest speakers, prizes, and networking opportunities. Limited tickets available. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Exclusive Content for Low Carb Pro Members: Gain access to exclusive content, including fortnightly Zoom sessions and online course access, with your membership to Low Carb Pro. Enhance your understanding of low-carb and keto lifestyles and join our community for support and guidance. Join Low Carb Pro for a personalized approach to wellness. Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
Discussion Highlights: Carla's Journey with Fibromyalgia: Carla, a nutritionist and keto coach, shares her personal journey of living with fibromyalgia and discovering the transformative effects of low-carb and keto diets. She discusses her struggles with yo-yo dieting and the life-changing impact of adopting a ketogenic lifestyle. Understanding Fibromyalgia: Carla delves into the complexities of fibromyalgia, explaining its impact on the nervous system and daily challenges such as chronic pain and muscle spasms. She shares insights into the symptoms and manifestations of the condition, highlighting the need for individualized approaches to management. Exploring Natural Remedies: Reflecting on her journey, Carla discusses her exploration of natural remedies for fibromyalgia management, emphasizing anti-inflammatory strategies and gradual dietary transitions. She underscores the importance of personalized approaches and holistic lifestyle changes in managing fibromyalgia symptoms effectively. Transitioning to Low-Carb/Keto: Carla offers practical advice on transitioning to low-carb and keto diets, emphasizing gradual adjustments to avoid shocking the body. She discusses the significance of fat intake during the initial stages of adopting a ketogenic lifestyle and the importance of monitoring ketosis. Approach to Practice & Success Stories: Carla outlines her approach to nutrition counseling, focusing on individualized plans and addressing the psychological aspects of dietary changes. She shares success stories of clients reducing or eliminating medications under doctor supervision, highlighting the long-term health benefits of lifestyle changes. Event Announcement: Join us for an exciting low-carb dinner event at Bucatini Restaurant in Mitcham on Saturday, May 18th, featuring delicious food, inspiring conversations, guest speakers, prizes, and networking opportunities. Limited tickets available. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Exclusive Content for Low Carb Pro Members: Gain access to exclusive content, including fortnightly Zoom sessions and online course access, with your membership to Low Carb Pro. Enhance your understanding of low-carb and keto lifestyles and join our community for support and guidance. Join Low Carb Pro for a personalized approach to wellness. Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
Episode Title: Are you getting enough salt? In this episode, I will dive into the often misunderstood topic of salt consumption. From debunking myths to understanding its crucial role in our health, we'll explore why salt is not the villain it's often made out to be. Episode Summary: The Importance of Salt: Essential Nutrient: Salt is a vital nutrient that our bodies require for various functions, including fluid balance, blood pressure regulation, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Debunking Myths: Contrary to popular belief, salt intake is not necessarily linked to hypertension in most individuals. We'll explore the factors contributing to high blood pressure and the role of salt in this context. Low-Carb Diets and Electrolyte Balance: Transitioning to a low-carb or keto diet can lead to electrolyte imbalances, resulting in symptoms like fatigue and muscle cramps. Learn why adequate salt intake is crucial during this dietary transition. Optimizing Salt Intake: Determining Personal Needs: Understand the factors influencing your salt requirements, including activity level, weather, and medical conditions. Suggested Intake: Personalized approach to salt intake, suggesting a range of 2000-4000 mg of sodium per day for individuals on a low-carb diet. Sources of Salt: Discover the various sources of salt in your diet and how to incorporate them effectively to meet your nutritional needs. Event Announcement: Join us for an exciting low-carb dinner event at Bucatini Restaurant in Mitcham on Saturday, May 18th, featuring delicious food, inspiring conversations, guest speakers, prizes, and networking opportunities. Limited tickets available. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
Discussion Highlights: Charlene’s Background: Coach Charlene shares her background, including over 30 years of nursing experience and her journey to becoming a health coach. She discusses her personal challenges, including a toxic marriage and PTSD, which led her to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Holistic Approach to Wellness: Coach Charlene emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, integrating mind, body, and soul. She discusses her passion for nutrition and how it influences her coaching philosophy. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy: Coach Charlene explains NLP as a tool for reprogramming habits and behaviors. She shares insights into hypnotherapy, dispelling myths and explaining its therapeutic uses. Meditation and Mindfulness: Coach Charlene and host Dr Avi discuss their meditation routines and the benefits of mindfulness practices. Coach Charlene recommends apps like Calm and Insight Timer for guided meditation. Strategies for Burnout Prevention: Coach Charlene shares strategies for preventing burnout, including sleep tracking, stress management techniques, and recognizing signs of fatigue. Breathwork and Relaxation Techniques: Dr Avi and Coach Charlene discuss the importance of breathwork for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. They share simple breathing exercises like box breathing and their effectiveness. Success Stories and Personal Experiences: Event Announcement: Join us for an exciting low-carb dinner event at Bucatini Restaurant in Mitcham on Saturday, May 18th, featuring delicious food, inspiring conversations, guest speakers, prizes, and networking opportunities. Limited tickets available. Coach Charlene will be one of our guest speaker. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
Welcome back to another episode of Prescribing Lifestyle! I'm Dr. Avi Charlton, your host. Today, we're diving into the fundamentals of a low-carb diet, exploring what it entails, how it works, and the potential health benefits it offers. Join me as we debunk myths, provide practical tips, and get you started on your low-carb lifestyle journey. Episode Topics: What is a Low-Carb Diet?: Learn about the basics of a low-carb diet, including its definition, how it shifts the body's fuel system, and the benefits of metabolic flexibility. Practical Tips for Getting Started: Discover four simple steps to kickstart your low-carb journey, including prioritizing protein, incorporating healthy fats, reducing carbohydrate intake, and enhancing flavor with salt and seasoning. Myths and Misconceptions: Explore common myths surrounding low-carb diets, such as concerns about saturated fat and cholesterol, and understand why these concerns may not hold true for everyone. Practical Tips for Implementation: Get actionable advice on how to ease into a low-carb lifestyle, whether you prefer diving all in or gradually making changes one meal at a time. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
In episode three, we're delving into the science behind the low-carb diet. Join me as we explore how this dietary approach works, its potential health benefits, and debunk some common misconceptions. Episode Topics: How Does the Low-Carb Diet Work?: Understand the mechanisms behind the low-carb diet, including reducing carbohydrate intake, lowering blood sugar levels, and shifting the body's fuel system to burn fat. Health Benefits of the Low-Carb Diet: Explore the potential benefits of adopting a low-carb lifestyle, such as weight loss, improved metabolic health, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular issues. Research Supporting Low-Carb Diets: Learn about the research supporting the efficacy of low-carb diets in promoting weight loss, enhancing metabolic health, and addressing various chronic conditions. Addressing Concerns and Misconceptions: Debunk common myths and concerns surrounding the low-carb diet, such as fears about saturated fat, nutrient deficiencies, ketosis, athletic performance, and sustainability. Practical Tips and Takeaways: Understand the Basics: Educate yourself on the science behind the low-carb diet and its potential benefits. Explore the Evidence: Dive into the research supporting low-carb diets and their effectiveness. Start with Small Changes: Begin by making gradual dietary changes, focusing on eliminating sugar and processed foods. Prioritize Quality Foods: Emphasize whole, nutrient-dense foods like meat, vegetables, nuts, and healthy fats. Seek Professional Guidance: Consult with healthcare professionals or join supportive communities to navigate your low-carb journey. Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your health metrics and adjust your approach as needed, focusing on long-term goals and sustainability. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
In this episode I shared 10 practical tips to help you maintain a low-carb lifestyle successfully. Whether you're new to low-carb living or looking to reinforce your habits, these tips are designed to guide you towards long-term success. Episode Topics: Know Your Why: Clarify your goals and motivations for adopting a low-carb lifestyle to stay committed and motivated. Understand the Science Behind Low-Carb: Educate yourself on the science of low-carb living, including insulin, ketosis, and metabolic health. Plan Ahead: Prepare your meals and snacks in advance to avoid temptation and make healthy choices easier. Stock Up on Low-Carb Foods: Keep your kitchen stocked with nutritious, low-carb options and eliminate high-carb temptations. Learn How to Read Food Labels: Familiarize yourself with food labels to identify hidden sugars and starches. Stay Hydrated and Replenish Electrolytes: Ensure proper hydration and electrolyte balance to prevent keto flu and support overall well-being. Find Low-Carb Swaps: Get creative in the kitchen with low-carb alternatives to traditional high-carb foods. Harness the Community: Seek support from like-minded individuals and join supportive communities to stay accountable and motivated. Work on Other Lifestyle Pillars: Address other aspects of health and well-being, such as exercise, stress management, sleep, and sunlight exposure. Keep Learning: Stay curious and continue educating yourself about low-carb living and overall health to make informed choices and maintain long-term success. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
In this episode, I’ll discuss the importance of having a low-carb GP and how he can help you on your health journey. Divided into two sections, first outlines five reasons why having a low-carb GP is beneficial, followed by six ways you can work with him. Episode Topics: Five Reasons Why You Need a Low-Carb GP: Specialized Knowledge: Low-carb GPs possess specialized expertise in low-carb living, including knowledge of how low-carb diets work, metabolic effects, and managing blood sugar levels. Personalized Advice: Unlike generic advice found on social media, a low-carb GP offers personalized recommendations tailored to your specific health goals, medical history, and dietary preferences. Monitoring and Management: Low-carb GPs provide ongoing monitoring of key health markers and offer guidance on interpreting results and making necessary adjustments. Holistic Approach: Low-carb GPs take a holistic approach to health, considering factors beyond diet such as exercise, stress management, sleep, and circadian health to optimize overall well-being. Long-Term Support: A low-carb GP offers continuous support, motivation, and resources to help you sustain your low-carb lifestyle for long-lasting results. They can also facilitate connections with other healthcare professionals if needed. Six Ways to Work with Dr. Avi Charlton: Follow on Social Media: Stay connected with me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and his podcast for daily inspiration, tips, and behind-the-scenes insights. Join the Free Community: Join the Melbourne Low Carb Clinic free community on Facebook to connect with supportive members, share your journey, and find motivation and recipe ideas. Attend Free Masterclasses: Participate in our free masterclasses on various low-carb topics, featuring guest experts and practical insights. Recordings are available on YouTube for later viewing. Join Low Carb Pro Group Coaching: Enhance your commitment to low-carb living with the Low Carb Pro Group coaching program, featuring fortnightly sessions, accountability, and Q&A sessions for $25 a month. Enroll in Online Courses: Access free and paid online courses on low-carb living, including comprehensive guides and specialized topics, available on our website. Book a Consultation: Schedule a personalized consultation with me for tailored support, guidance, and a customized plan to achieve your health goals. Event Announcement: Join us for an exciting low-carb dinner event at Bucatini Restaurant in Mitcham on Saturday, May 18th, featuring delicious food, inspiring conversations, guest speakers, prizes, and networking opportunities. Limited tickets available. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
Welcome to the Prescribing Lifestyle podcast! I'm Dr. Avi Charlton, and I'm excited to kick off this journey with you. Today, I'll be sharing my personal journey into lifestyle medicine and what inspired me to start this podcast. Episode Topics: Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine: Let's dive into what lifestyle medicine is all about and why it's essential for our overall health and happiness. My Personal Journey: I'll share my own experiences with making lifestyle changes, including my weight loss journey and the impact it had on my life. The Mission of the Podcast: Discover the goals and objectives of this podcast, from discussing scientific research to providing practical tips for living a healthier life. Website: Visit to learn more about our services and resources. Free Resources: Explore the free resources available on our website: Social Media: Instagram: Follow me on Instagram Facebook: Connect with me on Facebook at Dr. Charlton Low Carb GP YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Free Facebook Community: Contact Me: Have questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to email me at Note: Remember, this podcast is not a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical treatment. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Join our community on Facebook and download your free ebook from the
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